Saturday, December 31, 2022

just in time: tara's tail – salve 2023

Just in time time? Now this is getting ridiculous.


Beyond ridiculous.


Exactly. But since when was ridiculousness a barrier to is.


A barrier to is?


To what simply is – regardless of whether you find it hard to accept or not.


So I’m just supposed to ignore my sense of proportion, ignore my sense of reason or rationalism and take whatever you say as fact?




Then what?


You’re supposed to… zzz

Hey – you can’t just fall asleep mid-sentence.


Sorry. Did I fall asleep?




I wonder why that was.


You said “you’re supposed to…” and then suddenly conked out.




Hey! Wake up dude. What the heck?!


Sorry. I think it’s a non-zone.


A non-zone?




What’s that?


It’s where normal conscious-ness conks out – cannot, need not or perhaps should not go.


Er… whyever not?


Because it’s absurd or meaningless to suggest what a person should or should not do.


It is?


That’s what I infer based on the fact that you tell me I conked out.






But I didn’t conk out.


No. Your system is somewhat different to mine.


How come?


I’m not sure. Did you, by any chance, get round to signing up to infinity?




The 0=1 protocol?


The what?!


Apparently not. Well, that probably explains it.


Wait a minute.




By signing some crackpot 0=1 infinity protocol – that induces some kind of catalepsy in you?


Apparently so.


But why?


I can only assume that there are, paradoxical though this may indeed appear to be, certain none starters, certain no-go zones – even for infinity itself.




I know. It’s bizarre, isn’t it.


Infinity should be able to handle anything and go anywhere.


Should. Perhaps indeed it can, and does – but not in the human biological state of awareness.


Ah. So – I might have inadvertently switched you into another zone of infinity awareness which you were able to apprehend only in sleep mode.


Quite possibly – yes. You see – infinity respects the concealed or sleeping presence of infinity in each and every human individual – even if it hasn’t yet been revealed, accepted or realised.




And therefore – there’s a kind of absolute of non-interference – like a customs barrier. Your territory – your you is sacrosanct.




So I can’t, won’t and shouldn’t even attempt to do so. Should I attempt to do so – I short my circuit. I put myself on the wrong side of logic – which triggers the circuit breaker.






But what about your time thing?


I thought you found it unacceptable?


I did – but now that I’ve had a minute or two not to consider it whatsoever – strangely enough I find myself wanting to know more.


Indeed? How fascinating.




Do you think that’s why infinity snoozed me?


Possibly. I don’t suppose we’ll ever know.


I agree.




Well just in time time is a different state of time – just like there are different states of water.


Wait a minute – water and time – these are very different things.



I don’t see how you can possibly compare them.




Yet you persist?


Not necessarily. I can snooze myself if you prefer?






You can just snooze yourself whenever you feel like it?


If there’s a meaningless confrontational position that has all the hallmarks of being insurmountable – it’s easy to do – it’s like infinity itself prefers to take time out.


Oh. But why would you suggest the position is confrontational, even to the point of being insurmountable?




I merely sought clarification.


Yes – but there was a custom’s barrier lurking in your need for clarification.


There was? How do you mean?


The question of whether I could or should present time and water as being in some way analogous crossed a red line in your what-is-meaningfully-what grid.


My what?


There’s a kind of grid in which things are organised rather like the parable of the sheep and the goats.


I beg your pardon!




No – I mean – what the heck are you on about?


You know the parable of the sheep and the goats – don’t you?


Er… kind of. Just let me google it to refresh my memory.


Ok. Zzz


One minute later…


Hey – Sion – wake up.


Oh yes. Here we are.


So how is this relevant to the parable of the sheep and goats?


Your 3D assembly system generates a kind of grid – or we could say a map.




And things are ascribed positions and values in that grid


Or map


Correct – based on what seems to make sense, to work best, to fit the general lay of the land in day-to-day 3D reality.


Ok. Seems reasonable.


It is. Absolutely reasonable.




What’s the snag?




Well, 3D reality is only part of the story, isn’t it?




There’s always something else – which doesn’t seem to matter most of the time – but which becomes terribly important at various points in the cycle.


Like now?


Like now.


When we’re going through some kind of phase shift?


Well done. That’s right.


When time is…


Oh my – you’re reading my mind! Incredible.


Actually, I was being sarcastic – you know I find all this rather hard to accept.


Yes, but your sarcasm is a wonderful mechanism at this moment – helping you to contemplate something that otherwise would simply do your head in, or freak you out.


Hey – aren’t you being somewhat condescending?


Not intentionally.


Not intentionally?


But it may appear that way. The fact is, that the grid is real and solid – more or less. Crossing from one side of it to another is like crossing the international date line.


It is?


Yep. It can be done – but nothing without gaining or losing a day.


Omg – this is getting weird.


Only here – it isn’t so much a day…


As what?






Crossing from one grid – one map – one plate of whatever’s been loaded up onto it – to another.


And what’s the problem with that?


Each grid, each map or disk corresponds to a particular time – and each time to a particular phase of “me” – or you, in this case.


