...invested heavily.
Invested heavily? What do you
mean? I have no investments.
Absolutely not. I live from
paycheck to paycheck.
So I'm interested in nothing other
than trying to make ends meet, or emotionally, in things I actually care about.
Absolutely. Things you care about,
but even those are just things, and thus secondary.
Secondary? I’m not sure I’d refer
to family and friends as secondary.
No, nor would I. Lost in
Ok, then what exactly did you
This. All this. Waving his arms all around.
As in reality?
So, you're saying I'm heavily invested in reality, is that right?
Well, I hardly see how I can help that.
Reality’s not the kind of thing that anyone’s going to ignore or dismiss
lightly, is it?
No, of course not, especially when
you have family and friends, or an enviable position to defend.
It's not like we can just sell up
and move elsewhere, is it?
Agreed. Most of us are essentially
locked into a binding agreement. Indentured, you might say.
Yikes, that makes it sound like slavery.
But fortunately, we're not slaves,
we have free will, we have consciousness and a conscience. We can choose to go along
with the flow of things or, if needs be, swim against the tide, painful though
that may be.
Not true.
Not exactly true if we
never got round to studying, or pinpointing other investments, if all our capital is tied up in one company, one version of things, which it has to be if your reality really matters.
Indeed. Without identifying
alternatives you're bound to carry on tramping the same pathways, and
alternatives don’t appear by magic, do they? By hook or by crook some of us
have to head off into the unknown, beyond the ken of mortal men, in order to discover
other versions of reality, other iterations of the Mandelbrot set: other.
One two three…
Merry does some rather
extraordinary movements with his hands, arms, face and body. Zina fails to
comprehend, but looks on, transfixed, then squeals.
Piercing. Just the kind of
squeal/squeak/shriek you’d expect when reality suddenly/unexpectedly flips into
another, wholly unaccountable, unfamiliar arrangement. The same components. The
same notes, so to speak, but rearranged from the atomic level upwards.
Breathe! – Merry rather helpfully
instructs her.
Breathe? Oh yes. I thought I was
dreaming. One doesn't really have to breathe in a dream, does one?
Not really, no, the body seems to
take responsibility for the breath, but this is no dream, is it?
I... it's difficult to say. I
can't really get my head around who or what I’m experiencing.
Absolutely. Your head is totally
out of it. In fact, you’re currently in the process of growing a new one.
A new head? How can that be?
Every reality has to essentially
start from scratch.
Split infinitive.
Yes, should be – has to
start from scratch essentially.
Incredible Zina, even with your
head presently an amorphous squidlike thing, barely connected to your body, you're still able to comment on grammar
and syntax.
Must be another head I'm using.
Good thinking, yes, indeed. Your mind is able to operate from the cloud, supplying the basic rules of grammar and syntax to this alternative
reality, until the new head boots up. In other words, you're never quite starting from scratch.
Merry, what exactly am I seeing?
Those walls around me seem to be er...
Yes, I was afraid to say it. Don't
know why.
Understandable really. There are
certain deep-rooted taboos which carry across from one reality to another…
So in the reality we’ve been
referring to as 3D, for want of a better name, things are things: discrete – perceived as wholly separate from you. Ok, there are a few so called “magicians”
or conjurors who seem to be able to connect to things using some
inexplicable psychic link, are able to read those objects, or else move ‘em
telekinetically, but that’s a fringe occurrence, right at the margin of an unquestionably objective material reality.
So you mean to say that they are
able to connect via this biological paradigm in which all things are,
perchance, part of some supra-organism?
Yes... but not necessarily. This is
but one alternative way of organising reality and, in fact, the strict structural taboos required
to form a reality always exist within a larger framework, with a dedicated
set of taboo breakers: a small number of individuals who keep the system alive
and viable by existing on both sides of that taboo.
But why?
Because fundamentally 0=1.
One side cannot exist without the
A positive – any thing whatsoever
– requires a negative, an other, which can only exist in and of itself,
if it be a positive in its own right.
Such is the nature of reality. Essentially,
we’re talking a zero-sum game, aren't we?
Oh... So nothing exists in and of
Until you get down to the
And the absolute – does it
actually exist?
Ha ha, good ‘un!
No, but really, if it didn’t, how
could we be conscious beings, discussing this?
No idea. Beyond me, totally.
Me too, but somewhere in the
infinitely unknowable humble ness that is i know not , apparently things
are not half as bad, half as confusing as they seem. The absolute – which is
absolutely undetectable, must be present throughout – or else nothing prevails, zero fails to one, rhyme to reason... The proof is, as they say, in the pudding.
You’re an unhinged ideologue
Merry. How on earth can you essentially destroy the very foundation of material reality and
yet, still continue believing that things matter, that life has meaning?
Bless me, so morose, Zina, you are! All
we’re doing is stripping away the Potemkin village façade to reveal the true,
underlying nature of reality, warts n'all, and guess what?
What? Surprise me.
It be good.
It be good... by definition.
Oh so now, having destroyed all things whattable, the archetypal matter of objective fact, you presume to present me with this whiffly, sententious replacement – it be good – insufferable pretentions of be-ness.
Ah Zina, i love you even when you
spleen invectively.
Damn you Merry. This is... Zina starts pulsing feebly, looking for something to anchor to. Is there really no
Not where the absolute is
And you would presume to... Zina
stops in her tracks as the walls of the tubular reality they are presently experiencing
start morphing and pixilating, responding to what she is thinking and saying, like a chameleon
Oh! Oh!
You were saying?
No Merry... i mean yes.
You mean yes?
Yes, I was saying until i
saw what i was saying, interactively.
I cannot own my own words. They were.
They were, already. In the past. They no longer mean, or matter for that.
They were: are now unactuable.
Goodness gracious Zina, you’re
sounding as bad as me!
