Sunday, April 1, 2018

Karmic Court reconvened for Earth

Beloved all that is
               it is   i am

NOTIFICATION – for general distribution through the field of consciousness to all beings involved in this 3D live project
On this day of April 1st, 2018

i hereby declare
the reconvention, reinstitution of the universal karmic court
to provide remedies for any being who is wronged and suffers loss
because of the actions of another, whether those actions were carried out
knowingly or unknowingly, should the individual(s) concerned seek restitution.
Wherever possible the applicant should notify the parties concerned of the karmic claim
In order to afford them the opportunity to provide voluntary karmic remedy before the court
Itself considers the case in question within a given timeframe.
Should the karmic court award damages/ compensation then this shall be levied against any organisation, corporation, “government”, “church” to name but three, and also the competent officers involved; as well as against private individuals.
Should it not be possible to formally notify the organisation or individual, or deliberately difficult to do so, then Notification can be effected telepathically no less effect – but preferably by taking the trouble to write a formal NOTIFICATION on paper – reading it aloud – and keeping it out for three days – before reading it again. This formality is to ensure clarity and exclude frivolous claims.

Claims which are deemed unreasonable by the High Court of Karma will, of course, be dismissed, whereas all claims having merit will be satisfied to the full extent of the law, in accordance with universal principles of justice. The Karmic Court operates at the energy consciousness level and thus takes into account things visible and invisible – including intent of parties involved, and ensures swift and impartial, effective remedy.

It is not without trepidation that i, Lord of the Change, reinstitute the operability of the Karmic Court here in this Earth 3D live project – for it works both ways – each and every one of us can and will be subject to the rule of karmic law from henceforth – should individuals choose to avail themselves of the services of the said court – but observing the lawlessness of a political elite who are currently abusing huge numbers of individuals through administrative means, by war and persecution, sexual predation of minors, torture, chemical, electromagnetic and other means, let this be an empowerment tool – to remind individuals that no one is above the law – that all of us have the direct means to end abuse and seek timely restitution without needing to paEarth 3D live project – for it works both ways – each and every one of us can and will be subject to the rule of karmic law from henceforth – should individuals choose to avail themselves of the services of the said court – but observing the lawlessness of a political elite who are currently abusing huge numbers of individuals through administrative means, by war and persecution, sexual predation of minors, torture, chemical, electromagnetic and other means, let this be an empowerment tool – to remind individuals that no one is above the law – that all of us have the direct means to end abuse and seek timely restitution without needing to pay lawyers’ fees or worry about court bias.

And thus, forthwith, I declare the Earth’s Karmic Court connection fully re-established and immediately open for business. I immediately lay before the karmic court all cases involving children who are being abused by adults for whatever reason – especially at a state organised political level involving cover ups. I request immediately cessation of abusive activities and either exposure and removal from office of the individuals concerned – or whatever remedy the Karmic court sees most fitting – with the maximum possible application of compassion, and if possible, the option to go through healing, or some kind of peace and reconciliation commission – but again – let the court decide.

Likewise I call to the attention of the court all illegal wars, and military activity in countries such as Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria and so forth. May all state officials or private individuals who are clearly abusing others for whatever reason be held accountable and prevented from continuing to do so.

Further I present to the court medical abuses – through harmful vaccines or other treatments which are doing more harm than good. May the organisations involved and individuals be held to karmic account to help clear up this area of abuse.

Further I present geo-engineering or other activities negatively affecting the planet. May the individuals and parties involved be held to account and prevented from further damage to our good planet – within the prescribed powers and constraints of the karmic court – which is not, of course, intended to deprive completely mankind of the ability to exercise free will, but does, however, offer a lever to hold to account those who have chosen to exercise their free will choice abusively.

Further, I present religions or cults, including science or government organisations which are knowingly concealing or manipulating information to confuse or mislead individuals. I ask the High Karmic Court to hold them to account.

