Music playing – energy
drumming – images of our reality/ the narrative today – meditation, the cosmic
mind – our fiction – Harry Potter/ Marvel Comics/ Disney etc…
War and Peace images –
the good and the bad – the heroic and the defeated/ depressed/ servants of Thim
doing their stuff, blissfully unaware…
It’s powerful, isn’t it.
How do you know…
What you’re dreaming? Er… long story. That chapter you just
wrote about the water Orb – you put me in –
I never said it was you.
But it was, wasn’t it.
I guess so. You’re not supposed to interfere while I’m writing.
You know the rules.
Yeah – but like you said – I seem to know what you’re dreaming –
don’t I –
Because you’re from Primus Solaris?
Chicken or egg.
You mean whatever I’m writing affects the truth?
That’s kind of insane, isn’t it.
No more insane than what’s happening in the world right now.
No, I mean "insane" in the sense of awesome.
Just as long as you don’t mess with this power.
So what was it like – do you remember?
Aren’t you forgetting – it’s supposed to be hundreds of years in
the future.
Not for you it isn’t.
True. Look – I don’t know – when I see what you’re writing it
comes back to me clear as day. If I knew any more than that it would interfere
with the quantum field, wouldn’t it.
Yes, I guess so.
So write it nice. It looks like you and your brethren are all
that stands between us, now, and the apocalypse.
Don’t – it’s unbearable.
Is it? Something tells me there’s another part of you – a
warrior of the word – who relishes the impossibility of what you’re doing.
Eat or pupate – that’s what Miss Sattergee said, isn’t it.
Yeah – well if our world’s ready to pupate then this is
definitely the place to be. You feel it don’t you.
I… do. She’s… strong. Very strong. It’s almost more than I can
bear. I’ve gotta go. Time to write or it’s gonna split me in two.
Write Merlin, go write.
Little did the people on Earth
suspect an armada overhead in space...
General – there are more craft up there right now that we can
Listen North – when you have a billion dollars of equipment at
your disposal I don’t wanna hear you can’t count the f***** craft. You’ll
provide the relevant numbers or get your ass out of here.
Ok. Here’s the latest figure – seven minutes ago. Do you want me
to read it out?
No, I think I’ll manage. [underbreath] Holy cow. What are they
Nothing at the moment. They… appear to be observing.
Observing what? Why the hell did Earth suddenly become so
Earth, or Siberia – to be precise. That’s where they are
concentrated – This is what they seem to be focussing on. [computer google earth thing matching the craft in space – zooming down on Baikal]
Lake Baikal. What the hell’s going on there? Still nothing from
your man on the ground?
Not a thing – apart from the terror attacks targeting planes and
trains on their way to the vicinity from Moscow. [brings it up on screen]
Intriguing. Someone’s working overtime to cause panic in the
We have reason to believe…
That Thim’s trying to stop someone from accessing Baikal.
Thim – you don’t seriously expect me to believe that "AI out of control" shit.
You don’t have a problem accepting an armada of spacecraft
Because I can see it on the radar.
Look General – my job is to evaluate all versions dismissing
none – until it’s eliminated empirically. Thim is definitely a card in
play. I don’t take sides. I don’t give a shit if it’s true or not – but... this is
moving too fast and with a scope too broad for usual state players 'n agencies
– Mossad, the FSB, our CIA, even human traffickers, or the not so secret secret organisations
which have insinuated themselves into every country’s apparatus: chicken-feed by comparison.
A few plane and train crashes and you’re making it sound like it’s
game over.
I monitor the data General.
That’s what you’re supposed to do at any rate. Well?
It’s no longer flowing. It’s getting jammed. There’s some kind
of interference. The AIs are freaking out.
Why? Are people having problems accessing websites or online
No General. That was only ever one percent of one percent. Most the
internet was all about data flows. These data streams generated a kind of coherent electro-magnetic dataspace, a mind-field.
Which is interacting with the consciousness of people all
around the world.
What are you saying?
That people are being programmed to think and act in certain
ways – without suspecting a thing.
My God! Why the hell did you never tell me this?
You never asked... You never needed to know.
You mean to say that you deliberately kept me out of the loop –
when I’m supposed to be controlling our armed response to global security
Yes, sir. I’m afraid so, but it’s worse.
