Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Chapter 19 – in which Josh fixes a broken vase and much more

A crackling fire and the smell of – not incense – dried leaves that have been cast into the flames... more than a smell – it reaches into the mists of time, it reaches into the depths of consciousness and recalls me, bit by bit, strand by strand, back to body, into mind...
“Who am I?” I ask no one in particular.
I hear some light, merry chuckling nearby. There’s nothing unnatural about this laughter – it’s as if I’ve always known it, always taken it for granted, as if it’s as much a part of me as my body is – which is why I’ve never really noticed it before...
The smell of burning leaves continues to weave itself through my mind, or what would be my mind were it not full of emptiness at this moment... and perceptibly the smell changes as different leaves are added, touching a different branch of my conscious-awareness, stroking, massaging me back to self, back to me.
A woman’s voice singing. I hear it not with indifference but again, with knowing that this voice is as much a part of me as anything else might be, and so not the least urge there is to question it – just to accept and enjoy its healing sounds. And at this moment it’s the voice of an old woman, rasping, hoarse, chalk and pumice stone, and the sun comes from behind a cloud in my mind, and the wind blows across the wide open steppe, a squall and we retreat to the yurt to shelter from the elements, drinking warm kumis, fermented mare’s milk, then back into the great open, riding our small powerful horses to the summer pasture in the highlands...
Her voice changes – now it’s a young woman – sweet, plaintive, seductive... and the visions shift to another branch of the winding stream... a young girl walking in the forest, looking for her brother, soldiers nearby, houses set on fire, screams and then silence as the hammer falls; a lover’s hand reaching into the darkness, caressing her brow, wiping away tears, dancing in the firelight, dancing to the sound of drum and flute and mandolin... sounds and sensations filling the night with emotions, filling the night with longings and yearnings, the fragrant jasmine, an onion dome in the moonlight, a minaret, snatches of visions and shards, fragments of the shattered vase.
Still she sings, now the voice of a young girl, bubbling like the mountain stream, telling of fairies, of angels, of woodland elves and pixies, magic lands behind the mountain’s facade, another land within the lake, another in the sky when the sun shines on the clouds that mass around Mount Abora, dancing nymphs, tree spirits, all of nature alive with the elements of fire, water, earth and air, the stars in the firmament dancing in tune to the song of life itself – the same song that brings me into this world, that still can be heard when I tune my ear and feel my deepest nature... and insects, and wild beasts prowling in the shadows, closing for the kill, the trees and plants with their spiralling ways into other realms, into lands where they, like the stones, are fleet of foot or flyte of wing, the wonder of the child’s delight at seeing and sensing the least that is most, the magic in a grain of sand, in a breath, in the bead of dew on a blade of grass in the early morning light – a rainbow fairy light suspended in green the grassy night, and endless dreams that weave their way throughout, that teach me how to see and feel the allness unfolding within appearing without.
“Dorothy” – I hear myself say, calling her by name, or one of the names she goes by, “tell me how I come to be here with you this day... tell me who I happen to be on this occasion.”
More faery laughter, both fragile as frosted glass yet powerful too, with sinews of oak and hide of wilderbeast... “and where would you happen to be my young friend?” she answers with a question of her own, and strange to tell, I notice where the mind would normally be, where now there is only lightness and fragrance, rustling leaves and clouds scudding across the sky overhead, a stream of images, shapes and forms tell me everything I would know, instead of mind the inner vision – a seeing and a knowing without the need to think and process “what” or “not”...
“Ah!” I hear myself exclaim, part delight, part surprise – the astonishing tale of how I happen to be here at this moment with Dorothy, whether faery queen, child, or hag, mistress of the quantum stream, keeper of the keys of consciousness, sweeper, maid of honour, housekeeper and cook extraordinaire, she has always been there with us in Story holding the other side of the dialogue, making it seem Real which is not.

And effortlessly everything falls into place – Story reconnects and immediately, without pain or fear I know exactly who I am and why I’m here... I see the entire thread from beginning to end, and how these threads can be connected to and exchanged for others, now that I’m no longer bound by fear, now that I’ve come home to Faery. Like changing an outfit, I may pick and choose – and there are threads that bring me anywhere I may desire to be for they span the entirety of creation like a great spider’s web with criss-crossing strands. I may choose my entry point and dive into Story, whichever version, and spin it with delight, with abandonment, spin it for all I’m worth, now that I’m unfettered by fear – for truly nothing is created or destroyed, each version of story attains its rightful end in the allotted time. As I write one strand of story code, all the others adjust in accordingly. As long as I am guided by beauty, inspired to create whatever is alive, the whole of creation shines and vibrates with the song of all being well. Only when I get bogged down in fact of the matter, in fearing the worst, in routine and what matters as opposed to what is, does the story sag and the entire web sinks down into the darkness of nothingness. As I gaze into the web, deeper into the threads I can see every greater detail – the beings down there in story battling for survival against all odds, desperately hanging on, trying to save the day, convinced that their life depends upon it, little suspecting that they and I are One, little suspecting that we are all co-creating the magical isness of Be – the faery tale. Caught in the action, the characters I be all assume that it’s for real, that they’re alone, and unconnected to everyone else.

I pick up the web, with Dorothy’s blessing, and carry it over to a nice shady spot by the stream. Something tells me that here it will be easier for us to rebuild our world, reconnect with our dreams, and I watch as the web adjusts to its new spot making itself fast to the branches and stems I hold it near. Where there is pain – I feel it emanating like a knife from parts of the web, there I fly down with a legion of faery folk... down... down till we find ourselves among the action of a world on fire, a battlefield. We do not enter the fray as humans – what would be the point – we cannot pretend it is more real than it is – but as magic spirits we set about emergency repairs, helping the beleaguered souls to feel a something else, a something more, that their eyes and numbed minds cannot reveal to them, helping them to sense that the tale they are in can change with a change of heart, no matter how dark or desperate things may seem. The whole tale can spread its wings and fly back into the magic of Faery.

