Thursday, April 2, 2015

flying balls and sticky tape - feeling the edge

Flying balls.

You've gotta be kidding Merry.


But, there's gotta be more to it than that.

Oh there's infinitely more, but that's just why you need to use flying balls to get in.

You've lost me there...

Because this is an inter-dimensional portal. Anything that you can understand or learn in 3D ain't gonna work. It'll just further entangle you with your existing reality. That's why no explanation is mandatory. The no explanation protocol ensures that you arrive safe and sound, as and when you're ready to do so.

Then what about the g-nome portal access codes?

42 64 33

Yes, that's right. Can't we use them to get in?

You can try - I don't see how it's gonna help.


It's not a zip code or an IP address. It's only of value to those who are already in the loop. Look Evie, I know this is hard to accept but there's really only one way to access g-nomeportal, and that's through your conscious awareness. That's why I recommend flying balls.

But it seems kind of ridiculous throwing a ball backwards and forwards.

Yep. "Kind of ridiculous" is the perfect medicine for anyone hoping to let go of the inflated ego and morbid seriousness of 3D material reality.

But if it were just a case of tossing balls backwards and forwards you'd have all sorts of unlikely people accessing g-nome portal.

Which we do, but there's a difference between people playing with balls for a 3D purpose, and those who are using them to access hyper-dimensionality.

In what way?

Well, when someone's focussing on getting good at juggling, basketball or football, that's where their attention, that's where their energy goes.

So we have to do it differently?

Precisely. It doesn't matter how adept you are with throwing balls, making them fly. They just happen to represent two things which you need to join the quantum stage...

Let me guess - the particle and the wave?

Excellent. And you're the observer, but also the collaborator.

Right. So our job is to find the balance? To begin to sense how the flying balls are neither one nor the other?

Or both.

And how they're not really things flying through space, though they can be perceived as such?

Yep. They're more like field fluctuations.

And how this 3D reality is not really half as finite and determinable as it seems. How, in fact, it's no less indeterminable: a form of energy that is responsive to consciousness?


And that our conscious awareness can expand beyond the narrowness of the 3D mind, and we can start to access hyper-functions which would seem impossible, if in our right minds?

Yes, yes and yes. It's a case of blowing the mind - but not destructively with violence. It needs to be done playfully - with a higher purpose guiding you. That way you won't get over-excited by strange anomalies which you encounter along the way.

What - like balls floating in mid air?

That and other seeming wonders. You see - you're using the flying balls as a kind of technology, a metaphor or zero point - in order to find what's been eluding you. You're searching for the edge of the reel.

Ah. The elusive end of the sellotape that no one can unpick.

Precisely. Of course, you can once you know what you're looking for. But you've gotta feel your way and be a little patient. Without that patience - you'll get frustrated before you unpick it, every time.

So 3D reality has an edge that can actually be located?

Absolutely. It's a self-imposed construct.

Mind blowing.

Well everything finite has to have an edge. It goes without saying doesn't it?

I dunno. I always assumed that it was somewhere up there in space.

Nonsense. The edge has to be within reach. That's not to say the physical universe doesn't have an edge as such - but you'll never reach it - not by flying in a straight line, at any rate. Actually, the Earth itself is also an edge which is why people sometimes disappear through Earth holes, but that's another story.

So training with flying balls is the best way?

Yep. You need agility of mind, body and spirit. Playing in any shape or form helps to balance you. It's like rubbing play dough into a ball. Your rough edges soon wear away, but more than this, the play is a medium into which you channel your intent. With intent you coordinate breathing, conscious awareness and body movements until you slow down reality, eventually stopping it.


Yes - well it's just another way of saying you sync with the wave form of 3D reality.

How on Earth...

Well, once you realise that material reality is a kind of programme or spinning projection, flashing on and off... then you're able to feel how it's interfacing the conscious awareness - it is I am - it's a two way process. Material reality flows into, through and over the conscious awareness, while the conscious awareness sends photon packets of quanta back into the universe of materiality. You might call it a closed loop feedback system. The trouble is the conscious awareness is so much more than most people realise that they never quite catch up with things, and thus remain unaware of the feedback nature of reality - that the universe is only ever responding to you.