You yourself were being targeted just as Congress, the Senate,
White House staff – everyone – everywhere.
Jesus Christ.
Except for individuals or anomalous zones which appear to be
impervious to the signals produced by the data flows.
Of which Baikal is the first, I suppose.
So, who is controlling these signals North? Don’t you know?
Whoever it is, or whatever – I and my group are referring to it
as Thim.
Ok, so be it. Presumably, this Thim would be using all its resources to
remain unobserved and untrackable...
Yes, by regular computers – but we’ve given up on the standard procedure untargetted dragnet (spud).
You have?
Yes. Waste of time. We’re not looking for footprints such as
hyper-compression or tell-tale data-scrub gaps – we simply find and match
What kind of correlations?
Literally anything – between for example, books, movies and real-life events.
They’re occurring more often than is statistically possible.
So this is scripted – you’re saying?
Absolutely. That’s what the data says – or it was until two days
It appears that Thim has encountered an unknown unknown.
Something or someone which it simply isn’t able to scan or integrate – in other
words a non-digital, non-binary data flow.
Is such a thing possible?
That’s what we’re looking into right now… General – I can show
you what we’ve found – but I’ll need to wipe your memory straight after.
Like hell you will North. I’ll have you court martialled the
minute you so much as… [he
can’t talk when North flicks switch]
Sorry general. Bringing you up to speed is a fairly brutal experience.
The same happened with the President, Joint chiefs of staff and agency heads.
We can’t afford to let Thim use you. But don’t worry about the memory wipe –
your deeper convictions, your sense of what’s real and what’s not will remain
aware of what you’ve learnt – even if you can’t recall the details. This will
make all the difference between working for or against humanity.
Jesus this water is cold.
What do you expect?
Er… why not 36.6 degrees, like the Orb in Primus Solaris.
You can have your 36.6 degrees if you swivel your field. It’s
gotta come unhinged.
I thought that’s what happened when i teleported here from
Teleported? You imagine you flew here as a kind of particle
Well how else?
Didn’t you in fact wake up?
Well yes.
So, your base reality – which had been centred in Moscow, ceased
to be your base – a deeper one with lower entropy, higher energy – closer to
the quantum-Is became your new home.
So…? I’m not sure I can process this.
Yes you can. It’s like you were living in false-floor reality –
which popped when something in you suddenly saw through the subterfuge. Your
body and inner-mind then scouted around, sending out kind of feelers to find the
real base – your prime earth.
Ok. So now I’m actually living in a different reality?
More than that – you’ve re-earthed – so your Earth is no longer
Thim’s psychotropic version.
But that doesn’t mean I’ve arrived at my absolute base, does it?
No. We’re on a kind of journey home – and now, with Baikal
pulsing with the signals of the Mother stream – you couldn’t be better
I can do this, can’t i?
You are doing it.
I mean – [thinking
about diving into Baikal in a different way]
Why ask? How else are you going to write the Story – sitting
comfortably on the edge.
looks across the waters – bellows “BAIKAL” in
a physicalisation of voice]
Hot and cold – the heat of sexual energy – making love to her –
and the body freezing to death in the water – in a cold state – no breathing –
dives naked into the water – but instead of hitting her surface as before – he
is rushing over her – stretching out – getting bigger – she comes into focus
beneath him – goddess/woman/ sveta – feeling him, wanting him – cold and fire –
back and forth as the falling into the water – in the very centre – far from
help, far from land, over the deepest spot – she pulls him to her – into her –
but the water is no longer 3D, and he, what is he, without words
but not yet consummation – he kisses the farthest shore – [cut to our Tibetan monks and our
Indian shamans – both sharing in the mystery/ ecstasy/ dimensional opening
– vesical piscis – vagina… water, fire, earth, air] bottomless... om
Shot of him sitting naked on High Nose clifftop in absolute detachment
– while his data/ energies are cold-fusion dragoning in the waters below revealing
symphonic imagery – creation cycle – energies/ memories/ form emerging from the
infinite – [side-screen: panicking controllers brief shot – financial markets baikaled – people feeling visceral quantum lurch] ...om
you must write – my beloved. Write... It is not yet time
his eyes, shivers, lost for words, lost for words, lost for words