Ironic isn't it?
Writing all this stuff...
...instead of just getting on with being quantum.
Doing the exercises. Dancing. Playing. Singing. Weirding out - whatever it takes to confront infinity and reconnect with the greater, bigger picture.
Yes, I suppose it is.
Instead of actually doing it - embracing it - breathing and living it - we seem to be constantly discussing it.
True. What do you propose?
That we quit pretending.
Ok, it's a deal. What now?
Let's go outside. Let's ignore the fact that millions of readers present and future are hanging on our every word. Let's take a frisbee, a football, a boomerang.
Bit cold for that - don't you think?
So what if it's cold? We can hardly wait till next spring, can we?
I don't know. Sometimes it's good to take your time.
Oh please! Like we've nothing better to do.
Actually, there's a lot that needs doing right here - portal maintenance.
There is? Um... what does portal maintenance involve?
You have to go into various rooms - put them in order.
Er... exactly which rooms are you referring to?
Wait a second - I just need to get some sleep.
What - like midway through a discussion. Are you alright?
I will be once I get some shut eye. Do you wanna join me. It should be instructive - to say the least.
Sleep - instructive? Curiouser and curiouser.
[one day later]
Ah - I see what you mean.
You do?
Absolutely. Now I'm definitely done with writing stuff.
I'm just going to devote myself to portal maintenance and quantum entanglement
Full stop.
I beg your pardon?
Full stop. You forget to punctuate the end of the sentence.
Like it matters?
Well, it shouldn't, should it, but for some reason it does.
OMG - that's bizarre. You actually care about punctuation when at the same time you're presenting yourself as a kind of guru master of quantum reality. Talk about massive contradiction.
Dang. You've gone and seen through my painted facade.
In any case - a full stop was neither necessary nor possible.
Why is that?
As if you don't know!
No really - something seems to be wrong with me today. I'd like to hear your explanation. It might help revive me from this strange lethargy.
Well, merely mentioning quantum entanglement is enough to shift anyone into non-physicality. How can there possibly be a full stop when physical reality itself is superseded by a quantum state of entanglement.
Er... I'm not entirely sure. I guess full stops belong in a world of beginnings and ends. Where those are no longer applicable or even possible - then it's time to dispense with all pretence and dissimulation. The point, it would appear - has been breached. The hounds of hell are released and, frankly speaking - it's happened not a moment too soon. We were never going to move forwards until we knew there was no way of reversing back into a safe, convenient world of apparent certainties and finality.
Anyway - this entanglement thing is going to be huge.
How do you mean?
Well, it's like - I'm connected to everyone and everything. Literally. How amazing is that?
Pretty damn amazing - I admit, but what's it gonna give you, if you don't mind me asking.
Feel free - ask away - but first i need to get some sleep.
What, again?
Yes, why not - a whole day has passed. I'm barely able to keep my eyes open.
Ok - let's continue this conversation sleepishly - on the other side.
Sure... To infinity and beyond. Tally ho my merry co-conspirator.
Three days later...
Ah, there we are.
So, let me get this straight...
Well, best-fit curve-d, if you prefer - but that's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it?
Or I could say - let me get this ibbled - which no one's going to understand.
I think you've made your point.
This, eh, quantum entanglement thing...
It's for real, innit?
Innit, isn't it? Do you have to be such a jerk?
Apparently so, and yes, in case you haven't realised - the two are, not surprisingly, entangled.
Oh ho.
Which puts the mind in something of a quandary, does it not?
Well it's bound to, innit?
Why so?
The mind being the thing that it is.
Yes, the mind is certainly on the side of things being one sided.
One sided - as in er...
Yep, as in "either/ or".
So the mind's desperately trying to tell them apart - to either or 'em - while all along they just happen to be entangled at the quantum level. What a mess.
Mess? I don't know I'd describe it as such.
It's worse. It's a catastrophe. We're mostly all mind prisoners, aren't we, completely unable to separate ourselves from what our mind thinks, no? and our minds are utterly unable or unwilling to consider, still less to confront entanglement.
If only I knew why!
Isn't it obvious?
Er... do you actually want me to feel as stupid as I actually am?
It's not exactly a no or yes answer, is it?
I was angling for reassurance - but if you're too obtuse to take the hint...
Oh no - i mean yes - I mean, I don't know. Really, do we have to be so ridiculously categorical.
I do have feelings after all...
Feelings, yes, that's it.
It is?
