Actually Zie, Norms are only one possible way of seeing beyond or around things.
Er... what do you mean?
Well, in-finity is not small, and there are always alternative routes.
Look Merry, it’s been bad enough coming to terms with norms – you’re not going to pull the rug from under my feet again are you?
What rug?
I was speaking figuratively.
Oh – but I like image. The rug can be pulled from under your feet but have no fear – there’ll always be another one to replace it. Nature, you know, abhors a vacuum, so just when you think the world is crumbling into dust – you’ll start to see another one that’s been waiting patiently in the wings.
I'm barely coping Merry. Experiencing norms has been...
Deeply unsettling.
But of course it has. It’s more or less the same as dying. You have no idea how wedded to the solidity and finiteness of things you and your fellow humans have been.
Well perhaps there was a reason for that.
Indeed there was – for you are the great architects of splendid 3D reality – you call it – though technically we should refer to it as “normality” – the domain where norms make things seem real.
I’m getting that sick feeling again. I swear I’m going to puke... excuse me dear reader – vomiting noises can be heard off stage right.
This is getting ridiculous Merry – I can’t even look at things now without feeling queasy – knowing they’re just norms masquerading as things. I’m even starting to smell that normy smell. I can’t believe I never noticed it before.
Astonishing isn’t it – the power of ignorance – our ability to ignore what we don’t wish to confront.
Well I’d rather not spend the rest of my life running to the toilet – so unless you can think of something pretty soon, I’m going to do my utmost to forget I ever heard about norms, or you, for that matter.
Like I said, Zie, norms are only one level of how we can see things.
Like I said Merry – I don’t care.
There’s another level which you will almost certainly find easier to stomach.
Well, what are you waiting for?
The right moment.
Well let me know when you’ve found it. I’ve got a lot to do – I’ve got literally thousands of things to try and avoid making eye contact with, and I need to sign up for the self-help group Vomiters anonymous. Apparently there are lots of people like me who just vomit as a kind of nervous reaction to something too shocking to handle.
Calm yourself Zie. Practice the breathing exercises I showed you. Now.
Zie starts breathing and evidently shifts into another level of C3 – er – that’s Merry’s name for consciousness.
Good. Now how do you feel.
Good, thanks. It’s bizarre how I can swing like that.
Quite normal...
Don’t say that word – please.
What? Normal?
No, no, no, no – it’s making me queasy again.
Merry does some Daoist looking moves – tapping Zie swiftly at various points and once again Zie is calm and collected.
I’m hopelessly unstable Merry.
You were rooted in 3D – now you’re re-establishing yourself in a deeper reality which you haven’t yet got the feel for. Patience. This is the time of the nurturing, nourishing breath. Only breathing yourself back to centre, back to awareness can help the transfer complete. In fact, once you’ve got a feel for the power of breath, you’ll never waste your time with chat or thought in the same way again. Your breath gives you an instantaneous feedback – you can feel and read the pulse of the universe, the heart beat of in-finity with or through the breath, once you start becoming aware of its vast potential.
It’s certainly expanding hugely of late. I can honestly say I never found it particularly interesting just sitting there breathing and looking at things, or thinking things through from the perspective of breath – noticing how my thoughts altered the flow, the intensity or direction or some other quality of the breath.
So what were you telling me about, before I started panicking?
Oh – well you’ve dealt with the norms – and that’s obviously a huge shock to the system. Humanity has relied on the fact that things are just things. Looking at them another way – as if they are alive, and actually seeing an entity – called a norm – behind, within or attached to each and every thing – is a death blow to the 3D mind’s totalitarian control.
Whoa – you call it totalitarian control! Isn’t that a bit extreme?
No, not in the least. It had to be totalitarian – how else were you going to create 3D out of in-finity?
Well... I don’t know what you mean?
Well in-finity is infinitely slippery – because its open ended – it has neither beginning nor end – so where or how can you create a limited system of things – when you’re coming from an unlimited isness – a quantum field or a stream of consciousness?
Oh – now that you put it that way – I don’t know. How did we get things to materialise from in-finity?
It’s like Big Bang – isn’t it. It obviously involves a massive head blow to consciousness – er – C3.
How do you mean?
Well, 3D has to be a state of unconsciousness or limited consciousness or limited awareness – that way things can seem to be just things – because as long as you’re fully conscious – things are inseparable from all else – which means they’re so much a part of the whole that they cannot really be differentiated in any way, shape or form.
So they don’t exist – as long as we’re fully conscious! Amazing!
Yes. So Big Bang might be referred to as Big Concussion, and within that concussion we haven’t quite figured out who we are, where we are or how. As long as we’re groping around trying to join the dots – we have these things popping up in our C3 filling the gaps, because...
