This is not even funny.
I beg your pardon.
Not even funny. Are you deaf?
Whoa man - what's got into you? Is it national abuse everyone in sight day, or what?
How come all my electronics are suddenly playing up - Merry.
Er... [looking kinda "oops"]
[malevolently] There! You can barely hide the fact that you're behind this outage.
Look Zie - let's start with a deep breath - shall we? I'm sure everything'll be up and running in no time.
Can you start by explaining why, all of a sudden, you're causing electric havoc every time you drop in? It never used to be that way, did it?
You've got a point Zie. Things have definitely come to a head, I can't deny it.
Well what?
I want an explanation. What are you up to?
Er... it's kind of classified, you know.
Look - if you can't tell me what's going on then why don't you just leave, ok?
Er... did you ever read Jane Austen?
Pride and Prejudice?
What on earth's that got to do with my computer, my phone, tv, fridge and air-con playing up?
Just answer the question.
You know I did - why bother asking?
Oh - rhetorical device.
No, you're just trying to distract me by changing the subject, aren't you.
What about Dickens, Oliver Twist.
Stevenson - Treasure Island?
Enough. Get out. Out. I mean it. I've had enough. Not welcome anymore.
Ok, I'm going. I was just trying to explain.
Well, these books and a few others - such as Crime and Punishment, War and Peace, Master and Margarita - changed the quantum field.
Well. That's hardly going to redeem you for messing up my electrics, is it?
Don't you see, Zie?
Not really, no.
You're at the epicentre of the present quantum shift.
You're at the epicentre of the present quantum shift.
No - you're spouting utter garbage once again.
I'm going, I'm going - no need to push - but just bear in mind that our dialogues are marking the boundary of old style and the new - where 3D jumps, flips, merges or emerges into.. [weird screeching/scratching/jingling/banging sound/noise/image]
Ow! Cut that out. What are you playing at?
Unfamiliar, isn't it.
Unfamiliar? It's atrocious.
There you go - people are never quite ready for the new paradigm, are they? They wouldn't perceive its perfection if it...
That? New paradigm? Don't make me laugh. It's a recipe for a stinking headache and an infallible marketing strategy by Earplugs Unlimited.
Ok Zie, joking aside - I did my very best to enable you to hear/see the new Age as it currently stands.
Stands? Don't make me laugh, and besides, what on Earth has any of this got to do with works of fiction?
Don't you see? How can you be so ignorant, dear Zie?
So now I'm ignorant.
I never said anything mean or offensive - you're certainly not stupid Zie - you're just choosing to ignore the huge, powerful changes which are unfolding around us, wedded as you are to the assumption that basically things don't, can't or won't change.
Well, if you call that din "change" - in the sense that it brings anything meaningful to humanity or our conversation - then you're sadly mistaken.
Only because we're a little ahead of time.
A little? What on earth have you been smoking - and why can't you take more care not to disrupt the lovely little electrons which are trying to go about their business, innocuously powering and connecting my devices as they should.
Oh - because we're now mid-flip.
Mid-flip? Are you sure?
And what?
Well, she's using your blog the same way she/it used those earlier works of fiction, not to mention groundbreaking pieces of music, art, theatre and films.
So, you're implying that my humble blog - read by 24 cranky people from damp and dusty corners of the cybersphere - is the centre of a major evolution - a pole shift in our reality? Come on Merry. Don't make me laugh!
I kid you not.
More's the pity. I might have been able to take you more seriously had you been pulling my leg.
Well just think about it Zie...
I'd rather not. You've messed with my electronics one time too many - so out - leave me alone. Scram.
I hate to point out the obvious Zie but...
Yes? What?
"Here" is not exactly what you imagine it to be at this moment in time.
What do you mean?
Well, you naturally assume that I'm in your apartment, in Moscow - yes?
Yes - but I don't really appreciate you revealing my precise whereabouts like that.
You could say.
You think people are going to try and break in?
I like my privacy. Is that really so bad?
