Monday, March 9, 2015

Merry and Patty make legal history

Merry was feeling kind of nervous.
No way! I don’t believe it.
I know, I know, but there are rare occasions when even Merry feels... well, anyway, he’s not immune to stage fright.
Stage fright? I didn’t know he’s an actor.
Oh come on Pi – Merry’s always been an actor through and through – but he doesn’t bat an eyelid before going on stage.
Then what was causing this?
The high court of consciousness.
The what?
The high court of consciousness.
Er... go on, you’ll have to explain that one to me.
Merry had agreed to represent a friend.
Er – why? Is he a lawyer?
No. You don’t need to be a lawyer to appear before the high court of consciousness. You just have to be willing to appear in person and present the case, which is done telepathically so there’s no need be trained in legalese.
But what about a knowledge of the law itself and court procedure and...
Easy does it Pi. You don’t seem to realise – the high court of consciousness is natural and intuitive. There is no body of laws that needs to be studied or learned. You just need to speak the truth.
To be honest – I’m not entirely convinced Merry’s able to speak the truth. He does have a rather vivid imagination.
Yes, he does, I agree, but when the communication is telepathic imagination is immediately recognisable as such, so to cut a long story short...
Wait a minute,wait – you haven’t told me how he gets there or who he’s representing.
I’m sorry – he’s representing Patty Greer – you know – the one who does all those films on crop circles.
Oh yes. Why, what’s the problem?
Wait and you’ll see.
And he gets there as always through g-nome portal.
Well yes, so you say, but I want to know how it’s technically possible. I mean – this high court of consciousness isn’t here on Earth, is it?
Yes and no.
What do you mean?
Well, consciousness is as much here on Earth as anywhere else – so technically he doesn’t have to go anywhere – it’s just like plugging in an IP address. Your computer doesn’t have to physically move, does it, because every address is, in fact, in the same place.
It is? You could have fooled me.
Apparently so – but surely you can see that these addresses do not correlate with 3D space?
Ok, fair enough. But how does he get to g-nome portal in the first place?
Again – there’s really nowhere to get to. G-nome portal is accessed through the cuckoo la la protocol. Once you’re able to see that reality is not monolithic, and accept that as a multi-dimensional being you’re able to shift through interconnected levels of reality – the first place you come to, the hub or transponder is, you’ve guessed it, g-nome portal.
I still don’t get how you can just shift from one reality to another.
Well – you drive a car and know how to shift gears. You use the clutch and while the car is still moving forward you shift into another gear and release the clutch. The car may jerk a little if you don’t release it gently. If you tried to do it without using the clutch you’d have a problem, wouldn’t you? So the mind, likewise, can disconnect or declutch from one reality and tune into the signal of another one. Everything just happens like clockwork, and g-nome portal is a part of that skilfully designed mechanism.
Ok. I think I’ve got it – it’s just, you know Zie, I’m kind of impatient to test it out myself.
So go for it – nothing’s stopping you.
But I can never let go. I’m scared of falling. Something inside me is terrified.
Yes. We’ll talk about that later but right now Merry’s got to attend court, so if you’ll come with me, we have a seat in the visitor’s gallery.
Oh wow!

You’d imagine Merry would have put on something sober for such a solemn occasion – wouldn’t you – but no, nothing of the sort. I tried hard not to smile, but gave up. He was dressed in such an outlandish costume even the judges were grinning. Maybe that’s what he wanted. It certainly seemed to give him more courage, as he started to make the somewhat formal opening address:

Beloved All that Is, source and seat of all wisdom and grace, mercy and compassion: I, Merry Gems the 13th, stand before you in order to present a claim of restitution on behalf of my friend Patty Greer, for energies in the form of money diverted and withheld by the distributors of her documentary films, with further damages for material hardship caused by their breach of contract, faith and trust, in accordance with the compensatory schedules of this most highly esteemed court.

By what right do you stand here before us – the judges inquire.

I stand before you at the personal request for legal assistance by Patty, when she made her problem known and said she desired legal remedy. I furthermore stand in my capacity as master of g-nomeportal and a lord of the change.

At this point the judges ever so slightly stirred, like leaves rustling in a light summer breeze – which by their standards was quite a dramatic gesture.

We hardly feel you need to come before us in your official capacity as master of g-nomeportal or a lord of the change. Justice, as you well know, Merry Gems the 13th, is freely awarded to all supplicants, regardless of their position or official standing.

Yes, my lords, but you know how I like to flash my credentials in a slightly vulgar way from time to time – please excuse my poor taste.

The judges, to our relief seemed more amused than offended by Merry’s roguishness. After a moment’s telepathic consultation they make their pronouncement:

We have looked into the case and find it to be of substance and merit. We thus order the respondents to make restitution for the entire value of energies withheld and diverted within 21 days, plus an equal amount as special damages for material hardship caused by their breach of contract, faith and trust. The respondents are, of course, entirely free to ignore this court order, but we give them unequivocal, solemn notice that restitution shall be made by their higher dimensional selves within the given period should they fail to do so.

The higher dimensional selves of the respondents who were in fact present in court, bow respectfully to the judges as only higher dimensional beings can. Detached, seemingly aloof, yet full of light and love.