Nature abhors a vacuum. But why does it have to be Norms?
It doesn’t – that’s just one level – but it’s a good starting point, isn’t it?
Because one of the preoccupations of modern man and modern thought is that things are kind of dead – relative to you organic beings.
Well yes – that makes sense given the fact that tables tend not to walk around or change shape.
Actually it makes sense because the minute you allow things to be conscious or alive – the whole of 3D comes crashing down, which is why your scientists almost universally refuse to consider, study or discuss C3 – even the doctors, for crying out loud!
Yes, it is somewhat strange – but I expect it’s just because C3 is hard to measure or quantify.
Believe me – if your scientists are willing and able to name and discuss things they have no real conception of such as black holes, dark matter and dark energy – without which their models of the universe collapse – then they could happily do the same for C3, but they won’t under any circumstances, because the 3D mind knows who its real enemy is, and will avoid it at all costs – even if it has to destroy the entire population of the earth. It’s a little tyrant that will not brook opposition - so no one is allowed to introduce C3 to the field of legitimate scientific enquiry.
So how come you can get away with it?
Zie, remember again that we are discussing in-finity – and that in-finity has no beginning or end. Big Bang may have severely concussed humanity – yet humanity remains a part of C3, like it or not, and in-finity always has a trick up its sleeve, an undiscovered variable or an unknowable unknown that will pop up when least expected to restore the perfect order of randomness and chaos to proceedings. This is why no “enemy” is ever really an enemy – merely testing and aiding your development. Without an adversary everything would grind to a halt.
Oh, don’t say that Merry – you’ll make me suspect you’re one of those...
One of what? Oh – a death eater.
Breathe it – how does it feel?
Ok – let the breath do the talking and thinking – otherwise you’ll end up walking in endless mental circles of misty doubt and fearful confusion.
Ok. I’m breathing.
Well, the Norms are real enough – but given the nature of in-finity – which cannot be limited in any way, nor determined absolutely or fundamentally – this means that Norms are but a version, but an interpretation, but a representation of something else – a superstate – in which things and you...
Are one.
Good thinking.
Not thinking.
Good breathing then. It’s working beautifully, isn’t it.
So what I’m breathing is that the Norms are in some respects a projection of my personness – my C3, into and onto the things which are actually part of all that is me.
Excellent. But how can things be “part of all that is you?” That makes no sense.
I know Merry – but that’s how the breath presents it. As I breathe I don’t just breathe for myself, within myself – I breathe for everything and through everything – so in terms of breath I appear to be indistinguishable from all that is. This, I guess, is where C3 really comes into its own.
Excellent. So the Norms to a fearful unbreather could be something demonic and terrifying – a monster hiding in the cupboard of each and every thing – the ultimate Halloween nightmare.
But to the breather it’s more about feeling C3 extending throughout.
Music to my ears Zie. So what about the finities?
Breathing tells me that the finities are like crystallisations of nought – the zero point – which are present throughout – also fully connected into C3’s whole hearted ministry of love and onefulness.
Oh – you make it sound so spiritual.
Well, that’s how it breathes. In practice – the finities are a less personal, more mathematical way of relating to things – connecting to them from the bottom up – from the sub-atomic level. They are, if you like, the fairies of the quantum stream as opposed to the macro, top down spirit of things in general.
Ah ha. Your breath is truly surpassing itself today, Zie. So when would you choose to connect with the finities?
Whenever you like – whenever you feel like being on that side of the equation, on that side of the atomic scale. It’s more a matter of mood, or poetic licence, after all, we are all creators – not just technicians, and some people will obviously feel more comfortable working with finities than norms, but as long as we’re breathing C3fully we’ll tend to keep moving between one and t’other – that way keeping ourselves more or less balanced, more or less open to both sides of experience, both ends of the spectrum.
Because if we practised the dark arts and became one sided – like people who have completely ruled out C3, then sooner or later we ourselves become victims of our own self-imposed idiocy.
Yes – that’s how it breathes. The people causing most harm in the world have simply given up on one side – especially if they’ve done blood sacrifice – and paradoxically – all the evil they may perpetrate passes through the apparent victim – even when they kill or maim – coming back to themselves.
Explain – you mean the victim doesn’t die.
Only in 3D – which merely splits at that point in time – and the victim is cut and pasted back in the unsplit main line of 3D.
So the death eaters never succeed in killing anyone.
Not really. It appears to be a Voldemort situation. They only really succeeded in horcruxing themselves, until their me field becomes unstable and crashes.
Fascinating. Thanks Zie. I’m going to put you back now – and Merry repeats the Daoist taps and blows – leaving Zie hyperventilating fiercely.
What was that for Merry?
Oh – I needed to calm you down. You were freaking out about something.
Was I?
