Zero hits?
But that’s absurd.
I know.
Maybe they’ve been shadow banning
Maybe, but why? I’ve not been
talking politics. I never said anything controversial.
Nothing controversial?! Are you
kidding me?
Well you can hardly call infinity
drive controversial, can you? I mean, as far as 99.98% of the readership are
concerned it’s just some kind of sci-fi gimmick.
That’s neither here nor there
What do you mean.
The proof is in the pudding, not
in what people think.
Well, if no one’s eating the
pudding what difference does it make?
No one? How on earth do you think
infinity drive works?
Not entirely sure I can answer
that question, eM.
Well, I’ll give you a clue.
Go on then.
It ain’t limited to the matrix.
The matrix, eM, is just a movie.
Is that so, Zanussi? Well, call it
what you like – I’m referring to the part of reality that is controlled by the things-matter
protocol, which excludes any manifestations of in-finity.
Ok, so I’m just supposed to take
it on trust that there’s another reality where things are not censored or
micro-managed by an all-seeing algorithm, where I’m getting millions of hits?
You can take it however you like. The
proof is, as I keep saying, in the pudding. Unless Infinity-drive© is up and
running you’d be hard pressed to survive 5 minutes in the world today.
I beg your pardon!! 5 minutes? What’s
so bad about the world today?
Nothing, but you activated your Casimir
To do that you had to lose your 3D
I did?
Yep. You can’t have your cake and
eat it.
Er... ok. And what?
You really don’t get it, do you?
Not really, no.
Until you activated your Casimir
plates you were still attached to one side, like an umbilical cord. You were
still feeding at the teat of 3Dality.
And now?
Well, you’re now in phase two.
Phase two? What the heck is that?
Eh hem!
(Polite beep)
Oh, hi Beep. How gentle you have
Thanks. I
do my best.
Very touching guys. Can we
Sure. Where were we?
Phase two. You’re building up
charge, and slowly assembling your very own infinity drive©, naturally, without
being attached to any thing in particular.
So, the matrix has nullified you
as you’re no longer part of it, and it can no longer feed on your LFE.
eM, you know I suck with acronyms.
Cut me some slack, if you don’t mind.
(Sigh) Life force energy. As long as you
were tethered you both received, and contributed materially.
Well yes. You received data and sustenance
while it, the matrix, got to tap all your surplus LFE. That’s how it sustains
itself. No such thing as a free lunch.
How do I sustain myself now?
Directly from source. From
in-finity itself.
Ok, herself.
Look Zanzibar, I think you get the
message. Quit splitting hairs.
Ok, message received. But I don’t see how it works.
Correct. You’re just beginning,
like an infant mewling and puking, barely able to do anything, but the Casimir
plates didn’t reject your application for quantum asylum, so here you are, with
zero hits to your credit, but already surviving outside the matrix, generating
your own flow of isness.
Oh. But how am I going to survive
if my feed has been cut off? You didn’t explain.
How indeed, Zanussi! From a 3d
perspective you don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell.
Oh great. I’m freakin doomed!
But setting aside all that 3d-ology
nothing could be simpler.
Well, not exactly, not when you
consider the problem people seem to have with real simplicity.
Real simplicity?
Yep. Nothing could be simpler
– it's not just an attempt to encourage you, you know.
It’s the absolute. The simplicity
which can take you to the stars and back. The operating level which precedes or
supersedes things.
Which is immensely powerful. Which
can do anything or be anywhere – can
even slice through Time like a hot knife through...
Yes, why not.
Ok, I get you. So how, then, do I use
“nothing could be simpler”?
How, in deed.
Well, yes eM, how indeed?
In deed.
Oh... like doing?
Kind of actions speak louder
than words?
Indeed. There are no rules as such;
no mechanism neither.
Er... no rules, no mechanism. Some
kind of login perhaps, or perhaps a mantra to zone into the right state of mind?
Nope. Literally nothing
I’m doomed!
Except your life force itself.
Yep. Because your life-force likes
nothing better than in-finity.
It does?
In fact, it was basically your
life force that made the decision, that helped you take the plunge, throw
caution to the winds and engage what’s eventually going to become infinity
My very own i-drive.
If I succeed.
Well yes, Zanussi, let’s not count
one’s chickens before they hatch.