I know! Shocking isn't it, but
seeing is believing, isn't it?
Or knowing.
Ah, i see.
Yes, I see – as Zina continues to
follow the walls of their reality, which continue to reflect, to correlate the
“what Zina and Merry are discussing” with the is and the be – or perhaps...
Perhaps what?
The isness of be.
Good. So losing everything we
thought we had, everything we thought we knew, suddenly we find ourselves back
at the one place where nothing can be lost, nothing can be taken away, nothing
can be – dare i say it – positively.
Absolutely Zina, say it and be
Ouch! – Zina is in the process of
wincing when suddenly the walls of their biological reality open up to
[Jove knows]
The audience in ye theatre are
hanging on the edges of their seats, so to speak, until something funny happens
to the gravitational field of... scratch that, they’re no longer more than plasma
husks – the essence of each and every audiencee essentially goes photonic –
what in dear old 3D they refer to as “exceeding the speed of light”, as if
light actually has a speed!
...photonic – allow me to undigress.
James does allow himself to tangentalise, as if there’s no tomorrow, or today
for that matter, either.
... photonic, ditto James², and
something tells me that this is a sequence leading to infinity, for am I not,
too, bound to the wheel of digression?
...photonic ad infinitum – for who
would bear the whips and scorns of time
Oh dear...
The oppressor's wrong
I tried
the proud man's contumely
to stay
The pangs of despised love
the law's delay
The insolence of office and the spurns
I did
That patient merit of the unworthy takes
But maybe it’s to be accepted
When he himself might his quietus
With a bare bodkin?
With grace? That's it? Ah yes,
feedback, Houston, we have feedback!
Infinity’s coming through loud and
As in...
You were saying...
Yes, of course Zina, we can’t do
without them, can we, because ultimately...
Yes Merry, say no more. But – it’s
so wonderful… Zina starts weeping, i mean really weeping, convulsively. Wow! The joy
is too intense.
Easy does it Zina...
Ouch! She erupts atomically,
nebulising, which would be bad, as you can imagine, were it not for the fact
that she’s completely blissed out, ergo, super relaxed, not to mention the fact
that you, dear reader, you, by observing the proceedings, provide a back feed channel, not to mention a kind of containment field.
The photonic wave now reaches the
readers, one and all, as they too, apparently, go photonic, i.e., now exist in neither space
nor time, in a rather blissful state of isness, otherwise known as death.
Er... not sure I like the sound of
Hush! I ain't done yet.
Ah, so sorry, Absalom! Naturally,
from a photonic perspective death is a big plus sign...
Hush! You're interrupting the sodding
Ah, apologies... apologies Balthazar.
Angels descend from on high and
apply masking tape to the mouth of our self-appointed narrator, Janus, allowing
the photonic dead to once again regain their state of absolute deathly
stillness... The show must go on, after all, must it not?
To grunt and sweat under a weary
But that the dread of something
after death,
The undiscover'd country from
whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles
the will
And makes us rather bear those
ills we have
Than fly to others that we know
not of?
Ah ha!
What d’ya mean “but”?! Bloody
Butting in like that.
Bloody cheek.
There he goes again. Will no one rid
me of this troublesome prie...
It's not my fault!
No, if you'd let me get a word in
edgeways: who would fardels bear.
Who would fardels bear? What on
earth are you on about?
By Jove he's right: who would
fardels bear!
You're all going bonkers!
Not at all – Tyler’s right an’all
– who would fardels bear!
Fardels? I give up.
Excellent. Now, kindly
rephotonise, Dylan.
Not sure I can manage it – too
We’ll lend you a hand – one two three four (all singing in Horus)
What would you do if I sang out of tune
would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
and I'll try not to sing out of key, oh I get by with a little help from my
friends, yes I get high with a little help from my friends, mmm gonna try with
a little help from my friends, with a little help from my friends...
Listen! Do you hear it?!
– shout out to Stanley Kubrick, don't forget to smash the like button etc – and Dylan is now once again fully photonic – but still somewhat nonplussed – which is a first – is it not?
Indeed it is Larry – a nonplussed
plasma being! Who ever heard of the likes?
In his breakout conference chamber
Larry makes history by introducing discord, or something very close to what
we’d normally refer to as discord – to the angelic plains – ok, guys, i get it
– they missed out the crucial line: who would fardels bear – but honestly, why
all the kerfuffle? What's the big deal?
The humble photon – until now a
symbol of peace – the hope for human salvation – is now polarising as we speak,
losing its cool – hissing, seething – pandemonium, apparently.
Zina, something tells me we should
get back to 3D reality with all its many whips and scorns.
Yes Merry, you're right. It looks
like all hell’s about to break loose in ye heavens.
I er...
– hope we’re not to blame for what's
going down, up here.
Forget it lass. Ultimately, all
the world's a stage, whatever world you happen to be in, and we... merely
True. So, er...
Down, down, down, into the
heaviness of tribulations and chicanery, but somehow, something has changed...
What is it?
I don't know... How come...
How come i don't feel, you know...
No idea lass. Unless, you’ve
unknowingly disinvested things and become a vector...
A vector?
Well yes.
Of what?
No telling what. I think the word
best used is simply change.
Change? A vector of change. Yes
indeed, why not...
And the rest, as they say up in
the Kuiper photonic belt, is history.
Final credits. Soundtrack – All
you need is love by the now absurdly named Mandelbutts.
...love is all you need – as the
cinema empties a number of competing realities cancel one another out and leave
in their place a new kind of reality, that now oscillates with two absolute taboos
in realtime, but more of that anon. No one's quite sure which one matters most, so investments are now mostly hedged 50:50, and matter struggles to keep things firmly pegged down, what ho!
clap your hands and
stamp your feet
if you’re being
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