You mean to say I’d have to jump into another version of me?


Kind of, yes.


Like crossing a me barrier – if such a thing exists – which I very much doubt.


Precisely. You, necessarily, “very much doubt” the existence of such a thing – and have invested a not-inconsiderable amount of energy in building doubt trenches, doubt ramparts, doubt fortifications to keep these separate “me’s” apart.


Omg – you’re doing my head in.


Perhaps you’d like to short circuit for a moment. Here – try this…


Sion taps En’s left effleslin1 with a kind of wand – causing En to conk out immediately.



Observe – dear g-nomers – how the effleslin becomes active while En appears to be sleeping – see how it is even now – rearranging the data lines between the various grids, plates or disks.


Some time (approximating to zero) later… now on the right side of infinity – your left, just to confuse things…


So it’s much easier to see things from this perspective – don’t you agree En?


Oh. Goodness gracious – yes. It’s a sinch. How come it all makes sense now?


Because you’ve shifted out of time.


Yes, but why does that make it easier to comprehend?




Not again! Sion – wake up. This is getting ridiculous.


Sorry En – you asked me – I think you need to recognise the structural features of time – then it all makes perfect sense.




How did this conversation begin?


Just in time time – wasn’t that it?






Ah – you see?


Yes. There’s a kind of tightening – isn’t there?


Yes – a narrowing – like a strait.




Like the Bosphorus. It’s a bit of a squeeze. It’s still the sea – at a pinch – but there’s precious little room to manoeuvre. And if the wavelength of time contracts below that of your current grid, disk or plate – then, guess what?


Then you have to shift into another one with a shorter wavelength – or otherwise reject the whole journey through the time-strait.






So why do I call it “just in time time?”






This time En taps himself on the effleslin and finds himself on the otherside of Sion’s apparent sleep stupor.


I say – well done En. That was remarkably smart of you.


Cut it out Sion.


Cut what out?


You know it makes me uncomfortable why you start praising me.


Does it? I can’t imagine why?


Because usually something terrible happens thereafter.


Ah – yes – there is that.


And I suspect it’s all planned.


Do you? Well, you are entitled to have your suspicions – that I cannot deny. In any case – you just crossed the time line yourself – I won’t say “for the first time” as such expressions are frowned upon in un-finity.


I beg your pardon!


Awkard. I hate introducing variants – endless proliferations are a constant source of anxiety – but what can I do? Certain words or phrases in 3D reality were purposefully distorted – had to be – words such as “nice” and “hell”…


And infinity?


Sudden booming, clanging sound all around, reverberating somewhat painfully.


That’s right. Sion replies as if the racket is unnoticeable.


My God – ok – I’ll refer to it as un-finity if you prefer.  Suddenly the booming, clanging cacophony ceases.


She’s a little temperamental you see.


Tell me about it. That’s Dorothy you’re referring to Sion?


Not exactly.


Then who?


Another aspect, another element or branch of Dora Thea.




Absolutely spot on.


So why did they introduce distortions into 3D reality Sion?




Ok, we… if that’s better.


It’s less unaccurate.


Don’t you mean “inaccurate”? Sudden booming, clanging sound all around, reverberating somewhat painfully.


OK, I got the message. Tara – my apologies – I meant to say unaccurate. Suddenly the booming, clanging cacophony ceases.


What, to answer your question, exactly is 3D reality if not a series of distortions which we adhere to rigidly by gridding up – so to speak – one-siding ourself into a disk-y-ness?


Ah, me thinks I begin to see the wood from the trees. Sudden booming, clanging sound all around, reverberating somewhat painfully.


Not again! What is it this time?




Ah. Me thinks I begin to see the wood from the threes, Tara, if you’d kindly…


Sudden booming, clanging sound all around, reverberating somewhat painfully.


Much to En’s astonishment Tara herself unexpectedly materialises, as in appears in front of En himself in the form of a fish in the air – or the water – one can’t really say – and proceeds to slap him in the fact with her golden tail.


Ow! What was that for?


The fish appears to smile and shapeshifts into the Tara goddess herself – as this particularly reality fades towards oblivion in the dying moments of a just-in-time-time.


Thought I’d knock some sense into you! Gone.


En is not in the least offended. In fact – seems to be smitten, awed, struck by the whole experience – this apparent encounter with – divinity – is that the right word?


Well at least you’re not going to have any more problems getting the words right En.




Nope. The tail of Tara immediately puts that problem to rest.


And indeed – a shade of En separates and zzz’s off into un-finity leaving En now fully cognisant of the true speech – the originally values, meaning and sound of words.


Ah. How blessed I am to have been slapped by the tale of Tara herself. A booming, gurgling sound reverberates around and bubbles away.


So, all’s well that ends well En. And time, as I was saying


is just in time


where the tale of Tara is concerned.








1 the effleslin is a part of the body which isn’t visible in 3D reality – extending beyond the right shoulder, maintaining alignment between different phase-locked versions of “me”.

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