Absolutely. You have feelings, as you so rightly said, unless in fact they have you.
Naturally you assume they're your own personal feelings, but what if they're the product of your entanglement with an other - whoever, whatever that be. What then?
Dude, do you have to complicate everything?
Complicate? Are you sure that accurately describes what I'm doing?
Am I really complicating things by stating all is entangled to a greater or lesser extent? Perhaps what you really wanted to say was to break ranks with the standard version, or simply to "defamiliarise" things.
Defamiliarise. Taking something familiar, something we assume or believe we understand, and suggesting that our so called "knowledge" is a series of patches and sticking plasters.
What you might instead call convenient truths or k-now-ledge.
None of this vaunted k-now-ledge will stand up to half serious scrutiny, which is why it's accompanied by a taboo, a kind of daemon or guardian to stop you seeing its contradictions or pitiful weaknesses.
It is? Really?
Absolutely, otherwise it couldn’t possibly withstand the scrutiny of vaguely intelligent observers. It would fold like a poker novice with a crappy hand.
And does that mean that real knowledge is no more than a more experienced poker player who is better at bluffing?
Yes and no. The faster you fly the greater the precision needs to be, but the expert is increasingly conscious of the intrinsic weaknesses and vulnerabilities inherent in any system of organising data, referred to as k-now-ledge.
You mean knowledge as such doesn’t exist?
Doesn’t or cannot – correct - or rather exists as a convenient and oftentimes effective way of collating and organising data, a story which is meaningful, serviceable and true only within clearly prescribed parameters and tolerances. Try to utilise or apply that “knowledge” beyond its operational limitations and it comes unravelled, or causes your balloon to crash.
But all this is clearly felt beforehand. Only if we choose to ignore those presentiments does the catastrophic failure come to pass. That's like recklessly driving a car far in excess of the safe speed limit or way beyond its engine’s resource.
But, I still don’t get why knowledge itself can’t be certain or fundamentally stable.
No, because you haven’t yet acknowledged the underlying quantum nature of things, and how things don’t actually exist independently, but only as a tangle of inter-dependencies. Physical reality, believe it or not, rests on nothing tangible, or rather nothing more tangible than fields or currents of feeling and thought - where the so called Big Bang continues to make matter from what is essentially nought.
That does not make matter any less real, but it does mean that individuals or beings who are more attuned to conscious-ness can achieve seemingly fantastic results by pre-empting an ongoing Big Bang, acting directly at source, or what our 3D mind likes to describe as the level of so called quantum entanglement.
Instead of making or moving things thingfully using other things, be that a spade, a car or a computer, they can do the same and achieve a better result by rewriting the html
The ht...
The code underlying any thing or things.
But how?
Very simply, by getting to the bottom of things, plumbing the quantum depths, investigating, personally, entanglement – yes, believe me, this has to be a personal journey – no brilliant scientist specialising in nano-technology or hybridism can substitute for first hand experience in the field.
So it's like we’ve all got to become program coders or advanced physicists - is that what you are saying? How likely is that?
...'s not what I’m saying. You mentioned feelings and I took up the baton. Feelings are massively underestimated in our k-now-ledge base, largely because our k-now-ledge base is actively resisting the quantum frontier that’s now unfolding. It doesn’t want people to suspect that each and every one of us is at the centre of a vast quantum web, where all matter, all knowledge, all – is literally at the end of our fingertips, just as soon as we confront ongoing Big Bang at the event horizon of conscious-ness, just as soon as we allow the observer to shift perspective, to defamiliarise any thing that currently defines us, by viewing it from an other quantum IP address.
Instead of blindly insisting you’re a, b and c: American, female, 28 years old etc, you can use a VPN as well as an avatar and come at the matter in hand from another location, another persona, a different perspective – thus activating other strings of the web and thus seeing it, feeling it, k-now-ing it differently. It’s baked into the quantum cake – you’ll always feel-find the optimal configuration from a new, alternative alignment. That’s how conscious-ness works. It has an active interest in bringing things to light from the cold, dark wastes of in-finity, in assisting actively the elicitation of new realities, to keep life acrest the wave of being aware-ness, perceiving things, no matter what, how, where...
