Er - Merry, what are you doing?
Merry is standing next to a table with a large jar of water on it. He seems to be interacting with it in some way - waving his arms around unpredictably.
I'm playing around.
Yeah, I can see that Merry. Perhaps you could elucidate?
Merry continues what he's doing. For a moment Zie feels annoyed that he's being ignored, but then something happens internally - he relaxes, observes impassively, starts feeling what Merry is doing rather than trying to understand - tunes in...
Wow - I can actually feel how you're connecting with the water in the jar. How is that? - Zie asks automatically, hardly expecting an answer.
Why don't you join in? Come over here. Just allow yourself to feel with your hands a connection with the presence of the water.
The presence of the water? Does water have a presence?
It does if you allow it to - if you suspend for a few moments your belief that it does not.
Ok, why not, I'm game - and Zie joins Merry, holding his hands up towards the jar.
Take it easy - don't try to do anything - just allow yourself to feel the connection that already exists.
Already exists? - I'm thinking to myself - how can it already exist. I've only just decided to connect.
Merry seems to read my mind - In fact you're connected to everything - always.
To everything? - I'm thinking to myself - but that's absurd. I can't be connected to the entire universe!
Can't be, I agree, and yet at the same time you can't not be.
All this, while I'm so focussed on feeling with my hands the water in the jar that I pay little or no attention to the fact that Merry seems to know exactly what I'm thinking... or perhaps it just doesn't seem to matter - there are more important wheels in motion at this precise moment. "Can't not be connected to the entire universe - that's er..." not really knowing what to say.
You're absolutely right. It is most definitely er... Obviously it looks like a contradiction, or a paradox. Don't ask me which of the two, I'm not a great philologist.
So, you're saying I'm connected to the entire universe at all times... so I don't actually have to do anything in particular to connect right now with you or this jar, or a distant galaxy.
Precisely. In fact, you have to simply feel what is... as you're already doing.
But what does that achieve?
Well what do you feel as you stand here with this water?
I... and for a moment I think about what I'm feeling... I feel er... connected, and saying this - something shifts in my whole world-view. I don't just feel connected - I feel deeply, magically, beautifully connected.
Merry can feel it - he knows exactly where I'm coming from. You see, an observer might not have got it... might have missed the energy, the spark, the resonance in the word "connected" - but Merry - it's like he's feeling me from within.
Yes you do. Beautiful isn't it!
Beautiful's hardly sufficient to express this feeling. The words we use have been ravaged by the inflation of constant exaggeration - the apparent need to photoshop our thoughts and feelings, but here, standing next to this plain jar of water, simply feeling the connection - you'll find this hard to believe I know, but my eyes fill with tears and I'm crying - it's so beautiful, so perfect, so...
Look more closely Zie... what do you see?
Merry has this extraordinary ability to shift my focus from one emotion, one frame to another, quite unexpectedly... so in an instant I'm back in the scientific observer state of mind - looking with absolutely calm detachment at the jar of water - and I notice that my eyes are having some trouble focussing.
What is it? - I'm thinking, when a tiny adjustment resolves the conflict of perception - I'm now seeing something completely different - still looking at the same jar.
There's a star, pulsating, shining brilliantly suspended in the water in the jar. Bizarrely I know, with absolute certainty, that it was there a moment before - that I was seeing it - but unable to reconcile what I was seeing with my usual perception - thus seeing it not.
My mind is somewhere else. Seeing the star in the jar has shifted me into another dimension. I don't mean that I'm floating in space or anything like that - but these nebulous filaments or neural pathways in what we like to think is the brain - the whole of reality hangs on them, and when they shift, re-pattern, realign as they just have - reality is no longer the same.
How are they different? Merry invites me to go further - observing the very nature of my conscious awareness.
As long as I gaze at the star shining, pulsating, spinning in the jar - I have no difficulty holding the state of mind in which all things seem to become apparent. It's like an anchor point that prevents me from drifting out of focus.
Correct! - I sense it communicating with me directly. Gazing at my light which is, in fact, your light, you are able to freely navigate the waters of your conscious awareness without losing your way.
Now I'm seeing how my mind has gone from it's usual state of disconnect, in which it sees itself as separate from everything else, to a more crystalline state - in which these filaments or neural pathways appear to be elegantly aligned - as if there's some kind of magnetic field holding them in place.
Which there is, of course - some kind of resonant field... not necessarily magnetic.
There is? How can a resonant field hold my mind's circuitry in perfect alignment with the entire universe?