Well, be that as it may - the fact is that for the millions of people who follow this blog, and the billions who later read the published, annotated versions of our "Dialogues", mostly after your death in 2049...
What? You're predicting my death in 2049? Who gave you the right to interfere with my as yet unfinalised chronology?
It's just a date. We can change it later, if needs be. This is just a rough draft.
What do you mean "a rough draft"? What are you spouting Merry? I'm bewildered by your insanity.
Look Zie - the quantum field cannot, couldn't, may not exist in a vacuum.
So what? Why do I care?
It lives through the spells and scribblings of millions of creators - all creating space and holding frequency with the big OM - it is i am.
Everything else is secondary.
Everything else is secondary? So you mean a text - such as a blog that no one even bothers to read is of greater significance than the lives of billions of individuals.
Precisely? Are you off your rocker?
Absolutely - so are you - so are we all.
Wait there - you're the one who's suggesting...
Daring to suggest...
Precisely - daring to suggest that people are subordinate to an argument posted in this blog, as if a dialogue between fictional characters could really usher in a new era.
It all depends where reality is really located, doesn't it - or what we really are - perhaps contrary to our assumptions.
Look Merry - I know perfectly well who I am, what I am and where I am. I even know when I am.
You do?
Yep. 2018.
Don't even think about it.
Just consider for a moment the critical mass of your readers. Do they count for nought?
What critical mass? They barely exist.
At this moment - but in your so called future - there'll suddenly be this huge uptick - a major resonance with the Dialogues.
Because the new age - it's frequency - it's carrier signal - its code is embedded
In our dialogues?
Not necessarily in what we say.
Then what?
Just present - like pollen on the legs of a bee.
Ok - and?
Well, the critical mass of readers in the so-called "future" who start using these dialogues and the other texts such as Baikal...
No - not that, please!
To try to figure out what the hell's going on - they don't care about the niceties of story, characterization, metre or rhyme - they're looking for something else.
Something which has always been present in great works of art - whether literature, music or painting...
Merry - please - please don't try to tell me that these ridiculous conversations which you're now referring to as "Dialogues" are in any way, shape or form "great works of art" - coz they're not. They're nothing of the sort, and it's wicked of you to put upon people like that.
Er... yeah - I see what you mean.
You do? Wow - that was unexpected.
It's a time thing Zie. You're not actually allowed to see, understand or know more than your time frame reveals - otherwise things would jump ahead of schedule - so there's literally no point me trying to force you to see something which will later become clear and uncontroversial.
Oh - so it's me being ignorant or stupid again, is it?
If you like - but no - not really. More just that you're working to maintain the integrity and flow of a time stream which is already backing up on itself. There's a kind of period in which it's not yet clear - not yet revealed that the flow has reversed - during which the old paradigm still seems to be in force and relevant - but suddenly, unexpectedly is discovered to be anachronistic and no longer even closely representative of the age at a later date - after a delayed event shifts the playing field.
Shifts the playing field - clumsy construction, if you don't mind me saying.
Yes - I agree. But then again - who cares. Our data miners who will scour these Dialogues for clues as to our whereabouts in the Quantum precession of consciousness - they will be only too happy to extract deeper meanings and erudition from my shoddy phraseology - and who knows - they may be right.
Right or wrong Merry - I'm going to block your access to my site for all time - you've completely failed to resolve the electronic havoc you've wreaked on my living space - so, avaunt - return to the datasphere you haplessly emerged from - and let me return a semblance of order to my...
Your what?
Language, please, Zie - this is a family friendly channel.
My space? What the hell have you done to it?
Like I said - we're a Dialogue.
Idiocy. Nothing more.
I wouldn't go that far - some humour, a little wit, a few brave ideas - with a generous helping of idiocy to boot - but honestly - try to avoid being so dismissive of your contribution to the quantum debate.
Screw the quantum debate - I want back my reality.
But that's just the problem, isn't it?
What do you mean?
I mean that your 3D age is out of space or time - whichever you prefer.