“Gnomiki, gnomiki” I call, as we leave the battlefield behind. “Let us open a window, let us share a vision with the people of this world...” and what do we see unfold? There was a place of such darkness, of such fear and doubt that no one could leave it who had entered therein. It was like a dark star, a black hole, and throughout the ages souls had been lost into it. It was even visible here in Faery, even as Dorothy walks among the trees and flowers, along the stream, she senses the darkness and wonders what will happen – for there is no way it can be stopped.
“No way?” you hear yourself say to her: “I know a way. I shall descend into Story but a new kind of story – one that is completely cut off from Faery, one that is completely wrapped up in its own logic, that sees only things as real if they are things, if they can be measured empirically, that rejects the very isness of be, the Conscious Mind that we take for granted...”
But why would you do that Daniel? What can you hope to achieve?
“Don’t you see Dorothy? In isolation from all that is it will be possible for us to tunnel down to the dark heart of matter, for there what matters will seem to be real. We will experience things that you can’t even imagine here in Faery: pain, death, horrors, but also love and joy too. Endless bitter sweet, and eventually we will arrive at the bottom, a place so far removed from Faery that none accept or believe in it. That is the place where our friends are trapped, are ensnared. That is the place that can only be reached by heading into the Seem of is.”
But how will you manage this? No one can do this?
“We will be none the wiser. We will agree to enter a closed loop of Story – me and any other volunteers who choose, and this closed loop can only be entered if we agree to I-mind/what matters protocols. Little by little, generation by generation we will be more and more bound up in matter and a mind that makes it more and more real by identifying with all that seems and nothing else.”
But how will it end? How will you escape?
“There would be no escape if it were truly real. It would lead forever into nothingness, but that is not possible, as you know. Nothing cannot be reached or attained unless it is something – end of story, and so we need a something that is the equal and opposite of the shadow you have seen and felt here in Faery. This is easy enough to create, using the limitless power of Story. And thus, we set Story to meet the shadow by creating a tale that reverse engineers itself into nothing, but which in fact ends at the precise moment when it enters the shadow as 0=1. We will do this with time, for the closed loop being an artificial construct will need the spin of time to hold it together.”
And Story can do this? It can tunnel down to the shadow and bring it back into the narrative, bring it back to the light.
“You know it can Dorothy. Caught in the closed loop, we will find ourselves sinking ever deeper into a world of darkness and shadow, with no idea why or how this is happening. We will assume it’s our fault: that we are doing something wrong, that we are evil or sinful, when in fact, we are being taken there by Story, which like spaceship is delivering us into the otherwise inaccessible shadow.”
And what makes it accessible if you say it’s inaccessible?
“Because we’ll be unconscious of it – and being unconscious means we’ll be able to penetrate shadow’s defences. Only when we’re completely within will our pre-programmed story unravel as time will run out of spin, delivering us like an injection directly into shadow as 0=1, and there you have your alpha omega moment – Story will ensure that the two fuse for otherwise you would have a less than 0 or a more than 1. All things being equal, the shadow will guide us right to its very source in the same way we shall guide it in reverse back to its source...”
You mean back to Creation.
“Exactly... back to 0=1.”
And what will happen to all those beings in the terrible closed story loop?
“Well, apart from being in Hell – a hell they volunteer to join, they’ll experience that which otherwise could not be experienced by the Universal Mind...”
Which is?
“They’ll experience separation from you and from all this. They’ll experience a state of being that is, in fact, wholly without foundation, and yet which seems completely real.”
The seem of is... so that’s how it is done. I heard tell of it once, many years ago. And there is no other way for us to combat the shadow and return the lost souls?
“No Dorothy – only Story can take us into that which is not...”
But will it not hurt these beings, these volunteers?
“Of course it will, but they will always know at their zero point – in their heart, that it is not what it seems, that they are not, in fact, victims of some terrible conspiracy, that their closed loop reality is in fact a powerful engine that they can harness directly, and knowing this changes everything.”
How so?
“Knowing their world is unreal deep in their heart, this will enable them to open another branch of Story – those who will – for Story cannot be limited, and thus they too will be able to create worlds within their world, narratives within their narrative, and doing so, will be able to transform, transmute the shadow, the darkness they are heading into, and this will be the sweetest sensation, the greatest joy, their true delight.”
You mean it won’t have to be suffering and pain?
“No, it will depend on their choice. The I-mind/what matters protocols will ensure it is hell, and necessarily so, unless they are able and willing to connect with the deeper truth – the Isness of be – and doing so, they’ll discover the power of Story waiting within. Even as their spaceship humanity hurtles into the blackhole, the abyss of what not, they’ll discover the wings of Faery that can lift them into another dimension, that will enable them to use the shadow as the very source, the very fuel for their creativity. And thus they will rebirth themselves and rebirth Faery from the darkness of complete ignorance and fear, into the light of knowingness and Be.”
And you think they can do this Metatron?
“Of course they can – for thus it is – whatever can be conceived is guaranteed to become real somewhere, somehow in Story.”

From Metatron back to Daniel, then back to Josh... talking with Dorothy, here beside the quantum stream, watching its million threads winding and twisting, entangling yet never truly so. The shattered vase of my mind is all but reformed as story’s thread once again comes together...
“How will I spin gold from the straw of things that do not yet seem to fit together or make sense – a patchwork quilt of semi-digested happenings?” I think aloud...
“The question contains the answer...” – I continue, and Dorothy smiles at me with liquid love, warm sunlight filling my heart, my mind, me.
I will take you back into the world I have left behind, dearest Dorothea. Dot dot dot, I will be your champion, your knight in arms, and I will weave a story, the story that I have dreamt of weaving – the only possible story that can recombine, reconnect, make sense of all the broken threads, the pain, the dislocation, the darkness we have experienced. I shall spin it with my doings, thinkings and sayings, with the breath I breathe, and conscious-awareness. I shall weave that thread into a garment, the bridal gown that I shall present you with when all is said and done, when tale is told and Story complete – and you will become the maid Nerys, and my beloved wife.
Suddenly Dorothy looks bashful and shy. She shifts into her role with perfect ease and grace. “Go then,” she says, “back to the world. Rejoin the narrative. I will head back into formlessness of the void, and if you succeed in your quest I shall emerge as Nerys, your very own wife – with a soul in perfect harmony with yours. Thus we shall complete the circle and weave a golden web of sense and meaning from the soul defying emptiness of what is not.”
“Your name – Josh – I feel your name has changed, so let it now be Josh the Jubilant to mark your reawakening. Go forth merrily, in joy, and seek my love in anything and everything you may encounter along the way – for that is the only place you will find it, the only way you will be able to complete your quest; feel my presence and spin the Story thread that reunites us with all that is. This world is yours – use it wisely and enjoy its many marvels and wonders, for only by taking the path of joy will you discover that Nerys is seated here beside you, gazing deeply, lovingly into your eyes.”

The next thing he knows, Josh the Jubilant is watching a trolleybus on the garden ring where Georgiy Menshikov is deep in thought as 1,300 years pass by – precisely the time required to connect Josh with the precise version of reality he has newly chosen for himself, in which he is destined to find love anywhere and everywhere in a world full of wonders and marvels, in which dot3 the feminine disconnect of quantum indeterminacy works the miracle of Story, extracting life and love from the vacuum, giving Josh, and every one of us, exactly what we need, when we need it – for how else could Story be told and sense be made of all that is I am?

