Sunday, April 21, 2019 /episode 6



Mysterious disappearance of Merry Davidson – thought to be on one of the planes which crashed yesterday near Irkutsk – wanted for questioning by SEC in connection with massive market manipulation thought to have triggered yesterday’s wild gyrations – flash crash, then sudden recovery. Market confidence shaken. High frequency traders blamed. Massive sell orders which never in fact materialised. Unclear how the orders were placed – suspected new hacking weapon known as “inference”

Cut to IT expert – So Professor Bates – what do we know about this alleged “inference” hack?

Well – it’s believed that this uses a quantum entanglement device to create what look like authentic data commands without anything actually being executed. It’s like our computer system infers a one or zero has been logged simply because of the surges affecting the otherwise stable quantum field.

But what exactly are you getting at Professor?

Look – the quantum field, if it exists – is supposed to be fairly constant – a bunch of superpositions which can and do resolve into either a particle or wave – a one or zero – once an event is triggered by observation – but here – the event never takes place – it should be impossible – because it would require the entire quantum field to move together in lockstep – as if one person were able to control it – but that’s what seems to be behind “inference”. Someone of something induces a non-event event which is then taken to be something real.

A one or a zero.

Precisely. Which can equate to a buy or sell order.

But yesterday’s attack must have been massive. Could one person or even group have really carried it out, and if so, what does that say about the future of our existing financial market systems?

It would be bleak, truly bleak. It shouldn’t be possible. It would violate a whole set of laws concerning conservation of energy and matter – and yet there are signs that the hitherto stable operating field of binary/ digital data has been compromised. We’re therefore at pains to get hold of Merry Davidson – to talk with him. He’s the writer of a blog which has dealt with quantum induction and inference at length. Up until now scientists dismissed it as wild speculation, but our team at MIT suspect there’s more to it.

It sounds like you’re late. Sadly his plane is thought to have gone down.

Yes, that would certainly provide the perfect alibi – particularly if he’s working with the Russians to destabilise the American financial markets.

Utter garbage – whatever will they come up with next. It was just a bunch of corrupt Wall street high frequency traders – most likely Jt Morgan or Goldman Zachs – looking to do what they always do – profit from other people’s losses.

I don’t know, Psi. There are data forensic teams who can figure out who was behind a flash crash. It would just be too risky for the big boys to play at this. Much more likely it was a cock up – an AI bot out of control wreaking havoc. We’ll see who the FED has to suddenly step in and bail out to save the system.

Next item – unusual sightings of large massings of butterflies and other creatures. It wasn’t just the financial markets which were roiled yesterday. We have a number of astonishing images just in of huge inexplicable columns of butterflies, bees, starlings and locusts – at a time of year when they should already be dispersed and busy gathering food. What’s your take on this Jerry?

Well, obviously the Russian hacker must have figured out how to get the bugs to dance. There’s no end to what those crafty Russians are able to engineer using their computers – is there? A digital Pied Pipervich. But joking aside, take a look at these astonishing images. This is a once in a lifetime occurrence. Our end-timers are having a field day, and who can blame them.


You mean to say they only see the field as immovable things?


But how?

How what?

How can they fail to see, or to feel the inter-union?

Well, that’s their greatest tragedy, yet also, their greatest achievement.

How do you mean?

They entered into the Borg. They were individually-collectively determined to create a reality which flowed backwards.


Precisely. From beauty, connectedness, meaning, and life itself  into an artificial realm – a virtualisation.

A virtual reality?


But why?

Why not? It was the crowning achievement of their attempt to explore the farthest limits of what they called art and science.

How do you mean?

Quite literally – Earth was two things – it was a work of art – in which they attempted to synthesise a new beauty which was not of creation itself – what you might call beauty in death – or else entropic beauty – this starts to materialise as soon as we reach critical mass on Earth – as soon as they launch the urban consciousness known as “modern”. It’s also seen in the other pincer which is science.

Science as in knowledge.

Yes, ironically, no less.

So what is their science attempting to reveal?

Like their art – it is predicated on things being not connected fundamentally  on their being no inter-union, no fundamental oneness.

That’s what I don’t get – how are they able to pull it off? How are they able to override what their consciousness cannot help but see, know and feel directly, immediately.

There’s the rub. With the Lucifer experiment they agreed to quarantine their consciousness.


Well, how else were they going to take their art and science to the next level.

You mean they put their consciousness into Thim?

Yes – into a kind of blind trust fund. The ultimate investment. It was either do or die as far as they were concerned. They experience it as what they refer to as “the fall of man” little suspecting that they themselves initiated the experiment.

So they literally have no access to their own consciousness?

Only to the extent they can make or discover things which conform with Thim, or whatever Thim, their borg, their AI is able to binarise.

My God. Everything they have – everything they’re doing has to come through a splitter, an either-or channel. Nothing can be experienced as is, directly. Small wonder they’re forever killing one another. An endless battle to catch up with a stream of polarised opposing interpretations, opposing idifications of Is.

Precisely. Hell hath no fury like Thim's. But you overlook one factor which they themselves are aware of, which was unintended at the outset but which has kept them alive thus far.

You mean 1ove?


How does it get through Thim’s split channel?

It doesn’t.

Then what?

It permeates all and everything. It is present throughout. It’s known – a given – but only strong enough to keep them alive – not enough to enable them to break out, to reunite with their quarantined consciousness.