By the way Zie, have you figured out how to mend the broken table yet?
Er... what do you mean?
Well, in-finity is not small, and there are always alternative routes.
Look Merry, it’s been bad enough coming to terms with norms – you’re not going to pull the rug from under my feet again are you?
What rug?
I was speaking figuratively.
Oh – but I like image. The rug can be pulled from under your feet but have no fear – there’ll always be another one to replace it. Nature, you know, abhors a vacuum, so just when you think the world is crumbling into dust – you’ll start to see another one that’s been waiting patiently in the wings.
I'm barely coping Merry. Experiencing norms has been...
Deeply unsettling.
But of course it has. It’s more or less the same as dying. You have no idea how wedded to the solidity and finiteness of things you and your fellow humans have been.
Well perhaps there was a reason for that.
Indeed there was – for you are the great architects of splendid 3D reality – you call it – though technically we should refer to it as “normality” – the domain where norms make things seem real.
I’m getting that sick feeling again. I swear I’m going to puke... excuse me dear reader – vomiting noises can be heard off stage right.
This is getting ridiculous Merry – I can’t even look at things now without feeling queasy – knowing they’re just norms masquerading as things. I’m even starting to smell that normy smell. I can’t believe I never noticed it before.
Astonishing isn’t it – the power of ignorance – our ability to ignore what we don’t wish to confront.
Well I’d rather not spend the rest of my life running to the toilet – so unless you can think of something pretty soon, I’m going to do my utmost to forget I ever heard about norms, or you, for that matter.
Like I said, Zie, norms are only one level of how we can see things.
Like I said Merry – I don’t care.
There’s another level which you will almost certainly find easier to stomach.
Well, what are you waiting for?
The right moment.
Well let me know when you’ve found it. I’ve got a lot to do – I’ve got literally thousands of things to try and avoid making eye contact with, and I need to sign up for the self-help group Vomiters anonymous. Apparently there are lots of people like me who just vomit as a kind of nervous reaction to something too shocking to handle.
Calm yourself Zie. Practice the breathing exercises I showed you. Now.
Zie starts breathing and evidently shifts into another level of C3 – er – that’s Merry’s name for consciousness.
Good. Now how do you feel.
Good, thanks. It’s bizarre how I can swing like that.
Quite normal...
Don’t say that word – please.
What? Normal?
No, no, no, no – it’s making me queasy again.
Merry does some Daoist looking moves – tapping Zie swiftly at various points and once again Zie is calm and collected.
I’m hopelessly unstable Merry.
You were rooted in 3D – now you’re re-establishing yourself in a deeper reality which you haven’t yet got the feel for. Patience. This is the time of the nurturing, nourishing breath. Only breathing yourself back to centre, back to awareness can help the transfer complete. In fact, once you’ve got a feel for the power of breath, you’ll never waste your time with chat or thought in the same way again. Your breath gives you an instantaneous feedback – you can feel and read the pulse of the universe, the heart beat of in-finity with or through the breath, once you start becoming aware of its vast potential.
It’s certainly expanding hugely of late. I can honestly say I never found it particularly interesting just sitting there breathing and looking at things, or thinking things through from the perspective of breath – noticing how my thoughts altered the flow, the intensity or direction or some other quality of the breath.
So what were you telling me about, before I started panicking?
Oh – well you’ve dealt with the norms – and that’s obviously a huge shock to the system. Humanity has relied on the fact that things are just things. Looking at them another way – as if they are alive, and actually seeing an entity – called a norm – behind, within or attached to each and every thing – is a death blow to the 3D mind’s totalitarian control.
Whoa – you call it totalitarian control! Isn’t that a bit extreme?
No, not in the least. It had to be totalitarian – how else were you going to create 3D out of in-finity?
Well... I don’t know what you mean?
Well in-finity is infinitely slippery – because its open ended – it has neither beginning nor end – so where or how can you create a limited system of things – when you’re coming from an unlimited isness – a quantum field or a stream of consciousness?
Oh – now that you put it that way – I don’t know. How did we get things to materialise from in-finity?
It’s like Big Bang – isn’t it. It obviously involves a massive head blow to consciousness – er – C3.
How do you mean?
Well, 3D has to be a state of unconsciousness or limited consciousness or limited awareness – that way things can seem to be just things – because as long as you’re fully conscious – things are inseparable from all else – which means they’re so much a part of the whole that they cannot really be differentiated in any way, shape or form.
So they don’t exist – as long as we’re fully conscious! Amazing!
Yes. So Big Bang might be referred to as Big Concussion, and within that concussion we haven’t quite figured out who we are, where we are or how. As long as we’re groping around trying to join the dots – we have these things popping up in our C3 filling the gaps, because...
Nature abhors a vacuum. But why does it have to be Norms?