Well, you might ask the opposite - how is it possible for me to exist in a unaligned state. Just look at your usual state of mind - those ugly criss-crossing lines with jagged edges and broken threads...
Looking at it from this perspective - it's truly beyond belief. I can't for the life of me understand how I'm able to survive in such a state of habitual disharmony and mal-alignment. It looks, and feels excruciating.
That's exactly the word I'd use... excruciating as in "cruci-fiction".
Shouldn't that be "crucifixion"? - I ask the star.
It can be, but my choice of spelling has a slightly different meaning.
In which your life story is at cross-purposes, at odds with your true story.
Ouch! I must be mad to live like that.
Mad, or very brave.
But why would I do so? Do I have any choice in the matter?
Oh yes, you chose to come into this reality, this particular state of mind - to experience disconnect and discord.
I... and gazing at the star in the jar I'm able to feel both sides of the story, both sides simultaneously without drifting out of focus. I feel the natural state of being, my true self, my inner nature where I continue to exist in perfect harmony, perfect fractal alignment with all that is, and this aberration... I almost want to say "abomination" but you know, gazing at the star before me, I realise that it isn't in fact an abomination.
Then what?
It's... I... and again I go through a shift into a deeper state of consciousness. The answer, if you can call it "an answer", makes perfect sense when I allow the seemingly irreconcilable contradiction of what I'm seeing - the disharmony of mal-alignment and the perfection of my inner-nature to move through the infinite permutations, infinite iterations of the allness... the omniverse. The entire universe is party to this? I gasp in shock and disbelief - and yet - as I gaze at the star before me I know it and accept it...
The entire universe, the allness is party to my incoherence?! It's...
Of course it is an awareness that comes only when you feel it and know it, as you do now, gazing at my light. You feel and know the simple truth, that mind cannot itself grasp - not for want of trying - but because mind is by it's very nature...
Is what?
Precisely! Is what, focussing on things as opposed to feeling and knowing that which simply is. As long as mind is looking out at the universe, imagining reality is happening around you, it creates the very barrier, the very disconnect that enables you to continue experiencing what you yourself chose to experience.
Chose to experience crucifixion? - I think to myself, perplexed.
No. You never chose anything that you might refer to as "negative". There is no "negative" outside the limited state of mind in a box.
Then what?
Not "what". There is... and what am I feeling right now as I gaze at this light, knowing that the light is not really inside the jar at all... knowing that the light is, in a sense, my own inner light but also the light of light itself... because I'm definitely feeling something - something that first soothes and calms my agitation, and then takes me deeper, deeper, deeper into is - the isness of be - a place where all contradictions, all paradox finds resolution within what? Within what?
Within what? I hear myself thinking aloud - asking the very question I now have the answer to. For here at the very heart of all that is I feel only love, nothing more, nothing less, simply love, a oneness so deep, so vast, so complete, so perfect, so magical, so absurd, so wonderful, terrible, delightful, impossible, so far and above the words that love itself has imbued with meaning, that I completely let go of my struggle to quantify... Ah, I encounter a different level of mathematics - the mathematics of Is - at which 0=1 - and as soon as the mind tries to object, to differentiate, to consider, calculate and quantify what matters, I'm once again swept up in the infinite field of love - a field so vast, so compelling, so magnetic and radiant that I...
You've remembered at last! - Merry interrupts my reveries.
I open my mouth two or three times but not a sound comes out.
Merry laughs gaily, a tinkling bell.
Try as I might I cannot say a word. I have no great need to do so. I'm comfortable for the first time in my life with the infinite... the silence welling up within, and as I look away from the jar, I'm able to see the star wherever I choose to.
Welcome back home Zie. You're simply amazing! Doing nothing whatsoever, you've completed the loop.
All it took was nothing - I'm thinking - allowing space for the infinite, the song of life and all that is to well up within, spreading coherence throughout and beyond. Any thing else would have been noise, would have perpetuated the tyranny of mind grappling with matter, of something less than Is.
Yes. Anything else would come between you and the simple truth...
It is I am - One
Zero equals One
It is I am
And Zie is filled... filled with a kind of fire, a light, and experiencing the magic of star within, dances, dances around, and dare I say it, dances into air, through walls of his room and beyond, on a magical impulse of seemingly impossible, limitless, all-embracing love, Love, LOVE
brighter and brighter Zie's newly born star shines
feeding on the paradox of all that is and what-is-not
the name of which be L O V E
Merry is standing next to a table with a large jar of water on it. He seems to be interacting with it in some way - waving his arms around unpredictably.
