You're wasting your time Merry. He's a scientist. He won't understand.
Don't be so sure Zie. Inside every scientist there's a human being. Watch this...
Merry continues his conversation with Steven, the scientist. While they're talking he starts shifting his field of conscious awareness into an unusual configuration. Steven realises something's going on...
Er, Merry. I don't know how to put this but...
Fire ahead Steven. I'm all ears.
You seem to be fading.
Ah that.
You're looking decidedly transparent.
Yes I would be.
You would be? What do you mean?
Well that's the usual side effect of shifting my frequency beyond the visual light spectrum.
Shifting your what?
My frequency. We are, after all, conscious beings, which means that ultimately we're just energy, and energy, as you know, far from being globular soup or paste actually pulsates.
Well yes, if you're talking about electrical energy or some other form - but that hardly applies to physical human beings.
Why not?
Because physical beings are dense energy in the form of matter.
Er Steven, my dear, that all depends on the frequency you're vibrating at. If you raise or lower it you can see light, sound or any other energy change form - even to the extent that they become massive and material.
Material light?
Well yes - isn't that what we are?
I hardly think so.
I've noticed... but that doesn't alter the fact, does it.
What fact?
That all is, in actual fact, just pulsating energy which is precisely what I'm now demonstrating.
Yes - but I wish you wouldn't. It's making me feel queasy.
That's because you're resisting it. You're trying to keep me in your sights as physical matter, rather than allowing your sights to shift to a more appropriate viewing level. Try relaxing. Unfocus your eyes somewhat. Hum a tune to yourself if that helps, or do a few oms if you like.
And what will that achieve.
Give it a go. Let's experiment.
Steven starts humming and om-ing. He even allows himself to prance around for a minute or two - the things he's willing to do in the name of science!
Well done Steven - that's smoothed your curve considerably.
Er - what curve are you referring to?
Oh - the curve that gathers and holds your conscious awareness in place. When it gets jaggedy it becomes brittle - when you're resisting - in denial of that which is, then it's all but futile to proceed. No that it's smoothed you'll be able to see more clearly what's going on.
My God Merry - you're invisible.
Kind of. Did you ever do those magic eye 3D images?
Let your focus shift slightly. Try a little emotional oscillation.
Emotional what?
Just imagine being sad... that's it... now imagine being angry... that's good... now imagine being disgusted... that's great... now imagine being afraid... now imagine being curious... ah ha... now excited... good... and now let yourself go from sad to happy... excellent. Emotional gymnastics!
Most of the resistance you've been experiencing tends to come from the emotional cortex - so giving it a work out helps to loosen the wires. Now what do you see? Take your time... relax... no pressure whatsoever - you know I'm here even if you can't see me.
Oh my God.
Merry says nothing.
No it can't be.
Merry remains silent.
I don't believe it.
Deep, sympathetic, supportive silence.
It must be a mistake... an optical illusion. It's obviously impossible.
I think I'm going to be ill.
Lie down Steven. Roll on your belly. Get yourself grounded. Everything's going to be fine.
Steven doesn't argue - but lies on his belly and rolls around, wearing himself out by snaking and gyrating energetically, till he pauses for breath.
Now look again. But let yourself glance at me for a mere glimpse. Then glance at something else. Don't fixate. It isn't polite to stare, you know.
In spite of himself Steven giggles - the absurdity of being told to be polite in a situation like this.
Manners matter - even when I appear not to.
I wish you wouldn't. You can't just float there - in suspended animation. It isn't...
I... I didn't mean to say that - but yes - it isn't decent.
I wonder why not?
Because it violates the laws of nature.
Whose laws?
The laws.
Nonsense. How can I violate these laws and hold my place in the space time continuum?
Well - you've done something to create this illusion.
What illusion? Stand up if you don't believe what you're seeing. Put out your hand. Feel where I am.
Steven looks appalled. The idea of reaching out and touching Merry who's suspended horizontally in mid air makes him feel unwell again.
So you see the limitations of perception. As soon as I shift my frequency beyond the frequency range you've bound yourself to operate within - you go to pieces. You couldn't even see me till I directed you to, and seeing me you couldn't bear to accept what you're seeing.
Because it's unnatural - I tell you.
Nature doesn't stop being nature just because it's outside your box. Lighten up Steve. Time to see the funny side.
No sooner has Merry said this than Steven starts laughing hysterically... which seems to rebalance him even to the extent that he allows his hand to reach into the space below Merry.
You're really floating!
So it would appear.
You mean you're not?
I mean that appearances are always deceptive to a certain extent. In actual fact there's always some kind of reference point. Supposing I've bent space time in my locale - then it would appear I'm floating when I may in fact be standing horizontally.
And are you?
Are you?
Hum? The question triggers a shift in Steven's conscious awareness and all of a sudden he starts seeing things differently.
Ah - well done.
What do you mean?
You've matched my frequency.
But I'm not floating?
Not from your perspective but look at me...
You appear to be upright once again.
And now take a look at your shadow.
Steven glances around for his shadow but finds not a trace...
Take it easy there...
Crash! Steven's panic when he realises his shadow is absent causes him to fall back down into his regular frequency alignment. He's lying on the ground rubbing his bashed nose, knees and elbows.
Sorry - I forgot to warn you.
The pain actually seems to help restore Steven to his senses again.
You mean I was actually floating alongside you? I...
Don't believe it? No one ever does. That's why we gather hard empirical evidence. Nothing like a few bruises to prove the argument...
And the next thing Steven knows - Merry is no longer in the room. Bang. He feels something like a guitar string twanging in his stomach. Painful to say the least.
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