Friday, March 31, 2017

Appledorf's dream

Nothing less than all.


I mean all. You’re in an information field. The minute you start excluding parts or aspects of it as undesirable, unacceptable or intolerable you are effectively denying the very nature of reality.


Reality is a field. If you choose to feel and experience it in its entirety, without prejudice, if you’re willing to allow the field to reveal how it is balanced, no matter how imbalanced it appears, no matter what people around you are thinking or saying, then you have the opportunity to witness something remarkable, something breathtaking in scope and conception, you have the chance to witness the field in action, the field revealing the other side of things, the other side of matter.

What other side are you talking about?

 Zero. The side that undoes or redoes every done, that rights every wrong, that reharmonises itself effortlessly, incomprehensibly, because it does so outside the perceived limits of 3D reality.

Rights every wrong? You seem to be caught in some kind of utopian fantasy.

Ah, but the alternative dystopian reality is where you and your kindred are caught.

Well at least it’s real, unlike your “everything’s gonna be alright” dream reality.

On the contrary, dystopia cannot be real.

Why not? In any case, it isn’t exactly dystopia.


No, it’s reality. That’s the way things are. Shit happens. People get sick, they die, but that’s life isn’t it?

Is it? Are you convinced?

Well that’s all I’ve ever seen or known so I have no reason to doubt it.

Ah! Then it’s more a question of whether you’d be willing to experience the alternative.

What alternative? There is none. This is it. Everything else is pure fantasy.

And this?

This?  What  are you... Hey, what the hell’s...?

Amazing why everyone’s in such a hurry to invoke hell whenever something unexpected happens.




Oh that. Floating? Yes, I suppose i am.


Oh come on, it’s probably just an optical illusion you know.

No, no, you can’t fool me. You’re actually off the ground. Jesus Christ, I don’t believe it, floating!

Yes, you may be right, but let’s not make too big a deal of it. Floating’s not anything special when you’ve learnt to embrace zero.

Zero? How can you embrace nothing? That’s absurd.

Oh you know, the field. Once you have learnt to engage the field.

But how? How can you be off the ground like that? What are you actually doing? What’s holding you up.

Oh, nothing much you know. Honestly, i wish you wouldn’t make such a fuss.. You’re embarrassing me.

Embarrassing?!  I’m not the one hovering four feet in the air.

No, not four feet. You’re mistaken.

Oh well, three and a half if you like splitting hairs.

I like accuracy, not splitting hairs.

But you still haven’t explained the secret. I need to know how you do it.

There’s nothing to it. That’s not me being modest, it’s actually the explanation.

No it isn’t. An explanation is the kind of thing that enables me to do the same, like if you give me the recipe for a tasty cake that you had just baked that we’re now eating, so I could make it at home.

Oh, but what if instead of somethinging predictably i danced with the devil, so to speak, and went through other? The recipe would be somewhat different would it not. More cake?

Er...  what? Oh yes, that’s excellent.

Mmm, i agree.

You didn’t just bake that now did you? My God, admit it - that cake just segued in.

Oh that sounds cool -  “segued in”.

Stop dodging the issue Mark.

Ok, if you want to get all namey about it.

Namey? What do you mean by that?

Oh you know how they love using names in 3D to determine, to fix down people and things.

What’s got into you Mark, all I wanted was to know how you managed to make this amazingly tasty carrot and cucumber cake appear in the middle of our conversation so that I’m already munching it having scarcely noticed it materialise from nowhere. That’s plain weird.

Oh, you know, these things are par for the course once you engage other,  the other side of things.

What other side of things? Why can’t you start talking sense? I see things but how can they have another side?

Well, that’s the side i refer to as “nothing much” because there’s a lot of it although it appears to be nothing from the 3D perspective.

Ok, let’s suppose for a moment that you’re not just winding me up, that there really is something else which I’m unable to see, that you’re perversely referring to as “nothing much” as if you’re intent on sowing confusion...


Well how am I supposed to access it? I mean, I’d quite like to do a spot of levitation myself, if you know what I mean.

“A spot of levitation”! What a wonderful way with words you have Gwyn.


Yes, apparently your other side name is Gwyn, not Appledorf.

Gwyn? That doesn’t sound very aristocratic does it?

No, not really, but it’s the name you use to tune in to the other side.

You mean the name has a higher function?

Naturally, you didn’t think a name is just a name did you?

Well, to be honest... I still think you’re just winding me up.

