Thursday, February 13, 2014

0=1 (not chapter 3)

You’re probably not familiar with the 0=1 chapter, though it’s always been a well-regarded tradition on the g-nome portal.

Here at g-nome we have a healthy disrespect for all forms of linear progression – numbers included – and make a point of reverting to non-linearity whenever or wherever the need arises. 0=1 is the code sign for this.

Well, two chapters into the by now well-known tale of Josh the Jubilant, told in a slightly adapted form to fit the morals of this new age, and the readers are clamouring for insights and clues. Hardly surprising when you consider that the g-nome portal has been concealed from public scrutiny now for several thousand years, but there was a time in the not so distant past when it was as well known as your Facebook or Twitter are today.

Funny the way things go round in circles, is it not?

So here we are, at the dawning of a great age – an age of awakening consciousness, of newly rediscovered, wonderful abilities – of telepathy, of telekinesis, of teleportation and anything else you might like with tele- in it. And what does it all mean?

Dear searchers, mystics and naturally inquisitive readers – it means that the walls of separation that have kept us locked in a 3D reality of mostly grim subsistence are tumbling down. Remember the Berlin Wall – and how unexpected it was when it finally fell? The same is now happening at the level of consciousness. Naturally, g-nome portal emerges from the spider web of history and concealment, brushes itself down, recalibrates its instruments, and hey presto, announces to the world that it’s once more open for business.

At first a trickle of curious visitors, then a crowd, then a throng, and cyber-space is bursting at the seams to accommodate the many who seek to reconnect with their forgotten heritage – the g-nome portal that is the gateway to so much of what you are now in the process of rediscovering.

I don’t say the only gateway – that would be presumptuous, but a significant, meaningful, merry and joyful gateway nonetheless.

We are assisted, as you all know, by the gnomiki. Please take the trouble to read the instructions on correct pronunciation. It may seem like a trivial detail, a mere formality, but our inter-dimensional friends and assistants do expect us to make the effort to use their names correctly – starting with “gnomiki” itself. It’s a spirited g – that’s not afraid to make itself heard. Remember, laziness in pronunciation indicates – well – you get the message – just consider how you’d feel if a letter of your name was deliberately ignored – the letter that refers to your dignity, your virtue, your joie de vivre and spontaneity. I understand that the English language has a similar word – referring to “gnomes” or “garden gnomes”, but I assure you that they are quite unrelated, so let there be no confusion.

Dear friends of g-nome portal if I may call you that – welcome, welcome, welcome. You are living in dark and dangerous times, but the dawn is already lining up its champagne bottles and streamers after a long, long dark night of the collective soul on our beloved Earth. So may g-nome portal serve as a reminder that you are truly destined to awaken before you can say “hopscotch” – obviously hopscotch here refers to the technique of inter-dimensional... apologies, I digress.

Classes will be starting shortly. Please sign up any of you who are ready to come twice a week, not less, for the two hour evening session on inter-dimensional doing. I don’t like the name – “inter-dimensional doing” but until we’ve got the telepathy programme up and running, starting later in the year, we have to make do with rather crude translations of the matching thought form.

Many of you will find yourselves remembering your lost arts and abilities regardless of whether you choose to avail yourselves of the services of g-nome portal – and that is as it should be. None of you have truly forgotten anything. All of you are g-nomers just as soon as you feel the beautiful quantum vortex of light stirring within you once again. Welcome back to the multiverse of inter-dimensional being.

Cuckoo la la and tally ho


  1. He thought he saw the Spelled “G”
    That sounded so cool:
    He looked again and found it was
    The Non-Linear Rule.
    “I definitely feel”, he said,
    “Like I am back in school!”.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
