Er... don't you think you've slightly overdone this whole zero malarkey Merry?
Yeah -- you go on and on about it, but we don't exactly see a lot of zeros walking around on a daily basis. We see stuff. We see things. We see...
Ok Zie, I see what you mean. We see things, therefore, it seems reasonable to focus on whatever tangibly exists.
Absolutely. Let's focus on what tangibly exists.
Well -- you're contradicting yourself, aren't you?
No Zie -- we're surrounded by zero -- it permeates everything -- you just don't see it.
How? It makes no sense.
Not unless you realise that left and right, east and west -- are plus and minuses -- and you individually, and your society or culture collectively, are the y axis -- the zero line.
Er... how can you say that Merry? How can things on one side of me be plus, and on the other be minus? They're still just things, aren't they? They're not like matter and anti-matter which apparently explode if they ever meet. What you're asserting... it makes no sense.
Absolutely -- it makes no sense until you realise this is a zero sum game.
A what?
Zero sum game. It adds up to nought. Every plus one can only exist, and only exists, if there's a corresponding minus one on the other side -- and the two sides don't have to be fixed geographically. Everything in nature is spinning, spiralling, rotating. You yourself are yin and yan -- you are plus and minus -- you are matter and anti-matter -- such is the fundamental nature of this paradox. Until you realise the nature of Is -- a kind of wave which amounts to nought -- an upwelling on one side and a down welling on t'other. Bring the two sides together and you collapse the equation -- everything cancels out in a flash -- a flash crash if you like.
God Merry -- you're making it all sound apocalyptic.
Not exactly apocalyptic -- more a case of learning to love and appreciate the wave form -- to feel the connectedness throughout -- to begin to know and experience that you, both individually and collectively, are the fulcrum, the y axis, the zero line between left and right, east and west, plus and minus... a huge factor of immeasurable significance. Once you figure this out, once you feel it, once you undeny it, once you allow yourself to know it intuitively -- you collapse every barrier and obstacle that has been inserted between you and in-finity, between you and the force that is conscious-awareness -- the force that governs, regulates and manifests the two that are one that is nought -- and whether you're looking at it as a wave traversing the y axis or the x -- it matters not -- the simple fact of matter is unchanged -- the sum always amounts to nought, which is as close as we come to defining zero, the total net displacement, if you like.
Er???!!! Can't say I've ever worried about net displacement, still less noticed axes slicing reality in twain, Merry.
No, that's hardly surprising. The flat, two dimensional models which the rational mind finds easier to analyse are misleading, as the axial sine wave is more like a spiralling corkscrew in motion, that merely appears flat when projected onto graph paper -- meaning that your plus one and minus ones are basically one and the same -- either inverted spatially within time, or temporally within space, if that makes any sense.
Yeah -- I know the feeling dude. It's a mind-bender if you start trying to figure it out -- but that's partly because this isn't supposed to be figured out rationally. It's supposed to be gnown.
Typo, dude. That should have been a "k".
Known is gnown as x is y, as 0=1. Ultimately the only thing changing here is your -- your attitude, your orientation, your metrical or matrical configuration.
Hold it Merry, you're doing my head in -- metrical or matrical -- what on earth am I supposed to do with all that?
Your configuration either in terms of the metrics, or in terms of the matrix.
Still lost me.
Yeah -- not surprising in the least. Let's just keep it fuzzy and soundy -- because there's no great need to bend the mind beyond comfortability. Let's instead feel the flux, the flow -- how the entire universe pulses, spirals, collapses and expands from within me -- from within the concealed vastness that I constitute -- that I in fact am. The only force, the only factor big enough, diffuse enough, powerful enough to affect this vast, all encompassing process is...
the breath
The breath? That's it?
Which is the almost physical expression of the so-called conscious awareness -- whatever that might be.
So it's one vague term succeeded by another -- and never the wiser we be, never the twain shall meet.
What on earth are you on about? Of course they meet. If they didn't you wouldn't be here. You are the space-time anomaly, the quantum disturbance, the underbelly of in-finity -- you are where it all comes together and, simultaneously, all disperses back out again.
I am?
Well how else could you be alive, breathing and conscious?
Er... dunno.
Not strictly true. A moment's hard nosed rationalism and there are only a couple of options worth consideration.
There's God -- He did it: he created everything, and I'm the product of his creative spurt.
OK. Er...
What about Big Bang?
What about it?
Well, doesn't that also explain where everything originates?
Yes, I suppose it does if you like to believe that things can and did come from nothing, for no apparent reason, just because zero reached that extreme point of -- let's call it "anger" -- which as so often happens -- led to an Almighty explosion.
Why the capital "A" Merry?