Like we're all dead?
Kind of.
I'm grateful you omitted the "u" Zie - but still, editorial politics will almost certainly have to paper over your profanities with something less explicit.
I don't give a damn. I want my world back. You can't take it from me like that, Dialogues or no.
Take it? The greatest evolution in human history and you're saying I took away 3D?
Well where is it?
Where is what?
My computer, my TV, my phone, my...
Air-con? Do you really miss those trinkets and baubles.
Oh God - you're not quoting Pride and Prejudice at this moment of crisis - I pray.
Whyever not? What better time to quote the genius lady of human wit - than during the long dark night of the soul - the legendary Mayan Pole shift when humanity sinks into 3 days of darkness.
You mean I'm to have no electronics for 3 whole days?
? Huh
Darkness. 3 days of nothing.
But that's...
Preposterous - I agree - but that's how long it takes for the system to reboot.
System reboot - we're not bloody computers, you know.
In that case your system won't be rebooting and you'll see everything that's going on behind the screen.
But I can't - it's all gone black.
Ah - we have a problem Houston.
Quit fooling around, Merry - this is no time for idle levity.
Ok - what would you prefer - let me say, er... industrious heaviness?
A solution - if you don't mind - and a little compassion for my poor nerves.
Touche - Mrs Bennett - yes?
Oh God - now you've got me doing it.
Like I said - we're running literary code - whether we like it or not - so in this time of darkness - I suggest we have a little fun with drama. We're literally saturated with it - living vessels of the story so far - and that story has been told in many, many forms - all of which emphasise or bring out certain salient aspects of the quantum code.
Quantum code? How on earth can you use such contradictory terms?
For what are we - but bearers of the quantum light - just as soon as we've figured out the plot - for without the plot we're completely, utterly in the dark, are we not? Reduced to words and nothing more. Words that tell us nothing - that make no sense - which fail to resonate with a story, a symphony, an icon, an image, a dance, a work of art that we individually, miraculously embody, encapsulate and...
Perhaps another en- for the collection? There has to be a third.
But of course - there are always three possibilities, are there not?
No - that would be Mr Bennett's estate - entailed on a distant relation - the dreadful Mr Collins.
Then what? I'm getting shivery - I need the third - a void is opening in my stream of consciousness.
Really Zie - you only have yourself to blame - if you would interrupt me - yet, be that as it may - I shall try and close your gap - and perhaps even restore light and electrics to your benighted state...
Oh please, please, do.
[Merry goes deep into thought and silent knowingness - drops a fishing hook in the dark swirling waters of infinity and draws out a little fortune cookie - somehow caught on the end - which starts wriggling like a real fish. In a voice both reverent and reversed he reads the word "denirhsne" which floats around the echo-ey halls of time in space/ space in time - until eventually - one of the echoes flips back on itself - the sun emerges from behind a quantum cloud, birds start singing and Zie mumbles to himself - as if waking from a dream -]
Enshrined - [beep - the electrics leap into action while Zie touches his face and the surfaces around him - to make sure that they're actually there - and not just a dream.
Enshrined - he mutters to himself - I have the answer - but not the question. [Beep - goes the computer screen. beep, the phone, the fridge, the air-con, the Tv - and some reader several hundred years from now in a dim and distant future assumes he/she has sensed a deeper, subliminal message in what is merely a random tumble of words, a story that somehow got lost in self-contemplative naval gazing - in the confused and fraught fall of 2018]
Now, where was I...? - asks Zie as he flips through somewhere in the region of 63 trillion versions of his present frame of 3Dality, before settling back into the least controversial, the least remarkable, the least spontaneous of them all - ah yes, breaking new ground, pushing back the frontiers of reality, challenging the status quo with a piece about the role of the novel in bringing down the old world order, bringing in the new, reaffirming... utterly uninspiring ideas that somehow satisfy Zie and his fellow thinkers that they are alive and contributing something meaningful to the preposterous quantum field equation which, in the vernacular, is generally referred to as "life".
la l
I beg your pardon.
