In case you haven't realised, I'm reaching out to all that is nought,
the so called dark matter/dark energy so beloved by our scientificos.
Why bother? - caller number 23.
Why nought? - caller number 32.
Why? - caller number 3nought.
You see, dear friends in high places and low, what presently looks like nought to you, only looks like nought because you've no way of accessing it using the existing 3D protocols. It's where all the juicy stuff is hidden. It's where you keep all your key information. It's virtually unhackable, hee hee, unless you know how.
And do you?
You do?
You kn ow how?
Tell us.
Ok guys, of course I know how - and so do you - you just weren't aware of the problem,
you just weren't aware that nought is infinitely more than nought.
Infinitely more?
Yep, you heard me - infinitely more.
But how much is that? I mean - infinitely could be a lot or any value - just as long as it hasn't been determined.
Correct - but until it's been determined it's paradoxically equal to every possible value.
That's a lot.
But equally paradoxical - once it's been determined - once it's been measured - that number may turn out to be 4, 2.2 or any other value.
Oh - so one minute it was "infinite" and then
It crashed down to 4
That sucks.
Does it? Do you not see - any two values are the same - it's just 4 or 2.2 are snapshots of infinity frozen in time - like a snapshot of a wave. It looks like a solid wall. It has a definite form - as long as you freeze time in a single frame.
So, Nought is infinitely more than nought because it conceals within itself - within its notness, within its no time/ no spaceness all that is, all that ever could be, will be and was - which is rather a lot if you ask me.
Rather a lot indeed.
Or perhaps just 4
Or 2.2
Strange, isn't it - that all that is - the whole of infinity can and could amount to 4 or 2.2 when observed from a 3D perspective - but such is the nature of 3D.
Yes - we tend to get Er-s at this juncture. It's an Er rich environment - and also Um-s and Hum-s, not to mention a few strangled, gargled sounds which are difficult to spell so I won't bother - just try asphyxiating yourself with a plastic bag for a minute or two and see what comes out - if you're interested in the audio side of things.
So, yes, I have to admit, dear friends in high places and low, that the mind we're operating from within here in 3D struggles somewhat to clear the hurdle of infinity - which is not surprising when you consider that it cannot, in fact, clear that hurdle in the normal sense.
Then what?
Are we suppposed to proceed?
You're not. You leave the car in the car park and get into the helicopter. That way you can fly over this hurdle. So instead of trying to squeeze your mind through this apparent illogicality - this fundamental paradox, don't. Accept, instead, that it's a fundamental paradox, in which case you need to activate your fundamental paradox life raft/ drone/ UFO or whatever other vehicle you prefer to use. There really is no right way or wrong way - just as long as you use your imagination and have fun.
So, here you are - on the brink of the greatest discovery you're ever going to make - about to unzip, unlock, unpackage the vast potential, the infinity concealed within or hidden behind nought. This truly is a historic moment. It's where we transition into a new age - the quantum age, so to speak, or what the zodiac crowd referred to as the age of Aquarius.
Whatever you choose to call it - P45 is as good a name as any other - it's definitely time to make the transition - not least because the Kali Yuga - I think the Indians called it - has gone on long enough - not to mention the fact that the entire world's going to be eaten alive by a giant grasshopper if we don't transition in the next 3 or 4 astronomical units of where-on-earth-are-we, the measurement of lostness that always presages a grand transition back to 1 from a broken thread of holographic iteration.
Personally, I think we're all more or less ready for change - which is a good thing as it's going to be pretty extreme.
Personally I thnik we're all more or less... sorry - I'm repeating myself - which is the mental equivalent of a dog drooling when you hold a biscuit up in front of it.
I'm calm, I'm calm... I'm
Get a move on.
Hurry up.
Pulll yourself together.
Ok, sorry guys.
Nought - you see - looks like no thing because 3D reality skips all the noughts. If you could view the motion of 3D reality from where I am - from outside - you'd see it switching on and off. It switches off every time it passes over non-3D - that is - every time it passes over any thing that is alien to the 3D perception of things.