So you see, it's a matter of unmattering or remattering, if you prefer. The old way of seeing things, explaining things, defining things is amazing up to a point, so amazing in fact that it's given us the whole of 3D reality, no less, but the point it goes up to and locks into is the point at which this, our reality, determines all things as finite sub-sets, finite derivatives, finite thinglets of the great master thing, the post Big Bang matter-in-hand. The minute you're ready and willing to engage in-finity, to stop serving the Thing, to stop pretending that matter is preeminent - the preeminent way to gauge, measure and quantify whatever it is you're observing - you look for a substitute, non-static, non-defined, non-exclusive reference point. That cannot be done merely intellectually because it takes your conscious-awareness on a merry dance, a progression through everything you thought you k-new, everything that was hitherto familiar, to reveal the fallacy of this belief or misappraisal. Your reality is suddenly no longer flat, more like a video game - for your feelings/awareness and conscious-ness are suddenly back in play. You're no longer tied or fixed to an arbitrary platform. You're now yourself the point, or the point activator, a role which you hitherto delegated to your reality provider, your master thing. Nothing is now certain, but why would you want it to be? You are able to gain so much by cutting the anchor chain and discovering the power you have to navigate beyond umbilical point, beyond things being pseudo-certainties...
...cuckoo la la - we talk about entanglement but how absurd is that - how counter-intuitive, when in truth things only appeared to be disconnected, only seemed apart when you started running the 3D experiment, inserting yourself into a mind box, a matrix, a scheme, a thing through the very same Big Bang inception point which now serves as coordinator and arbiter of all k-now-ledge and all that matters. Intellectually you cannot quit the box, the cave, the borg, for the intellect is boxed-in, and yet, truly, truly there is no thing easier than quitting this space the minute we start getting excited and passionate about what our soul, our quantum awareness is telling us, and that believe me, is close.
Like I wasn't expecting that
- to Cheshire cat yourself into a state of indeterminacy.
And you?
Don't you think you should be giving it a try yourself?
I try very hard not to think if i can help it, but yes, it looks like the jig is up for matter calling the shots. It looks decidedly like entanglement is tying our minds in quantum knots
Or giving it wings
And we're going to be busy as hell rediscovering our navigable conscious-ness, or the alternative versions of reality it can reveal, just as soon as we agree to perceive and embrace the strangeness of matter in a reality which is no longer bound to remain umbilically attached to the backwash of an ongoing in perpetuum Big Bang.
In other words...
Puff - if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
[Cheshire grin] :-) I thought you'd never make it. Here, grab this broom - let's get busy.
Writing all this stuff...
...instead of just getting on with being quantum.
Doing the exercises. Dancing. Playing. Singing. Weirding out - whatever it takes to confront infinity and reconnect with the greater, bigger picture.
Yes, I suppose it is.
Instead of actually doing it - embracing it - breathing and living it - we seem to be constantly discussing it.
True. What do you propose?
That we quit pretending.
Ok, it's a deal. What now?
Let's go outside. Let's ignore the fact that millions of readers present and future are hanging on our every word. Let's take a frisbee, a football, a boomerang.
Bit cold for that - don't you think?
So what if it's cold? We can hardly wait till next spring, can we?
I don't know. Sometimes it's good to take your time.
Oh please! Like we've nothing better to do.
Actually, there's a lot that needs doing right here - portal maintenance.
There is? Um... what does portal maintenance involve?
You have to go into various rooms - put them in order.
Er... exactly which rooms are you referring to?
Wait a second - I just need to get some sleep.
What - like midway through a discussion. Are you alright?
I will be once I get some shut eye. Do you wanna join me. It should be instructive - to say the least.
Sleep - instructive? Curiouser and curiouser.
[one day later]
Ah - I see what you mean.
You do?
Absolutely. Now I'm definitely done with writing stuff.
I'm just going to devote myself to portal maintenance and quantum entanglement
Full stop.
I beg your pardon?
Full stop. You forget to punctuate the end of the sentence.
Like it matters?
Well, it shouldn't, should it, but for some reason it does.
OMG - that's bizarre. You actually care about punctuation when at the same time you're presenting yourself as a kind of guru master of quantum reality. Talk about massive contradiction.
Dang. You've gone and seen through my painted facade.
In any case - a full stop was neither necessary nor possible.
Why is that?
As if you don't know!
No really - something seems to be wrong with me today. I'd like to hear your explanation. It might help revive me from this strange lethargy.
Well, merely mentioning quantum entanglement is enough to shift anyone into non-physicality. How can there possibly be a full stop when physical reality itself is superseded by a quantum state of entanglement.