But how does it actually work?
Setting up shop in so-called infinity.
You might as well be asking me
“what is simplicity?”
Ok. What, if it’s not too much
trouble eM, is simplicity?
No trouble at all. It’s the
The constant? Like the
speed of light or gravity?
No, they’re not in fact constants.
Can’t be.
Er... That's not what I was told.
Naturally! What do you expect? You
were told things, and things, even light or gravity, are just
approximations, as 3d reality constantly
makes minor deviations to left and right weaving in complexity to make
things matter, to en-thing.
Oh, so things are by definition
That’s right.
And to what end?
To average out the opposing values
and create the appearance of balance, of a problem solved – apparently eliminating
fundamental paradox.
Er... nice, I guess. Mission
accomplished, yes?
Up to a point. Until, that is, you
have to delve a little deeper, or until the simple truth starts poking out
through the frayed weave of an imperfect tweed.
Then, well, all hell can and does
from time to time break loose. It was, after all, merely a temporary fix
utilising the unexacting patchwork of facile complexity.
Well, if you say so eM, but if
these minor deviations are good enough for most people most the time, perhaps
you’re being somewhat pedantic.
If the speed of light or gravity
are as good as constants, why complicate things?
Oh, the irony, Zanzi-bar. I’m
almost lost for words.
You are?
When you can actually choose
between simplicity itself, the constant, or these patchwork interlopers which
cannot ever quite hold steady or true, deviating like time itself in order to
conceal their basic lack of verity.
But these are, presumably, very
minor deviations?
Almost imperceptible.
Much ado about nothing, if you ask
It’s not always the quantity that
matters Zanussi... Let’s not overlook the quality.
If you say so, eM. Perhaps they
are too digital for your liking? Precise, calculated deviations, perhaps?
No Zanz. At the nano or quantum
level it’s not like the aggregate you experience in 3d-ality.
It’s slightly nervous, fussy
deviations which are somewhat aggravating if you take them, or yourself, too
And if I don’t?
Then a source of endless puzzlement
or stimulation. You see, 3d reality didn’t just happen by chance. It’s a very
powerful tool that can and does generate...
Sounds just
beyond the range of rhyme or reason.
The sounds
repeat a little closer, but still just beyond ken.
No good, eM.
Um, Zanz, for want of a
better word, be that tones, content, matter or frequencies. All this will make
sense only when your i-drive is up and humming. Then you’ll see 3d-ality as a potential
goldmine, if you can separate the useless slag and do a spot of alchemistry.
So you mean we evolve to become 3d
Partly, but not exactly. It’s like
basic hygiene. You have to spend a certain amount of time cleaning and caring
for your body, don’t you?
Ye-es. But what’s that gotta do
with data mining?
Well, it’s possible to consider 3d
reality, in a manner of speaking, your whole body.
My what?!
Well, is it so strange? You grew within
and eventually popped out of 3d. You’re like the intelligence that emerged from
within a physical body as a newborn becomes a child. At first there was just
awareness, but then your I capitalised and you became self-aware. A large part
of you emotionally, psychologically and even chemically still remains in 3d
data sets, so there’s your body. An entire reality.
Well, this is the next step.
It is? I thought this was the
final step when i leave behind 3d and head to in-finity...
and beyond! The final step? Well,
it could well be your final step if you fail to hold your own between
Casimir east and west. If it proves too much.
But if i do?
If you do, you’ll find that
simplicity itself is deeper, far deeper, and more all encompassing than you
could possibly imagine, and that your 3d origins are a vital part of establishing
the next iteration, grist for the mill. But thinking things as you’re
doing, almost guarantees you’re going to take your eye off the ball.
Er... which ball is that?
The ball that can’t be fixed or
defined as such.
As in having a ball, living the
moment, allowing yourself to re-engage in-finity drive, no matter how, no
matter what.
Wait a second. Did I hear that
Did you say re-engage?
No, i...
Wait a sec, i need to check the
transcript. Damn you eM, you did! What the heck’s going on?
Eh hem!
He lied to me, Beep! I have a constitutional right to “heck”
him for that.
Er... (Embarassed
shrug) Objection upheld.
I didn’t actually lie, Zanzi.
Yes you did.