Sunday, March 16, 2014

In which I discover the God particle in the palm of my hand

The "Why I can fly" movement makes it onto the front page of news and social media across the globe. Recent articles in the New York Times, Huffington Post, Rolling Stone magazine, The UK's Guardian, the Economist and Nature to name but a few have been looking at the phenomenon with the usual mix of fear, trepidation, confusion, perplexity and increasingly unconvincing irony. As always the mass media is behind the curve, desperately harking back to a bygone era of Newtonian physics, of central government, top down economics controlled by a few major corporations, of big science that never seems to give us the God particle it's always promising to deliver – presumably because it's not theirs to give, probably because we already have it in the palm of our hands, if we're only willing to take the trouble to have a look.
"Oh my God – I can see it. It's really there. Oh my God! It's so awesome. Oh my God!"
Well there you go – speak of the devil – Gemma Poltruth has just "discovered" it – the God particle, more or less simultaneously with a hundred and sixteen other individuals across the globe, and you know what that means... it's only a matter of time before it spreads – before everyone groks – you get it. It's 100 monkey redux – and once a critical mass have seen the new "truth" – it spreads like a virus directly through the back passage.
"The what?"
Oh come on Styopa – the back passage of the collective consciousness.
"Oh, gotya – carry on Wanda, I wanna hear more of this..."
So critical mass is anything between 116 and 116 000 depending on what it's affecting. The God particle is affecting everything and everyone but it's almost completely irrelevant how many need to "get it" before the transfer to collective consciousness happens – coz nothing's gonna stop this Faery juggernaut. 
"You're killing me Wanda – Faery juggernaut! Love it! LOL."
Gemma Poltruth stares into the palm of her hand, and for the first time in her life realises that the seed of all creation, of the entire universe was always nestled there in a dimensional recess – a small concave that conceals it from 3D eyes, but only as long as they're running under I-mind/what matters' "wilfully blind" protocol – in which we fail to see whatever might endanger or undermine the seem of is – the precious beyond belief illusion that this reality matters objectively.
She sees it like a star in a jar, if you've ever observed the science experiment. Go online and check it out if you haven't. Quite literally, there in the palm of her hand is a star – pulsating, flashing, both intensely dark and intensely bright – for it is as much black hole as it is star, and it just happens to contain within it the entire mass of the universe.
"So let me get this straight – you're saying this unknown woman Gemma Poltruth is able to hold the entire mass of the universe within the palm of her hand. Which hand, by the way?"
What does it matter which hand... just observe for a moment how she intuitively, quickly starts interacting with the God particle – feeling it's presence within her – within all things – for it is within every atom anywhere you might care to look, and it can at any moment extricate itself from one or all of them, thereby collapsing them into their indeterminacy – into their corresponding wave function. "Tee hee" – she giggles to herself – "it's all fractal – it has no mass – tis no matter – I'm free!" and yes, she is indeed completely free. For all her life Gemma Poltruth has felt a kind of obligation to uphold reality. It was never clearly articulated – but here at the back of her mind was this feeling that everything could, perhaps would collapse in on itself if she doesn't give of herself – if she doesn't uphold it with her consciousness – and so, like so many people, she was constantly paying an unseen tax – a tithe to hell – funding the very object material reality that was exploiting her and treating her so atrociously – little suspecting that it was only her consent that continued this state of affairs indefinitely. As soon as she has her Gandhi moment and withdraws her passive consent – without even having to go to prison, the whole of reality shifts imperceptibly, imperceptibly, perceptibly – whoa – easy does it – gently – gently – oh yes – oh wow – it's completely rearranging itself at the atomic level into the "no such thing as a free lunch" configuration.
"The what do you call it?"
The "no such thing as a free lunch" configuration. Everything has to be paid for energetically. It was only possible to create hell on Earth if I the people was, albeit unwittingly, willing to fund the programme. Where else would the vast energy requirements have found the financing for the "life is hell" platform.
"But what do you mean?"
Don't you see? The "life is hell" platform is infinitely costly because it requires almost the complete rewrite and distortion of that which is. It involves turning nature on its head and pretending it's real, and involving the whole of humanity in a grand conspiracy which is less conspiracy, more collusion, in which we create a synthetic reality, in which we seem to be what we are not – powerless slaves within a predatory, inhuman system... This has been our grand collective design, and it's been a hugely successful project – so successful we've almost destroyed the very reality we've been playing in.

"Well, I don't see how you can call that successful. It's a terrible shame what's been happening here on earth – the suffering, the degradation, the pain..."
Don't you just love it?
"Don't. Shame on you. Shame!"
So there you are – the 3D mind plays the victim role to perfection and adds fuel to Phlegethon's fire, but no sooner have you located the God particle – which you can call Hicks Boson if you're into silly names, or anything else you like – just as long as you set eyes on it and start playing around. That's when the walls come crashing down.
"But I'm not sure I like the idea of walls crashing down."
No, me neither, but what about the Berlin Wall? I'm sure most of us agree that was a wall that needed to come down, and we most of us rejoiced as it was pulled down, often by the bare hands of Berliners. Well, we've reached our own personal Berlin Wall moment. The collective consciousness is now in the process of massing on either side, and the first stones are already being removed by the 116 who made history by finding the same God particle that the scientific community has been searching for, over hill and under dale, at vast expense – which reminds me – "energetic exchange".
 "I beg your pardon. Where did that one come from?"
 Well, where do you think all the money in the world comes from in the first place?
 "Er... from the gold that badly paid workers dug up?"
"From the money created out of thin air by bankers?"
Nope – they were only able to get away with it because we are continually funding them within the "tithe to hell" framework agreement.
"So from us you mean?"
Yep. All the money in the world came from our downpayment when we agreed to finance this version of reality. It was our freewill choice to do so. We made our payments and thus the laws of energy exchange were temporarily circumvented – people were allowed to do stuff to other people without seeming to have to pay as it's all just theatre – and that made it possible for us to experience the kind of energetics that gave the rest of Creation the ultimate show – I mean – they were completely addicted to what's been going on here – because we've been running the kind of frequencies, generating the kind of Story code that was possible no where else – which explains why it's been, at times, what can only be described as bloody painful.
"So why did we do it? Are we just suckers for punishment – or martyrs or what?"
We did it for ourself, and also for our parents – whom we love more than anything else – though we mostly blank out and forget who they are while we're here in 3D.
"Ok – run that by again please. "For ourselves?!" Why would we suffer for ourselves?"
Well obviously because we're more than we realise – and the rest of ourself is addicted to this reality show, loving every minute of it and learning the kind of lessons that would otherwise be completely unattainable. But it's enough. We've taken it far enough. It's time to recoalesce, to reunify.
"Ok – I can handle that – so we're sitting in the auditorium enjoying this tragi-comedy, and not just sticking needles into one another on stage."
Yes, and because we share consciousness with all that we be – it means the pain can at any moment be switched off completely. Deep inside we've always known that.
"To be honest I have my doubts. If we were able to switch off the pain or simply withdraw our consent and exiting the stage – I suspect we'd have done so more often."
You'd have thought so – but ever been reading a really good book, or watching an amazing film and you're bursting to go for a pee – and you can't tear yourself away, and you're holding out for hours until finally you relent... It's kind of like that.
"I'm sceptical, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, mainly because I want to hear more about the parents you referred to."
Of course you do – but you have to realise that you know just the same as me what I'm talking about. You happen to be the product of the divine feminine and the divine masculine – of Goddess energy and God – of the Isness and the Creator – names and words – names and words – tune in to your own knowledge – you cannot download this from me.
"Well, I've never felt particularly comfortable with all this talk about the Goddess, or God for that matter."
Nope – why would you feel comfortable, when everything you're doing and being here in 3D is antagonistic to, or in denial of them. It's bound to feel strange. It's bound to trip some switches and ring some alarm bells in your conscious-awareness. That goes without saying, but be that as it may, you are, without being aware of it... deeply, at a level of consciousness far removed from the hurly burly of daily affairs, deeply devoted to them, and paradoxically, serving them even in your denial and abnegation.
"Well, I don't see how, even if it were true."
No, but the moment you set eyes on the God particle these things start making perfect sense. At that moment you come into realignment with Creation and Creator, and thus through Creation with the Uncreated, the formless, the Mother of All that is, the quantum Vacuum if you like.
"But isn't that just emptiness?"
Oh no, the vacuum is defined as "a space devoid of matter" but that's not really saying much if matter only exists in space and time. So it's a kind of emptiness, but to have an empty space you need to have conscious-awareness, so 0=1 if we balance the equation we find that the vacuum is, in a sense, pure consciousness, where all of matter is completely dissolved in the isness of simply being – until the consciousness becomes self-aware, trips over itself and tumbles back into material reality.
Yes, it's a mind bender – I apologise, but moving swiftly on..."
"No, but how does it happen – how does consciousness trip over itself and tumble back into materiality?"
...Jack and Gill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water, Jack fell down and broke his crown and Gill came tumbling after.
"The nursery rhyme."
As so often is the case, the mysteries of the quantum stream are usually hidden in the least likely places. Why after all, would they go up a hill to fetch a pail of water? and what was the water they were really fetching, and why did Jack fall and break his crown, and...
"and why did Gill come tumbling after?... Yes, it is intriguing. We need to think about it."
No we don't. We need to do nothing of the sort. You were asking me about your parents and suddenly I-mind/what matters waylaid you.
"True... but it is so interesting trying to puzzle out how the universe came into being..."

Hum... Instead of answering Styopa's question Wanda makes a few deep breaths followed by a series of shorter ones – and the next thing Styopa's aware of – through a kind of break in the transmission – a step transition – is Wanda sitting at around head height looking every part the Indian yogi, before the culture shock causes him to lose consciousness.