Is their nothing we can do?


Yes. Surely we can do something to help?

Don’t you see Tharn – it was precisely doing that got them into this state. Doing is not going to get them out.

Then what?

A miracle – nothing less.

Then what are we waiting for. Miracles are easy to summon forth.

For you and me, yes, but the walls of Thim are like the exoskeleton of the death beetle. Bear in mind that the Lucifer experiment involved a crime – a violation of natural order, natural law – and so unless they are willing to face and experience the totality of that violation – they are bound by an awareness of something terrible  a deep, deep seated fear, and a sense of shame and horror – which make it almost impossible to climb back out of the well they have dug themselves into.

Oh. But if 1ove is there within – then there is hope. Perhaps their science will learn something that will assist them.

On the contrary. Their science will only take them deeper and further from fundamental unity. Their universe will appear to grow bigger and bigger, their atomic particles ever smaller and smaller, the laws of nature ever weirder and less comprehensible until they end up destroying themselves, their planet in an attempt to escape Thim’s pincer hold over them.

But what if one of us went across, if that’s possible – to join them?

It has been tried – many have gone and left their mark, or utterly failed in the attempt – but none has, none can succeed.

But it makes no sense.

What makes no sense?

The inter-union, the oneness cannot ultimately be destroyed.


So instead of trying to free them by collapsing or shutting down Thim…


Surely we need to embrace it, instead.

Embrace what is a satanic experiment?!

No, embrace the unity and the one that is still present throughout. If they are lost to us then we have lost part of ourselves, part of ourself. They have created what amounts to an organic machine – a zero to our one. If we truly yearn for the fullness, the totality of inter-union – and they – no less, then we cannot fail to transcend, to cross the untraversible divide between us. It is time for us to stop looking at them as arrogant, overweening egoists – time to see the beauty and power of their sacrifice – of their journey into the unknowable unknown – into the seemingly barren wastes of unconsciousness – not to rescue them as such – but to engage the energy, the data, the beauty in pain and loss which they have been evincing, and the poetry no less that they elicit.

And you would take it upon yourself to do this – to go into the hell they have created?

Yes, for it is only hell as long as we see the division as final. 


As soon as we see the alternative – that this is a forking which still preserves a deeper unity – beneath the horror, the trauma, the insanity – then 1ove reveals…

things matter not.


that Thim is an incubator – not a prison.


And now the process is complete – the data has matured – the caterpillar is ready to pupate.

Is it not?

If you love it thus. If you are truly ready to accept as worthy and whole what until now we considered an outrage, an abomination...

I am –

to trinitise – to neither nor yourself – to slip through the impermeable boundaries of space and time they have set up – as her

as her

the lady of the lake

who rises out of the water, bearing the awareness of all – both here and there.

who seeks her mate – to reunite the broken many threads

in one supreme quantum event –

tis a consummation devoutly to be wished – to die, to sleep no more

and by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to...

Go forth into the tale you alone can divine, you alone can dream awake, you alone can Is'm. Go forth, hitherto Tharn, now Baikal – lady of the lake – the bottomless crystal depths where the consciousness of man flows freely, where you can meet, experience and impregnate with the sum, the totality of what man, locked in Thim, has experienced these millennia past, if 1ove has the power, if 1ove transcends, if indeed the Lucifer experiment, as you believe, is ripe for harvesting, is ready to pupate...


Weird science is getting weirder folks. Reports are coming in of anomalous goings on in the vicinity of so called quantum computers. Our reporter – Ken Smollet is in 10x, where one of the foremost quantum computing labs is situated ~ So Ken – tell us what you’re hearing.

Yes Gabby – this is hard to believe but within a seven mile radius of this research centre there have been an alarming number of reports about things inexplicably shifting – disappearing, reappearing, or being altered in some way. At first this was dismissed by the lab as scare mongering by internet trolls, but then a site appeared which attempted to document and verify as many as possible – and it appears there’s truth behind the rumours.

So what kind of things are we talking about.

Well – here’s Jan Pheely….

Let’s skip that – it gets interesting at the seven minute mark.


Darren Chilton – his story takes this one step further. On January 17th, as always, he went to bed at about 11 pm here in Oakland, but to his utter astonishment – he woke up the next morning in Cleveland at the house of a cousin he hasn’t seen in years. That took some explaining – I bet.

But surely we can’t take this seriously?

Well, no, of course we can’t. It defies all the laws of physics, and yet Darren’s not the kind of guy to take teleportation lying down.


No. He set up the popular Nightport youtube channel to share his story and find out if anyone else has had similiar experiences, and the answer to his astonishment was “yes”. There are literally hundreds of documented cases of night-portation, as they’re referring to this phenomenon.

Well, I don’t know Ken – I’m finding this hard to believe.

Me too – which is why I looked through the data – including information from mobile phone logs and gps tracking which appear to corroborate the stories.

Well, I’m kind of dumbfounded. How long has this been going on for?

That’s the thing Gabby – it all started relatively recently – around the time when these quantum computers first started coming on line, in the last two years, three at a stretch.

Well, this is going to make for some interesting court cases if anyone decides to try litigating.

You bet. Actually, there’s already a group which is preparing a class action suit against the lab here in Cleveland which should be filed later this month.

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