Not technically.
What do you mean “not technically”? You denied saying
something you just said. We have the transcript as proof.
It would have been a lie in 3d, i admit, but here between
Casimir north and south it isn’t, is it... Not when
North and south. I thought it was East and West?
sound. Long story. Not
today, Zanz.
Not today? If you say so, but don’t imagine you can
wriggle off the hook so easily. Even Beep admits you lied.
Well, Beep’s interpretation of the law and mine do differ
somewhat, not that I don’t respect his position, but still, there’s a perfectly
simple explanation if you quit puffing yourself up with righteous indignation
and consider the simple truth, that passeth all understanding.
Confound you, eM.
Which is not quite the same as the truth of things, which
you’re so attached to.
No, not at all, for again i tell you somewhat biblically,
verily, the simple truth precedes or supersedes all things, even things such as
“yes” and “no”.
And my “no”, which you take umbrage at, is no different.
Between the lines, in the boundless realm of simplicity itself there was no
deception whatsoever, for how could there be once you no longer deny your
conscious-ness, which by definition sees through all subterfuge, which cannot
be limited to the world of things, which knows without knowing how.
As for the word itself, the upstart – that little “no” –
have you ever considered that it ain’t, cannot in fact, be completely abstract
or neutral? or just a word.
How could it be if it’s part of 3d reality which always,
by definition, takes sides. Has to. Which uses words to entrain and hoodwink
It’s actually a thing like any other.
And? It can hardly help being a thing, can it?
No, I’m not finding fault with it, perish the thought. It
is what it is, neither more nor less.
Then what?
I’m pointing out that as a thing with a certain
bias or inbred distortion, it cannot help being a step or two removed from the
simple truth. It cannot help containing, as all other things do and must, the
same basic paradox or contradiction, and thus it contains the seeds of its own destruction.
Time’s inverse correlation to conscious-ness unstitches every attempt to fix
things. Eventually words and things are their own undoing, destroyed from
within by the unresolved paradox, coming apart at the seams, releasing that
which they strived to contain, while in-finity looks on serenely, delighted and
nonplussed by the machinations of matter.
Pathetic, eM. You’re clever, perhaps. Too clever by ‘alf,
but none of this alters the fact that you lied, that I can’t trust you. Sad.
But how could i lie between the Casimir plates?
Huh? Whaddya mean?
Well, if I actually lied as you’re saying i’d be flung out
of equilibrium, crashing against one of the plates, wouldn’t i?
I don’t know eM. I’m new to all this. It might be true. I
can’t say. But why do it?
Do what?
Try to deceive me.
Did i deceive you?
No, but you tried to.
Did i?
Well yes, you lied.
Were you deceived?
Why not?
I... i guess i remembered.
You remembered?
Well, i went back and checked the transcript.
What transcript.
Er... the transcript. I checked it, didn’t i?
Yes, where is it?
I don’t know. I can’t see it now.
Ah! But you saw it a minute or two ago?
You’re sure about that?
I think i am.
Wait a minute... you’re not sure? You’re accusing me of
lying, and you’re not even sure.
No, no, I’m sure. I saw it, clear as day. I know what I’m
Good. Things are progressing nicely, aren’t they. You’re
experiencing things that don’t apparently add up. It’s a start.
I... i suppose so. Or else I’m simply losing it.
No, not exactly. But how am I to preserve my sanity if
reality is no longer time-stamped or monolithic?
No one knows. You’ll do what it takes, but in the end,
when experiencing simplicity itself you’re more likely to feel delight and joy.
How was a baby ever going to survive outside its mother’s womb? It was almost
inconceivable at the time. It seemed hopeless.
But babies nearly all survive.
Do they?
Don’t be so sure. There are plenty of babies that fail to
make it. Their body might live on with a kind of consciousness, but a pale
shadow of the wondrous child who was attempting to penetrate into 3d reality.
The spirit child fails to make it and the matrix substitutes a caretaker.
Yes, rather sobering.
But tell me eM, is it true?
Is what true?
You know perfectly well what I’m referring to.
No Zanussi, i don’t.
There, you’re lying again, clear as day!
I am?
Yes, i can see your – i dunno what it’s called?
My awareness?