Because it would have had to have been a transcendental Godlike explosion, to have spawned life and liberty, form and order, butterflies, frogs, tadpoles and caterpillars to name but a few. Wow! Imagine if we could produce such bombs -- what we could do to our enemies! That would show'em!
Are you being sarcastic, Merry?
Ironic. I don't approve of sarcasm Zie.
So you don't think such an explosion was possible?
Possible? Of course it was, or is -- where in-finity is concerned anything is possible. Monkeys can, indeed, write the entire works of Shakespeare, it's just when they do so they tend to shift the field lines and all of a sudden they no longer look like monkeys at all -- much more like an Elizabethan bard.
Oh dear... So you're writing off the whole Big Bang hypothesis?
Why? I love it for what it is.
You do? And what, in fact, is it?
A hypothesis that enables the rational mind of 3D-ers to postulate one sided solutions to a two sided equation. This was a vital fudge. It had to be done, otherwise we'd have had to join the dots or gone one step further -- and figured out how the various axes not only meet at zero point -- but are in fact one and the same -- that 3D space and time is a precursor to hyperspace in which you can hyperlink to any other space or time by navigating the quantum field of consciousness, if you're willing to allow awareness to decouple from any one particular frame and recouple to another.
Dum di dum... I'm happy knowing I know nothing.
Ah -- truly you are an inspiration to me Zie. Now, all you need do is change your "k" for a "g".
Be happy, if you will, gnowing you know nothing -- and thus embracing posive noughtfulness, or positively gnought, you're now in a position to transcend the otherwise impermeable axis running straight through you in three directions.
Three? Why three?
Why not? You happen to have three major axes, if you think about it you should see for yourself.
I can imagine one going straight down through me -- like a y axis would.
But what other axes could there be?
Let go or your time spatial programming -- then you'll see more clearly.
Let go of time and space? What have I got left? That's practically all there is, barring thought perhaps.
Good. Thought and...
And breath. Excellent. Roughly speaking there you have your three main axes.
And with these I can...
Absolutely! You ken, you can, you do and you are, should you so require, should you so wish, should you be willing to really start to play the zero sum game of life -- should you be willing to test the hypothesis and see what happens when you start mobilising your resources -- bringing both sides into play simultaneously -- thus revealing the quantum nature of all that is -- the neither space nor time -- once you've brought things, thought and breath back into x, y and z alignment.
Yeah -- you go on and on about it, but we don't exactly see a lot of zeros walking around on a daily basis. We see stuff. We see things. We see...
Ok Zie, I see what you mean. We see things, therefore, it seems reasonable to focus on whatever tangibly exists.
Absolutely. Let's focus on what tangibly exists.
Well -- you're contradicting yourself, aren't you?
No Zie -- we're surrounded by zero -- it permeates everything -- you just don't see it.
How? It makes no sense.
Not unless you realise that left and right, east and west -- are plus and minuses -- and you individually, and your society or culture collectively, are the y axis -- the zero line.
Er... how can you say that Merry? How can things on one side of me be plus, and on the other be minus? They're still just things, aren't they? They're not like matter and anti-matter which apparently explode if they ever meet. What you're asserting... it makes no sense.
Absolutely -- it makes no sense until you realise this is a zero sum game.
A what?
Zero sum game. It adds up to nought. Every plus one can only exist, and only exists, if there's a corresponding minus one on the other side -- and the two sides don't have to be fixed geographically. Everything in nature is spinning, spiralling, rotating. You yourself are yin and yan -- you are plus and minus -- you are matter and anti-matter -- such is the fundamental nature of this paradox. Until you realise the nature of Is -- a kind of wave which amounts to nought -- an upwelling on one side and a down welling on t'other. Bring the two sides together and you collapse the equation -- everything cancels out in a flash -- a flash crash if you like.
God Merry -- you're making it all sound apocalyptic.
Not exactly apocalyptic -- more a case of learning to love and appreciate the wave form -- to feel the connectedness throughout -- to begin to know and experience that you, both individually and collectively, are the fulcrum, the y axis, the zero line between left and right, east and west, plus and minus... a huge factor of immeasurable significance. Once you figure this out, once you feel it, once you undeny it, once you allow yourself to know it intuitively -- you collapse every barrier and obstacle that has been inserted between you and in-finity, between you and the force that is conscious-awareness -- the force that governs, regulates and manifests the two that are one that is nought -- and whether you're looking at it as a wave traversing the y axis or the x -- it matters not -- the simple fact of matter is unchanged -- the sum always amounts to nought, which is as close as we come to defining zero, the total net displacement, if you like.
Er???!!! Can't say I've ever worried about net displacement, still less noticed axes slicing reality in twain, Merry.
