Friday, May 27, 2016

of is and Ds

i’m growing this baby
that’s my job
to be a womb
to surrogate
and birth
that’s what i do

well come to the near side
of matter
well come to the quantum
reach out
touch it
it’s here all around
just waiting to be
waiting to be engaged
waiting to be experienced

nothing in particular
 that’s not much of a definition
is it
or restated
no thing is particular
particles being not what they are

wasn’t sure
whether to write it all on one line
or not
these things matter
as decimal points   
as      rests between notes do
or the pregnant pause in a play
a void filled with what amounts to
yet which is none the less
carrier of unspoken moment and 
wait for it         and
we lack the language you see
the programming code to describe infinity
being survivors of the holocaust known as
material reality
reduced to a state of utter
only able to talk
in terms of things slash thing
even god
believe it or not
is thing
the moment you name it
you thing it
no matter what
slots into your cosy matrix of things
no matter what it

object vehemently
tell me god is not
can not be thing
and i’ll happily concede
the truth in your point of view
yet there’s a mechanism
at work here in 3D
here in our material
which ensures that every thing
every word
every concept
every blessed
thing is only thinkable
only matters
or means some thing
in our present day and age
if it slots into our matrix
of things
our thought word mind
our clearing house
our stock exchange
our shop and idiocracy
of what is what
any thing else
which does not
or cannot fit
is excluded
in case you haven’t observed
the protocols of what is what
at work

so come with me
dear friend of weird
to the graveyard
outside the city gates
to the refuse dump
the exclusion zone
of not-what
 forbidden things that cannot comply
conform or cohere
to the whatness
the thinkness
the 2D cartesian scheme of matter
our mind adheres to

isn’t it
that we
3D beings
should be bound to a 2 dimensional
linear logic 
an either or
matrix of mind
but understand
if you would
that any thing
is better than utter chaos
the framelessness of infin ity
 we thought slash believed
thus we adhered to
the prime directive
to out
to nought
to not
to nullify
to deny
any thing
that couldn’t be properly
within our world
any thing
that didn’t fit the slot
any thing
that contra vened
slash contra dicted
our scheme of things
and thus infinity
and consciousness
which positively reeks of
of indecently fragrant indeterminacy
were given the boot
banished for all time
to the back room of mind
into nullity

did i tell you I have a skeleton key
did i
did i tell you that i’m instructed
to open the door
to let white things and their
poor relatives consigned to hell
black devils and fiends
come back together again
to coalesce
did i tell you that weird
though strange
though disturbing
even dangerous perhaps
is vital to the furtherance
of human beingness
the continuation of our
human race
did i tell you
that infin ity
and language has to adapt
has to evolve and take note
for we are entering the so called
quantum age
where any thing goes
because weird is not to be denied
any more
weird returns unattainted
restored to its rightful place
at the heart
the core
of is
the quantum field
no matter what
no matter how
no matter

disingenuously i call it
rehabilitating nought
alluding to the politicised
nature of things slash thing
the utter repression of all that fails
to meet predefined parameters
of what is and what is

let us embrace the change
with grace
let us be no less than what
we are
being human
not machines
 fly with me
friends of wyrd
fly with me
through and beyond
the mind’s make believe real-ity
through space time matter
into quantum
the field
herein referred to as
as in i
dot over line
pause    be hold
the unknowable
condensing into the sublime
and s
river of life
foil of time
snake slash sin
sine and wavy undulating
scaly sheddable skin

lord of the change
gazing at quantum 
                           the stream
 its flux     gap       flow
observing infinity
   0 1s  
   1 0s
 do breathe
wait for it       breathe
the oneness
the isness of  be
do accept the dissolution of all fields
as  0=1 gently 
 unbinds  D
        and consciously

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