What about eternity?
I thought you'd never ask.
Oh -- you don't have a very high opinion of me, do you Merry?
You're doing swell, Zie.
Come on Zie -- words are words, things are things, and let's breathe the balance.
Er... what balance are you referring to?
You know Zie... if words are but words, things are but things, the balance is in not or nought -- which you can exclude and suppress if you dumb your breath -- intentionally or unintentionally, but if you breathe the balance -- nought or not switches into something conscious -- becoming gnought or gnot.
Great nought, good nought, gnomic nought, gay nought, gleeful nought, glad nought...
Ok -- I think I've got the message.
Definitely. You seem to think breath is enough to turn nothing into something big enough to completely shift things materially -- so somehow of other the breath is able to g-nought, to reintroduce in-finity to the equation, or pehaps you're suggesting that eternity can be accessed too when the breath is factored in?
Yes, I'm impressed. You seem to have it Zie.
Except I don't believe a word you're saying.
Excellent -- the last thing I want is for you to believe me.
You what?
I don't want you to treat this as a religion. I want you to test it -- to see how it works.
That's the only way you can g-nought or g-not.
But why would I want to? I'm happy the way things are right now.
Yes, so you say, and yet you keep on knocking at the gates of g-nome portal, day after day, as if you've g-nothing better to do.
Knocking at the gates -- whatever gave you that idea -- I just happen to enjoy meeting you and chatting about things...
While walking your dog.
Which you've never bothered to mention until now.
No -- I...
Because it's been a mental construct -- one of those gap fillers -- something you've either told yourself or half-assumed, half-postulated, half-imagined...
Look -- I don't like the way this conversation's leading. I'm sure I have a dog and it's somewhere around about -- I just can't quite remember what or where at this precise moment. I'm probably suffering from temporal amnesia at this particular moment of eternity.
Yes, that's a pretty safe way of summing it up, and shoring up the crumbling dyke of either your sanity or your 3D model.
Look, I'm feeling a bit flustered right now Merry, and I don't appreciate these personal attacks. Can we change the subject or
Describe the forest.
What forest?
Where you walk the dog you're not willing to discuss.
Er... trees, I guess.
You don't know, do you?
What are you getting at Merry -- why all this aggression and animosity all of a sudden? Why the intense attack on my limited awareness? It's not like it's anything new. You've never made a big issue of it before.
Or perhaps it's a field. Are we walking in a field? Are there buttercups, daisies, marigolds, a river perhaps...?
Enough. Stop doing this to me. You know it's not fair to try to undermine my belief in...
I was about to say, but now, as always, you just broke my train of thought. You're always interrupting me Merry. You have no respect for my
There you go again. Interrupting. You need to let people say what they need to say, without butting in.
Sorry Zie. Apparently you believe in something which only becomes problematic when I start asking you specific, detailed questions regarding where you are right now, while discussing things with me.
Well obviously we're in a field, or a forest if I'm walking my dog.
Obviously. What are you wearing?
There you go again. This is too much. I've really had it with you today Merry. I can't understand what's come over you. I've always noted your eccentricities, but direct attacks of a personal nature -- that's not like you at all.
So it's difficult to describe what you're wearing -- isn't it?
Ok, I've got to go.
Ok -- don't forget to call your dog.
What's its name, by the way?
I... Fido.
Fido -- as in faith? Appropriate.
Er... well, see you then.
1 2 3 Hi Zie, how are you getting on?
Oh hi Merry -- what are you up to?
Oh, just messing around. You?
I was walking the dog.
F...? Fido -- oh yes, Fido.
By the way, what breed is it?
So we're at the breath inflexion point Zie. Either you can Groundhog day this again and again -- which will be a little tiring and confusing for our readers, or you can shift from nought to g-nought, from not to gnot, and...
Things will suddenly balance beautifully.
Wow! You got it.
Actually it's a Pekingese?
Is it really? I never knew you were the Pekingese type.
Oh... I'm
Not to worry -- it's all in the breath, is it gnot?