What does that mean? Pi asks in the visitors gallery.

Well, the 3D embodiment can ignore the court order because 3D being has this peculiar prerogative to do as it will, but this will make no difference to the outcome.

How come?

Because the higher Selves of the respondents are unable to ignore the need for restitution, even if they wished to. Besides, they know what’s best for their 3D self.

But how? Will they deposit money in Patty’s bank account?

They might. Or they might just leave it to the court to ensure the energies come to Patty in the right amount within the given timeframe.

Oh. But Patty needs money, not energies.

Believe me Pi, when “energies” are transferred into 3D material reality they can be money or far more than money. They’ll certainly not be less. As for the respondents – it would be better for them if they just gave her the money.


Because these energy transfers will cause not inconsiderable disruption in their lives. Paying up front with cash will be a minor inconvenience by comparison.


Yes, if they knew the nature of the energies they have diverted and withheld – they would be more circumspect.

But usually people get away with murder.

True – but the shift has already hit the fan – the old forms no longer hold water. People are starting to realise this. Certainly that powers-that-were know that they’re losing traction. Besides, Patty’s work is connecting her with very powerful higher dimensional beings who can easily cut to the chase in this charade.

They can?

As you’ve just seen.

But I haven’t really seen anything. I mean – why didn’t they just go to court at the 3D level?

Why bother?

Well, that’s a good way to get compensation.

Yes, if the court isn’t bought. But at the 3D level you have to spend a fortune on lawyers and present copious documentation, whereas the high court of consciousness is overseen by the blessed and most serene All that Is.

So no need for evidence?

Not in material form. It’s all there in the akashic record.

It is?

Of course. And the respondents fail to realise that they have no reach or influence outside 3D. They’re probably not even aware of their other dimensional Self, which is why they thought they could act with impunity – like a school bully who doesn’t realise that there can be and is such a thing as instant karma – just as soon as the victims stop focussing on being victims, and calmly claim restitution from the most serene and compassionate All that Is.

But what about if the so called victims in a past life actually bullied the bully?

Then there’ll be a counter claim – but the judges will ensure that no one suffers because of a loophole or technicality. That’s not how it works.

I’m pleased to hear it.

So everyone coming before the All that Is in the high court of consciousness has to do so in a sober state of conscious awareness – knowing that all is connected, all is one – knowing that any harm or loss only appears to be so in 3D because there has been a kind of time delay caused by the veil of separation.


Yes. It’s all very “ah” in the end – as the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle fit together.

So, tell me then, does Patty get her compensation?

What do you think Pi?

I’m not sure – it all seems a little surreal.

Ok – then tune in for a moment. I’ll help you – that’s right – declutch from your 3D mindset and become aware of the energies that were withheld and diverted. Have you got them?

Yes! I see them – I mean I feel them or see them... Yes. There’s such a flimsy sluice gate holding them back – and it’s blasted out of the way, like a car driving through a wall made of paper, and these energies – they’re almost alive – they’re bubbling and excited – they’re flowing back to Patty – it’s amazing to see. They’re all around her. She’s swimming in them – golden energies full of love and creativity.

Excellent Pi. You’ve just done a great service.

I have?

Yes – for seeing is bringing to isness. By seeing this process you’ve just activated and effected it.

But I thought  the judges did that.

Who are the judges? Who are you? Once you’ve learned to declutch and tune into whatever level of reality calls your attention, you’re no longer bound by any one narrative – effectively, you become the change.

Ah. That sounds good.  I think Patty realises it too, but I don’t get why she asked Merry Gems the 13th to represent her in court?

Oh that’s something she could easily have done herself, but she chose not to. She has her attention focussed elsewhere, on the crop circles and sees no need to deal with these minor  inconveniences. Merry Gems the 13th, on the other hand, likes nothing more than a good pageant and parade, so it was entirely appropriate that he should have been selected. Plus the fact that he’s a lord of the change.

And, what does that mean?

It means that the Earth has gone through a colossal shift, and so the huge problems down in 3D reality are about to be swept away. But this no longer needs to be done through the existing, corrupt 3D court system.


No, it can be done energetically by appealing directly to the All that Is at the high court of consciousness which, in any case, is from whence 3D courts derive their fast waning authority.

Oh my God – that’s totally amazing. We can have instant justice – and we don’t even need lawyers?

No. We just need to publish notice – as Merry Gems the 13th does when he gets back – as a courtesy to the respondents.

You mean he contacts them in person?

No, he just publishes the court transcript online – and that is enough.

How so?

Because the transcript comes from the high court of consciousness – so it cuts like a hot knife through butter and reaches the conscious awareness of all respondents, should they be willing to hear.

And should they not – they’ll be paying doubly.

Sadly so. But let’s hope they choose the easiest option. All that Is may offer them the grace to see the folly of their actions.

Ok. And Patty Greer – does she need to believe all this?

No, not at all. She made the initial request for assistance – that was enough. In the end – the proof is in the pudding. The energies – you see – can no longer be withheld – only is that possible in 3D – so as soon as you apply to the high court of consciousness all 3D energy barriers, gates and traps are completely irrelevant, redundant and frankly, anachronistic.

The End.

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