Further I present to the court the legal profession whose gross and fraudulent manipulation of definitions, legal status and other illegal misrepresentations or manipulations have made a mockery of the legal system in many countries, including the US, the UK, the EU and others. I respectfully request that all organisation, courts, officers and individuals involved in fraudulent, illegal activities designed to subvert the natural, open rule of law be held accountable and dealt with accordingly, for their good, and the good of all.

Further I present to the court the financiers, some of whom have been engaged in gross manipulation of markets for personal or political gain. These egregious acts must be brought to karmic resolution forthwith – I request that the karmic circuitry be reconnected giving these individuals, corporations and governments the benefit of immediate feedback for their actions. 

Humanity has suffered grievously from the absence of the karmic court feedback mechanism – as legal remedy has largely been absent under existing systems – so I thank the members of the Karmic Court for the possibility of being able to apply to them once again for remedy – knowing that Karmic remedy is almost instantaneous – happening at the energy consciousness level. Suddenly, individuals or groups who have been involved in gross breaches of natural law lose all access to the energy stream or life force which was allowing them to continue uninhibitedly. They always have the option to reform – and the High Court of Karma has counsellors who provide needed timely counsel to all parties involved, that they may heal and realign with natural law – should that be their desire. Now, with the Karmic Court reinstated – they and all of us have the benefit of a feedback loop which informs us of  the extent to which we are harming others and, no less, ourselves, by our actions, our words, our thoughts, or even our failure to act.

And thus 3 – 2 – 1 I, James Merry, Lord of the Change, declare the Karmic Court now open and let this NOTIFICATION be disseminated to all beings on Earth in our space of being and doing – that they/ we can now put our house in order, karmically, and start doing what our prime function always has been – to weave and create alchemically from the matter of daily stuff, gold, beauty, high poetry.

0=1   it is  i am
Infinity                                                                                                                  signed     James Merry

the metrics of nought

are you ready to fly?
are you ready to fly?
are you ready to fly
you’re not –
you’re afraid
you’ve reattached to normalcy – haven’t you
and suddenly it feels horribly exposed – unnecessarily so
to cast yourself off the edge – into the abyss – as it seems
as it feels – as, in a sense, it is
and who can blame you?
who can blame you for wanting to steer clear of that
gut wrenching plunge into/ through infinity
with never the least guarantee, no matter how many times
you go
that you’ll return
giving yourself once more to limitless uncertainty
can appal the most stalwart proponent of anarchy
if he/she has failed to observe the basic unities
of heart-mind-zero-nought
for as soon as we fail to preserve these unities
the barrier to flight becomes too great – we have
too much to lose in the finite space we’ve inadvertently
allowed to grow
   but – zero nought – what is that?
as if you didn’t already know
   but really, i don’t, or cannot recall
you cannot recall the zero-nought?
   not separately, no – I always assumed
   they were one and the same
zero nought – one and the same?
of course not – just look at the shape
of the words – feel them – sense where
they are from – where they are leading
   easier said than done
easier done when done – seek and you shall know
is that not what we say outside 3D mind-control
   i wouldn’t know – I’ve never knowingly…
don’t be so sure – come on Zie – zero nought
what do you get, what have you got?
   zero – nought – zie? i’m at a loss – i
cannot fathom – cannot tell – cannot hope
to know what is – am bound to disagree
   no – it’s just i genuinely don’t
genuinely? Would you genuinely now
engage infinity just long enough to
allow things to settle back into place
here – look at this – what do you see?
that’s one way of putting it – or you could try this
   hey – how do you hover above the page like that?
am i screaming?
why not?
   i don’t know
yes you do – try it and see
haven’t we been there before?
   yes, i… ah
ah, as opposed to aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh
   the ability to let go, to accept the zero nought
to one or not to one
   let me try again
if you must
so how does it feel – the abyss reaching up
to you from my magic sheet of
   you know, Merry, I’m at a loss
   to put in words the mind-heart
   the zero-nought – strange to tell
   i seem to lose myself in the process
you do? i wonder why, or how, or…
   you don’t – you know full well the
   metrics of uncertainty – the de-atom/
   re-atomisation at in-finity
   like a particle exceeding the speed of light
   suddenly in-finitely massive or in-finitely
   not – and thus the atomic configuration
   flips through 180/360 degree
figuratively speaking – in fact there are
concentricities which come into play
but more of that another time
   so instead of being what i am here in 3D
   suddenly I’m at the bottom of a well
   or the top of a vast elevation
   either seemingly miniscule – a zero point
   or vastly expanded to the infinitude of nought
indeed – and never the twain
   shall meet

