So g-nomeportal isn’t, primarily,
a club for interdimensional movers and shakers.
Then what exactly is it – or are
you not at liberty to say?
I can say anything I like, you
know, but the problem is that almost anything I say of any significance will
fly either straight past your head, or straight through it, faster than you’re
able to comprehend what you’ve just utterly failed to grasp.
Bacause you think I’m dumb?
Because, ok – look who’s the dumb
Like I said – no one’s accusing
you of being dumb.
~Then what?
Nice wiggle.
It’s just another typo.
Curios, isn’t it – the nimber of
typos we encounter when we start talking about g-nomeportal’s ins and outs.
Curious indeed. Do you think we’re
being lskaj?
Iskaj-ed? No, I expect it’s just pure
coincidence, though who knows.
So, you can say anything you like,
just so long as you don’t start talking about the fundamentals of who or what
g-nomeportal is or is not – is that right?
Yep. Who or what – interesting –
you think there might be a “who” involved?
I can’t exclude the possibility,
can I?
True, but I never really thought
of her as a “who”.
G-nomeportal. But be she it, he or
hey – I was going to say that…
Hush – did you hear that?
The wolves howling?
Those are wolves.
Wolverines? What the heck are wolverines?
Oh – fierce little creatures.
That howl?
Well no, not exactly.
Then – you’ve lost me again.
Only at the speed of prose, or
thought… g-nomeportal works at a different, higher frequency.
It does?
And what?
It means that whatever I say or
write tends to get lost in translation when it’s relayed down to the 3D reality
level of things and matter.
Ah. So this is basially an insurmountable
Basially, yes – which is why you
need to activate a different part of your mind if you want to get the actual
A different part of my mind? Which
part is thtat?
If I said the hypothalamus – it might
sound impressive but it wouldn’t be true – not strictly speaking.
Then why did you say it?
Like I said – there’s no traction.
Your mind has been designed to work within the box – only to hear or recognise
things that are things – whereas we at g-nome pride ourselves on being poets,
on being inspired mystics and seers.
Tummy rot.
Ok – we pride ourselves on keeping
a channel open.
Ah – a channel – you say?
Yep – a lowly, insignicant little
channel which just happens to give anyone with interdimensional feelers…
Feelers? Creepy. Makes you sound
like a locust.
I don’t know why I bother, Travis,
you’re blind or deaf to all poetry, I fear.
I just know you’re forever trying
to inflate your self-importance, Mthdrgnm.
Yes, you’ve got a point there. I
can’t deny this devilish little foible of mine, but…
Importance or not – this is not,
ultimately, about me.
No? You could have fooled me.
It’s the message.
What flummin message?
I’m merely a messenger, on a text
steed I ride.
Is that so? And perhaps you’re
wanted, wanted, dead or alive?
You could say.
Well, your would be captors
Or assassins
Or assassins – aren’t doing very
well, are they?
They’re doing the best they can,
Travis – but it’s tricky to catch me if the multi-dimensions I’m referring to
are alive and strong in me.
I don’t see why.
Yes, I know.
I mean –
Yes, I know.
Would you quit interrupting me,
Being so darn condescending?
That’s riht.
Ok. It’s just you’re making it a little
too easy for me, insisting on playing this at face value – as if things are still
just things, as if…
Hey – what the hecks that?
That gimongous opening in the ksy
over there?
Oh that? I believe it’s the ltter
b – written backwards.
I beg your pardon?!
Or perhaps a z. I do sometimes
confuse my letters.
You don’t fool me Mthdrgnm, not
for a minute.
Oh – call me 7 – you’re giving the
readers squiffy eyes with that ridiculous rendition of my name.
7 will do.
Er… So, is it true to say that
this entire conversation was intended
Or designed
Who cares – was intended to open
that rather outrageous hole in the sky over there which appears to be connecting
our reality with – ow – what was that?
Whistling innocently…
Cut it out 7
I was mistaken – 7’s already been taken.
Ok – 7a?
Also taken.
Er… 7.2f*gK@W9
Will do perfectly.
And that’s not going to make the readers squiffy eyed?
No, on the contrary.
It will sing to their benighted souls.
I wish you would quit dissing them like that. They’re a good
bunch – worhty of your undying respect.
Er… chaba ti
Chaba ti?
Yes – no – I can’t exactly translate it into regular English
– but the b/z in the ksy overhead seems to have accepted my declaration and
your heart arrhythmia has apparently vanished inexplicably – has it not?
It was just a slight chest pain, but yes – the sky’s looking
a bit less weird – I’ll hand that to you.
So all’s well that ends well.
But we haven’t even cleared 100o words.
I kennow. Tis nine matter.
Nine matter… I hate to think what this is doing to the
ggooggly algorhyhms
Oh – just introudcing a much needed salmon of doubt
Duggie A – eat your heart out.
And allow the possibility – unspoken, fo course, unstated
and undeclared
Neeldess repetition.
Enough to bing r elements of songs unsung, words unspoken,
Addaboy – just succifent to allow nature to work her magick
and weave a new version of…
Alsways one word behind – but fast approaching our maximum.
By the way – how did you fix my arrhythmia?
By the by – as they say – and none the wiser were.
No story, no punchline – no substance
Sadly not. A tlae
Tale – show more care.
No, I refuse to go quietly into the night
give me anoher page I999------
Yup, nithn's wrogn hear