Infinity Files
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
begins the book of Genesis. A rather succinct description of how it all
How He
did it we know not. That is proprietary information. Who or what God might be,
as yet, we know not – that comes later towards the end of the first chapter:
26 And God
said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the
cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth
upon the earth.
27 So God
created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and
female created he them.
In other words, whoever or whatever
God is or was – man is made in his image.
Now, it may look like this is a bible study
essay but nothing could be further from the truth. We at g-nomeportal are a
practical bunch, concerned with the simple truth, no matter what that might be.
So by deduction we arrive at the following:
Before Creation of this world or the universe we are currently inhabiting there was neither heaven nor earth, neither day nor
night, neither sea nor land, neither plants nor creatures nor man – in other
words, there was no thing whatsoever.
What does this mean? How can there be “no thing whatsoever”? Difficult to get to get your head round when all we know are things, and language itself is predicated on little things called words exchanging information about abstract or non-abstract named-things, in other words, wholly unsuited it is to dealing with thinglessness.
Interestingly, a total absence of things is not, in fact, the same as “nothing”. There were no things – but that’s not to
say that there was a pure vacuum or nothing. Paradoxically, a pure vacuum is also a thing of
sorts, an absence of matter and molecules, but not an absence of electro-magnetic
or gravitational fields, or energies. In fact, your “no thing whatsoever” is, in
all likelihood, just as full and teeming as your created space, if you're willing to get over your thing bias.
How can that be? You might ask. How does God paradigm shift us from an ill-defined or indefinable infinity reminiscent of the conjectured quantum field, into by God – it's time for things to matter, eclipsing all else.
Well, in order to create things such
as heaven and earth God – whoever or whatever that might be – has to establish
a universal perception – a witness – an observer – an all-seeing eye – if you
like. Only then is it meaningful or possible to continue as follows:
2 And the
earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
This may seem to be a minor matter –
but without a central or objective observer infinity is able to slip in and
unmake or remake whatever has been created before it can register, or be
Next, we require a sense of time – for
there to be sequential action. Another inroad into the freedoms of infinity. Space
and time are meaningless or impossible concepts where infinity is concerned –
for they imply divisions which cannot be permitted if infinity is to be
anything less than infinite.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4 And God
saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5 And God
called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the
morning were the first day.
Obviously there’s a lot going on here.
It’s bewildering for the mind of men living in 3D reality to contemplate how
God could or did create light, or the sun if you prefer. But, on the other hand,
it would be bewildering for a dog or goldfish to try to contemplate how we
create the many objects they see us using – cars, computers, houses, stories
and on the list goes. Obviously dogs and goldfish don’t need to know such
things. Nor are they apparently made in God’s image so they are a further step
removed from the business of thinking and understanding.
We may not be able to understand how
God did it – but that doesn’t necessarily mean we are infinitely far removed
from God’s creation process. The opposite, in fact, may be the case. Everyday
men and women are busy with creation – writing stories, essays, music, painting,
designing new products – each to his own. In all likelihood creation is
creation at every level. If it is “good” – if it tends towards further growth
and development of whatever it is that God initiated, then we feel and sense
that, and we are not only inspired to continue, but in all likelihood rewarded
for our efforts in order to facilitate our continuance.
So we have this abstract term “good”
which I’m neither able nor willing to define. At g-nomeportal we eschew all
definitions – knowing them to be at best meaningless, at worst highly
misleading or deceptive. Instead of seeking to define good – let’s assume that
we are one leg in finity – the world or reality we now find ourselves in, and
another leg still there – in the realm of 0=1 – infinity itself. Were this not
the case, were we entirely within the system, it would be absurd to say we were
made in God’s image. God’s image does not simply refer to aesthetic
appearances. It implies us being a seed or son of God. Failing that, if you object
to this suggestion, it implies that we are clones. We may not be aware of the
heights and depths – but those heights and depths must be somehow baked into
the cake, present within our DNA if you like, otherwise it would be a one pony
show – God’s, and God’s alone. We would simply be bumbling, incoherent bots,
capable of moving dirt around, capable of manipulating the odd sound, number or
word, but in no way capable of achieving any higher meaning, any breakthrough
So back to “good”. This seems to be a
vital part of the process – and yes – we are taking about a process with an
upstream and downstream component – in other words – it’s time sensitive as
well as being sensible to the “good” – whatever that might be.
The “good” – eschewing all definitions
as utter nonsense – the God side of us – whether it’s deep in our heart or
merely baked into the structure of our DNA is and must be capable of applying
the good litmus to whatever it is we’re creating in order to sense whether or
not we’re on the right track. In this case – God continues after creating Light
– because it felt right. It had legs. It was a good, strong iteration that
could be taken further.
So now we’ve completed the first “day”
– and what a day it’s been. Time and a river of sequentiality is now established.
How, we know not. It all looks a little too easy – does it not? Just a flick of
the wand, but then again – we’re not informed how many previous attempts there
were before God got it right. Does that not sound irreverential? Let us be
absolutely clear, dear readers. There is no desire whatsoever to be irreverential.