Part II

National security concerns... we can't just let the people collapse reality around us... 
unthinkable consequences... need to regulate...

The “powers that were” are having difficulty adjusting to the paradigm shift. "Why I can fly" meetup groups have sprung up all over the planet with startling speed, catching the authorities off guard. By the time they're ready to react – to try to clamp down, contain, control... it's too late. Whenever they come to a meetup venue they fail to find the participants. Some mysterious force seems to clear the hall of all the members who were there a moment before. "Still, we have their names – we'll get them to register, then we'll declare "Why I can fly" a subversive organisation – we'll say they’re working with manipulative ETs – that they've been given these abilities in exchange for selling the rest of us into slavery... that kind of thing."
But the meetup movement is spreading exponentially and Mikhail Gorbachev is powerless to save the Berlin wall, even if he'd wanted to – and he's less and less sure he does. 
In fact the "Why I can fly" movement has less to do with flying itself, more to do with confronting the frantic fear factor behind all self-imposed limitations. After all, whoever needed to fly? A bit of floaty stuff might be nice, a bit of intergalactic space travel would be fun – broadening one's horizons – visiting other civilizations – but one soon tires of travel and – home sweet home – that is where the magic lies. But what is home, and who am I?
Now you see – these are the questions that take us deeper within, beyond the superficial PR and slick marketing of g-nome portal's "Why I can fly" campaign. 
Already we have the God particle thanks to Gemma Poltruth and her 116 fractal twins, which means we're no longer bound by what matters, or by matter itself, for that matter. We have access to the programme code of creation – for we can use the God particle to reshape reality, just as long as we're acting in accordance with Is, as opposed to "what not”. Atoms rearrange themselves automatically - we can grow a new house in a matter of hours, a few days tops, without needing to hammer or saw. We're so busy interacting with Story, the ever-unfolding song of creation, that we have no time to wonder what's coming next. The present moment always furnishes whatever is required as long as we stay in the quantum stream of Story manifesting.

Part III

We're too attached to resolutions, to outcomes. When all is said and done there is no Reality as such, no matter, no thing in particular ENB [either-neither-both]. There is that which is – for what it's worth, an infinity of Is – a playground for you to fly and fall, to dance and delapidate, to stroll and stumble – howsoever you should choose. 
In the meantime, Story requests that I return to thread – to the perceived war between the Government, the powers that were and the people. 
Forget it – it was always game-over just as soon as we chose to withdraw our consent. No sooner had we done so at a quantum level than value had to be exchanged instantaneously. Instead of "being able to get away with it" – violating rights and oppressing, the "violators" or "oppressors", who were in fact just players in the drama, have to exchange value to balance the isness immediately, and 0=1 they find themselves preferring to do anything rather than continue violating or oppressing. Having bits of your eternal essence being transferred to your victim's cosmic bank account rather takes the fun out of being "evil" – wouldn't you agree. So, in a matter of days we are back on the level playing field of Is – the isness of Be. And what this means, and what it entails – there's no saying – only the pudding's proof – so instead of feeling guilty about withdrawing your consent from project "dark and dastardly offering a glimmer of hope and pretending things might miraculously sort themselves out at the 11th hour and 59th minute when in fact it's designed to fail"; instead of believing you have to be the victim, or else reality will die, God forbid, or collapse into a pile of steaming doo doo, know that consciousness trumps matter in the game of life. The matrix may collapse, the whole of matter may revert back to its indeterminate wave function, but that does not alter the fact of...
"Of what? Don't just leave me suspended like that?"
Whyever not?
"Because I need to know what's going to happen. I need to know what to do. I need to know..."
Story knows. 
"No it doesn't. Story's something fictitious. Something we simply write to pass the time, for our amusement."
So it seems, so it seems. But without Story we're nothing... Without stoy 0=1 cancels out and you...
"I what?"
Don't you see?
"Not if you keep hanging up like that, cutting out, dot dot dotting."
But that's precisely it – when I go beyond Story – nothing Is. Terra incognito. The unknowable."
"So you mean there's a place where even Story can't go? And I thought Story was everything to you."
No, Story is no more "everything" than "God" or anything else for that matter, but it's the master weaver that, like Rumpelstiltskin can spin golden thread from straw, and that, is more than enough for our purposes. Dot dot dot...

"And you propose we can fly in Story?"
That only Story with wings unclipped can give us the kind of reality, the kind of life experience where we can enjoy the beauty, the magic of flight – of rising above our fear and limitations – whatever they might have been – once we're ready to trust it – to dance to its syncopated rhythm, to dive into its quantum stream of pure unadulterated consciousness with a capital C.
Styopa looks intently into the palm of his hand – and something comes alight – a star is born in the firmament of his Mind... atoms near and far stir, tingling with expectation, sensing their long awaited master has returned.

"So be it Wanda. I consent."

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Breaking news: "Why I can fly" meetup groups go viral across the globe

