The uncreated never went anywhere, nor could
it, existing outside space or time as it must. Rather the created, on the other
hand, was cordoned off by acts of separation. Read the opening chapter of
Genesis and you’ll get the message. So God has separated creation from
uncreated, with a kind of barrier, a firmament above, and eventually the world
is complete. The question is how, or whether, the created is to interact with
the uncreated. Think about it, simply separating them forever is not an option.
It creates an endless disbalance, a perpetual drain on resources as any barrier
has to be enforced energetically. So what do we have? Pain and suffering. Our
fall from Grace puts us in a no man’s land between created perfection, perfect
harmony, and hell on Earth, endless disease and suffering. Now you have your
energy source. We literally pay for creation by going into unhappiness, bizarre
though that seems, and feeding the beast existentially.
Don't get me wrong, in
no way do I object to this system as we are all party to it voluntarily.
Somewhere deep inside we are all perfectly well aware of our choice, and our
ability to go back into a healthy balanced relationship with uncreated, without
necessarily doing any harm to creation itself or disrespecting the beauty, the
wonder, the magnificence of God’s creation. Paradoxical or confusing this may
indeed seem to be, but once you consider the infinite, which by its very nature
can only be uncreated and thus remains to this day, then the mathematics of
creation stop being impossibly complex, for you cease trying to understand
creation from within.
Bear in mind
that only the created mind runs into the impossibility of being able to grasp
or comprehend creation itself, in the same way a fish really can’t grasp or comprehend
the water it’s part of. You might say, however, but I can grasp and
comprehend air so what’s the problem? Indeed you can, but only one side of
it, only the part of it which is unable to take you beyond created-air, which
is why at present you’re unable to fly or levitate, which is why at present
you’re unable to walk through walls or into other dimensions, or simply other
places hundreds of miles from where you are now. Within creation that is not
possible for you do not grasp the medium you are operating within. You neither
see nor sense how every place exists in parallel, like cards in a deck, how not
is not simply the absence of matter or air but is far, far more – is in fact the
generally unseen interface, the connection or flip side of everything created,
which like a lipid molecule that has a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic end, must
have a sticky, gravitational or frictional created side, besides which there
must be a nothing much, a bubble or space allowed for uncreation to keep
our created reality from imploding or exploding. Both possible. Boom!
But don't let’s
dwell on this minor detail, as doing so you simply slide your mind back into
thinking things, reaffirming your rightful, your necessary, your
un-voidable place within creation... Un-voidable, because the void, believe it
or not, is the one thing you can neither see nor connect with, protected by
this hydrophilic-hydrophobic double layer of love and hate, of mind and matter,
of joy and pain, whatever the case may be. The void only becomes discernible
when you stop trying to reach a goal, when you start to sense the infinite that
needs must be present everywhere, in all things, no matter what, no matter how.
Sensing is knowing. Knowing is seeing. Seeing is believing. Believing is...
Perhaps nothing, for nothing need not, cannot
be a certainty in the 3D material sense of things. Certainties are somewhat
different from simply knowing. Presumably this is all in some way connected
with coming into a more harmonious relationship with creation itself, in which
we stop trying to re-access a moment in the past, a garden of Eden in which
things were perfect before they were not, in which we allow ourselves to find
the perfect relationship between created and uncreated – present within our self,
present throughout, and in doing so the two somehow shift into what we might
call harmonic resonance, or else natural alignment... Take you pick.
Doing so, allowing uncreated back, we both
give thanks for the wonder of creation itself, and God the force or Divine essence
– perhaps a being (these are words and therefore
never quite complete or accurate), while at the same time we now accept,
embrace and learn to love and celebrate the uncreated too, the Divine female if
you like, though if you find yourself triggered by this particular term, then
cross it out and allow another more appropriate one to take its place. I cannot
possibly know the right name or term for you or you or you, though in truth, in
truth we are One.
You might call this the Yin Yang moment in
Western natural philosophy, or Western consciousness. There is simply no point in
rejecting our rich cultural inheritance be that religious, philosophical or mental.
