Merry, what's wrong with you?
Wrong with me? Why should anything be wrong with me?
When you're crawling around on your hands and knees, grimacing and groaning like death would be a welcome break.
Oh that! Technical issues.
Technical issues? What on earth do you mean?
Phase shift.
I’m sorry, I haven't a clue what you're talking about.
I'm going through a phase shift. It's a minor inconvenience which strikes from time to time.
Minor? You sound like you're in agony!
Well there’s no point letting a good crisis go to waste, is there? May as well make the most of it.
So you're just putting it on?
No, that would be deception. It's got to be real but let's call it augmented reality. Getting in the spirit of things.
You mean to say...
No I don’t.
Merry, it would be nice if you would let me finish my sentence for a change.
I meant to say...
Yes I know.
I thought we agreed...
I give up. So how much of this is actually real life agony and how much is augmented?
It's difficult to say really. Once one starts augmenting reality, getting in the spirit of things, the agony becomes less and less relevant because the drama comes to life and lifts you out of the hole you were in.
You mean to say it acts like a painkiller?
Not really, I mean to say that pain is only something you would try to kill in 3D reality. Once you start exploring that pain, playing with it, studying, massaging, dramatizing it you discover that it wasn't really pain at all. It was more an internal disharmony.
Tell that to the man who's just had his foot crushed by an elephant.
Like I said, pain is only pain in 3D reality, as long as everything is fixed nicely in place. But the minute you bring things to the boil, the minute things become fluid, that's when you start to discover what's really going on, what's causing the clanking under the bonnet.
So what's causing your er... back ache?
Phase shift, like I told you.
And in layman’s terms?
It's like moving from one frame to the next, or from one stepping stone to the next one. It's a process which takes you through infinity, and infinity is not the kind of place that you want to get lost in, so the body or the mind or some mysterious force provides an artificial support to lock you in position while you transition from one frame to the next, to ensure you don't get lost in the boundlessness, the isness of infinity.
So you mean to say this pain is actually helpful?
In that case, why would you try to diminish or eliminate it by making it into a pantomime?
Well my intention never was to eliminate or diminish it.
No? Isn't that what you said you were doing?
No, I believe I said that I was engaging the so-called pain, unpicking it, removing the packaging, looking inside to see what it is. I knew that it only feels like pain when held at arm’s length, when resisted vehemently. It's no mystery that pain yields to the curious investigator, to the sympathetic listener.
You, sympathetic listener?! You're the last person I would describe in that way.
Only because I tend to interrupt you when you've already told me telepathically what you’re planning to say, but it's fascinating to tune in to the harmony of pain.
I thought you said it's “disharmony”?
I did, but it's only disharmony from the outside; once you’ve got in past the barrier, once you're hearing the actual music then it's quite different. That's why it stops being painful not because you’re trying to eliminate pain itself, but because pain was really a symptom of the disconnect, as you come up to a phase shift, a new frame. Sometimes the next frame harmonizes, but sometimes the composer takes the music in a new direction by shifting keys, and this feels disquieting or downright disturbing. Not understanding this in 3D, you would naturally assume that something was badly wrong with your body, your health, rather than sensing what's really going on at the, shall we call it, quantum level, the symphonic, or perhaps the film-reel level?
I don't see why you can’t keep things simple and stick to a single term.
Yes, it's annoying isn’t it, but single terms have a habit of fixing things in people's minds, and as we're not referring to 3D reality the last thing I would want to do would be to add another layer to our already scarcely digestible cake, so instead of giving you another thing to think about, another thing to take you further from the underlying isness, the underlying music, I prefer to toss terms into the air, into the atmosphere of your mind where they can compete with each other without allowing 'em to dominate the proceedings.
In other words, you're trying to do my head in.
Yes, in a manner of speaking that’s right if, that is, your head refers to the 3D part of your understanding, you're thinking mind. “Doing it in” as you put it, is not my intention as such, but dancing around it and preventing it from dogmatically determining what cannot in fact be determined is my privilege, and may I add, my great pleasure.
Because you have psychopathic inclinations.
Because I operate from more than one frame. People never used to operate from one frame as we do now in 3D reality. It's something you chose to do, it's a kind of experiment you’re in the process of, a rather brutal and bloody experiment I hasten to add.
What makes you say that?
Insisting on 3D determinacy, the “it’s my way or the highway” approach is a bit like a boy with a drum banging it, insisting that everyone else has to march in time to his beat. Or what Darwin refers to as survival of the fittest.
Don't you think you're oversimplifying things? There are lots of people who are able to find common ground, who are able to accommodate the opinions and beliefs of others. It doesn't have to be a brutal battleground, does it? Many people are reasonable, compassionate and full of empathy for the needs and wishes of fellow human beings.
Yes, absolutely. It’s heartening and amazing to see the extent to which humankind has overcome and transcended the limits of 3D reality, but ultimately you can only go so far with a one track record. Sooner or later, once you have collected sufficient data from your experiment, you pack it in and gratefully return to a reality which is not flat and fixed. You say goodbye to 3D reality and once again join your fellow human beings who do not try to operate from within an artificial box. This is not an innovation. This is not rocket science. This is not magic or fantasy. This is returning home to the natural conscious-awareness of a mind that no longer tries to pretend that is operating as a machine would, without reference to all the other inputs which mind has access to.