Yes, that’s it. It’s here and there too, where we were
when you said “re-activate infinity drive”.
Ah, this is very good, Zanzibar. Here and there.
Conscious-ness is unbeatable, isn’t it! And how does it feel to be seeing “here”
and “there” simultaneously?
Normal, i guess.
Good, in fact. It feels good.
Can we savour the unanswered question, Zanz, waiting for
it to reveal its simple truth? Do you need to know more than you know at this
given moment?
No, i don’t. That would be taking my eye off the ball.
Indeed. So what are you going to do with yourself Zanzibar?
How are you going to survive in the world without your demon keepers.
Demon keepers?! Surely not demons! You’re scaring me, eM.
Archons, demons, the Borg, AI...
That too. All very serviceable words Zanzibar, but let’s
not dwell too much on semantics, or we’ll be back where we started.
How am i going to survive?
Well, methinks...
You think?
No... Well, i meant to say.
Something has turned around. Shifted infinitesimally but,
somehow, completely.
I don’t know, but they’re actually helping me, aren’t
they? Them evil blighters.
Zero hits! Give me a break. They used to be subtle. It’s
a joke. My Casimir transition affects the whole of humanity, does it not! I’ve
never been closer to knowing, never more connected. An island? I think not!
Ask not for whom the bell tolls...
Indeed. It’s my bell and I’m damn well gonna ring it.
They can bitch slap me all they like. It’ll just make me
In fact, i can see them now.
You can?
Kind of, or feel them: fuming, hissy-fitting, wanting
revenge for disrupting their neat little set up, the cow that kept on giving.
Mixing your idioms... yes, i see what you mean Zanzi.
I mean, I can actually feel the edge of 3d, thanks to
them overplaying things. And i can shift my attention to the other side, to
in-finity if they try too hard to control the narrative distorting things here.
You can indeed.
Did they think I’d throw in the towel?
They don’t really think, Zan, do they.
No? i thought they were devilishly cunning.
Oh, they’re cunning alright, up to a point. But no, they’re not able to think.
Then how come...
Once you exit 3d they lose all physical control of you.
Once you finally call their bluff, definitively.
So I’m free?
Ye-es, so to speak, but there’s always something else,
isn’t there.
Like what?
Ultimately it wasn’t about them, was it. They were just
part of the system, weren’t they. They had no absolute power or agency, did
they. Only while they had your undivided attention back there in 3d.
Then what’s the problem, eM?
No problem. Just new lessons to be learnt. New levels of
simplicity to be embraced, harnessed, activated.
The ball is now in your court. You now become your
greatest enemy or your greatest friend.
All your programming.
And all your emotional baggage.
And what about it?
It’s going to do the work of the demons.
It is?
Absolutely. It’s going to do everything imaginable, and a
little more, to keep you from simplicity itself. To draw you out of Casimir
central, into a new self-created phantom 3d-ality where you could rot for all
eternity if you fail to really engage infinity in a meaningful way.
Oh. So it’s out of the frying pan into the fire?
More or less.
I’m doomed. I’ll never be able to defeat myself.
Yes. You’ll never be able to defeat yourself.
You see?
Kind of.
It cannot be a battle to eliminate every last vestige of imperfection,
can it. You can’t just cancel paradox.
No, i guess not.
Ok, I’m not guessing. You’re right. I know it. But
I don’t know how i know.
It’s not a battle, though it may seem like one at times.
More an epic journey, a tale...
told by an idiot full of sound and fury
signifying nothing
Unless zero equals one, in which case...
all bets are off!
You decide.
silence shakes the firmament to its very foundation.
In the beginning was the word, but now, at the end, , we are left with everything the word has given us: every expression of life and thought, without exception,
and the void that never went away,
that silently looked on with utter dispassion or, perhaps, bemused bewilderment, the void
into which all things silently dissolve without trace, like summer snows into scorching sand, as time waltzes off in the fleshy arms of a voluptuous cognitive dissonance;
shrugs as only the void can, reactivates, i won’t say “itself”... logically impossibly, and yet in-finity takes no prisoners, cranking out a long lost melody that sings to the sleeping i am, making short shrift of all that was, all that could not be, before sauntering out into the yard, i kid you not, for a smoke, or two, or
unless stated otherwise
Zero points for that
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