You mean to say the
quantum field can do all this?
All what?
Turn the whole world
upside down. Shut down the global economy. Subvert the rule of law...
Please! Do you really
imagine these minor alterations you’re experiencing are a big deal?
The quantum field is
where everything you see, every thing you know, every thing you have and be
reverts to zero and does so by simultaneously exploring everything it/they/we
are not.
For the world as you
know it to be one
One? Are you sure you’re
not underestimating the value of the universe?
One is, by definition,
the sum, the total value of all that is – so it is neither big nor small, but
infinitely divisible into as many subparts, fractions or things as you wish
to have. Moving on
Moving on – one is the
whole – well, believe it or not – you can’t get something for nothing – can you?
Well think about it?
Where would it come from?
From Big bang?
Or God?
Well, if you insist on
using religion as your explanation for the science of creation...
It’s immaterial which
system you use – Big Bang or God.
It is?
Absolutely. Both of em postulate something being somehow created from nothing – either by
a divine explosion – God only knows what triggered this God Almighty Bang, popping the empty bubble of nought to reveal a rapidly expanding, fledgling universe emerging from er... no matter, or alternatively a good ol’ fashioned
Divine Mover and Shaker – the non-person – non-thing – indefinable, unknowable,
inapproachable agent, force or essence that incomprehensibly achieves the inexplicable
result of producing something, all this, apparently from nothing, in short, "God".
Er… so you don’t think
God has the power to do so?
It matters not what I
think, does it? It all boils down to your definitions, doesn’t it?
don’t see what you
Well, if God is, by
definition “that which creates the entire universe from nought” – then you don’t
have to “believe” in God, do you?
Not at all. God is
simply whoever, whatever makes it all transpire.
Come to pass.
You mean…
Happen. God is the label,
the term, the name we give to the whatever-it-was-or-is behind Creation – with a
capital C.
What you choose to
imagine, hypothesise or determine that “God” may or may not be – is entirely up
to you.
You mean God could
just as easily be the agency or force behind Big Bang.
So, why all the
Good question. Let’s
Ok, where to?
Common sense.
You can’t create
something from nothing.
So you said... but “God”
evidently can – if we’re here and some kind of Big Bang brought reality into
Absolutely. Delicious
paradox, isn’t it?
You could say.
So how do you solve
You don’t. Like all
paradoxes it’s best to ignore it bravely, or deny it.
Well, how can you – if
God, the force, the impulse, whatever it is – is, by definition, beyond our ken.
Presumably by shifting your field of vision.
Your perception.
Back to the mathematics
of reality – away from the physical or materiality of things.
Er… ok. Well?
Well, One, the value
of all that is, the entire universe, you, me, everything there is – is positive,
isn’t it?
I guess it must be.
If all this, as we believe, as we perceive, is something, and not just an illusion or a dream?
Fair enough. It’s positive.
Plus one.
Ok, so what have you
actually got?
Do you want me to
repeat myself?
Sure, why not.
[sigh] Plus one.
Ok, so let’s think geometrically.
A y-axis, or an x-axis.
Plus one – and on the
other side?
Minus one – I guess.
You’re absolutely right
– for you can only generate plus one on one side by implying or subtracting minus one on t’other.
Absolutely. Where else
could the plus one come from?
God knows.
God knows.
You mean the mind of
You said it.
The mind of God knows
plus one geometrically by unknowing minus one?
Kind of.
What exactly are you
getting at?
To “unknow” is to forget
or to deny on one side what is apparently known on t’other – i.e. by taking
God takes sides?
Kind of – yes.
Then what?
The quantum field
flips one way or the other – and God – by definition – makes this a reality by
taking it personally, by inserting himself into the picture.
By getting personally
involved. By wishing to see the outcome of that event – by going with it into
one side and, in doing so, temporarily losing sight of the other – getting involved,
engrossed in the business of things, of life and humanity on whichever side it’s
now happening – it matters little what or which.
So God – you’re saying
– loses the big picture?
Absolutely – in order
to see things unfold, to see how things play out he has to ignore the minus
half, the back side of unreality – for if he keeps both evenly weighted, the
divine mind is all-encompassing and nothing would transpire – nothing would
play out – it would all remain wholly indeterminate.
So God… is biased?
Let’s not try too hard
to define God – that would be fairly dumb – but whatever God is – his, her, its
attention sees that things can and do matter – can and do snatch life,
existence and meaning from the lion's jaws.
The lion?
From the jaws of quantum
indeterminacy, of meaninglessness, of unreality.
This God – does he care?