Not even funny. Are you deaf?
Whoa man - what's got into you? Is it national abuse everyone in sight day, or what?
How come all my electronics are suddenly playing up - Merry.
Er... [looking kinda "oops"]
[malevolently] There! You can barely hide the fact that you're behind this outage.
Look Zie - let's start with a deep breath - shall we? I'm sure everything'll be up and running in no time.
Can you start by explaining why, all of a sudden, you're causing electric havoc every time you drop in? It never used to be that way, did it?
You've got a point Zie. Things have definitely come to a head, I can't deny it.
Well what?
I want an explanation. What are you up to?
Er... it's kind of classified, you know.
Look - if you can't tell me what's going on then why don't you just leave, ok?
Er... did you ever read Jane Austen?
Pride and Prejudice?
What on earth's that got to do with my computer, my phone, tv, fridge and air-con playing up?
Just answer the question.
You know I did - why bother asking?
Oh - rhetorical device.
No, you're just trying to distract me by changing the subject, aren't you.
What about Dickens, Oliver Twist.
Stevenson - Treasure Island?
Enough. Get out. Out. I mean it. I've had enough. Not welcome anymore.
Ok, I'm going. I was just trying to explain.
Well, these books and a few others - such as Crime and Punishment, War and Peace, Master and Margarita - changed the quantum field.
Well. That's hardly going to redeem you for messing up my electrics, is it?
Don't you see, Zie?
Not really, no.
You're at the epicentre of the present quantum shift.
You're at the epicentre of the present quantum shift.
No - you're spouting utter garbage once again.
I'm going, I'm going - no need to push - but just bear in mind that our dialogues are marking the boundary of old style and the new - where 3D jumps, flips, merges or emerges into.. [weird screeching/scratching/jingling/banging sound/noise/image]
Ow! Cut that out. What are you playing at?
Unfamiliar, isn't it.
Unfamiliar? It's atrocious.
There you go - people are never quite ready for the new paradigm, are they? They wouldn't perceive its perfection if it...
That? New paradigm? Don't make me laugh. It's a recipe for a stinking headache and an infallible marketing strategy by Earplugs Unlimited.
Ok Zie, joking aside - I did my very best to enable you to hear/see the new Age as it currently stands.
Stands? Don't make me laugh, and besides, what on Earth has any of this got to do with works of fiction?
Don't you see? How can you be so ignorant, dear Zie?
So now I'm ignorant.
I never said anything mean or offensive - you're certainly not stupid Zie - you're just choosing to ignore the huge, powerful changes which are unfolding around us, wedded as you are to the assumption that basically things don't, can't or won't change.
Well, if you call that din "change" - in the sense that it brings anything meaningful to humanity or our conversation - then you're sadly mistaken.
Only because we're a little ahead of time.
A little? What on earth have you been smoking - and why can't you take more care not to disrupt the lovely little electrons which are trying to go about their business, innocuously powering and connecting my devices as they should.
Oh - because we're now mid-flip.
Mid-flip? Are you sure?
And what?
Well, she's using your blog the same way she/it used those earlier works of fiction, not to mention groundbreaking pieces of music, art, theatre and films.
So, you're implying that my humble blog - read by 24 cranky people from damp and dusty corners of the cybersphere - is the centre of a major evolution - a pole shift in our reality? Come on Merry. Don't make me laugh!
I kid you not.
More's the pity. I might have been able to take you more seriously had you been pulling my leg.
Well just think about it Zie...
I'd rather not. You've messed with my electronics one time too many - so out - leave me alone. Scram.
I hate to point out the obvious Zie but...
Yes? What?
"Here" is not exactly what you imagine it to be at this moment in time.
What do you mean?
Well, you naturally assume that I'm in your apartment, in Moscow - yes?
Yes - but I don't really appreciate you revealing my precise whereabouts like that.
You could say.
You think people are going to try and break in?
I like my privacy. Is that really so bad?