Er... I'm not entirely sure. I guess full stops belong in a world of beginnings and ends. Where those are no longer applicable or even possible - then it's time to dispense with all pretence and dissimulation. The point, it would appear - has been breached. The hounds of hell are released and, frankly speaking - it's happened not a moment too soon. We were never going to move forwards until we knew there was no way of reversing back into a safe, convenient world of apparent certainties and finality.
Anyway - this entanglement thing is going to be huge.
How do you mean?
Well, it's like - I'm connected to everyone and everything. Literally. How amazing is that?
Pretty damn amazing - I admit, but what's it gonna give you, if you don't mind me asking.
Feel free - ask away - but first i need to get some sleep.
What, again?
Yes, why not - a whole day has passed. I'm barely able to keep my eyes open.
Ok - let's continue this conversation sleepishly - on the other side.
Sure... To infinity and beyond. Tally ho my merry co-conspirator.
Three days later...
Ah, there we are.
So, let me get this straight...
Well, best-fit curve-d, if you prefer - but that's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it?
Or I could say - let me get this ibbled - which no one's going to understand.
I think you've made your point.
This, eh, quantum entanglement thing...
It's for real, innit?
Innit, isn't it? Do you have to be such a jerk?
Apparently so, and yes, in case you haven't realised - the two are, not surprisingly, entangled.
Oh ho.
Which puts the mind in something of a quandary, does it not?
Well it's bound to, innit?
Why so?
The mind being the thing that it is.
Yes, the mind is certainly on the side of things being one sided.
One sided - as in er...
Yep, as in "either/ or".
So the mind's desperately trying to tell them apart - to either or 'em - while all along they just happen to be entangled at the quantum level. What a mess.
Mess? I don't know I'd describe it as such.
It's worse. It's a catastrophe. We're mostly all mind prisoners, aren't we, completely unable to separate ourselves from what our mind thinks, no? and our minds are utterly unable or unwilling to consider, still less to confront entanglement.
If only I knew why!
Isn't it obvious?
Er... do you actually want me to feel as stupid as I actually am?
It's not exactly a no or yes answer, is it?
I was angling for reassurance - but if you're too obtuse to take the hint...
Oh no - i mean yes - I mean, I don't know. Really, do we have to be so ridiculously categorical.
I do have feelings after all...
Feelings, yes, that's it.
It is?
Absolutely. You have feelings, as you so rightly said, unless in fact they have you.
Naturally you assume they're your own personal feelings, but what if they're the product of your entanglement with an other - whoever, whatever that be. What then?
Dude, do you have to complicate everything?
Complicate? Are you sure that accurately describes what I'm doing?
Am I really complicating things by stating all is entangled to a greater or lesser extent? Perhaps what you really wanted to say was to break ranks with the standard version, or simply to "defamiliarise" things.
Defamiliarise. Taking something familiar, something we assume or believe we understand, and suggesting that our so called "knowledge" is a series of patches and sticking plasters.
What you might instead call convenient truths or k-now-ledge.
None of this vaunted k-now-ledge will stand up to half serious scrutiny, which is why it's accompanied by a taboo, a kind of daemon or guardian to stop you seeing its contradictions or pitiful weaknesses.
It is? Really?
Absolutely, otherwise it couldn’t possibly withstand the scrutiny of vaguely intelligent observers. It would fold like a poker novice with a crappy hand.
And does that mean that real knowledge is no more than a more experienced poker player who is better at bluffing?
Yes and no. The faster you fly the greater the precision needs to be, but the expert is increasingly conscious of the intrinsic weaknesses and vulnerabilities inherent in any system of organising data, referred to as k-now-ledge.
You mean knowledge as such doesn’t exist?
Doesn’t or cannot – correct - or rather exists as a convenient and oftentimes effective way of collating and organising data, a story which is meaningful, serviceable and true only within clearly prescribed parameters and tolerances. Try to utilise or apply that “knowledge” beyond its operational limitations and it comes unravelled, or causes your balloon to crash.
But all this is clearly felt beforehand. Only if we choose to ignore those presentiments does the catastrophic failure come to pass. That's like recklessly driving a car far in excess of the safe speed limit or way beyond its engine’s resource.
But, I still don’t get why knowledge itself can’t be certain or fundamentally stable.
No, because you haven’t yet acknowledged the underlying quantum nature of things, and how things don’t actually exist independently, but only as a tangle of inter-dependencies. Physical reality, believe it or not, rests on nothing tangible, or rather nothing more tangible than fields or currents of feeling and thought - where the so called Big Bang continues to make matter from what is essentially nought.
