Thursday, January 22, 2015

riders on the storm

G-nomers one and all - calling all g-nomers!

The gnomiki report that the stage is set, the players are in position and all systems are operational.

Fasten your seat belts if you're in the auditorium. Break a leg if you're participating in the performance.

Weather update: the mother of all storms is wrapping itself around one and all on planet Earth. Be in peace. Know that you are the I of this storm if you choose to remain so.

Our technical correspondent reports that the magicks are positively crackling. Now is the time to activate your mind-body electrics - to feel how the entire universe is in fact electric - and just so happens to be tucked neatly into the zero point that is contained within you. Remember to keep yourself nicely grounded, beautifully earthed as the electics kick in.

Happiness is
Love is
Joy is
I am

I be Merry

No advice is needed. Every one of us is prepared. All is well. The entire universe is gathered here for this mother of all storms - and the magicks that have been held under embargo - behind a wall of reason are now flowing back upstream into the conscious awareness of each and every one. Game over for the square blocks brigade. Reality is about to reactivate itself.

I thank the adversary for playing its part to perfection and I invite you all to join me and the gnomiki as g-nome portal opens the floodgates of the quantum stream - we'll be surfing the wave of isness upstream with prizes for all who make it as far as...

We interrupt this broadcast to announce Earth's defences are down. She is ready to receive whatever Father Helios is sending our way. The dance commences.

It is I am

On a personal note - thank you one and all for being with me on this magical journey of awakening. It has been fun to the point of no return. I wish you a truly magical Mother of all Storms. May it lift you beyond your wildest dreams.

And so, without further ado, let the magicks begin. 0=1

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