Zilch - that's all you get - because the 3D eye switches off - and all of you are none the wiser. You might fly a million light years before it switches on again - and you'd be none the wiser - because as long as you're off you don't actually exist in reality - or rather - your reality doesn't actually exist - but you exist as a function of nought - if that makes any sense - which it shouldn't - unless you're cheating and already using other side mind - naughty naughty - wait for the official launch of i-mind.
So there you are - flying over an inverse landscape - if you like - an upside down inside out version of reality from your perspective - which would obviously obliterate your perspective and your delicate 3D mind were you to consciously observe it - so you don't. The eye of 3D conveniently closes and your reality hibernates outside time for as long as it takes to encounter another band, another iteration, another round of 3D.
Fortunately the continuity guys are pretty darn good - and the seem of 3D reality appears to be seamless - as does a flickering movie, despite the fact you know it's flickering on and off many times a second.
So how, you're asking - can we see beyond 3D if it's certain death to do so?
Great question, guys, and I'm keen to furnish you with an answer - but don't you think it would be best if you figured it out for yourselves. I mean - let's face it - half the fun is in getting there, isn't it. Just waking up at the finishing line's gonna be pretty boring, wouldn't you say?
Obviously I'm going to give you a clue - because I'm desperate for you to get a move on and come play big boys baseball with me, but I do so with the firm belief that you don't need it in the least - that you are the living embodiment of the cosmic or quantum mind - and no - I'm not suggesting for one minute that they are in any way the same, or different.
Bear in mind - fellow noughtonauts - er - it's a mouthful but isn't that what we really are - learning to travel the vast seemingly empty wastes of nought - discovering what's in fact hidden in plain sight - if only our minds weren't refusing to see it... very long sentence which began with a "bear in mind" but got somewhat sidetracked by semantics along the way - so bear in mind, if you would - that you've never really been more than provisionally 3D. Fundamentally you've always been standing on the sideline watching yourself running backwards and forwards in a straightline - as if you had no idea that there was the possibility to move diagonally or in a circular path. As you can imagine, it's been rather comic to say the least, watching our 3D avatars getting hot about the collar, getting deadly serious about things which are, in actual fact, merely things - kind of strawmen, kind of cartoon cutouts. They're definitely real at the point of action - in the waking dream - but as soon as you activate your sideline vision and see it from other perspective - no - mixed feelings.
Any way, now that I'm bringing back nought into play, the football pitch is getting a bit confusing from the 3D perspective - because instead of it being square-ish - instead of things connecting up in the old way - there are all these gaps or insertions - lots of hyperlinks which the players keep stumbling into which completely alter the pitch, the costumes you're wearing not to mention the rules of the game. A recipe for disaster, or comedy, wouldn't you say?
Some of you will try to stubborn it out, pushing on as if things are going to revert back to the old norm, but in next to no time more of you are going to switch. Without knowing how or why you'll allow the other side of mind to boot up and interface the increasingly weird 3D - and suddenly - a kind of stereo effect - things start making sense again - but you're darned if you can say for certain how it's working - it's way bigger than what the 3D mind can possibly comprehend.
So, without further ado I don my ceremonial hat and cape, wave my which wand of in-verse probability - thereby unzipping the fabric of space-time-causality - thunder bolts and lightning, electrifying me. My voice rises above the tumult as beginning and end, Big Bang and Enormous Entropy, the sclerotic falling asleep at the end of time, collide catastrophically, spannering the spoked wheel of minded matter. Hear me speak - I shriek, somewhat histrionically - let nought be revealed in its fullness, in its entirety. I give you back, dear human beings of Earth - in finity - for no one has the right to deny you what is rightly yours, what was only leftly/wrongly theirs by sleight of seem, by what is not, by thieving trickery of time inserting split-hairs into the logic board of mental matter.
But who are "they" and what is time - I ask you cryptically - knowing that I may say no more. You must make your own way to the zero point - where no thing is concealed, where all is known. The only question being how to do so without losing your conscious mind? How to engage the quantum stream that flows throughout, without forgetting myself? Cuckoo la la, nothing could be simpler once you've realised that you are central, you're the key, you're the onely where in-finity starts her merry dance of magic playing cards spinning improbably through the vortices of random indeterminacy, unless you ground yourself in wonderful, beautiful life.