[instead of love]

You missed the boat
love is long since gone


as a door

    why the gap down
    space – why not run it on, indefinitely? Why not

Er – you’re more interested in technicalities than the central theme –

    I don’t see how you can separate the two
    if love is in-
    deed dead
    as a door
   – as you say
    then how you express
    this perceived truth
    cannot be any less
    important than what
    you actually said

for the poem is a picture
i infer
that tells a thousand words

    it does
    your word is a blunt
    blunt tool
    like your note
    or your brush stroke
    pixel or dot
    until allowed to roam freely
    across the wild open
    the unchartered west
    the blank screen or page
    like wild buffalo
    where it feeds on all-fulness
    and rediscovers the pathless way
    of                               .  [                    or
    perhaps              ~
    but then along comes the desire
    to know
    with its left-right gravitational bias
    drawing the eyes
    drawing mind ever onwards
    and down
    into the next
    line or page
    the latest iteration
    of space’s fractal in-zoom/unfold -ingness
    a dance ever re-inventing
    re-defining now
    for lo
    behold – the now cannot
    be contained by form
    be that word
    or thought
    or any thing that screen or page
    conveys it-erally

it-erally – I’m not sure
I follow the sense of this

    you haven’t yet seen
    the deeper dance


    the deeper dance
    wherein page –
    the blank screen
    represents infinity =

infinity? but why?

    you missed or ignored the equals sign

that made no sense –
I assumed it was a typo

    the same way your mind ignores any thing
    that fits not into
    the generally accepted iteral flow of things


    assuming, as it does, that variables need to be kept
    to a minimum – to avoid
    confusing counter unities
    or, god forbid, disrupt
    the muchfulness of much
    and thus the page is colonised by words
    words which establish directional bias
    which bring to heel the wolf
    now domesticated dog
    incorporating every wild
    natural archetype
    into a matrix of left-right-down
    hierarchalised flow
    which is entrained directionally
    and skewed towards
    converting an incalculable
    isness of being
    into a iteralised
    statistically significant
    mean mathematically
    mind-can-graspfullness of things
    no matter what shape or form
    those things may appear
    to be


    so once you have channelled infinity
    into your apparently-certain field
    you have a regular flow
    of things
    which yields whatever you may need
    and love is now a diamond ring
    you exceed the load tolerance  
    of what is apparently what


    for should you attempt to assume
    your system is immutable
    should you exceed the maximum carry
    your long-established directional bias
    will suddenly
    unexpectedly reverse

but how will we know?

    how will you know

yes, how will we know?

    you will know when love is –




    and the diamond ring disintegrates
    only then will you learn
    the power concealed behind
    within whatever love
    whatever poetry
    whatever life in its
    uncontainable life-fulness
    and as your babel tower of hypothecated
    meaning crumbles
    into the sea of unknowableness
    you will rediscover
    a wild magic
    to carry you across
    the raging torrent
    no less

you think?

    i know

you know?

    i       – behold



Tuesday, March 27, 2018

losing sleep n-fully

It’s way too late to start anything now, Merry.

Late? You’re kidding Zie.

Er… no I’m not. Clock. Wall. Go figure. Out, out damn spot.


Groan. You are so unread.

Ok Zie, take it easy. You forget that I’m supposed to play the fool from time to time.

Oh, it’s deliberate, is it?

So what are you doing up at this late hour Zie?

Chatting with you – what else?

No – you’re up to something, aren’t you?

I am?

Well yes – in case you haven’t noticed.

Oh that!





It did?


What do you mean?