g-nomers in action across the globe
The “Why I can fly” meetup group has now gone viral. Initially a narrow group of g-nome portal insiders – it has spread across the net like wildfire – not that I’ve ever seen wildfire spreading – but you know what I mean... All this publicity has been both exciting and yet not a little troubling for g-nome portal’s groundcrew. The spam filters are choked up with what not, and it’s a full time job for three staffers answering enquiries from individuals across the globe keen to join the latest socio-political-conscious-awareness movement. It’s like the synergy between, on the one hand, levitation and on the other hand social change and political liberation is compelling. There are all these frustrated individuals who have been looking for a way to bring about meaningful deep and lasting change – but nothing seemed to be happening – all new directions and movements ultimately seemed to lead back to Rome – the control elite and the powerfully programmed 3D mind. Until, that is, Mahatma Gandhi is raised from the dead, joining our “Why I can fly” global conscious-awareness paradigm busting matrix melting liberation movement as figurehead and policy guru.
But what made “why I can fly” the overnight phenomenon that we’re already beginning to take for granted?
Had it just been politics or social change – people would have been sceptical – “seen it all before”, “good intentions that never quite achieve the desired result” – that kind of thing. But with “Why I can fly” centre stage, taking on the system is happening at an altogether different level. We’re not taking on specific countries or political elites; we’re going way above them, right to the heart of our personal enslavement, taking on the fear factor that lies behind my enslavement as a factory hen with clipped wings. Let’s face it – you’re never going to break out of the factory farm by pecking at the bars of your cage, but once you can fly – you’ve already broken out of the primary cage, which is mental – if you know what I mean.
“Wait a second – Geoff, that’s...”
I’m sorry – you’ve got the wrong name, Geoff’s temporarily out of context.
“Oh, what’s happened? I thought he was going to be a part of tonight’s discussion.”
It’s er – Friedrich is it? From Dusseldorf?
“Yes, that’s right.”
Welcome aboard Friedrich... I’m standing in for Geoff until he returns. My name’s Sonya.
“Oh... er, my apologies Sonya, I should have noticed you’re a woman.”
It’s nothing – don’t let it trouble you. In fact, it’s entirely my fault. I’m engaged in flight training – which is why you didn’t notice.
“How so? I haven’t heard about this flight training...”
No, it’s a new development. I’ll talk you through it in a moment. In the meantime, let me answer your initial concern regarding breaking out of the primary cage. It’s mental – I said, and that seemed to bother you in some way.
“Yes, Patricia... you see I’m serious about learning to fly – I’m setting up the Dusseldorf “Why I can fly” meetup group – Tuesday evenings at 7.30 in the Brauermeister Hall, but saying it’s mental is going to bother people.”
You’re absolutely right – it’s going to push buttons and ring bells and you’ll have at least 50% of your group leaving in the first half hour, because not everyone’s ready for flight – even if they think they are.
But don’t worry about it. Even if only two or three remain – once you get the result you’re looking for – and have meetup members levitating, dematerialising partially or completely, transmorphing – we had one morphed into a squirrel last night – nearly died laughing – I actually wet myself.
“Er... I’m not sure I like the idea...”
As I said, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but the proof is in the pudding. Those who are ready to face the enemy within – they’re all of them getting amazing results. And the weird thing is how easy it is. I mean – we’d all thought it would take months of practice to move an inch off our mats... but obviously something’s changed dramatically in the last year or two – it’s just ridiculously easy, once you’re ready to be ridiculous – to reconnect with your inner child.
“Be ridiculous – you say – I’m er... not sure I know what you mean by that.”
Ok – Friedrich – if you want a good answer to your question, give me some information about yourself. Now, take a deep breath – I’m going to have to do a little magic, otherwise you’ll be too uptight. Breathe with me, in, out, nice and slow, easy does it, in, out, that’s good, one more time, in, out... that’s better – I’ve just logged in with your over-soul and got permission to assist you in taking down your own internal Berlin wall. Working with your over-soul does not violate your free will as it will never agree to anything that’s not for your highest good, and what’s more, you’re free to block this initiative if you truly wish to... so here goes. If you choose to give me the benefit of the doubt, then allow yourself to suspend your disbelief, allow yourself to tune into your over-soul, whatever that might be, and to feel your beautiful inner child – just feel its presence within. Excellent – you’re doing fine. Now, dear Friedrich, you’re in the kind of state of mind-body-soul in which you can effortlessly flow beyond your limitations – the mental issue is almost completely irrelevant to you at this moment in time – for you’re feeling what it’s like to fly. Your inner child has always been able to fly. You’ve had lots of dreams in which you flew, which were not in fact dreams, were only interpreted as dreams because they didn’t fit into your linear awareness time sequence. Now, in this place of peaceful childlike glee, and gay merriment – let yourself know what is the greatest obstacle you’ve imposed on yourself mentally – what’s been holding you down all these years? What’s the obstacle that almost made you end this conversation before you’d found out what you had called in to learn about just a few minutes earlier?
“Oh Sally, it’s ridiculous when you look at it – I’m usually terrified of what other people think of me – terrified that they won’t take me seriously – that they’ll laugh at me or think me mentally deficient in some way. I go to extraordinary lengths to make people approve of me by exceeding their expectations, leading the pack, outperforming... and yet it hasn’t made the least bit of difference – I’m still terrified that they’ll see through my exterior, notice my inadequacies, laugh at me, despise me...”
Yes Friedrich – we’re all terrified of something. We all live in fear. Me, for example, I used to be terrified that people wouldn’t remember me or my name – because I thought I was boring, unexceptional... Little did I suspect that in fact I’m a kind of chameleon. That’s my innate magic. Instead of being a weakness it’s become my strength. I literally change my colours every moment – and people I’m conversing with barely realise it – but they’re conversing with different characters that I choose to play – I can be Sally, Patricia, Sonya, and half a dozen others... Learning to fly has been so much more than just levitating – it’s brought me back to myself – it’s taught me what I could never have believed possible – about the magical being that I am. You realise, each one of us has some kind of magic – each one of us has our own unique story – and that means that the regular contours of space and time bend around us – giving us a door handle, a lever which we can start to play with just as soon as we face our fears.
“And that’s all there is to it Jennifer? Just facing our fears? It sounds so easy...”
Of course it’s so easy – it has to be child’s play – otherwise nothing would be possible. You see, complexity is what the 3D mind relies on to keep us heavy and weighty. We go the other way. We learn to dance with light in our step. We bring our fears to the fore, and play with them. That’s why some in the group will leave – they won’t be ready – but others will love it – and it turns out that reality is a cage that has never really been locked. It only seemed to be locked because our fears were so real that we push our faces up against the bars and daren’t turn around and look behind.
“And what’s behind us Maya?”
Behind us? What do you think? The drama, the Story you’ve been running from all your life, because you secretly sided with your oppressors, you secretly chose to be imprisoned and wanted to be a part of I mind/what matters – that had to be your hidden agenda – otherwise you wouldn’t be here.
“You mean that I was my own prison officer?”
I mean that you are – and fear is the only factor, the only force able to glue you to your flattened picture of what is.
“Flattened – how can you say 3D reality is flat?”
Fear flattens it. There is no ground beneath your feet. There is no empty sky overhead. In fact you’re swimming in...
“In what?”
Well, if I said it was energy soup that would be partly true. If I said you were swimming in versions of Story, neither of which told the whole truth, but all of which were competing for your attention – that too would be true up to a point, so it’s a case of enb.
“Enb? What’s that?”
Either – neither – both. Enb. Either one or the other, neither of them and both versions are true. Looks like a massive contradiction which it is, and yet it isn’t – such is the nature of isness – the truth beyond 3D reality’s flattened curve.
“So, it’s mind let go is what you’re saying... “
Yes, but actually I’m saying enb – in which all the permutations are allowed to co-exist simultaneously – because we’re multidimensional beings able to experience reality in multiple ways. As soon as the mind says “it has to be this way” – that’s where you’re stuck – that’s where your mental cage emerges...
Look – we could talk about this all night but practice is worth ten thousand words, and I’m back to being Geoff again, so let’s get on with it – let’s have a go.
“But Geoff – I can handle your character shifts now that I’ve reconnected with inner child and over soul – but normally – I’d be completely freaked out.”
Yes... The Taming of the Shrew.
“Ah – you mean we’re like Katerina?”
Precisely. It isn’t really a sexist tale about a husband domesticating his wife. It goes much deeper into g-nomickry – taking us right back to the wounded self become tyrant. Our own worst enemy, we do everything possible to perpetuate our unhappiness until we’re ready to start playing along with Petruchio’s in-sanity.
“Like when he tells her the day is night...”
And that the bearded old man is a fair maid – and she has to go along with it and kiss her.
“Ouch – I felt that was humiliating at the time.”
As indeed it was... until you reconnect with Story, and feel the laughter and the love inherent in the tale of our liberation from self-tyranny.
“And learning to fly?”
Learning to fly is perfect because it grasps the nettle by the horns, so to speak. We all become heavy and obtuse in some way – we’re all in some way in denial of our light, magical natures, so rather than beating about the bush, and never getting anywhere – let’s face the simple truth – that there is no matter whatsoever once I stop minding, and I stop minding once I join Gandhi in light hearted but deadly serious passive non-violent resistance, and observe in a matter of weeks, days or hours, the empire crumble, the laughter and gaiety return. It’s easy enough to do, particularly in a group – for the tide has already turned.
“I feel you Geoff – it all makes sense – but something inside still feels uneasy about you changing this way – I mean – are you Geoff, or Sally or who?”
Does it matter?
Well yes... or no, perhaps it doesn’t, or...
Enb – as you can see.
Feeling uneasiness, feeling even a little fear is ok. Let it be. Don’t kill the messenger. The fear or uneasiness you experience always precedes a shift in levels of conscious-awareness – so simply learn to... dot dot dot your feelings.
“Dot dot dot?”
Yep – dot3 them.
“And how does one dot3 feelings of uneasiness?
The same way we dot3 anything – with a bit of Shakespeare’s inspired madness – hey ho the wind and the rain... we can be anyone, anything, for we are truly free, whether we believe/ accept this or not. To dot3 means to recognise the limitations of I-mind/what matters, and to treat those limitations with laughter, love and respect – in the same way you’d treat your favourite pet. Never blame it for not being human. Never mock it for being a beloved beast. Accept it for what it is – and continue to be yourself. There’s no need to fear the dog will have an inferiority complex just because you walk on two legs and engage in abstract reasoning.
Friedrich gets it – completely. Like a catch is released within – a visible shift in frequency and he’s rolling with the isness of be for the first time in his life – learning to trust dot3 – borne along mid current by the quantum stream. To the untrained eye Friedrich seems to be levitating as his frequency no longer matches that of the ground he was standing on a moment earlier. The 3D mind finds this hard to accept and blanks it out, filing it away as waking dream, until we’re ready to let go of the river banks and entrust ourselves to the swirling waters of the quantum stream, and to Dorothy its fair mistress maid. Then, and only then, we realise that all our life we’ve been either-neither-bothing – even if I-mind/what matters doggedly refused to accept it – that we’ve always experienced lines of flight between one linear sequence and another.
You’ll know by now, bbgs that Friedrich has done an excellent job in Dusseldorf. He’s almost completely bonkers, but who cares? He’s having an awesome time and very few comers to their meetups fail to make significant progress from the very first session. This only goes to show that the hardest nuts are often the easiest to crack, once you apply a little loving pressure to their fault-line, all within, of course, the policy guidelines of passive non-violent resistance, under the watchful eye of the ever present, completely awesome over-soul.
So now, for the long awaited flight training module... 

