Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Introducing the 4th dimension

No it's not, Merry - I tell you it's time.

Ok Zie.

What do you mean "OK"?

Ok. It's Ok.

But you think you know best. You think you're right. You think...

Zie, lighten up a moment. Does it really matter what I think? I'm just one of billions of people - all who are doing their own thinking.

Yes, but it's what you think that bothers me.



Merry takes a deep breath and sinks into a state of absolute inner stillness - literally in one breath.

How the hell do you do that Merry?

Merry looks at Zie with a strange detachment. Nothing matters - that's what the peaceful gaze conveys in a gentle, loving way.

Zie's anger and frustration is gone - just like that.

So where were we?

You were talking about the 4th dimension. I was freaking out, insisting it's time, based on what I've been taught all my life.


It's bizarre. Why would I believe that time is the fourth spatial dimension?

Why not?

Because it's completely illogical.

True - but that's never stopped people from believing anything, has it?

No, but time's so obviously not a spatial dimension.


I guess it's because we had to have an answer. We needed to say it was something - admitting we didn't know was unthinkable.

True - you had to say something, but why not the truth? Plenty of you guessed it.

The truth? Come on Merry! You know we can never say the truth when it threatens the existing paradigm.

Yes, until we're ready to let go.

And me? Am I ready? I was freaking out a moment ago. If you hadn't stepped in and grounded me I'd be screaming at you now, wouldn't I?

Oh, do you think so? Let's have a look, shall we? I'll put you back.

Merry takes a few sharp breaths and releases Zie back into the emotional state he was a moment or two before. In his anger and frustration Zie has no recollection of what has just passed.

You can't just say that zero is the 4th dimension. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Everyone knows that time is the fourth dimension.

True. Most people see time as the fourth dimension, don't they, but how logical is that Zie?

How logical?

Yes. I mean - think about it for half a moment if you would. Three spatial dimensions pointing horizontally, the x axis, vertically, the y axis, and then the z axis giving us depth.

Well? What other dimension could there possibly be if not time?

Well just because we aren't seeing it doesn't mean we have to co-opt time to be our 4th spatial dimension.

I don't see why not...

Well a dimension is like a sense - we have five senses, don't we.

Six if you believe in an extra, psychic sense.

True - the sixth sense is still considered a way of feeling, even if it's a bit different from the other five.

So what?

Well in what way can time be seen as spatial? Surely the fourth dimension of space, if it exists, has to be another direction?

I see what you're getting at. Logically it would have to be, but maybe time actually is a kind of space - moving, departing or decaying space.

I don't think it works Zie. Time can't be a spatial dimension in the same way speed can't be a colour, or laughter a sense.

Ok - I follow you Merry - but that doesn't help us to clear up the missing 4th dimension.

Well once we stop adhering to the time fallacy, it shouldn't be too hard to find the solution.

Not too hard? You've got to be kidding. If it were so easy to find the 4th dimension people would have done it long ago.

As I'm sure they did.

Then what is it?


You're not still expecting me to believe that are you? How can nought be a dimension? It's just a point - the zero point where the three axes meet.

Precisely. It's just a point when viewed from a three dimensional mindset, but once you're ready to open up Nought - to embrace the zero point - it reveals an axis, it elongates into the missing 4th dimension - hidden in broad daylight.

But someone would have thought of that Merry.

How could they? No one could think of what the zero point represented until the right moment...

Which just happens to be now, you're saying.

Which just happens to be now.

So what? What's happened to change things.

A shift in consciousness.


Around the year 2012. We focussed on the Mayan calendar - the 21st December 2012, but what's in a date?

I don't know. You tell me.

Presumably it's the point in time at which the three axes finally joined up.

So there you go - you're making it sound like time is the missing link - the 4th dimension.

No. Time is not a spatial dimension in any sense whatsoever... but if our consciousness finally reached the zero point at which the x, y and z axes meet on precisely 21st December, 2012 - that would explain why we mistakenly treated time as the missing link.

So what happened when the three axes met?

Well, firstly, they never really met. It's only our consciousness that brings them together. Our conscious awareness creates reality.

Er... Ok. What then?