Wait a second, what other inputs are you referring to?
Well for a start the one you refer to as “pain”, that has me on my hands and knees right now while I go through this quantum phase shift.
It doesn't make any sense. “Quantum phase shift” I ask you, what kind of ridiculous pseudo-scientific terminology is that?
“Quantum” in the sense that it neither refers to nor corresponds with 3D material reality. “Phase shift” in the sense that it's only possible to jump frames, or to shift from one 3D reality to another 3D reality by shifting phase, unfixing your anchor points, allowing everything to revert to neutrality. Most people do this backwards, that is, unconsciously because as far as they are concerned reality is a continuum, something which is with them from birth till death. That’s the matter of fact approach which works fine within the experiment, within the 3D reality, except for people who get sick and die. Unless they are able or willing to phase shift they cannot make it past the block in their road. Sometimes they can get past by accessing subconscious abilities, for all of us subconsciously have the ability to shift phase. All of us are beings of light, multi-dimensional beings, regardless of what we believe we are here in the 3D experiment.
Why do you overcomplicate everything Merry? Why can't you just accept that some diseases can kill people, and that sometimes doctors or medicine can make people better?
Absolutely. All that is true and good within the 3D cartoon strip, but the minute you realize that things are not the defining factor, and that you are not first and foremost a thing with legs, arms and a mechanical brain, that you are something more, something unimaginable to the 3D mind, essentially limitless, then and only then are you able to make sense of what would otherwise be a brutal, cruel reality, for then you discover that every disease, every pain is a message waiting to be unpackaged, is a carefully constructed hyperlink which can and does lead you into the next iteration of I by reactivating your quantum stream.
Every frame is merely an iteration of I, but I is in fact limitless, like alpha omega without beginning or end.
Oh, so that's what you're getting at, back to the old I am God thing.
Precisely. Our 3D mind works flawlessly to ensure the experiment can and does continue ad infinitum, and the roadblocks that keep our mind away from non-3D experiences, from awareness that would upset the apple cart of 3D thinkability include various taboo words and ideas, to prevent us seeing what is in fact hidden in plain sight. It's not that we are too stupid to see the wood from the trees, but we are intent on experiencing the trees without reference to the wood for as long as we can, or must. Who sets or holds that intent for us – that’s the million dollar question.
Maybe it’s God. Maybe God wants us to live as mere mortals and not to attempt to supplant him. Maybe a little humility would be the best medicine for you.
Yes. You're absolutely right. Of course it’s God, bearing in mind that God is a term which, no matter how real or true, ultimately only exists, only matters in 3D, for outside 3D no thing is fixed, not even that which we refer to as God.
Blasphemy! Heresy!
Yes, it's always blasphemy to question the reality of 3D reality. It's always heresy to suggest that God is part of the 3D programme, unless we're willing to embrace the totality beyond mind-think.
Enough. I wish to hear no more.
In the kitchen the washing machine commences it’s climactic spin cycle.
And thus it is. You heard no more than what you wanted to hear, what you were ready to hear. Everything else was dutifully misunderstood, misapplied or ignored. But in the meantime, you kindly assisted me in completing a phase shift, in rediscovering myself, finding the harmony of a new frame, a new square. What would have killed me or crippled me in normal 3D was nothing more than a passing experience, an inconvenience which at first involved some pain, some discomfort, which compelled me to stop what I was doing, to listen, to feel more deeply the message, the meaning, the truth, the beauty within what, at first, I imperfectly experienced as pain. Then, and only then was I able to let go of the old me, the old reality and embrace the new. “Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi!” Believe in coincidence? This time you were present. This time you were part of the process and no matter what you make of it, no matter what you think, somewhere deep inside, somewhere within you saw and observed what your mind couldn’t or wouldn’t comprehend. You have borne witness. The spin cycle complete. Subconsciously, your unimpeded conscious-awareness has refreshed its memory of how it’s done.
Can no longer claim to be in the dark.
You mean to say...
Yes. Click.
Wait, I haven't said it yet.
No need. Yes, the long dark night is over, winter may still seem to be in control, but already the shoots in the earth are stirring and readying themselves for the next chapter. You cannot remember what to do or how to do it but that matters not. Your conscious-awareness brought you here today to watch me die and re-emerge on the other side of the technical barrier, a barrier which 3D eyes cannot see, but which is no less lethal for that. And thus the flame is passed from one to another. Next time you encounter your end frame which could be tomorrow or several years from now, without thinking, without knowing how, something inside will stir, will teach you, guide you how to engage the beauty, the magic, the truth of letting go and rediscovering another me or aspect of yourself waiting on t’other side of an impassable barrier. Death|| Rebirth.
Now, help me up. My drama was exquisite, I'll admit, but it's time to put the washing on the line and cook myself some supper.
ReplyDeleteπ’At the same time
ReplyDeleteSo that's how it feels to be back on track.