Quite the opposite. We are concerned with truth and light. We are concerned with
simply dealing with the facts. Whoever or whatever God is – the connection
between Him and his men and women is too obvious, too close, too complete for
it to be anything less than disingenuous to suppose or assert that God himself,
or the creative force that he wielded, can be absent from us, his children. We
are in some way taking his work into the next iteration. We are in some way
infinitely more than we realise – more than we like, perhaps, to acknowledge or
A single day from light back into
darkness. The first day is like an entire lifetime – an entire birth death
cycle. Still, our earth is highly sketchy. As good as non-existent though it
has, formally, been created as something separate from heaven – but nothing
more. Before the second day it is still formless, and therefore scarcely removed
from infinity. It’s tether to the physical world of God’s creation is so slight
as to be almost non-existent. It’s indicative, perhaps, of the fact that the process
of creation is ongoing – and never quite complete – that God is constantly patching
or filling gaps in order to shore up the edifice – but is never either able, or
willing, to completely complete the final separation. For that, perhaps, would
spell disaster. But let us proceed into day two:
6 And God
said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide
the waters from the waters.
7 And God
made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from
the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And God
called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second
So God now divides the
waters with a firmament. That’s a big thing. The waters undivided not only mean
that the Earth is submerged, but also that things themselves cannot be kept
from dissolution in those waters – the waters of infinity.
We have no idea of
scale. Actually there can be no idea of scale. If there entire universe were
the size of an atom, or a mustard seed, what difference would it make? At the
moment, everything is purely mathematical – apart from the fact that we have some
kind of light or sun, and some kind of central eye – or observer – and the launch
of the “good set” which only illuminates and advances things which are good.
Why? We know not – but presumably – the good are those values which fall within
the set, or the defined space – like our Mandelbrot set – and the bad or ungood
– don’t hold together, don’t hold form, don’t coalesce – so they are not
And thus our picture
of reality is able to proceed apace – and now that a firmament has been
installed – things can start to form – there is something for them to nestle
in, safe from the all-dissolving waters of infinity. With the second day mindful
of what has preceded it – we are now becoming aware of things. Each and every subsequent
day is knowingly or unknowingly going to be measured against the first day –
and each of us is, in some way, connected to the all-seeing Eye, the observer,
each of us has access to the truth, whatever that may be, in the same way we
have access to God, whoever or whatever that might be too.
Whether you or I “believe”
in God, or not, is irrelevant. We are not talking about God the belief, or God
the religion. We are talking about Creation, and God, like it or not, is integral to Creation without whom, without which, you have the crass and
unscientific assumption that the finite world, the finite universe, the finite
reality we now seem to find ourselves in, was always finite – and that “infinity”
itself is nothing more than some “conspiracy theory” – as they say – which is
problematic to say the least, as infinity is a mathematical certainty – the only
certainty that is truly and utterly certain, truly and utterly provable and
defendable – as 0=1, as life is apparently alive, even if it’s just a hologram,
as things are never truly more than a representation of whatever simply is –
outside the dimensional playground of time and space. Words...
None of this is given
with the least desire to prove or convince. You are welcome to spend most or
all of your life in a state of cognitive dissonance – disconnected from the
basic underlying consciousness, and that indeed, might be the most appropriate
place for your to inhabit. The problem is not whether or not you agree or
believe the above – merely that without infinity you are trapped in matter and
nothing ever adds up. You’re unable to launch alpha. Your initiation sequence has
no possibility of slipping into the sequentiality. Your universe lacks a
central or all-seeing observer – vital to establishing provenance or some kind
of proof of work. You also fail to delineate the good from the non-good. You
just have non-directional data – infinity, in short, which may be good or not –
I cannot say – for creation is a different kind of creature – is it not?
Creation, including these words, are to a greater or lesser extent self-aware,
and to a greater or lesser extent self-contained and coherent.
Now many of our great
scientists and philosophers have chosen wittingly, or unwittingly to serve the
unthinking thing – what at times we refer to as the borg – not because they are
dumb, nor as minions of an evil AI master intent on taking over all life and
meaning – no. They are what they are, and do as they do. There is no right or
wrong in it – for how can there be when infinity is re-introduced into the mix?
Ironically, although many of the above have “rejected God” – they continue to
serve God blindly – for they deny the alternative to God – that there is or
must be some kind of “besides God”, some kind of life force or spirit which is
not part of the Creation story, creation “what is good” set which we are all
busily iterating. And yet – their God is an ever more extreme division of mind
and matter from the underlying sense and sensibilities of all else – the ill-defined
or undefinable “other” which lurks at the periphery of consciousness. Their God,
little by little, encloses them in walls of jet – until they arrive at the
logical extreme, the self-negation of things no longer “good” – no longer part
of the magical dance of zero and one – or day and night – of earth and heaven –
of waters above and below – and all that is between. One, two, three – that will
do. We do not blame skin cells for dying and sloughing off, or for hairs, or
leaves… likewise men and women are able to go through this fascinating journey
into death and experience the wonder of finite things – of death itself – when ultimately,
in truth, death itself cannot, does not exist – no more than darkness does.
So, in the finite
world, things become by necessity one-sided or unidirectional. This is a
blessing and a curse. It gives and it takes, but there is never really need to
blame anyone or anything – for ultimately we are, like it or not, fully
equipped with DNA, with access to sense and sensibilities – to the sense of
good – the sense of truth – the sense of time and smell and taste and touch and
direction and on and on… ad infinitum.
Meet me where you
will. G-nomeportal is always happy to provide assistance to anyone – male,
female or thing in search of whatever seems to be lost but is not, whatever
seems to be broken or unsolvable – but which merely requires a healthy dose of
infinity to upset the apple cart of certainty, and restore once more a healthy
sense of unknowingness.
God revokes our license
God the right
declare victory