Our conscious awareness came of age - let's suppose - on precisely 21st December, 2012 - or thereabouts... and from that point forth the 4th dimension has become readily accessible.

So you mean it was accessible before?

Yes. It was possible to burn through time - and arrive at the zero point in the past - but it was much more difficult. Now it's readily available. Fundamentally our conscious awareness has brought the 4th dimension into play.

And what, then, is it? I don't see people walking through walls? Space is just the same as it ever was.

I wouldn't be so sure of that Zie.

Well I've not noticed anything.

Look at the bigger picture. Look at how more and more people are becoming aware of a fundamental unity... how they are getting increasingly interested in the mind and consciousness.

Well? What's that got to do with the 4th spatial dimension?

Because the 4th dimension is not outwards. It's leading the other way.

Which way?

Well think about the zero point. You're looking at it. It represents the centre of your consciousness - the focal point of your vision. The "here I am" if you like, or x marks the spot.


Well - it either represents your centre of perception, or it represents x marks the spot - a "there it is" spot.

Well? What are you trying to say?

The 4th dimension connects the two.

What two Merry - for God's sake speak more clearly.

The it is and the I am.

The what? Jesus Christ, Merry!

x marks the spot - it is - and the centre of perception - here I am. Both are essential. You can't have one without the other - or not in 3 dimensional space.

I thought you just said it's 4 dimensional.

Yes - it is now, because we've entered the quantum age - and with that has come the realisation that you can't separate the observer from the equation - from what is under observation - neatly expressed as: it is - I am.

And that, you're saying, is the 4th dimension?


Rubbish. Utter nonsense. You can't say it is-I am is a spatial dimension. Where's the space in that?

The zero point leads ever further, deeper back into the conscious awareness - and thus you - your very awareness becomes and/or reveals the 4th dimension... On the one hand you're looking out at space. On the other it collapses through the event horizon of your conscious awareness's zero point becoming the vacuum that informs all that is - ad infinitum.

To infinity?

Obviously. Like all the axes, the one leading into your conscious awareness extends to infinity, otherwise known as 0=1. Where else do you think the magical mysterious conscious awareness could emanate from?

But this turns everything on its head. It's like we're the infinite projecting down through the zero point into 3D space.

Yes, and vice versa. It has to be biologic - flowing "both" ways... but one step at a time.

And what's to stop there being a 5th dimension, or a 6th?

Nothing whatsoever. Once we've accepted the 4th dimension, then it's just a case of opening up the conscious awareness step by step, exploring the it is-I am - putting flesh on the zero point, making something of Nought - so to speak. We can start with the realisation that everything we're seeing out there in 3D space has to be encapsulated in the 4D axis, or perhaps it should be described as a spiral - emanating from within.

My God.

Exciting, isn't it!

Exciting?! It's positively insane, if only it were true.

Of course it's true - the zero point only looks like a point because we're looking straight down the barrel of the gun... er... axis. In other words, it is-I am, as soon as I'm aware there's an axis emanating from mind's eye, my perceiver's perspective - I no longer have a problem understanding why the mere act of observing affects the outcome of whatever is under observation...


We're always assuming the x, y and z axis are "out there", before us, an objective reality, but that's the classic optical illusion - isn't it? We have this huge gaping blind spot...

I er...

The toroidal field concealed within the i axis, which informs and feeds back through into everything we're able to see, hear, feel, taste, touch or experience, here in reality until, that is, we become acutely aware of this and start mediating the two... but let's leave that for another day. In the meantime, test it yourself.


Meditation on the i axis... or the zero point.

By the i axis you mean a kind of line connecting the north and south pole of this toroidal field the conscious awareness sits astride.

Couldn't have put it better myself Zie!

No idea how I can meditate on a toroidal field I cannot see.

Ah - but you have to be able to feel it, don't you?

I... I don't know.

No need to know - just feel - feel the infinite i axis reaching back through every fibre of your I am - connecting with every fibre of the it is through your zero point, whatever that might be... your mind's eye perhaps.


Or failing that - take a look at these simple optical illusions - they're about as clear an indication as you'll ever need of the biologic nature of perception in which the mind creates as much as the eye or I sees...

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