Yes, which is why i don’t bother trying to persuade you. I simply have a little fun engaging your other side.

Oh! You mean like you’re hacking into my system? Is that legit?

i’m certainly not going to invade your territory or your personal space, even if such a thing were possible.

Then what?

Like i said, your nothing much is like a wonderful, innocent, engaging child.

It is?

Who is willing to play with anyone who comes in peace, in the spirit of friendship and playfulness.


Who comes uncapitalised, without all the paraphernalia of state and self-importance.

Oh really, this is too much! I never noticed you being particularly humble. Stop making out that you’re some kind of saint.

And the best thing is that your nothing much can’t be fooled. It really does see the wood from the trees. It really can tell the difference between a friend and an imposter.

So you say, but how can I trust you? How do i know that you’re not hoodwinking me using certain psychic powers, perhaps hypnosis...

Because the nothing much that you contain, which is within you, doesn’t exist in 3D reality where deception is one of the main components of the game. On the other side of things you’re dealing with field forces, with energies, with isnesses...

Isnesses? What are you on about now? Ground control to major Tom, come down to Earth if it’s not too much trouble.


Hey! What’s happened? Where the hell are you?

You said it.


Hell. Technically speaking i descended into hell, down into the bottom level of Earth.

Listen Mark, I don’t like talking to someone I can’t see.

Then open your eyes.

Open my eyes? You think my eyes are closed? You’re mad Mark.

i’m Psi, not Mark, and if i’m mad what would a third party think, with you talking to someone you can’t even see.

Well, er, i see what you mean, but it’s not exactly my fault you descended into hell, is it?

Open your eyes.

Oh, alright.

There, that’s better, isn’t it Gwyn?

Yes, i mean no! Where am i? What have you done to me?

You know where you are, but if you like i can remind you.

Yes, please do. i need reassuring.

You’re in i, in your nothing much, on the other side of things, far removed from I.

You mean i’m in hell?


Am i dead?

Do you feel like you’re dead?

Not really. In fact, the opposite. I feel strangely vibrant. In fact, alive! I feel very much alive, but how can that be if i’m in hell. I thought hell was supposed to be a place of fire and brimstone...

torment and suffering! Yes, i heard the same, but the old germanic word hell, what does it mean?

I don’t know. I don’t speak german.

Me neither, but that needn’t be an obstacle. Ask and it shall be given; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you...

Wait a second – you’re quoting from the bible, in hell?

Oh, it seemed appropriate. It’s about trusting in your self.

Don’t you mean trusting in God.

Yes, that’s another way of putting it. Down here in the uncapitalised i they appear to be one and the same... But we digress, back to hell, i want you to tell me what it means on the count of three.



Oh dear...




Bright. It means bright?! That’s er weird.

Yes, isn’t it. From the nothing much perspective things are somewhat different, wouldn’t you say. Perhaps you’d like to describe hell for your audience.

My au... Oh yes, of course. Well there isn’t much fire and brimstone as far as i can see.

Why not?

Because hell is like a mirror, an interactive space that responds to me, to what’s going on inside me. If i’m full of anger, fear or hate then it’s going to look

and feel

pretty dire. But if i feel good about things, then it’s actually bright and wonderful... A place where i can explore the underbelly of my self, my life, my reality, which isn’t much of a visual description is it?

They’ll understand, i’m sure.

So this is how you were able to do those tricks up there in 3D?

Oh no, this is just the beginning, but touching base, getting down to Earth, rediscovering the fundament is a vital first step.

Oh. And how do i

get back?

Try closing your eyes.

Close my eyes?

And remember 3D, the feeling of being in it.

Like a dream?

Or a nightmare, yes, like a dream, only very real...

Hello, Appledorf, more cake?

Oh... I

You appear to have dosed off.

Oh, how embarrassing, I do apologise.

Think nothing of it.

Mmm, you must give me the recipe Mark. I’ve never tasted such excellent carrot and cucumber cake before.

Certainly i shall Apple-d, all in good time... all in good

time... My God, is that the time already? I must be going.

By all means. Drop in whenever you’re ready to dot your i or cross your t wickedly.

Definitely deranged, there’s no other explanation.


Bizarre, where on Earth did he disappear? I could have sworn... No, that’s absurd. It’s a just a coincidence. People do not morph into beetles, except in second rate sci-fi thrillers.

Psi-fly hee hee ha ha


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