I mean just that.

That’s not saying much, is it?

Well, whadyou want me to say?

Take us for a ride. Share the journey.

Oh – you’ve come along with them have you?

As always. Does it bother you?

No – I somehow doubt you’d be able to do anything much if you were on your own.

Good point. Supposing I’m the zero sum of all of them.


Collectively, unconsciously, perhaps – they inform me, empower, make me what I am.


Spooky science. Now, bearing in mind it’s horribly late and you’re desperate to hit the sack – perhaps you could flesh the bones of Atlas shrugged.

Infinity, I said, as you well know, not Atlas.

Ok. Pedantic to a tee, are you not?

Hush – listen Merry – noise me not with your idle chatterings – infinity lurks – prowls – feel it you not – sense you not the growing tide – the rising waters – the…

Incipient belch or fart?

Damn you fool!

Sorry – I couldn’t contain my lyricism.

Infinity shrugged – today – at 10 or thereabouts this morning.

And what, pray tell, was the result of this momentous event?

Nothing of any consequence – and yet…


Yes, me thinks…

Chatterton, eat your heart out.

3D has no power hencehence – your barbs merely embolden me to go on.

Then pray continue, good Thomas.

me thinks…

Zie suddenly, unexpected disintegrates causing Merry to leap forwards and grab at his departing shadow.

No you don’t.


I think you’ve proven your point.


Beyond a shadow of doubt.

I have?

Yes Zie. Infinity has finally done what was expected, eagerly anticipated and, ultimately, long since despaired of ever happening.

She has? How can you be so sure?

Apparently she decided to reintroduce herself back into your conscious-ness-life stream this very day – which is problematic to say the least.

It is? In a – er – negative way?

You might say – if you consider spontaneous de-atomisation a negative outcome.


Don’t worry – it’s more a rhetorical question.

So – am I supposed to be scared or, God forbid, pleased.


Er... Both either neither. Again?

Yes – it’s a kind of recurring theme – is it not?

Like a song that’s lodged in the brain and won’t go away.

Or an odour.

Or whatever – but you mean to say that I was in danger of de-atomisation?



I mean to say you were long past being in danger – you actually de-atomised this morning at 10.42 and 13.71 seconds Moscow time.

So precisely? 

Yes – these things are time stamped to seventeen digits – but I rounded up, down, around – to avoid inter-dimensional disputations. They’re very particular about their subatomic decimals.


They – who else?


Long story short – they grabbed you and that was that. The rest of the day was a purely quantum state – possible but by no means real or actionable – until we finalised you three moments ago.


Finitised if you like.

Oh. So that put me right, did it?

In a manner of speaking – yes.

You don’t inspire huge confidence Merry.

Well, technically speaking you no longer belong to the realm of flesh and blood.

Holy sheep – you mean I’m d…

Well, what do you expect? Technically speaking you were worse than dead.

But no one noticed. I had tea with half a dozen people this afternoon.

You did? How very extravagant of you.

I felt exuberant in my post-infinity-shrugged state.

I’ll bet you did – relying on the fact that I’d have to come and make you whole again this night – while you have the gall to complain about being late for bed.

I hardly see how I'm expected to know that I de-atomised if no one else noticed.

You didn’t inadvertently find yourself sailing through any walls or floating up any stairs, did you?

Well, I was a little light headed, yes.

And you just put it down to your innate messianic powers?

No, I just assumed I was hypoglycaemic.

Ah – so that’s why you needed so much tea, was it?

Yes – I added an extra lump or two. Thought it would do no harm, given the circumstances.

And did you mention to any of your admirers how you’re now able to flit through walls and view things from a decidedly non-3D perspective?

Well, I mentioned the fact that we’ve entered a new age – in which the interplay between physical and non-physical reality is now negotiable.


If you’re willing to hold the unthinkable somewhere in ken.

In what?

In ken.

As in?

Oh – on the periphery of consciousness. There seems to be a convenient spot set aside for the unfathomable.

There is?

Yes – like a sheep pen, if you like.