No, that's hardly surprising. The flat, two dimensional models which the rational mind finds easier to analyse are misleading, as the axial sine wave is more like a spiralling corkscrew in motion, that merely appears flat when projected onto graph paper -- meaning that your plus one and minus ones are basically one and the same -- either inverted spatially within time, or temporally within space, if that makes any sense.
Yeah -- I know the feeling dude. It's a mind-bender if you start trying to figure it out -- but that's partly because this isn't supposed to be figured out rationally. It's supposed to be gnown.
Typo, dude. That should have been a "k".
Known is gnown as x is y, as 0=1. Ultimately the only thing changing here is your -- your attitude, your orientation, your metrical or matrical configuration.
Hold it Merry, you're doing my head in -- metrical or matrical -- what on earth am I supposed to do with all that?
Your configuration either in terms of the metrics, or in terms of the matrix.
Still lost me.
Yeah -- not surprising in the least. Let's just keep it fuzzy and soundy -- because there's no great need to bend the mind beyond comfortability. Let's instead feel the flux, the flow -- how the entire universe pulses, spirals, collapses and expands from within me -- from within the concealed vastness that I constitute -- that I in fact am. The only force, the only factor big enough, diffuse enough, powerful enough to affect this vast, all encompassing process is...
the breath
The breath? That's it?
Which is the almost physical expression of the so-called conscious awareness -- whatever that might be.
So it's one vague term succeeded by another -- and never the wiser we be, never the twain shall meet.
What on earth are you on about? Of course they meet. If they didn't you wouldn't be here. You are the space-time anomaly, the quantum disturbance, the underbelly of in-finity -- you are where it all comes together and, simultaneously, all disperses back out again.
I am?
Well how else could you be alive, breathing and conscious?
Er... dunno.
Not strictly true. A moment's hard nosed rationalism and there are only a couple of options worth consideration.
There's God -- He did it: he created everything, and I'm the product of his creative spurt.
OK. Er...
What about Big Bang?
What about it?
Well, doesn't that also explain where everything originates?
Yes, I suppose it does if you like to believe that things can and did come from nothing, for no apparent reason, just because zero reached that extreme point of -- let's call it "anger" -- which as so often happens -- led to an Almighty explosion.
Why the capital "A" Merry?
Because it would have had to have been a transcendental Godlike explosion, to have spawned life and liberty, form and order, butterflies, frogs, tadpoles and caterpillars to name but a few. Wow! Imagine if we could produce such bombs -- what we could do to our enemies! That would show'em!
Are you being sarcastic, Merry?
Ironic. I don't approve of sarcasm Zie.
So you don't think such an explosion was possible?
Possible? Of course it was, or is -- where in-finity is concerned anything is possible. Monkeys can, indeed, write the entire works of Shakespeare, it's just when they do so they tend to shift the field lines and all of a sudden they no longer look like monkeys at all -- much more like an Elizabethan bard.
Oh dear... So you're writing off the whole Big Bang hypothesis?
Why? I love it for what it is.
You do? And what, in fact, is it?
A hypothesis that enables the rational mind of 3D-ers to postulate one sided solutions to a two sided equation. This was a vital fudge. It had to be done, otherwise we'd have had to join the dots or gone one step further -- and figured out how the various axes not only meet at zero point -- but are in fact one and the same -- that 3D space and time is a precursor to hyperspace in which you can hyperlink to any other space or time by navigating the quantum field of consciousness, if you're willing to allow awareness to decouple from any one particular frame and recouple to another.
Dum di dum... I'm happy knowing I know nothing.
Ah -- truly you are an inspiration to me Zie. Now, all you need do is change your "k" for a "g".
Be happy, if you will, gnowing you know nothing -- and thus embracing posive noughtfulness, or positively gnought, you're now in a position to transcend the otherwise impermeable axis running straight through you in three directions.
Three? Why three?
Why not? You happen to have three major axes, if you think about it you should see for yourself.
I can imagine one going straight down through me -- like a y axis would.
But what other axes could there be?
Let go or your time spatial programming -- then you'll see more clearly.
Let go of time and space? What have I got left? That's practically all there is, barring thought perhaps.
Good. Thought and...
And breath. Excellent. Roughly speaking there you have your three main axes.
And with these I can...
Absolutely! You ken, you can, you do and you are, should you so require, should you so wish, should you be willing to really start to play the zero sum game of life -- should you be willing to test the hypothesis and see what happens when you start mobilising your resources -- bringing both sides into play simultaneously -- thus revealing the quantum nature of all that is -- the neither space nor time -- once you've brought things, thought and breath back into x, y and z alignment.
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