Friday, March 14, 2014

In which g-nome portal's "I can fly" meetup group learns a lesson from Mahatma Gandhi

We've been practising levitation all morning in our best beloved g-nomers’ "why I can fly" meetup group. This came about directly as a result of yesterday's post in which Ezgebon the Nutty – and "Nutty" here refers to "essence of nut" as opposed to loopy – told us how the only thing keeping us from flight is I-minding/what matters. What he didn't tell us, but what we've since learned, is that there's one additional factor which he was strangely silent about.
"Why do you think that is?"
Why do I think he remained silent about Story? Perhaps because we needed to work it out for ourselves. There's nothing worse than overloading people with information.
"True, particularly if it's abstract information."
Yes, I think it's up to us really. If we're interested in changing reality we can do so. G-nome portal makes that eminently feasible. We just have to intend it, and make the effort by taking the first step. Story will meet us half way and take care of its side of the bargain.
"But how can Story do anything?"
It seems to be a kind of conscious force that enables us to shift narrative. 
"So why is it relevant to levitation?"
Because we've been locked in a story – a version of Story – in which we couldn't fly – and that version of Story has power over us – defining the boundaries of this reality until we choose to embrace Story and thus leap o'er them.
"And how, pray tell, does one "embrace Story" as you put it?"
By playing, by make believe, by treating this as an adventure in which anything is possible, in which only our wilful adherence to limitation made limitation a limiting factor. For there are and can be no limitations/ there is and can be no limitation, just as soon as we're willing to embrace Story, and stop hiding behind our version of Story that we call "objective reality" or worse still "the truth", as if that is something over and above the isness of Be.
"You're not going to say there's no such thing as objective reality? or that the truth doesn't exist? That would be absurd."
Correct. It would be, it is absurd which is a fair indication that it serves our purpose admirably, for only by embracing the "absurd" can we leap o'er the bounds of the rational mind's sanitary zone that we refer to as "objective" or 3D reality.
"But that would just be leaping into madness, into delusion."
Wrong – that would be leaping from madness and delusion which is where we are now. 
"But there's no guarantee you'd be leaping into something more sane or less mad."
Whoever talked about leaping into something "more sane" or "less mad"? We're planning to leap into Story which can be as absurd, as mad, as seemingly insane as it likes, just as long as it's for Real with a capital R, just as long as it adds up mathematically.
"But how can it? To add up mathematically it would have to be logical and rational."
To add up using your system of mathematics – you're right. But Story uses the mathematics of Is, the mathematics of Creation, of life itself – in which 0=1 and nothing else matters.
"Well if that's what you call mathematics then I see what you mean. Cuckoo la la."
Cuckoo la la.
"But I don't see any guarantee that you won't just be leaping out of the frying pan into the fire."
And what of it? If Story has no fixed points of reference – leaping into the fire I simply transmorph and now I'm a salamander, until I leap from the fire into the ocean, by which time I'm a fish...
"Well, it sounds fascinating, but how's that going to help us levitate? Are we going to have to practise self-immolation to make any headway? I think I'd rather not."
No, you're just going to have to face the limitations of your sanity, and your fear of what lies beyond – for as long as you're secretly terrified of being insane or going insane – that becomes the defining moment, the limiting factor in your quest.
"Oh... I rather thought gravity was the defining moment and material reality the limiting factor."
Which is precisely how I-mind/what matters is supposed to work. It always attaches importance to the immaterial – to matter itself – as opposed to that which is – your fear or your beliefs.
"Well surely matter is more material than beliefs or fear!"
Only within 3D material reality – but within 3D material reality you’re by definition unable to fly – so stop defining yourself in terms of 3D material reality! This is possible when you become aware that I-mind/what matters is the agent of 3D material reality embedded within your conscious-awareness. It isn’t the enemy as such – it simply assists you in being here as opposed to anywhere else in the vast continuum of consciousness by helping you think in a certain way. All is done in accordance with your own free will, and fear is the glue.
"So I just need to go out of my mind – doesn't sound too good does it? I mean, do we really want to risk damaging this mind beyond repair?"
Certainly not – which is why we never apply force. Cuckoo la la is child's play – passive non-violent reistance to the tyranny of 3D's I-mind/what matters. We apply Gandhi's methodology to the field of conscious-awareness and discover that the only safe and meaningful way to bring down the regime of limited awareness is by passive non-violent resistance. Passive resistance simply involves withdrawing my collaboration from a system of conscious-awareness that I can no longer condone – for I see it is based on fraud and deception; that it perpetuates an illusion that neither serves my happiness nor that of humanity as a whole.
"And you honestly believe you can apply Gandhi's methods to the vast, all encompassing field of conscious-awareness."
Yes, the universe is fractal, so what works at one level can always by applied at another with the same, or to similar effect. Cuckoo la la – there's no way that material reality can withstand a concerted, peaceful, loving form of passive resistance to its outdated model of tyranny over humanity. Cuckoo la la – we have nothing to fear for we are One with all that is, playing magically, knowing that nothing can prevent us from being free. Story itself guarantees that we cannot fail in our quest, just as long as we confront our base fears. The “dark side” could only exploit and control reality as long as we were afraid not only to confront our fears, but even to acknowledge they existed for fear that we would then be compelled to confront them. Well, there is nothing to fear but fear of fear to the nth degree, and as soon as we're willing to accept that every problem, limitation, obstacle and "evil" in 3D reality is no more than a derivative of fearn then we're ready to fly.
"But how can you say every evil is just the product of my fear to the nth degree."
Because I know that matter only matters as long as I'm afraid it might not. And this is my secret fear.
"Please explain."
If I'm secretly afraid that this is all an illusion, a dream, and that matter might not, in fact matter in the slightest,  or might not be real – that fear might drive me ever onwards into wilful blindness and collusion with the I-mind/what matters virtual reality machine. The moment I'm willing to confront my fears I realise that no thing has power over me, no thing can be fundamentally evil or limiting unless I choose to make it so, and that an unconscious choice born from fear is no less a freewill choice than a conscious one. The only thing I need do, and the only way to unmake that choice is to become aware of it – by confronting the dark shadow, the shadow of my fear. This I choose to do in the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi by passive non-violent resistance in which I choose no more to collude with the state of fear within me. I choose instead to allow Story to work its magic, and watch as the mountain comes skipping and dancing to Mohammed. 
"Er... that sounds improbable to say the least..."
Yes, as it should do, being highly improbably but no less True. Look, if you're ready to fly then all you need do is face your fear of flying – the fear that you should not, must not, cannot fly, for fear that doing so, you’d collapse the bubble of material reality. There is nothing to it... simply follow the path of “in sanity” as opposed to the insanity you are presently following. Be in sanity, and trust that Reality is not in fact the monster you secretly believe it to be. Trust that Is is in a way that the what not of matter never can be. Let it be. Let it be. Let it be.
“So practically speaking what must I do?”
Practically speaking there’s nothing you need do. You’re already flying, already able to fly – you’re simply as yet unaware of this. Should you wish to become aware how you presently fly in the greater Reality, beyond the what not of 3D objective reality, you simply need to allow your awareness to expand beyond the shadow of your fears. Nothing is required of this but laughter, games, and the childlike naughtiness of a Mahatma who chooses to base his actions on Reason as opposed to reason, on Reality as opposed to reality, and thus he acts accordingly, bringing down the evil empire with childlike glee.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Why we can fly - in which Sigmund and Ezgebon find that gravity matters not