So you found a spot to hold your Heisenberg uncertainty field without it encroaching on your comfort zone and swallowing you up? Yes – I suppose that makes sense – if you were using deferred time.

Deferred time?

Like a deferred payment on your credit card.


Not having sufficient money in your account at that precise moment, not wanting to run up additional charges, you were wise enough to simply defer time till the money should, inevitably materialise.

But why/how inevitably?

Like you said – infinity shrugged – and when infinity comes into play – there’s only one certainty beyond a shadow of doubt…

There is?

Of course, as well you know…

Oh. Yes – I see what you mean.

Go on then – spit it out.

For them?

Yes, and for yourself – otherwise you’re going to dissolve in a puff of words if I don’t finish writing my report.

I hate it when you say point blank that my very existence is dependent on fulfilling one of these need to name requirements.

You do?

It makes me feel so…

Subservient? Well – you have six seconds until I remove your deferred time subsidy – which I’ve been holding in place all day at my personal expense.


Which will throw you into a rather awkward experiential node.


There be dragons – actually giant sized cockroachy things. But if you’d rather stick to your guns – I can only admire your pertinacity.

Ok, ok – I just hate having to…

2 – 1…

that anything conceivable cannot fail to happen when time can potentially be deferred to the nth  degree of infinity.

Ah – very good. Which kind of explains how, Micawber like, something’s always bound to turn up in the end, is it not – and invariably does if you’re tuned to the quantum field and hold the nth degree in a sheep pen, rather than let it run amok through your physical beingness.

Ah – you see – it all makes perfect sense, really.

Yes, I suppose it does, as long as one of us is willing to play the fool

While the other Lady Macbeth’s her way through rivers of blood

Or Micawbers impecuniosity with an insouciant display of sang froid.

Oh God – enough – enough – I can no more. The night is all but spent. Be gone evil wight.

Evil – am I?

I give you my very best shrug – and may the cloud, the spell of infinity dissolve all phantoms of discord or malcomprehension.

You would send me on my way with a shrug?

How else? For now, only now – have I learnt the power of benning things imtemporally.

Ahhh – I’m meltingggggg….

And like a genie sucked back into a lamp – Merry is vanished back into the zero point of untemporalised infinity – sending shivers, flutterings and bow waves through the seemingly unaffected fabric of space and time – upsetting the Hubble telescope momentarily – causing scientists at CERN, geologists and psychic mediums around the world to check their instruments, scratch their heads or breathe a sigh of never more nor less root n-fulness.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

beetle net

Give me a break Merry – I can barely keep my eyes open.

Oh – you think I like traipsing around in the middle of the night on duty calls when I could be chilling in Zarn.

Zarn? You’re welcome to chill wherever you like.

There’s no point.

What do you mean?

I’ll have no peace if I go there now.


Apparently I’m responsible for your “cosmic development” though to tell the truth I’m heartily sick of the assignment.

You are, are you? Well that’s another reason for you to quit bugging me when I’m trying to get some kip.

Bugging you?

You heard me.

Bugging you!!

Oh give me a break Merry. Stop faking this drama. I know you’re loving every minute of it. Tormenting me seems to give you immense pleasure.

Oh – I’m hurt, Zie, shocked… aggrieved.

Shakespeare – eat your heart out.

I don’t even get paid for my work.

For taking me to the limit of endurance and engaging in sado-masochistic psi-ops against my sanity? I should think not.

Other than a few solaris travel expenses, health benefits, a not insubstantial pension, and er… access to the beetle net.

Hey – what exactly is the beetle net Merry?

Don’t ask Zie – you know I’m not at liberty to divulge classified operational data.

You just did, so give me a break.

There’s a difference between dropping it into conversation surreptitiously in an effort to impress you or Joe Public… and revealing classified operational, systemically sensitive intel.

“Systemically sensitive”?! What are you on Merry?


Why should the beetle net you refer to be “systemically sensitive”? What’s that supposed to mean? Are you implying…

No – I’m not implying anything.