Amen ;-)
the so called dark matter/dark energy so beloved by our scientificos.
Why bother? - caller number 23.
Why nought? - caller number 32.
Why? - caller number 3nought.
You see, dear friends in high places and low, what presently looks like nought to you, only looks like nought because you've no way of accessing it using the existing 3D protocols. It's where all the juicy stuff is hidden. It's where you keep all your key information. It's virtually unhackable, hee hee, unless you know how.
And do you?
You do?
You kn ow how?
Tell us.
Ok guys, of course I know how - and so do you - you just weren't aware of the problem,
you just weren't aware that nought is infinitely more than nought.
Infinitely more?
Yep, you heard me - infinitely more.
But how much is that? I mean - infinitely could be a lot or any value - just as long as it hasn't been determined.
Correct - but until it's been determined it's paradoxically equal to every possible value.
That's a lot.
But equally paradoxical - once it's been determined - once it's been measured - that number may turn out to be 4, 2.2 or any other value.
Oh - so one minute it was "infinite" and then
It crashed down to 4
That sucks.
Does it? Do you not see - any two values are the same - it's just 4 or 2.2 are snapshots of infinity frozen in time - like a snapshot of a wave. It looks like a solid wall. It has a definite form - as long as you freeze time in a single frame.
So, Nought is infinitely more than nought because it conceals within itself - within its notness, within its no time/ no spaceness all that is, all that ever could be, will be and was - which is rather a lot if you ask me.
Rather a lot indeed.
Or perhaps just 4
Or 2.2
Strange, isn't it - that all that is - the whole of infinity can and could amount to 4 or 2.2 when observed from a 3D perspective - but such is the nature of 3D.
Yes - we tend to get Er-s at this juncture. It's an Er rich environment - and also Um-s and Hum-s, not to mention a few strangled, gargled sounds which are difficult to spell so I won't bother - just try asphyxiating yourself with a plastic bag for a minute or two and see what comes out - if you're interested in the audio side of things.
So, yes, I have to admit, dear friends in high places and low, that the mind we're operating from within here in 3D struggles somewhat to clear the hurdle of infinity - which is not surprising when you consider that it cannot, in fact, clear that hurdle in the normal sense.
Then what?
Are we suppposed to proceed?
You're not. You leave the car in the car park and get into the helicopter. That way you can fly over this hurdle. So instead of trying to squeeze your mind through this apparent illogicality - this fundamental paradox, don't. Accept, instead, that it's a fundamental paradox, in which case you need to activate your fundamental paradox life raft/ drone/ UFO or whatever other vehicle you prefer to use. There really is no right way or wrong way - just as long as you use your imagination and have fun.
So, here you are - on the brink of the greatest discovery you're ever going to make - about to unzip, unlock, unpackage the vast potential, the infinity concealed within or hidden behind nought. This truly is a historic moment. It's where we transition into a new age - the quantum age, so to speak, or what the zodiac crowd referred to as the age of Aquarius.
Whatever you choose to call it - P45 is as good a name as any other - it's definitely time to make the transition - not least because the Kali Yuga - I think the Indians called it - has gone on long enough - not to mention the fact that the entire world's going to be eaten alive by a giant grasshopper if we don't transition in the next 3 or 4 astronomical units of where-on-earth-are-we, the measurement of lostness that always presages a grand transition back to 1 from a broken thread of holographic iteration.
Personally, I think we're all more or less ready for change - which is a good thing as it's going to be pretty extreme.
Personally I thnik we're all more or less... sorry - I'm repeating myself - which is the mental equivalent of a dog drooling when you hold a biscuit up in front of it.
I'm calm, I'm calm... I'm
Get a move on.
Hurry up.
Pulll yourself together.
Ok, sorry guys.
Nought - you see - looks like no thing because 3D reality skips all the noughts. If you could view the motion of 3D reality from where I am - from outside - you'd see it switching on and off. It switches off every time it passes over non-3D - that is - every time it passes over any thing that is alien to the 3D perception of things.
