Merryman Theta Sygnus! Explain yourself!
Actually, Your Honour, I prefer the name Merry.
Theta Sygnus, there's no time for your childish games. You've been sent to 3D by the High Council of the Time Lords to work with the Code, not to hack it!
Can't say I'm sorry, Your Honour, though taking me away from the middle of my own lecture was somewhat upsetting, and just when...
And just when you were going to apply the damaged Code!
Not damaged, Your Honour, - adjusted.
There is no dispute. Do you realize the possible consequences? the scale of your crime?
My rhyme? Why yes, it's a universal rhyme so to say...
What happened to you? We can't believe it - I can't believe it! You were the soberest Time Lord of all of us except maybe myself, perfectly fit, and look at you now - a rebel and a clown!
Objection, Your Highness, - Neither of that. A poet and a fool are the words you're looking for, though let us not hang on words too much.
3D seems to be more dangerous to a Time Lord's mind than we imagined. Tell us more so that your successor could have a special training.
3D?.. Oh - it's a funny place, absolutely. A real eye-opener - you'd never believe it, sitting here in your Tower of, what do you call it these days? of Wisdom? Wit? What?..
We see. 3D is the most destructive to an unprepared mind... What a loss.
There is no loss, Your Honour. 3D's funny in its way but -
Your actions got out of control, your fiddling with the Code is unacceptable!
Fiddling with what?
With the Code! As if you didn't know - 0=1, the basic input!
Oh - that little thing.
It is no little thing, and no thing at all indeed, and you are well aware of that. It's the basic codeline of reality, absolutely forbidden to interfere with!
I heard it. Changing the Code means changing the whole reality!
Ah... yes, that was the idea.
But why, Merryman, why? Why endanger the whole existence? What a strange whim?
It wasn't working properly so I've re-adjusted it, that's all.
0=1... Not working... properly? Are you in your mind?
No - I'm quite out of my mind - I'm in what-not.
If you had any problems with the Code you should have told us. You can't change the Code - the definite article and the capital letter mean just that.
You wouldn't understand.
That's a bold statement. We who created the Matrix, one of the biggest databases ever...
It's male.
I beg your pardon? What?
What too, but I mean the Code.
The Code, male? You mean 1? Yes, we are aware that 1 is absolutely male. That's the marrow of the Code: male 1, feminine 0, = as the bridge, you're complicating things for no reason.
Reason? I say nothing of reason. It simply doesn't rhyme... Don't get me wrong, 0=1 is amazing in many ways but it has its limits all the same. In fact, nothing we put in words - symbols - numbers can embrace in-finity for obvious rhymes... er, reasons... But I have no intention to be mysterious and obscure. Putting it plainly - the problem is, 0 is not really feminine.
What do you mean, not really feminine? Of course it's feminine - that pregnant pause if nothing else...
It is so, and yet not really. It acquires the looks of feminity as we couple it with 1 but in truth it's neither - the unspoken, the side of no sides - saying that 0 is feminine means fixing-thinging it, and by doing so we bring it to the spoken side of 1 - when in fact it's unframable - the un-, the um..., the uh...
Do you dare question the basics?
I do. But even if we agree that 0 is feminie - there are still more problems.
The Code is flawless!
The Code is spoken from the position of thingity, and male thingity at it. Which is fine - up to the point, and we just happen to have reached this point.
You speak nonsense.
Non-sense? I speak as a poet and a fool.. Have you ever wondered why we say 0=1 and not 1=0? Can't you feel the difference? It's like the leading instument playing out of key in an orchestra to mine ear.
The equal sign means that the two sides are equal, boy - e-qual. Any mathematician will tell you: A=B is no different from B=A..
And any mathematician would gladly agree that 0=1? Come on. Someone's not being entirely honest here, and we all know who. It's not math that we have at hand. It's math of poetry. It is, as you said, the Code - in which every position is of the utmost importance.
And what can be important about it?
Surely you can feel it yourself. Your Honour. Saying 0=1 we end up with 1; and it's apologetic for 0. It's like saying, "No-thing is no worse than Thing", or "Fe-male is no worse than male" - see how even in the language the former is subservient to the latter; and as we say "0 is like 1" we imply, of course, that from our basic perspective 0 is less than 1 and needs to be justified; 0=1 is a statement about 0; you know grammar?
English grammar?
Then you know the structure of a statement: main object, verb, everything else. Hence in 0=1 "zero is one" - a statement about Zero. And yet finishing with 1 we claim the male energy dominance again. 1=0 would be much different.
And still your fancy is not the reason to hack it.
Wasn't me.
Are you trying to deny it? The proof is unquestionable.
It wasn't me - it was her coming back - me but a humble page to her.
There cannot be any "her" at the High Council. The Time Witches have their own duties.
Yes, i know you're very open-minded and order-loving... But have you actually seen the renewed Code? Would you like me to show you?..
Theta Sygnus - don't you dare. We all know that a code has no power until and unless it was observed - absorbed - witnessed.
Millions will see it.
Are you talking about that puny "blog" of yours? It doesn't matter. Millions? You'll be lucky to have a dozen views.
One single reader is all I need to introduce the renwed code. When someone reads,..
Censor! Censor! He's going to say it!
As I was saying - they are going to read, * * *
Phew! That was close... Merryman, you'll have to answer for this.
Silly! You can supress it no more than Canute could suppress the tide. Nothing is too powerful to prevent it and by the way I've just introduced the new code - have you noticed?
Noticed? Have you noticed that your fabulous code was * 'd?
Was it now?.. But tell me - what do you think of number 2 for a change?
Nobody likes being number two. Why?
Well, apparently - at the moment, at least - nothing likes being number 2 as well. 2 is the Moon, the female - and 2 is life, motion and, God forbid, love... Saying * * * we re-introduce life, re-introduce the female - the two being deeply connected of course - as opposed to the self-sufficient, self-contained clever old (c.old) 1...
Hints won't help you, Merryman. You have to name the code to make it work, and it's being censored.
And yet I've introduced it already - in a way that was not straight but curved so you missed it - and already the Universe begins to re-write herself according to the new template, the new field - very soon the Code, alive and thus changing, not dead and frozen, will re-establish itself, and all your censoring will be useless.
You're bluffing. The Code cannot be changed. It's the ultimate code.
Things change - as they say.
Is that one of those absurd 3D sayings?
Yes, and there is more sense in it than you can see just now... No disrespect, Your Honour. Anyhow, 0=1 is white and black, and * * * is white and weird - can you feel it?
I... feel funny.
Regeneration, Your Honour. Not your first one, I imagine.
No... but... why? What have you done? How?!..
So many questions... The Universe is re-writing herself, and us with her - and some of us have to change a lot...
W... What... have... you...
Not-what... Feels good, doesn't it - the light of renewal, re-generation...
Stop... it...
Ca'n't. Now as you're bathing in this light - let me introduce -
nothing is too
0 = 2
Aghhhhhhhhhhhh!.. Ah?.. Oh! OH! I'm back!.. Merry - I can't believe it - I'm back!.. Oh Merry - you've no idea - it was so strange - going to the male side - wow - ah it's good to be back...
Give me your hand, Dorothy - if I dare ask you - gentle as a morning flower... I missed you so -
And yet I was here all the while...
Cuckoo la la!
Cuckoo la la!
0 = 1
0 = 2
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