Ah – you see – me thinks she doth protest too much.

What? No, I’m…

Just saying.

Saying – you’re not saying Zie – insinuating is what you’re doing.

It is? Insinuating what?

That’s there’s something suspicious or sinister about the beetle net, when in fact it’s just…

A way of controlling or manipulating reality.

No! No! There you go again – inserting your wild speculations into a zone of probity and operational efficiency.

Probity and operational efficiency – my ass. Why do you barge in on me just as I’m hitting the sack – like I’ve got nothing better to do all night than discuss why you can’t reveal the true nature of the beetle net.

Look – it was a mistake.

A mistake?

Referring to something I’m not at liberty to discuss.

Dorothy – I demand you either reveal immediately what Merry’s hiding from me, or remove him from the case.



My God. What have you done?


There we are – she just answered – if I’m not mistaken.

Groan. How could you be so reckless.

Reckless? I’ll not be trifled with Merry. If you’re not willing to be up front and open with me – if you’re going to hide behind administrative procedures and protocol then forget it – I’ll not be a part of it – I’ll not play along with your schemes.

You’ve ruined everything.

Have I? I wonder very much what your plans, what your real intentions were. Honourable? I somehow doubt it – if they are or were then what have you to hide?

The minute you see how things hang together – how the nuts and bolts are connected, at that precise moment you’re free to quit this sphere, or plain, or data set – however you see it – and return to the universality.

But let me guess – there’s something wrong – something that prevents me from knowing the whole truth.

Er… you’re supposed to do this yourself – not by grabbing knowledge in a data heist as did Eva.

Oh, that old tale. Well I have news for you Merry – that heist was baked into the cake. The way things have been set up, with your exclusive beetle net for chosen insiders, there’s no way people are going to figure out the inter-connectedness of all things – they’re not going to dare assume there’s an entirely overlooked level of awareness which only the beetle can reveal – a 0=1 level which utterly defies sense and flies in the face of reason.

Oh – do you think so?

Think? Why would I waste my time thinking – after all you’ve taught me. That would just be to bow down, once again, and serve the Judaeo-Christian got of things – the my god – where God is the force that gets us things, rather than God-lite, nein God or not-G – the unprepossessed – who/ which controls the allocation of thingness on a climbing scale

Er… whoa Zie. Deep breath. Calm – down. 1 – 2 – 3 – talk about major conspiracy theory, anti-religion, anti-semitic, anti-things in general overload.

Admit it, Merry, or quit this sphere for good.

Admit what?

Like you don’t already know what I’m going to say.

How could I possibly know before you say it?

You simply refuse to play fair and square – to admit the truth.

I simply don’t understand what’s got your goat.


Freudian slip – you’ve just inadvertently revealed what I needed to know.

Oh poop.

What’s got my goat – that’s exactly how the control matrix was set up – isn’t it?

Er… I’m not at liberty to say.

The “got” as in “mein gott” which is…

Oh come on Zie – you can’t seriously mean to say that God is a goat?

I don’t need to say it. Saying anything always puts it out of sync – but thanks for saying it for me. The truth – as you yourself have taught me so well – is neither a nor b – though it can be expressed as either, both and neither of them.

Oops – did I really teach you that?

The got we’re talking about – assuming we’re referring to God – is intentionally misleading. A strawman, so to speak.

Perhaps “straw deity” is what you really mean.

Absolutely. Anyway – it had to be attached to something or other – either the cow, the goat, the pig – just to fix it into 3D reality – otherwise it would have slipped past without binding anyone or anything.

Holy cow. Perhaps we should…

The real God was never going to have the energy value implied by the word/name/tag “god” – was it?

Well – I don’t see why not.

Emmanuel would have been closer, or even Allah. Something expansive, musical, uplifting…

But as you yourself have said – any name’s going to be a both/either/neither compromise – so what does it matter?

The intention behind the naming matters.


The intention behind God slash goat is to focus people on having and possessing – and of course, the goat is the constellation associated with concupiscence.

I… don’t see what you’ve got against healthy sexual desire.