I have no idea. I’m no
more qualified to know that than you are, am I?
I guess not.
Do you think he does?
I… er
Do you care?
Well, yes, I think I
Do you imagine you are
wholly unlike, or disconnected from that attention-giving, life-nurturing God?
I don’t know. I guess
if it’s all One then I can’t be so far removed.
Absolutely. Whatever
God is, if he holds side, he can only do that if you hold the other – whoever,
whatever you really are, but if this is geometrical, if this is fundamental, as
fundamental as one being the other side of minus one yet nothing in itself – such
that one actually equals zero mathematically, then you see, don’t you, that
this cannot be understood mentally – for mentally we can only understand things
– which are fractions, tiny bits of one: iterations going ever deeper into the
twilight of infinity, ever further from the simple truth, the basis, the one
that is you, the Earth, the galaxy or any other fundamental, living singularity
– these the mind tries to order and quantify, in the hope or belief that doing
so it can figure out what is what – the source of all matter, all things, me
included – but these iterations which it studies, these things are always one step
behind the curve – mere derivatives of the living, breathing singularity that is you
and the universe – incredibly, your outer body – so the mind cannot ever quite
catch up with its tail, yet cannot give up its futile attempt to do so, until,
unless you start to feel, or become aware of the other side of you...
But how – it’s all so
abstract, even the mathematics – how can I can relate to that, personally?
We don’t have to use a
purely geometric model.
I presented it first,
because part of your mind is purely mathematical like a computer, in fact, and
sees this clear as day.
If you say so. I can’t
say I ever noticed it myself.
Oh, there’s plenty
going on within that you have no idea about – you are vast beyond belief.
I am?
Have to be, don’t you –
if you’re a conscious being – but more of that anon. So, where was I? Oh, the
geometric model which puts your AI at ease.
AI – now you’ve got to
be kidding.
Not really. The thing
that makes you a human is the unique combination of an AI intelligence and a purely
biological awareness.
Oh my God – this is
getting creepy.
Yes, can’t be helped. You
are what you are, part thing and part being. Coming to terms with that,
accepting yourself, warts and all, without prejudice, without judgement, is the
key to becoming complete – isn’t it?
I – can’t really say I
know. I’m not sold on the idea that I’m half AI.
No, but you are sold
on things – that things matter, that things need to be organised, processed,
understood, systems put in place, laws, compliance with regulations etc etc etc…
It’s hardly difficult to see if you step back and join the dots. But let’s not
focus on things, right now – doing so only encourages the mind to start hunting for
enemies, does it not?
Well, yes – I suppose
So, instead of
geometry, we can use charge, as in electrical charge, to explain creation.
Really? How?
Well, the "plus one" of
this universe is the same as a positive charge, isn’t it?
I suppose so. Why?
Well, whoever,
whatever God is, he, she, it separates the charge.
Keeps the positive and
negative from cancelling out instantly.
No idea. Doesn’t really
matter. By definition God would be that which doesn’t create anything as such –
but creates or allows separation within his, her or its self between a seemingly
positive and seemingly negative charge.
Well yes – it only
becomes physical and “real” on the other side – here, where God is more a
belief, and not a physical presence or being as such.
Oh God, this is
Yes, there’s still the
axis to contend with – the divide that separates things and minus things – there’s
no getting around that – but with charge at least, we can see how the flat,
static geometric model starts to move and flow.
Well, if this is true,
then instead of focussing endlessly on things and how they seem to interact, we
can follow the charge.
We can?
And what’s that going
to show us?
Well, God’s universe,
his so-called Creation is going to be all about electrical circuitry.
At every level.
I mean EVERY level –
biologically, within you and every one of us.
At the planetary level
– between the various elements – and then over and above all that – at the cosmic
So it’s all an immense
electrical circuit?
Immense or small – tis all one – however you choose to view it.
Amazing, if it were
Has to be, doesn’t it.
How else could you get plus one?
I can’t imagine.
Precisely, because your
imagination, or rather, your consciousness is involved.
Yep. In that respect,
your very consciousness is not merely an aspect of God, the charge separator,
the charge maker – it’s also a decentralised node – a somehow isolated moment of
God’s great mystery – here, present at the seemingly local, seemingly
insignificant, seemingly miniscule level of your very existence. A creation hub.
I’m feeling…
Yes, just talking
about it starts to affect the charge flow within you. What did you expect?
Coming apart at the
seams – absolutely. It’s bound to happen. You were never very well stitched
together – bit of a rushed job – just enough to hold you together at low
resolution, at low frequency, but now you’re pushing the threshold – you need
to come apart in order to, hopefully, reconfigure, re-conjoin
Well yes, there’s
always the risk you can’t or won’t make it, isn’t there?