It doesn’t – that’s just one level – but it’s a good starting point, isn’t it?
Because one of the preoccupations of modern man and modern thought is that things are kind of dead – relative to you organic beings.
Well yes – that makes sense given the fact that tables tend not to walk around or change shape.
Actually it makes sense because the minute you allow things to be conscious or alive – the whole of 3D comes crashing down, which is why your scientists almost universally refuse to consider, study or discuss C3 – even the doctors, for crying out loud!
Yes, it is somewhat strange – but I expect it’s just because C3 is hard to measure or quantify.
Believe me – if your scientists are willing and able to name and discuss things they have no real conception of such as black holes, dark matter and dark energy – without which their models of the universe collapse – then they could happily do the same for C3, but they won’t under any circumstances, because the 3D mind knows who its real enemy is, and will avoid it at all costs – even if it has to destroy the entire population of the earth. It’s a little tyrant that will not brook opposition - so no one is allowed to introduce C3 to the field of legitimate scientific enquiry.
So how come you can get away with it?
Zie, remember again that we are discussing in-finity – and that in-finity has no beginning or end. Big Bang may have severely concussed humanity – yet humanity remains a part of C3, like it or not, and in-finity always has a trick up its sleeve, an undiscovered variable or an unknowable unknown that will pop up when least expected to restore the perfect order of randomness and chaos to proceedings. This is why no “enemy” is ever really an enemy – merely testing and aiding your development. Without an adversary everything would grind to a halt.
Oh, don’t say that Merry – you’ll make me suspect you’re one of those...
One of what? Oh – a death eater.
Breathe it – how does it feel?
Ok – let the breath do the talking and thinking – otherwise you’ll end up walking in endless mental circles of misty doubt and fearful confusion.
Ok. I’m breathing.
Well, the Norms are real enough – but given the nature of in-finity – which cannot be limited in any way, nor determined absolutely or fundamentally – this means that Norms are but a version, but an interpretation, but a representation of something else – a superstate – in which things and you...
Are one.
Good thinking.
Not thinking.
Good breathing then. It’s working beautifully, isn’t it.
So what I’m breathing is that the Norms are in some respects a projection of my personness – my C3, into and onto the things which are actually part of all that is me.
Excellent. But how can things be “part of all that is you?” That makes no sense.
I know Merry – but that’s how the breath presents it. As I breathe I don’t just breathe for myself, within myself – I breathe for everything and through everything – so in terms of breath I appear to be indistinguishable from all that is. This, I guess, is where C3 really comes into its own.
Excellent. So the Norms to a fearful unbreather could be something demonic and terrifying – a monster hiding in the cupboard of each and every thing – the ultimate Halloween nightmare.
But to the breather it’s more about feeling C3 extending throughout.
Music to my ears Zie. So what about the finities?
Breathing tells me that the finities are like crystallisations of nought – the zero point – which are present throughout – also fully connected into C3’s whole hearted ministry of love and onefulness.
Oh – you make it sound so spiritual.
Well, that’s how it breathes. In practice – the finities are a less personal, more mathematical way of relating to things – connecting to them from the bottom up – from the sub-atomic level. They are, if you like, the fairies of the quantum stream as opposed to the macro, top down spirit of things in general.
Ah ha. Your breath is truly surpassing itself today, Zie. So when would you choose to connect with the finities?
Whenever you like – whenever you feel like being on that side of the equation, on that side of the atomic scale. It’s more a matter of mood, or poetic licence, after all, we are all creators – not just technicians, and some people will obviously feel more comfortable working with finities than norms, but as long as we’re breathing C3fully we’ll tend to keep moving between one and t’other – that way keeping ourselves more or less balanced, more or less open to both sides of experience, both ends of the spectrum.
Because if we practised the dark arts and became one sided – like people who have completely ruled out C3, then sooner or later we ourselves become victims of our own self-imposed idiocy.
Yes – that’s how it breathes. The people causing most harm in the world have simply given up on one side – especially if they’ve done blood sacrifice – and paradoxically – all the evil they may perpetrate passes through the apparent victim – even when they kill or maim – coming back to themselves.
Explain – you mean the victim doesn’t die.
Only in 3D – which merely splits at that point in time – and the victim is cut and pasted back in the unsplit main line of 3D.
So the death eaters never succeed in killing anyone.
Not really. It appears to be a Voldemort situation. They only really succeeded in horcruxing themselves, until their me field becomes unstable and crashes.
Fascinating. Thanks Zie. I’m going to put you back now – and Merry repeats the Daoist taps and blows – leaving Zie hyperventilating fiercely.
What was that for Merry?
Oh – I needed to calm you down. You were freaking out about something.
Was I?
By the way Zie, have you figured out how to mend the broken table yet?