Zilch - that's all you get - because the 3D eye switches off - and all of you are none the wiser. You might fly a million light years before it switches on again - and you'd be none the wiser - because as long as you're off you don't actually exist in reality - or rather - your reality doesn't actually exist - but you exist as a function of nought - if that makes any sense - which it shouldn't - unless you're cheating and already using other side mind - naughty naughty - wait for the official launch of i-mind.
So there you are - flying over an inverse landscape - if you like - an upside down inside out version of reality from your perspective - which would obviously obliterate your perspective and your delicate 3D mind were you to consciously observe it - so you don't. The eye of 3D conveniently closes and your reality hibernates outside time for as long as it takes to encounter another band, another iteration, another round of 3D.
Fortunately the continuity guys are pretty darn good - and the seem of 3D reality appears to be seamless - as does a flickering movie, despite the fact you know it's flickering on and off many times a second.
So how, you're asking - can we see beyond 3D if it's certain death to do so?
Great question, guys, and I'm keen to furnish you with an answer - but don't you think it would be best if you figured it out for yourselves. I mean - let's face it - half the fun is in getting there, isn't it. Just waking up at the finishing line's gonna be pretty boring, wouldn't you say?
Obviously I'm going to give you a clue - because I'm desperate for you to get a move on and come play big boys baseball with me, but I do so with the firm belief that you don't need it in the least - that you are the living embodiment of the cosmic or quantum mind - and no - I'm not suggesting for one minute that they are in any way the same, or different.
Bear in mind - fellow noughtonauts - er - it's a mouthful but isn't that what we really are - learning to travel the vast seemingly empty wastes of nought - discovering what's in fact hidden in plain sight - if only our minds weren't refusing to see it... very long sentence which began with a "bear in mind" but got somewhat sidetracked by semantics along the way - so bear in mind, if you would - that you've never really been more than provisionally 3D. Fundamentally you've always been standing on the sideline watching yourself running backwards and forwards in a straightline - as if you had no idea that there was the possibility to move diagonally or in a circular path. As you can imagine, it's been rather comic to say the least, watching our 3D avatars getting hot about the collar, getting deadly serious about things which are, in actual fact, merely things - kind of strawmen, kind of cartoon cutouts. They're definitely real at the point of action - in the waking dream - but as soon as you activate your sideline vision and see it from other perspective - no - mixed feelings.
Any way, now that I'm bringing back nought into play, the football pitch is getting a bit confusing from the 3D perspective - because instead of it being square-ish - instead of things connecting up in the old way - there are all these gaps or insertions - lots of hyperlinks which the players keep stumbling into which completely alter the pitch, the costumes you're wearing not to mention the rules of the game. A recipe for disaster, or comedy, wouldn't you say?
Some of you will try to stubborn it out, pushing on as if things are going to revert back to the old norm, but in next to no time more of you are going to switch. Without knowing how or why you'll allow the other side of mind to boot up and interface the increasingly weird 3D - and suddenly - a kind of stereo effect - things start making sense again - but you're darned if you can say for certain how it's working - it's way bigger than what the 3D mind can possibly comprehend.
So, without further ado I don my ceremonial hat and cape, wave my which wand of in-verse probability - thereby unzipping the fabric of space-time-causality - thunder bolts and lightning, electrifying me. My voice rises above the tumult as beginning and end, Big Bang and Enormous Entropy, the sclerotic falling asleep at the end of time, collide catastrophically, spannering the spoked wheel of minded matter. Hear me speak - I shriek, somewhat histrionically - let nought be revealed in its fullness, in its entirety. I give you back, dear human beings of Earth - in finity - for no one has the right to deny you what is rightly yours, what was only leftly/wrongly theirs by sleight of seem, by what is not, by thieving trickery of time inserting split-hairs into the logic board of mental matter.
But who are "they" and what is time - I ask you cryptically - knowing that I may say no more. You must make your own way to the zero point - where no thing is concealed, where all is known. The only question being how to do so without losing your conscious mind? How to engage the quantum stream that flows throughout, without forgetting myself? Cuckoo la la, nothing could be simpler once you've realised that you are central, you're the key, you're the onely where in-finity starts her merry dance of magic playing cards spinning improbably through the vortices of random indeterminacy, unless you ground yourself in wonderful, beautiful life.
Amen ;-)
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