By now we’ve spent enough time talking about “what matters” for the penny to have dropped. Please don’t feel embarrassed or slow on the uptake if you’re still blissfully unaware of what “matter” amounts to. This is not a race and each of us learns at whatever speed or rate of return is most appropriate. High risk investments get a better rate of return, the hare runs ahead of the tortoise, figuratively speaking, but there’s a reasonable chance they may crash leaving you with nothing.
But for those of you who have felt a kind of itchy-scratchy sensation that led to awareness of something you’ve never felt before – either that means that it’s time for you to get your handkerchief ready as you’re about to sneeze, or that you’ve arrived at the heart of matter.
“The heart of matter?” Let’s insert a gloriously rhetorical “oooh!” and “aaah!” as, simultaneously, members of our studio audience express their surprise, wonder, confusion and concern... We try to keep the audience a mixed bunch so there’s always a broad range of reasons for any given involuntary response.
One more time, for additional rhetorical effect, all together now: “The heart of matter?” and already the still nebulous “what on earth’s that?” is condensing in our minds.
Interesting, isn’t it, the use of the expression “what on earth?” given the subject under discussion. For indeed, “what on earth” could well be described as the heart of matter! at least, for those of us currently inhabiting this fair planet. For g-nomers on other planets, and there are many out there so let’s not be too parochial in outlook, it might as well be “what on Zarkon is that?” or “What on Jemerol?” But the overall message is the same – that for each of us, the planet does indeed seem to be the “heart of matter”, and all of us find ourselves attached to its surface by a little understood force known as “gravity”.
Now, gravity, as you’re well aware, is explained by science as “a force pulling together all matter. The more the matter, the greater the force...” rather unsurprisingly. My mind starts to grapple with something strange in all this – something I’ve always previously taken for granted: “So, let me get this straight: you’re telling me that the force that keeps me stuck to this planet and so assiduously prevents me from flying to another is merely the result of Earth being er... a more massive body that just happens to attract me a much smaller body, merely by virtue of its massiveness? and I’m powerless to do anything about it?” Somehow this doesn’t quite pass the smell test. I’ve spent enough time at g-nome to suspect this truth ain’t the whole truth.
The 3D scientist hears my question but doesn’t like the word “powerless”, so he prefers not to give a straight answer. He prevaricates and squirms a little sideways... “You can do something about it” he replies “if you use power to overcome the effects of gravity – lots of power – a rocket load of power burning oodles and oodles of rocket fuel and making a fearful din.” Well, I don’t know about you, best beloved g-nomers [bbgs] but I don’t much like the idea of using such noisome, shuddering, shaking and violent means to escape the earth’s gravitational field. I rather feel, in a quietly confident, peaceful and unaccountably certain sort of way, that there must be an alternative. And yet what? Proverbially speaking, I scratch my head, and apply the quantum computing power of g-nome portal’s “tis no matter” collective Mind.
“Tis no matter?!” the very name of the quantum computer system that keeps g-nome portal at the cutting edge of conscious-awareness – could it be? Surely not? It couldn’t be that simple....?”
What? What? ...another part of my mind is desperately trying to work out what the brightest kid in class saw long ago.
We are a collective – this is, after all, the quantum mind, so there is no “first” or “last” – that’s what our team trainer and oneness therapist tells us constantly – and yet... I always seem to be the last to get it.
“Tis no matter” Ezgebon the Nutty (but extremely brainy) patiently explains... “Surely this indicates that matter is itself the product of 3D mind, rather than existing independently.”
No!? How could that be? Surely matter is matter, regardless of my mind? 
“You’d think so, in your right mind,” assists Ezgebon, “but in actual fact, it turns out that mind itself is what makes things matter – simply by minding what matters. That’s why we here at g-nome so persistently refer to 3D mind as “I-mind/what matters”.
Well, I know that’s what we call 3D mind, but isn’t this taking it a bit far, saying that the mind itself creates matter? I mean – surely something is something regardless of what my mind thinks?
“Again, that’s what you’ve been trained to believe, and it’s absolutely true as long as you’re operating within 3D reality, but just as soon as you move beyond 3D it cannot any longer be true.”
Whyever not?
“Because in order to move beyond 3D mind you simply have to leave behind/ evolve beyond I-mind/what matters. Doing so you find yourself in another mindscape, and that means a wholly different reality.”
And what? You’re saying that beyond 3D reality matter no longer matters? That gravity no longer applies? That you can fly around like bees?
“Well, yes Sigmund, you know we can. How else do you think we’re able to beetle around. We don’t just fly inside the beetle as a pilot in the plane: at a certain point we physically become the beetle – something that would be impossible in 3D reality. We transmorph.”
Well, obviously, but that’s just a kind of magic isn’t it?
“Yes, Sigmund, that’s one way of putting it, but in actual fact it ain’t magic at all, it’s scientific fact. We’re able to beetle around and escape the gravitational pull of Earth and even escape our human form, which is also a body, simply because we’re no longer trapped within and bound by the logic of I-mind/what matters... “
So, if that’s true, Ezgebon, I should be able to levitate just like that? Without even using the beetle template.
“Should, of course. What’s stopping you?”
Well, I’ve never really tried. I always assumed it was impossible.
“There you go. Just accept the obvious – in order for you to be here in g-nome portal you already had to escape the Earth’s gravitational pull.”
But g-nome portal isn’t floating in space above Earth... It doesn’t need a rocket to get here.
“Actually, it’s in various places at once – a bit like our thoughts or internet data. Part of g-nome portal is within the Earth, or whichever planet the operative originates from. Another part of it is at the galactic centre – in the massive black hole... and just think how much power would be required to escape from that if we were using conventional physics and rocketry.”
Ok, Ezgebon – let’s not get carried away here. One step at a time. The bottom line, you’re saying, is that matter only matters, and gravity only holds us down, as long as we’re locked in the 3D mind.
“That’s about right – but I’d add one thing. You see, gravity isn’t exactly what scientists currently describe it as. Instead of focussing exclusively on the force holding you down, you should think more in terms of gravity being a sandwich, like a pair of hands, holding you in position. That’s why it’s so effective. People, without realising it, are terrified of being released and falling off, flying uncontrollably into infinity. This fear is, in fact, the force that keeps you overwhelmingly grounded, as opposed to gravity itself. Gravity is just the natural inertia within a system that means that things tend to get cosy together and prefer to stay together until a greater force, impulse or desire separates them and leads to a new configuration, a new pairing – but always, always, there will be a new gravity sooner or later – the raindrop will always find a new surface to attach to, even if that surface be the ocean or an iceberg floating on it.”
So, if that’s the case, if gravity’s more a form of mild inertia, and in fact it’s the fear of the unknown, the fear of the infinite that keeps me heavily weighted down, then I simply need to confront my fear to unweigh myself – to come closer to my natural weightlessness.
“Yep, that’s right Sigmund, but remember, you’re never going to unattach from the gravitational sandwich simply by dealing with fear alone, the negative. You also need the positive: the impulse, the desire to go somewhere, see something, participate in another level of awareness. Once you’ve allowed this impulse to grow – it stretches its wings, and without you knowing how, you’re airborn and never look back. You’re flying without the foggiest how, but that doesn’t matter  – for the experience is everything and it’s just like learning to swim or ride a bike – all of a sudden you click, as if you’ve always known how.”
Ok, that’s been helpful Ezgebon. I appreciate your mathematical assistance. What do we need to tell our sceptical g-nomers who are just starting out – who imagine this is just a hypothetical discussion and not absolutely for real?
“Tell them nothing.”
Oh come on Ezgebon – that’s being defeatist.
“No it’s not. I have absolute faith in each of them. All of them are butterflies in the making, but until they’ve gorged themselves on 3D reality they won’t be ready to chrysalise and grow wings. The trouble is, some of them are afraid to gorge themselves on 3D reality, preferring to turn the tap to the merest trickle in the fear that the barrel might run dry before they are complete. They need to trust reality – that it’ll last just long enough for them to evolve, to outgrow it – not a moment longer. At that point when they can drink no more, they’ll pupate and then, before you know it, the butterfly miraculously emerges, glorious painted, huge, completely impractical wings, and a new world, a new reality opens before them, with a mind to match.”
But maybe just a few hints?
“Look Sigmund – you think you’re trying to help but actually you’re treating them without the respect they deserve. Each person, each one of us, is equally enlightened in his own time, at his own pace. We have to learn it for ourselves. We have to go with our own life-journey. There’s more to life than “learning to fly”. If your beginner g-nomers are inspired by their interactive experiences here, they’ll simply start becoming more aware of what lies beyond I-mind/what matters; they’ll start asking their own questions, doing their own research, and before too long they’ll bump into Master Wu who’ll help give them a firm grounding in the tree of consciousness. Everything else happens as naturally as blossom turning into a seed, falling to the ground and an acorn sprouting into a new oak. Why rush the process? Why not enjoy each step of the way – for life itself is the beautiful wondrous mystery, that is here for the living, not to be forced, overcome, quenched or quelled.”
Ok Ezgebon, I’ll say nothing. I won’t even share this conversation with them.