Yes, I suppose it is -- if it wasn't so tiresome having to go back down, to slow back down, to pull back into the breath -- I'd much rather
race ahead with mind unleashed. Yes -- who wouldn't. But that way you're never quite going to figure out who or what you are_ it is_ i am... it's all going to be ungrounded conjecture. A kind of reality that eventually turns out to be more of a dream, more of a derivative, than something of substance.
But I thought you said things of substance don't really exist?
I suppose I did -- but that would have been within our discussion about eternity -- and how it, like in-finity, inevitably folds back on itself
resulting in a kind of loop, a kind of figure of 8, a kind of not what you think it is -- which utterly bewilders the mind, if the mind tries to think about it -- which is precisely why the mind never does, never will, never can.
Surely the mind can think about anything.
Surely it can -- but eternity, like in-finity -- is precisely not anything.
Is precisely what the mind cannot, is utterly unable to think about without short circuiting its central thought processor.
Oh. That sounds a bit weird. I'd never imagined the mind was like a computer that could be short-circuited.
It isn't -- unless you happen to check into the mind of matter -- a kind of website or theme park for idle minds.
And what happens there?
There? Nothing whatsoever. It's what you might call a hologram. The mind runs an endless series of permutations, iterations, combinations...
I think I've got the message. Like a Mandelbrot set.
To what end?
Curiosity perhaps.
Perhaps? You're not sure?
Or perhaps to avoid facing reality.
Reality -- I'm not sure about reality -- if you say this is a hologram, then perhaps reality is a hologram too.
Perhaps, but I doubt it.
You do?
Yes. I rather suspect reality is in fact real -- and directly accessible just as soon as you balance things or words or ideas -- whatever is appealing for
Um... Merry -- hello? You seem to have broken up -- hello, Merry -- you seem to have lost signal...
_whatever is appealing for
Oh God -- this is turning into something
_whatever is appealing for
breathe -- just breathe -- be the balance -- that's what he said -- er...
_whatever is appealing for
0=1 it is i am
Ah... that's it Zie -- thanks for putting me right.
God Merry -- you had me worried there. I thought I was going insane -- or you were.
Yes, that's only natural. Oh wow -- what's that?
?! What do you mean Merry! You know Zac.
Of course I do... how foolish of me. Er... who's Zac.
Merry, dude, stop messing around. You know exactly who Zac is. I'm always coming here with Zac.
So you are.
You were afraid, don't you remember -- because he looks kinda scary.
He certainly does.
But not all pit bull terriers are aggressive.
Zac would never hurt anyone -- unless they were trying to attack me, or you.
Oh he's so cute, isn't he.
Dude, stop being weird. You've seen Zac a thousand times.
Fantastic Zie... we're closing a loop -- could you breathe my weirdness please.
Sure, why not. Er... 0=1 it is i am Merry weirdness um tee hee er mmm
Fantastic Zie... you're flying beautifully today.
I love this place Merry.
You do?
You know I do. I've said it a thousand times.
You have?
Quit messing around dude. I've zeroed that one.
Oh k, what exactly do you love about it, if you don't mind me asking?
I'm going to breathe your dumbness for a moment 0=1 it is i am in-finite dumbness smilingly wyrd ah oh um
How's it going Zie.
Yep. I think we've just about closed the loop Merry. Is there anything else you think I should breathe?
No -- I think you've covered it beautifully. Tell me.
Sure. This is my story. I tell it because otherwise it'll never be complete, never be fully real.
I'm telling as it is -- without inventing anything -- because everything flows seamlessly from the isness of be...
So there's a kind of story at the very heart of reality?
Yes, precisely -- but it's so potent, so perfect, so p -- it beggars belief.
So p?
Breathe it Merry -- you'll see what it means.
Here in g-nome portal we are at the centre of time and space -- at anytime and anyplace whatsoever. Here at g-nome we can experience any time or place whatsoever -- but we'll never quite figure out what it's all about unless we allow ourself to balance things -- to be the balance -- to hold the balance -- to
silence is golden
Indeed -- so at this level of conscious awareness -- the conscious-ness and aware-ness meet -- seamlessly... perfectly... utterly
and the universe comes alive
and the universe comes alive -- dancing throughout
dancing throughout -- through everything and anything
through every thing and any thing
through every word or thought
or idea
even through nought
which is in fact
y z
y z
3 2 1
I thought you'd never ask.