We are what we are and trying to be what we are not is a wonderful way of
creating more pain and confusion and essentially not going anywhere. Instead of
rejecting our religions or our narrow materialistic way of perceiving the
underpinnings of reality, we simply allow ourselves to see the absurd
mathematics of something-from-nothing creation, so called Big Bang, and
likewise our religious creation stories, and realize that in their own ways
they are more or less saying the same thing and more or less perfect, bar the
fact that none of them are willing or able to see or consider what is absent
yet clearly present the moment we allow uncreation to make itself felt and
known, the moment we accept that there is nothing wrong with nothing being
nothing in a meaningful way, as an adjunct or corollary to things in existence,
whether alive or inanimate, that all-that-is is in no way synonymous with
all things in existence, for the all in all goes far, far behind or
yond what we can sense or see within creation itself.
We have been confused by words and language
itself, hardly surprising really as creation exercises, necessarily, a monopoly
over creation, otherwise it would be unable to avoid dissolution and immediate
loss of its identity. Yes, identity, that is right, for creation cannot hold
together without some kind of real, tangible identity, which we might consider
the second level of God, beneath the Architect or Supreme Creator. Again,
feverish minds start racing to think these things through in the hope of
gleaning something tangible and meaningful, a nugget to add to the collection, such
is our programmed need and constant desire to establish an ever firmer foothold in
the ever-changing landscape of things thought, things known and things
incorporated into our dataweb, to add another strand and further enmesh our
precious collective culture. But doing so, allowing the allure of new mind-matter,
new intellectual acquisitions to ever drag you down into the minutiae of what may
or may not be useful material will ever and always prevent you, prevent me,
prevent us from finally connecting, finally allowing nothing back into
its proper and natural place, allowing the void to become a functional, healthy
part of my, of our conscious awareness, of our conscious ness...
Alas, alack, although
a fish of sorts a-swimming in a sea of words, i know not what... i drown, for
now the what, that has constantly been my guide, my taskmaster, goading
me ever onwards, ever forwards in a goal oriented Great March, a linear attempt
to reach that mythical point from which I would finally know enough to be able
to make sense of things, to halt and establish the true course that might or
would take me home: that what is no longer relevant, that what
no longer even presents the least chance of being able to keep its side of the
bargain, for mathematically, philosophically, logically how could it, water
being what it undeniably is?
That’s not to say I regret any of the past,
any of this mad dash across the materium as we sought to mine matter for all it
was worth, like gold prospectors panning and sifting it for nuggets or gold dust,
until we realised, enough, the gold was never going to come close to the value
hidden within the void that affirmative creation, kept us from seeing. That gold,
you might say, is representative of the real uncreated gold, the unbounded
wealth, the beauty, the depth, the power, the joy when we finally accept and
finally allow all to be all, is to ness ineffably, when we finally agree to
people both sides simultaneously, hydrophobic and hydrophilic, connecting and
binding with both sides or both aspects, without either of which nothing
makes sense only as pain or absence.
Touching the void was a book I read as a boy.
Here we are now many years later, finally ready, willing and unable to deny the
logic, the need, the God inspired desire to do just that, which paradoxically
is what we have been doing all our lives secretly with fear and despair, concealed
psychologically by layers of astonishingly overlooked self-contradiction and
denial, yet necessarily there.
Admittedly, the
void is not the kind of name or word you would want to use if marketing were
your objective, yet it will do for our purposes. The word is something of a silhouette
revealing that which it conceals. Somewhere within all this bi-mindedness there
is a perfect sense, a feeling, a knowingness that simplicity itself is finally surfacing
like a gator in the mangrove swamp of tortuous, twisted, ever crossing and recrossing
lines of thought and reason. For this is the natural state to which we are
born, not to which we aspire, and truly, truly I tell, we are coming home, we
are coming home, and nothing can prevent this not, as nothing is now our
friend, our happily, naturally paradoxical 0=1
is it not?
Cuckoo la la
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