So, if you're doing something simple, repetitive, graceful and artistic such as tossing balls to one another with the explicit intention of doing so in order to become aware of how the two sides are spinning together as one - sooner or later you arrive at parity. They synchronise and reality seems to stop. That's the point where the average individual will go and see a doctor, assuming she's been training too hard, or worse still, start believing she's some kind of great mystic mage. Then instead of hyper-dimensionality she'll get bogged down in her delusions of 3D grandeur, and start trying to manipulate reality to impress other people or satisfy her personal ambitions. The results are never pleasing.

So what's to prevent me from doing the same?

Well, it all depends on your intentions, doesn't it? If your intention is to unpick the sellotape in order to use it to stick a picture on the wall, then sooner or later that's what you'll do. Likewise here, if you're intention is to access g-nomeportal because you've already outgrown 3D materiality - then nothing's going to stop you.

But how do I know I've outgrown this reality, or it's just my ego taking over?

Well, the ones whose egos have taken over usually find another less peaceful means to locate the edge.


Yes. They usually do so through some kind of forced event in which they sacrifice another person or other people to achieve their goal.

You mean like black magic?

Yes, that or black politics. Most of what's going on in the world on the big scale - wars and the likes - have this black magic aspect at play. Someone is aware of what they're doing - but it never leads to freedom, for the soul is excluded when any force is used, so they only have two legs to walk on.

Sounds enough to me.

That's if you're walking in 3D space - but if you're trying to access hyper-dimensions you need mind, body and soul. Otherwise you'll crash in flames. Anyway, the beauty, the joy, the transcendent magic is what comes when you bring the three into balance. It's like the illuminati pyramid.

Oh God - not that!

Yes, but see it another way. When you bring the three together as one - and you do so in a playful, merry, might I even say "gay" manner, then laughter and fragrant light is what you experience. It's expansive and liberating. You start to realise that life's a magical game-like experience which really, in truth, has no limits, none whatsoever, other than those created by our own unwillingness to be whole, and our fear of seeing.

Fear of seeing? Surely everyone wants to see?

Not necessarily, because when the pyramid is complete the eye opens and we see with absolute clarity. That's where the all-seeing eye has its basis in fact.

But why would we be afraid of seeing?

Because to get there we have to first see ourselves thoroughly, through and through - and if we're deep in self-deception... there's no small discomfort in seeing the extent to which we ourselves are in fact responsible for both our personal woes and the greater world's problems too.

But you can't seriously be saying, Merry, that I'm to blame for wars in far flung countries - in Africa or the middle East?

How can it be otherwise? We are, after all, talking about the infinite. In order to access the infinite, to go beyond the cosy confines of limitation, you naturally have to see how all is One - it is - I am.

Well, in theory perhaps...

No less in fact. This is more than theory. This is mathematical certainty.

But I never fired a bullet in my life.

So, instead of trying to work it out here in the 3D mind - you simply need to use flying balls - for once you're busily studying the magics of particle and wave, it'll be easier for your mind-in-matter to let go of the bone of contention it's tightly gripping and start chasing balls in flight it cannot comprehend.

It sounds a recipe for suicide.

Aren't you forgetting something?

I don't know? Am I?

You're true nature - your isness. It's waiting to emerge - like a butterfly from the cocoon. It needs little prompting to start reactivating the DNA codes that will make all the difference, that will lift you out of your flat worldyness - and g-nomeportal is a small yet vital part of this process.

How so?

Because here the game of life and story itself meet and interact; here the spinning wheels of hyper-dimensionality start to be felt, shifting the gravities of matter you're currently experiencing.


So, have no fear Evie. If and when you're ready to make the leap and engage g-nomeportal - do so gaily, creatively, magically, and the flying balls will certainly be a valuable tool to help you find the edge of life's sticky, sticky tape.

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