“Very wise,” said Ezgebon as he dematerialises before Sigmund, and somewhere on the other side of the universe, a wood beetle emerges from a dank tree trunk, eager to go and find some tasty grubs.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Neither here nor there - a breath of fresh air

Best beloved g-nomers [bbgs], it's time we took a break from all this heavy, serious interdimensional what have you, and revert to good old Shakespearian Tom foolery. There's only so much "saving the universe" that can be endured between meals - and it's vital for our sense of well-being that we take regular exercise and rediscover our natural, innate joie de vivre. How else are we going to achieve the impossible? How else are we to join the dots and reconnect with g-nome portal? It can't be done by grunting or trying terribly hard in a pained and serious way, with oversized helpings of anglo-saxon zeal and conscientiousness. No, no, no... absurd though it may sound, it has to be done gaily, joyfully, merrily, merrily, merrily, for life is but a dream, as the nursery rhyme instructs.

Now please don't assume I'm not being serious. That's the last thing I'd want you to think. On the contrary... I'm being deadly serious - knowing as I do that not only my health, but the health of reality depends upon it for the two appear to be connected. How can I help heal the world if I haven't the time or inclination to heal myself? So, once again, I adumbrate, deadly serious about that most ticklish of subjects - happiness, which is why I'd like you to consider for a moment the state of your heart.

"Why, why?" you start in wonder, nearly panicking at this sudden reversal of roles. How comfortable we grow in the auditorium, sitting in the shadows observing... participating vicariously. But the time has come to shake you from this false sense of complacency, dear bbgs - for Story is nothing without you - and reality is doomed until you agree to take your rightful place at the ship's helm and steer it through the straits of back seatism and passivity - back onto the high seas of life for the living.

So the title of this lecture, or cozy fireside chat, is just that - "life for the living". Some will undoubtedly find fault with this title, pointing out that life could hardly be for the unliving, and yet, if you look around you and ask whether life is truly being lived in accordance with this principle, you will almost certainly agree that our attachment to routine and regulations and I wanted another r word but couldn't think of one - ropes - our attachment to ropes is hardly leading us to swing freely through the jungle canopy of life.

"But I'm just a reader" I often hear, "just one of many bbgs - how can I make a difference?" I kid you not. This kind of thought goes the rounds of g-nome portal's reading rooms on a daily basis, and yet here we are at the cutting edge of consciousness, or perhaps we could change that to "at the coal face of consciousness" which also sounds nice - in any case - here we are and here we stand - united in a common cause - the only truly serious common cause - the only one that can truly change the world in a Jeffersonian way - the pursuit of happiness.

"And what of it?" I hear the naysayers neighing.
I've always found the best way to answer a question is with another - so here goes:
"What of what?"
Now the naysayers hate being out questioned and feel honour bound to continue:
"What of it?" as if an italicised "it" is meant to mean something special to me.
I'm of the camp that believes retreat is the best form of attack, so like Kutuzov fleeing from Napoleon's army, I hasten back from those who don't believe the pursuit of happiness to be paramount, and take sanctuary in the magic realm of Faery.

Welcome one and all. Feel free to join me in this enchanted isle - and I say "in this isle" as opposed to "on this isle" quite intentionally, though I know not why. Here, all are welcome to rest from the trials and tribulations of life, to rediscover the magical inner child, without whom our life turns into a parody of Alice in Wonderland - a mental institution for the insanely sane.

Once again I invite you bbgs, one and all, to come back to the only place worth being right now - the heart. Please give your mind a break. Time out... and imagine your over-exerted mind is a beloved pet, a cat or a dog: look into its eyes lovingly, sincerely, tell it you love it, stroke it gently, soothing it with your voice and with the love emanating from your heart. In a moment or two the mind is quite at peace, at ease, and we can proceed to the heart.

g-nomic artwork by one of our bbgs
So here we are best beloved g-nomers, at the gateway to all that is I Am. Here we are at the centre of your being. Here we are at the one place where we can heal ourself and the world simply by letting go of anger, fear and hate, and allowing ourself to realign with what truly matters - the light, the light, the light.

Now, because this is g-nome portal you are, of course, being assisted in this endeavour by a curious motley crowd of interdimensional medical personnel, warriors, lawyers, plumbers and engineers - oh the fun you'll have when you finally open your third eye fully and see the curious faces and forms of the gnomiki and their extended family - let me just assure you that our portal has the kind of protocols in place that ensure only those who truly wish to serve the highest good can participate. As you already know - we are an equal opportunity employer so trolls and other "baduns" are also welcome to join and assist as long as they accede to our beneficient protocols.
Even goblins can be good guys at g-nome portal 0=1

So even as I speak, even as we hold this moment of loving, peaceful silence and oneness together, around us dance and play the faery folk of g-nome - and help you bbgs to reconnect with inner-child, to reconnect with your life's sacred purpose, with your deepest dreams, your highest aims and desires, and once again you feel the life pulse beating in your veins, once again you feel the pranic breath of Is filling your lungs, your heart, your mind with its golden light - and all is well - I assure you - all is well.

It is time for me to say good night! There is a time for writing, and a time for sleeping, a time for thinking and a time for... cuckoo la la. Let us agree to use this portal to open up a shared magic space where we can rediscover how to Be magically more than we think we are - to reclaim the lost and forgotten territory of our... dare I say it... isness - all that is and all that I am.

In laughter and in joy
Cuckoo la la
I be Merry