Nothing whatsoever – but let’s face it – you’ve been playing a dirty game all along – haven’t you – and Eva was just the first of your victims.

Now wait a minute…

Admit it – without the beetle net we never stood a bat in hell’s chance of balancing the energies, of holding the signal 0=1

What signal – 0=1 is purely mathematical.

Oh really? Then reveal your source code immediately.


You’re obligated to do so under the convention of Zarn.

Now wait a minute

On the count of three.


Who told me? Let’s just say a little beetle whispered in my ear.



She did it?

Did what?

Has Dorothy been interfering?

Dorothy or Eva?

Stop fooling around Zie – I need to know.

Oh you do, do you? Well I have news for you – 1 – 2 – 3 source code or zerofication – your choice.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh. This isn’t happening to me. Ok, ok, it’s on github.

Github? What the heck? The website?


Is this a joke?

Kinda. The universe likes its little jokes, so it decided to hide the beetle net code in plain sight...

On github! Unbelievable. Well be that as it may, you’re not shirking your obligations...

I know, i know...

Looking at the code is only half the matter.

Correct. Only the matter of matter.

I need the direct upload including the no-matter component.

Sure thing...

By the way, what are they supposed to do?


The people who don’t have access to you?

Oh, they can access the other half using the zodiacal seed.

The what? No! You mean to say...

Yep... God, i.e. the goat is one, so the other 11 unlock the invisible, unwritten, unspoken, unthingable shadow code.

Ah... Sounds great if anyone’s managed to figure it out.

Believe me Zie, these things just get known once you’re ready to know'em.

Just like that?

Just like this...


I’m obligated under the Zarn convention 0042 to beetle your goat, forthwith. Don’t bother trying to prepare yourself – it won’t help. The beetle net’s gonna feel kinda weird for the first three loops, minimum.

Gulp. And three loops – how long is that?

Long? You’re kidding, right.

Ok, i get the picture. Let’s do it, and as for being ready, you fail to realise that I’m initiating this uncloaking of beetle net because it’s now or never – the time is right and your fear tactics are utterly wasted on


Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee   # # #    Done

Done? You got the full download? Even grey and osmond phase interchange defibrillations?



Not really.

Don’t want to talk about it?


Well, I’d better be on my way then...

You’ll find a few changes have been made.


I took the liberty of rerooting beetle net.

?!*@.?!     You can’t have.


It’s secure.



Really? Then you’ve nothing to fear Merry. You and the remaining goat herders can continue playing Pan till the end of time unless...

Gulp. Unless what?

Unless i took the liberty of reversing my self through Gott meine Ziege.

You couldn’t...


meine Ziege – you wouldn’t...


I can’t believe – after all we’ve done for you... Tell me you didn’t.

I didn’t.


But i know someone who did.


One of my disgruntled beetle friends, Nnn, agreed to switch things around. Apparently they’ve grown tired of shifting lumps of dung for all eternity.

Holy smoke. So who did you choose instead?

That’s just the thing...


I didn’t.


I believe our friend Ben has agreed to replace Pan.


Your both either neither quantum indeterminacy has come of age and attained what can only be described as sentiency -- either that or personhood.

BEN is a pure abstract. It can’t become sentient.

I know, strange isn’t it, but then again, you tipped reality so far into not-whatness that apparently this is precisely what has now happened. The good news is that Ben ain’t gonna take sides. He’s agreed to team up with Dorothy and ensure the quantum stream now be open to all – to anyone at least who’s willing to invoke Zarn Convention 0043

Huh? I thought it was 0042

Which it was, of course, until we slipped into another iteration of what is not Is.

Oh... In that case, whooppee! You did it!

I did?

Yes, my genius friend, you circle y-squared square y-circled the broken geometry of Is be Is, and judging by the noise i hear erupting down the corridor and in the street, it looks like conscious-ness has now flipped back amidstream.

Oh boy.

Oh BEN! Time for pancakes.


Flip it BEN, dance it Zie.

Oh pancakes, yes, i see




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