I'm playing around.
Yeah, I can see that Merry. Perhaps you could elucidate?
Merry continues what he's doing. For a moment Zie feels annoyed that he's being ignored, but then something happens internally - he relaxes, observes impassively, starts feeling what Merry is doing rather than trying to understand - tunes in...
Wow - I can actually feel how you're connecting with the water in the jar. How is that? - Zie asks automatically, hardly expecting an answer.
Why don't you join in? Come over here. Just allow yourself to feel with your hands a connection with the presence of the water.
The presence of the water? Does water have a presence?
It does if you allow it to - if you suspend for a few moments your belief that it does not.
Ok, why not, I'm game - and Zie joins Merry, holding his hands up towards the jar.
Take it easy - don't try to do anything - just allow yourself to feel the connection that already exists.
Already exists? - I'm thinking to myself - how can it already exist. I've only just decided to connect.
Merry seems to read my mind - In fact you're connected to everything - always.
To everything? - I'm thinking to myself - but that's absurd. I can't be connected to the entire universe!
Can't be, I agree, and yet at the same time you can't not be.
All this, while I'm so focussed on feeling with my hands the water in the jar that I pay little or no attention to the fact that Merry seems to know exactly what I'm thinking... or perhaps it just doesn't seem to matter - there are more important wheels in motion at this precise moment. "Can't not be connected to the entire universe - that's er..." not really knowing what to say.
You're absolutely right. It is most definitely er... Obviously it looks like a contradiction, or a paradox. Don't ask me which of the two, I'm not a great philologist.
So, you're saying I'm connected to the entire universe at all times... so I don't actually have to do anything in particular to connect right now with you or this jar, or a distant galaxy.
Precisely. In fact, you have to simply feel what is... as you're already doing.
But what does that achieve?
Well what do you feel as you stand here with this water?
I... and for a moment I think about what I'm feeling... I feel er... connected, and saying this - something shifts in my whole world-view. I don't just feel connected - I feel deeply, magically, beautifully connected.
Merry can feel it - he knows exactly where I'm coming from. You see, an observer might not have got it... might have missed the energy, the spark, the resonance in the word "connected" - but Merry - it's like he's feeling me from within.
Yes you do. Beautiful isn't it!
Beautiful's hardly sufficient to express this feeling. The words we use have been ravaged by the inflation of constant exaggeration - the apparent need to photoshop our thoughts and feelings, but here, standing next to this plain jar of water, simply feeling the connection - you'll find this hard to believe I know, but my eyes fill with tears and I'm crying - it's so beautiful, so perfect, so...
Look more closely Zie... what do you see?
Merry has this extraordinary ability to shift my focus from one emotion, one frame to another, quite unexpectedly... so in an instant I'm back in the scientific observer state of mind - looking with absolutely calm detachment at the jar of water - and I notice that my eyes are having some trouble focussing.
What is it? - I'm thinking, when a tiny adjustment resolves the conflict of perception - I'm now seeing something completely different - still looking at the same jar.
There's a star, pulsating, shining brilliantly suspended in the water in the jar. Bizarrely I know, with absolute certainty, that it was there a moment before - that I was seeing it - but unable to reconcile what I was seeing with my usual perception - thus seeing it not.
My mind is somewhere else. Seeing the star in the jar has shifted me into another dimension. I don't mean that I'm floating in space or anything like that - but these nebulous filaments or neural pathways in what we like to think is the brain - the whole of reality hangs on them, and when they shift, re-pattern, realign as they just have - reality is no longer the same.
How are they different? Merry invites me to go further - observing the very nature of my conscious awareness.
As long as I gaze at the star shining, pulsating, spinning in the jar - I have no difficulty holding the state of mind in which all things seem to become apparent. It's like an anchor point that prevents me from drifting out of focus.
Correct! - I sense it communicating with me directly. Gazing at my light which is, in fact, your light, you are able to freely navigate the waters of your conscious awareness without losing your way.
Now I'm seeing how my mind has gone from it's usual state of disconnect, in which it sees itself as separate from everything else, to a more crystalline state - in which these filaments or neural pathways appear to be elegantly aligned - as if there's some kind of magnetic field holding them in place.
Which there is, of course - some kind of resonant field... not necessarily magnetic.
There is? How can a resonant field hold my mind's circuitry in perfect alignment with the entire universe?