Well, be that as it may - the fact is that for the millions of people who follow this blog, and the billions who later read the published, annotated versions of our "Dialogues", mostly after your death in 2049...
What? You're predicting my death in 2049? Who gave you the right to interfere with my as yet unfinalised chronology?
It's just a date. We can change it later, if needs be. This is just a rough draft.
What do you mean "a rough draft"? What are you spouting Merry? I'm bewildered by your insanity.
Look Zie - the quantum field cannot, couldn't, may not exist in a vacuum.
So what? Why do I care?
It lives through the spells and scribblings of millions of creators - all creating space and holding frequency with the big OM - it is i am.
Everything else is secondary.
Everything else is secondary? So you mean a text - such as a blog that no one even bothers to read is of greater significance than the lives of billions of individuals.
Precisely? Are you off your rocker?
Absolutely - so are you - so are we all.
Wait there - you're the one who's suggesting...
Daring to suggest...
Precisely - daring to suggest that people are subordinate to an argument posted in this blog, as if a dialogue between fictional characters could really usher in a new era.
It all depends where reality is really located, doesn't it - or what we really are - perhaps contrary to our assumptions.
Look Merry - I know perfectly well who I am, what I am and where I am. I even know when I am.
You do?
Yep. 2018.
Don't even think about it.
Just consider for a moment the critical mass of your readers. Do they count for nought?
What critical mass? They barely exist.
At this moment - but in your so called future - there'll suddenly be this huge uptick - a major resonance with the Dialogues.
Because the new age - it's frequency - it's carrier signal - its code is embedded
In our dialogues?
Not necessarily in what we say.
Then what?
Just present - like pollen on the legs of a bee.
Ok - and?
Well, the critical mass of readers in the so-called "future" who start using these dialogues and the other texts such as Baikal...
No - not that, please!
To try to figure out what the hell's going on - they don't care about the niceties of story, characterization, metre or rhyme - they're looking for something else.
Something which has always been present in great works of art - whether literature, music or painting...
Merry - please - please don't try to tell me that these ridiculous conversations which you're now referring to as "Dialogues" are in any way, shape or form "great works of art" - coz they're not. They're nothing of the sort, and it's wicked of you to put upon people like that.
Er... yeah - I see what you mean.
You do? Wow - that was unexpected.
It's a time thing Zie. You're not actually allowed to see, understand or know more than your time frame reveals - otherwise things would jump ahead of schedule - so there's literally no point me trying to force you to see something which will later become clear and uncontroversial.
Oh - so it's me being ignorant or stupid again, is it?
If you like - but no - not really. More just that you're working to maintain the integrity and flow of a time stream which is already backing up on itself. There's a kind of period in which it's not yet clear - not yet revealed that the flow has reversed - during which the old paradigm still seems to be in force and relevant - but suddenly, unexpectedly is discovered to be anachronistic and no longer even closely representative of the age at a later date - after a delayed event shifts the playing field.
Shifts the playing field - clumsy construction, if you don't mind me saying.
Yes - I agree. But then again - who cares. Our data miners who will scour these Dialogues for clues as to our whereabouts in the Quantum precession of consciousness - they will be only too happy to extract deeper meanings and erudition from my shoddy phraseology - and who knows - they may be right.
Right or wrong Merry - I'm going to block your access to my site for all time - you've completely failed to resolve the electronic havoc you've wreaked on my living space - so, avaunt - return to the datasphere you haplessly emerged from - and let me return a semblance of order to my...
Your what?
Language, please, Zie - this is a family friendly channel.
My space? What the hell have you done to it?
Like I said - we're a Dialogue.
Idiocy. Nothing more.
I wouldn't go that far - some humour, a little wit, a few brave ideas - with a generous helping of idiocy to boot - but honestly - try to avoid being so dismissive of your contribution to the quantum debate.
Screw the quantum debate - I want back my reality.
But that's just the problem, isn't it?
What do you mean?
I mean that your 3D age is out of space or time - whichever you prefer.
Like we're all dead?
