The mathematics of matter. Everything material has to matter. Nothing exists, nothing can exist unless it matters in some way, somehow. In order to matter it must be finite. Anything that fails to meet this criterion, failing to be finite, cannot ultimately matter, for things which have no beginning or end simply cannot be processed as things, or recognized as such, as we have no way of latching onto them here in 3D, here in the materium. In order for them to be latch-onable they must have an actual beginning and end, i.e. must be contained or framed, a bit like a QR code, which our mind-of-matter is able to scan. This might seem strange, but infinity is impenetrable for this very reason, for without something to grasp, a beginning and an end, it matters not. Not, in other words, cannot matter for not refers to anything that cannot be thinged. This is of course tautological. To thing something we have to package ness in conformance with the rules of matter, so that it can be connected to the materium. Think in terms of Lego pieces. Unless they have the right pattern of bumps and grooves on them they cannot fit on to the other pieces no matter how interesting or Lego-like they may be. You may consider this unreasonable or absurd, but then again, no one is forcing you to use this platform, and believe me, it’s not the only one. One is reminded of the Vogon commander Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz who simply couldn’t understand the apathy of humans who failed to protest the construction of an Interstellar highway through their planet. Humans on earth, of course, protested that they knew nothing of the plans for this highway, as they little suspected that such alien construction fleets existed, nor did they know how to fly to the relevant office off-world to see what was being proposed, but ignorance, as you well know, is no excuse. The fact that you know little or nothing about nothing, or what is concealed by that seemingly innocuous word, and the fact that you assume the materium to be something more or less universal, all encompassing and all inclusive, as opposed to a minor distortion or a footnote, a largely irrelevant distraction, is hardly my fault, or my concern. Ultimately, it's your business to know or not to know. And your assumption that this is more than a glorified Lego set may seem reasonable to you, but is utterly absurd from my perspective. I do not blame you, but nor do I condone such irresponsible egocemñb6h⁶. You can hardly claim not to know that the 3D platform excludes everything that remains unstamped, unconformed, uncoded, i.e. infinite, considering the fact that you, the conscious being, are still, as conscious being, like it or not, bearer of infinity, y-spanning the quantum stream. The fact that you choose to ignore the other part of yourself, which exists on the un-side of nought, is entirely a matter of choice, exercised at your own discretion. You wouldn't, however, be able to function or operate as a person were it not for the fact that you are a representative of that world, that state of being that is conscious ness. As such you cannot help but know who or or what you truly are. Nothing, truly, can be suppressed, believe it or not, er...
So we have been running round in circles, have we not, focusing on things of no significance whatsoever in order to avoid seeing what should be fairly obvious – the matter with matter, as in “what’s the matter with matter?” or phrased more elegantly in renaissance English: “how doth matter matter?” Nose-bleeding tautology, isn’t it? Evidently, things only matter to the exact extent that they can and do become an integral part of the materium, and to the very same extent that they help to make, cement and uphold my me person in the materium. This is a mostly mathematical relationship, believe it or not. A numbers game. The kind of game you see big tech in cahoots with government playing, moving pieces around on a black and white chess board, trying to achieve total domination, but equally intoxicated by the allure, the power of numbers, data, a simplified world of things. Nothing more. It may seem dystopian. It may freak you out, no? We are tempted to take it more seriously than it is because our me person knows only this side of things, and most of us identify, more or less exclusively, with our me, personally. It’s a closed loop. The mathematics of matter, the unassailable logic of things. But in the background, in the silence of un-personed-me, the i that simply is, infinity, quietly continues doing its thing, exceeding comprehension and computability, enabling conscious ness to interact with matter in inconceivable ways, without reference to those rules or conventions that govern the materium. Your laws of physics, biology, mathematics are all good and proper, but have no bearing on what infinity can and cannot do, is or is not. All words are things so trying to explain what infinity is, can be, or might do is obviously a non-starter. Far better, instead, to consider how effectively infinity has been excluded from our minds, and the extent to which the me feels unable to connect with or draw upon the power that must be concealed therein, behind apparent nought. Please consider: any thing whatsoever, no matter what, only exists in reality, in the materium, to the very same extent that it is not, or nought, through zero point, the eye of the beholder. Let me give an example: you’re looking at a chair. It’s real enough. You can pick it up, sit on it, whatever you like. If, however, you choose to connect the dots and feel or experience how and where the chair originates, like it or not, absurd though this sounds to the 3D rational mind, the chair as plus one, or two if you prefer, or any other number (so let’s keep it simple and call it plus one), that plus one cannot actually exist unless within the vanishing point known as the eye of the observer, essentially another name for infinity, there is that which chair is not, which you might think of as minus one, although ultimately that too is something of a misconception. The two sides balance one another perfectly. Nothing has been created or destroyed and yet the conscious ness is able to experience in 3D the me person interacting with a chair, while in nought – the back of beyond – a chair is, or has been created without reference to causality, for in nought – the back of beyond, without time or space, things simply are, as and when conceived, as and when inessed.
This explanation is far from perfect because the only way you can really make sense of nought – the back of beyond is by taking the time to observe for yourself the chair and start to piece together what is missing in your awareness of things and how they matter, and matter not. But, it’s better than nothing, better than allowing nought to conceal your central position in the astonishing order, or nature, of things, should you choose to explore and know it better, or should you feel things slipping out of position because you have neglected nought too long, and allowed the balance to deteriorate materially.
Infinity... the mathematics suck. Just when you think you’re getting somewhere, making headway, you’re instantly lying in the mud dazed, tossed from the wild bull’s back. You can construct whatever you like, but what mathematics cannot do is lift you by the seat of the pants into the more complete aspect of all that I is. Unless, that is, you are willing to allow the mathematics to flow poetically, threely, so to speak, if you know what I mean. The question is whether you’re willing to expose or match me with un-me, with I be. Only then can your mathematics connect the dots which exist over and beyond what you can envisage or plot geometrically. Beyond the flat plain of visual representation is a world of spiralling, intertwined ness, branching off into wholly separate aspects of one, infinitesimally. Get your head around that one, if you will, or better still, get out of your head and dance with the shadow of everything you cannot possibly conceive yet somehow, actually be.
Dum diddy dum dum
Dum diddy dum dum
Dum diddy dum dum
Dee Dum
Dee Dum
Dee Dum
Dee dee dee
Is that wise, you ask me
As I reverse the universe
Into a golden section shell
A conch of extra-
Hear iffle uffle
See iffle uffle
Know iffle uffle
Analogically tweep tweep
0 equals
et tu?
n t p73
Consider, if you will, the gross deception when I indefines, indetermines the spigot, the faucet, the tap, if you will, from whence the mind stream doth flow, as nought, nothing, zero... refusing to consider, failing to observe the everything of sub, of pre nought y ness, the everything that i be before i me
A Quack Beast?! Here?!