Well, you might ask the opposite - how is it possible for me to exist in a unaligned state. Just look at your usual state of mind - those ugly criss-crossing lines with jagged edges and broken threads...
Looking at it from this perspective - it's truly beyond belief. I can't for the life of me understand how I'm able to survive in such a state of habitual disharmony and mal-alignment. It looks, and feels excruciating.
That's exactly the word I'd use... excruciating as in "cruci-fiction".
Shouldn't that be "crucifixion"? - I ask the star.
It can be, but my choice of spelling has a slightly different meaning.
In which your life story is at cross-purposes, at odds with your true story.
Ouch! I must be mad to live like that.
Mad, or very brave.
But why would I do so? Do I have any choice in the matter?
Oh yes, you chose to come into this reality, this particular state of mind - to experience disconnect and discord.
I... and gazing at the star in the jar I'm able to feel both sides of the story, both sides simultaneously without drifting out of focus. I feel the natural state of being, my true self, my inner nature where I continue to exist in perfect harmony, perfect fractal alignment with all that is, and this aberration... I almost want to say "abomination" but you know, gazing at the star before me, I realise that it isn't in fact an abomination.
Then what?
It's... I... and again I go through a shift into a deeper state of consciousness. The answer, if you can call it "an answer", makes perfect sense when I allow the seemingly irreconcilable contradiction of what I'm seeing - the disharmony of mal-alignment and the perfection of my inner-nature to move through the infinite permutations, infinite iterations of the allness... the omniverse. The entire universe is party to this? I gasp in shock and disbelief - and yet - as I gaze at the star before me I know it and accept it...
The entire universe, the allness is party to my incoherence?! It's...
Of course it is an awareness that comes only when you feel it and know it, as you do now, gazing at my light. You feel and know the simple truth, that mind cannot itself grasp - not for want of trying - but because mind is by it's very nature...
Is what?
Precisely! Is what, focussing on things as opposed to feeling and knowing that which simply is. As long as mind is looking out at the universe, imagining reality is happening around you, it creates the very barrier, the very disconnect that enables you to continue experiencing what you yourself chose to experience.
Chose to experience crucifixion? - I think to myself, perplexed.
No. You never chose anything that you might refer to as "negative". There is no "negative" outside the limited state of mind in a box.
Then what?
Not "what". There is... and what am I feeling right now as I gaze at this light, knowing that the light is not really inside the jar at all... knowing that the light is, in a sense, my own inner light but also the light of light itself... because I'm definitely feeling something - something that first soothes and calms my agitation, and then takes me deeper, deeper, deeper into is - the isness of be - a place where all contradictions, all paradox finds resolution within what? Within what?
Within what? I hear myself thinking aloud - asking the very question I now have the answer to. For here at the very heart of all that is I feel only love, nothing more, nothing less, simply love, a oneness so deep, so vast, so complete, so perfect, so magical, so absurd, so wonderful, terrible, delightful, impossible, so far and above the words that love itself has imbued with meaning, that I completely let go of my struggle to quantify... Ah, I encounter a different level of mathematics - the mathematics of Is - at which 0=1 - and as soon as the mind tries to object, to differentiate, to consider, calculate and quantify what matters, I'm once again swept up in the infinite field of love - a field so vast, so compelling, so magnetic and radiant that I...
You've remembered at last! - Merry interrupts my reveries.
I open my mouth two or three times but not a sound comes out.
Merry laughs gaily, a tinkling bell.
Try as I might I cannot say a word. I have no great need to do so. I'm comfortable for the first time in my life with the infinite... the silence welling up within, and as I look away from the jar, I'm able to see the star wherever I choose to.
Welcome back home Zie. You're simply amazing! Doing nothing whatsoever, you've completed the loop.
All it took was nothing - I'm thinking - allowing space for the infinite, the song of life and all that is to well up within, spreading coherence throughout and beyond. Any thing else would have been noise, would have perpetuated the tyranny of mind grappling with matter, of something less than Is.
Yes. Anything else would come between you and the simple truth...
It is I am - One
Zero equals One
It is I am
And Zie is filled... filled with a kind of fire, a light, and experiencing the magic of star within, dances, dances around, and dare I say it, dances into air, through walls of his room and beyond, on a magical impulse of seemingly impossible, limitless, all-embracing love, Love, LOVE
brighter and brighter Zie's newly born star shines
feeding on the paradox of all that is and what-is-not
the name of which be L O V E
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