Oh -- you don't have a very high opinion of me, do you Merry?
You're doing swell, Zie.
Come on Zie -- words are words, things are things, and let's breathe the balance.
Er... what balance are you referring to?
You know Zie... if words are but words, things are but things, the balance is in not or nought -- which you can exclude and suppress if you dumb your breath -- intentionally or unintentionally, but if you breathe the balance -- nought or not switches into something conscious -- becoming gnought or gnot.
Great nought, good nought, gnomic nought, gay nought, gleeful nought, glad nought...
Ok -- I think I've got the message.
Definitely. You seem to think breath is enough to turn nothing into something big enough to completely shift things materially -- so somehow of other the breath is able to g-nought, to reintroduce in-finity to the equation, or pehaps you're suggesting that eternity can be accessed too when the breath is factored in?
Yes, I'm impressed. You seem to have it Zie.
Except I don't believe a word you're saying.
Excellent -- the last thing I want is for you to believe me.
You what?
I don't want you to treat this as a religion. I want you to test it -- to see how it works.
That's the only way you can g-nought or g-not.
But why would I want to? I'm happy the way things are right now.
Yes, so you say, and yet you keep on knocking at the gates of g-nome portal, day after day, as if you've g-nothing better to do.
Knocking at the gates -- whatever gave you that idea -- I just happen to enjoy meeting you and chatting about things...
While walking your dog.
Which you've never bothered to mention until now.
No -- I...
Because it's been a mental construct -- one of those gap fillers -- something you've either told yourself or half-assumed, half-postulated, half-imagined...
Look -- I don't like the way this conversation's leading. I'm sure I have a dog and it's somewhere around about -- I just can't quite remember what or where at this precise moment. I'm probably suffering from temporal amnesia at this particular moment of eternity.
Yes, that's a pretty safe way of summing it up, and shoring up the crumbling dyke of either your sanity or your 3D model.
Look, I'm feeling a bit flustered right now Merry, and I don't appreciate these personal attacks. Can we change the subject or
Describe the forest.
What forest?
Where you walk the dog you're not willing to discuss.
Er... trees, I guess.
You don't know, do you?
What are you getting at Merry -- why all this aggression and animosity all of a sudden? Why the intense attack on my limited awareness? It's not like it's anything new. You've never made a big issue of it before.
Or perhaps it's a field. Are we walking in a field? Are there buttercups, daisies, marigolds, a river perhaps...?
Enough. Stop doing this to me. You know it's not fair to try to undermine my belief in...
I was about to say, but now, as always, you just broke my train of thought. You're always interrupting me Merry. You have no respect for my
There you go again. Interrupting. You need to let people say what they need to say, without butting in.
Sorry Zie. Apparently you believe in something which only becomes problematic when I start asking you specific, detailed questions regarding where you are right now, while discussing things with me.
Well obviously we're in a field, or a forest if I'm walking my dog.
Obviously. What are you wearing?
There you go again. This is too much. I've really had it with you today Merry. I can't understand what's come over you. I've always noted your eccentricities, but direct attacks of a personal nature -- that's not like you at all.
So it's difficult to describe what you're wearing -- isn't it?
Ok, I've got to go.
Ok -- don't forget to call your dog.
What's its name, by the way?
I... Fido.
Fido -- as in faith? Appropriate.
Er... well, see you then.
1 2 3 Hi Zie, how are you getting on?
Oh hi Merry -- what are you up to?
Oh, just messing around. You?
I was walking the dog.
F...? Fido -- oh yes, Fido.
By the way, what breed is it?
So we're at the breath inflexion point Zie. Either you can Groundhog day this again and again -- which will be a little tiring and confusing for our readers, or you can shift from nought to g-nought, from not to gnot, and...
Things will suddenly balance beautifully.
Wow! You got it.
Actually it's a Pekingese?
Is it really? I never knew you were the Pekingese type.
Oh... I'm
Not to worry -- it's all in the breath, is it gnot?