Kind of.
I'm grateful you omitted the "u" Zie - but still, editorial politics will almost certainly have to paper over your profanities with something less explicit.
I don't give a damn. I want my world back. You can't take it from me like that, Dialogues or no.
Take it? The greatest evolution in human history and you're saying I took away 3D?
Well where is it?
Where is what?
My computer, my TV, my phone, my...
Air-con? Do you really miss those trinkets and baubles.
Oh God - you're not quoting Pride and Prejudice at this moment of crisis - I pray.
Whyever not? What better time to quote the genius lady of human wit - than during the long dark night of the soul - the legendary Mayan Pole shift when humanity sinks into 3 days of darkness.
You mean I'm to have no electronics for 3 whole days?
? Huh
Darkness. 3 days of nothing.
But that's...
Preposterous - I agree - but that's how long it takes for the system to reboot.
System reboot - we're not bloody computers, you know.
In that case your system won't be rebooting and you'll see everything that's going on behind the screen.
But I can't - it's all gone black.
Ah - we have a problem Houston.
Quit fooling around, Merry - this is no time for idle levity.
Ok - what would you prefer - let me say, er... industrious heaviness?
A solution - if you don't mind - and a little compassion for my poor nerves.
Touche - Mrs Bennett - yes?
Oh God - now you've got me doing it.
Like I said - we're running literary code - whether we like it or not - so in this time of darkness - I suggest we have a little fun with drama. We're literally saturated with it - living vessels of the story so far - and that story has been told in many, many forms - all of which emphasise or bring out certain salient aspects of the quantum code.
Quantum code? How on earth can you use such contradictory terms?
For what are we - but bearers of the quantum light - just as soon as we've figured out the plot - for without the plot we're completely, utterly in the dark, are we not? Reduced to words and nothing more. Words that tell us nothing - that make no sense - which fail to resonate with a story, a symphony, an icon, an image, a dance, a work of art that we individually, miraculously embody, encapsulate and...
Perhaps another en- for the collection? There has to be a third.
But of course - there are always three possibilities, are there not?
No - that would be Mr Bennett's estate - entailed on a distant relation - the dreadful Mr Collins.
Then what? I'm getting shivery - I need the third - a void is opening in my stream of consciousness.
Really Zie - you only have yourself to blame - if you would interrupt me - yet, be that as it may - I shall try and close your gap - and perhaps even restore light and electrics to your benighted state...
Oh please, please, do.
[Merry goes deep into thought and silent knowingness - drops a fishing hook in the dark swirling waters of infinity and draws out a little fortune cookie - somehow caught on the end - which starts wriggling like a real fish. In a voice both reverent and reversed he reads the word "denirhsne" which floats around the echo-ey halls of time in space/ space in time - until eventually - one of the echoes flips back on itself - the sun emerges from behind a quantum cloud, birds start singing and Zie mumbles to himself - as if waking from a dream -]
Enshrined - [beep - the electrics leap into action while Zie touches his face and the surfaces around him - to make sure that they're actually there - and not just a dream.
Enshrined - he mutters to himself - I have the answer - but not the question. [Beep - goes the computer screen. beep, the phone, the fridge, the air-con, the Tv - and some reader several hundred years from now in a dim and distant future assumes he/she has sensed a deeper, subliminal message in what is merely a random tumble of words, a story that somehow got lost in self-contemplative naval gazing - in the confused and fraught fall of 2018]
Now, where was I...? - asks Zie as he flips through somewhere in the region of 63 trillion versions of his present frame of 3Dality, before settling back into the least controversial, the least remarkable, the least spontaneous of them all - ah yes, breaking new ground, pushing back the frontiers of reality, challenging the status quo with a piece about the role of the novel in bringing down the old world order, bringing in the new, reaffirming... utterly uninspiring ideas that somehow satisfy Zie and his fellow thinkers that they are alive and contributing something meaningful to the preposterous quantum field equation which, in the vernacular, is generally referred to as "life".
la l
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