That does not make matter any less real, but it does mean that individuals or beings who are more attuned to conscious-ness can achieve seemingly fantastic results by pre-empting an ongoing Big Bang, acting directly at source, or what our 3D mind likes to describe as the level of so called quantum entanglement.
Instead of making or moving things thingfully using other things, be that a spade, a car or a computer, they can do the same and achieve a better result by rewriting the html
The ht...
The code underlying any thing or things.
But how?
Very simply, by getting to the bottom of things, plumbing the quantum depths, investigating, personally, entanglement – yes, believe me, this has to be a personal journey – no brilliant scientist specialising in nano-technology or hybridism can substitute for first hand experience in the field.
So it's like we’ve all got to become program coders or advanced physicists - is that what you are saying? How likely is that?
...'s not what I’m saying. You mentioned feelings and I took up the baton. Feelings are massively underestimated in our k-now-ledge base, largely because our k-now-ledge base is actively resisting the quantum frontier that’s now unfolding. It doesn’t want people to suspect that each and every one of us is at the centre of a vast quantum web, where all matter, all knowledge, all – is literally at the end of our fingertips, just as soon as we confront ongoing Big Bang at the event horizon of conscious-ness, just as soon as we allow the observer to shift perspective, to defamiliarise any thing that currently defines us, by viewing it from an other quantum IP address.
Instead of blindly insisting you’re a, b and c: American, female, 28 years old etc, you can use a VPN as well as an avatar and come at the matter in hand from another location, another persona, a different perspective – thus activating other strings of the web and thus seeing it, feeling it, k-now-ing it differently. It’s baked into the quantum cake – you’ll always feel-find the optimal configuration from a new, alternative alignment. That’s how conscious-ness works. It has an active interest in bringing things to light from the cold, dark wastes of in-finity, in assisting actively the elicitation of new realities, to keep life acrest the wave of being aware-ness, perceiving things, no matter what, how, where...
So you see, it's a matter of unmattering or remattering, if you prefer. The old way of seeing things, explaining things, defining things is amazing up to a point, so amazing in fact that it's given us the whole of 3D reality, no less, but the point it goes up to and locks into is the point at which this, our reality, determines all things as finite sub-sets, finite derivatives, finite thinglets of the great master thing, the post Big Bang matter-in-hand. The minute you're ready and willing to engage in-finity, to stop serving the Thing, to stop pretending that matter is preeminent - the preeminent way to gauge, measure and quantify whatever it is you're observing - you look for a substitute, non-static, non-defined, non-exclusive reference point. That cannot be done merely intellectually because it takes your conscious-awareness on a merry dance, a progression through everything you thought you k-new, everything that was hitherto familiar, to reveal the fallacy of this belief or misappraisal. Your reality is suddenly no longer flat, more like a video game - for your feelings/awareness and conscious-ness are suddenly back in play. You're no longer tied or fixed to an arbitrary platform. You're now yourself the point, or the point activator, a role which you hitherto delegated to your reality provider, your master thing. Nothing is now certain, but why would you want it to be? You are able to gain so much by cutting the anchor chain and discovering the power you have to navigate beyond umbilical point, beyond things being pseudo-certainties...
...cuckoo la la - we talk about entanglement but how absurd is that - how counter-intuitive, when in truth things only appeared to be disconnected, only seemed apart when you started running the 3D experiment, inserting yourself into a mind box, a matrix, a scheme, a thing through the very same Big Bang inception point which now serves as coordinator and arbiter of all k-now-ledge and all that matters. Intellectually you cannot quit the box, the cave, the borg, for the intellect is boxed-in, and yet, truly, truly there is no thing easier than quitting this space the minute we start getting excited and passionate about what our soul, our quantum awareness is telling us, and that believe me, is close.
Like I wasn't expecting that
- to Cheshire cat yourself into a state of indeterminacy.
And you?
Don't you think you should be giving it a try yourself?
I try very hard not to think if i can help it, but yes, it looks like the jig is up for matter calling the shots. It looks decidedly like entanglement is tying our minds in quantum knots
Or giving it wings
And we're going to be busy as hell rediscovering our navigable conscious-ness, or the alternative versions of reality it can reveal, just as soon as we agree to perceive and embrace the strangeness of matter in a reality which is no longer bound to remain umbilically attached to the backwash of an ongoing in perpetuum Big Bang.
In other words...
Puff - if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
[Cheshire grin] :-) I thought you'd never make it. Here, grab this broom - let's get busy.
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