Yes, I suppose it is -- if it wasn't so tiresome having to go back down, to slow back down, to pull back into the breath -- I'd much rather
race ahead with mind unleashed. Yes -- who wouldn't. But that way you're never quite going to figure out who or what you are_ it is_ i am... it's all going to be ungrounded conjecture. A kind of reality that eventually turns out to be more of a dream, more of a derivative, than something of substance.
But I thought you said things of substance don't really exist?
I suppose I did -- but that would have been within our discussion about eternity -- and how it, like in-finity, inevitably folds back on itself
resulting in a kind of loop, a kind of figure of 8, a kind of not what you think it is -- which utterly bewilders the mind, if the mind tries to think about it -- which is precisely why the mind never does, never will, never can.
Surely the mind can think about anything.
Surely it can -- but eternity, like in-finity -- is precisely not anything.
Is precisely what the mind cannot, is utterly unable to think about without short circuiting its central thought processor.
Oh. That sounds a bit weird. I'd never imagined the mind was like a computer that could be short-circuited.
It isn't -- unless you happen to check into the mind of matter -- a kind of website or theme park for idle minds.
And what happens there?
There? Nothing whatsoever. It's what you might call a hologram. The mind runs an endless series of permutations, iterations, combinations...
I think I've got the message. Like a Mandelbrot set.
To what end?
Curiosity perhaps.
Perhaps? You're not sure?
Or perhaps to avoid facing reality.
Reality -- I'm not sure about reality -- if you say this is a hologram, then perhaps reality is a hologram too.
Perhaps, but I doubt it.
You do?
Yes. I rather suspect reality is in fact real -- and directly accessible just as soon as you balance things or words or ideas -- whatever is appealing for
Um... Merry -- hello? You seem to have broken up -- hello, Merry -- you seem to have lost signal...
_whatever is appealing for
Oh God -- this is turning into something
_whatever is appealing for
breathe -- just breathe -- be the balance -- that's what he said -- er...
_whatever is appealing for
0=1 it is i am
Ah... that's it Zie -- thanks for putting me right.
God Merry -- you had me worried there. I thought I was going insane -- or you were.
Yes, that's only natural. Oh wow -- what's that?
?! What do you mean Merry! You know Zac.
Of course I do... how foolish of me. Er... who's Zac.
Merry, dude, stop messing around. You know exactly who Zac is. I'm always coming here with Zac.
So you are.
You were afraid, don't you remember -- because he looks kinda scary.
He certainly does.
But not all pit bull terriers are aggressive.
Zac would never hurt anyone -- unless they were trying to attack me, or you.
Oh he's so cute, isn't he.
Dude, stop being weird. You've seen Zac a thousand times.
Fantastic Zie... we're closing a loop -- could you breathe my weirdness please.
Sure, why not. Er... 0=1 it is i am Merry weirdness um tee hee er mmm
Fantastic Zie... you're flying beautifully today.
I love this place Merry.
You do?
You know I do. I've said it a thousand times.
You have?
Quit messing around dude. I've zeroed that one.
Oh k, what exactly do you love about it, if you don't mind me asking?
I'm going to breathe your dumbness for a moment 0=1 it is i am in-finite dumbness smilingly wyrd ah oh um
How's it going Zie.
Yep. I think we've just about closed the loop Merry. Is there anything else you think I should breathe?
No -- I think you've covered it beautifully. Tell me.
Sure. This is my story. I tell it because otherwise it'll never be complete, never be fully real.
I'm telling as it is -- without inventing anything -- because everything flows seamlessly from the isness of be...
So there's a kind of story at the very heart of reality?
Yes, precisely -- but it's so potent, so perfect, so p -- it beggars belief.
So p?
Breathe it Merry -- you'll see what it means.
Here in g-nome portal we are at the centre of time and space -- at anytime and anyplace whatsoever. Here at g-nome we can experience any time or place whatsoever -- but we'll never quite figure out what it's all about unless we allow ourself to balance things -- to be the balance -- to hold the balance -- to
silence is golden
Indeed -- so at this level of conscious awareness -- the conscious-ness and aware-ness meet -- seamlessly... perfectly... utterly
and the universe comes alive
and the universe comes alive -- dancing throughout
dancing throughout -- through everything and anything
through every thing and any thing
through every word or thought
or idea
even through nought
which is in fact
y z
y z
3 2 1