If you haven’t done
your homework.
If you haven’t
Prepared? This is the
first I’ve heard of all this.
Well yes, but at a deeper
level, closer to the “zero equals one” within – you’ve always known about this, and
always had a fairly good idea of the timetable in which you shed the old, loose,
approximate configuration, and put on a new, tighter-fitting skin.
I’m not ready, I’m not
ready – I don’t want to do this. Stop it please.
Er… can’t really do
that, can I.
Course you can. You started
Not strictly true.
Externally, at the level of things it may have looked that way – but at the deeper,
quantum level, this happens in its own time, and you had just as much say in
the matter – in fact, you brought me in, you created me from your very core.
Me? You must be mistaken.
I never created you. I didn’t create anything – other than a lot of confusion.
I’m a pathetic failure. I’ve spent my whole life burying my head in the sand,
trying to deny the simple truth, focussing on things of little or no great
significance. I admit it. I’ve been a total fraud. Now please, kindly stop it.
Stop what?
Can’t you see what’s
happening to me?
Sort of.
I’m falling apart. I’m
bloody-well de-atomising, aren’t I?
Well, yes, that a
fairly good description – or rather, the so-called atoms are undividing, releasing
their charge, unseperating from their other, their minus one… It’s all progressing
very nicely. Try to stay calm.
Try to stay calm! Look
at me! I can see the universe through my skin. Is that normal?
Oh yes, I assure you,
it’s entirely normal given the circumstances.
Well it may be normal
for you, Mr Cosmos, but it sure as hell ain’t normal for me. I’m a down-to-earth, regular guy and the last thing I want to see when I gaze at my navel is the Orion
Actually it’s the Horsehead
Like it matters.
Look Zie, you can
fight it or you can embrace the change. Either way you need to reboot –
otherwise your existing configuration will destroy you.
Well yes, you’ve
exhausted its potential. The electric charge is desperate to dissipate. Why
else do you think you’ve been having all these ridiculous, impossible
conversations with me, all this time.
Er… just because I’m
into psycho-masochism.
Give me a break. And
anyway, what about them?
Them, Merry? Who the hell are "they"? What are you on about?
No need to get abusive
Zie – just because you’re coming apart at the seams – oh wow – Andromeda’s
coming into view just above your liver, or where it used to be.
Holy s*it. That does
Does it?
I’m dying.
Well, yes –
technically, I can hardly refute that.
You could call a priest
or something.
Ok, but I don’t think
there’s time. Oh, beautiful, that’s the Cartwheel galaxy – one of my favourites.
Do you mind Merry?
Mind what?
Gazing, shamelessly,
into my innermost depths. Have some respect for my privacy.
Oh that – er – sorry Zie.
I’m not sure those innermost depths are strictly speaking yours, or even strictly
speaking innermost.
So, I don’t even own
my inner-space anymore?
Well, that’s the thing
about dying, isn’t it…
What is? For God’s
sake man, get a move on, I’ll be dead before you’ve put me in the picture.
All of those
Well, what…
Oops – there he goes.
Not even a “pop”. A slight smell – no one’s perfect. I myself am peculiarly susceptible
to draughts. Let’s freshen that up a bit while he’s out of the picture.
[Merry takes out a
kind of flute and starts playing an innocent tune – dancing too – and the faint
cloud, the stale aroma where Zie had been standing a moment ago responds
beautifully, shimmering, dancing too, as nanoparticles do, remembering the universe as it truly is,
remembering, rediscovering Creation – the light, the joy, the power, the blissful
expectancy – and by the time Merry’s put his flute away – a Zie seems to be appearing,
emerging from the ecstatic, incense-wafting cloud]
Ah, Zie, there you
Merry. What a beautiful,
wonderful… er
Precisely, er... isn’t it just. Congratulations, old man. You’ve just given the quantum field a real run for its
money. It was positively groaning as it tried to process the gnarly mess that you
had become – but indigestion and flatulence notwithstanding – it seems to have
spat you out again, good as new, bright as a button. “Callooh! Callay! Oh
frabjous day!” he chortled in his joy.
Ah – you can say
whatever you like Merry – I’m positively humming with… zzz
Electric charge – yes,
I can feel it. That’s new, happy electricity, isn’t it? Full of potential. Full
of ideas. Full of plans to rewire the entire universe if it possibly can,
if you don’t get in its way.
Which I have no
intention of doing. I’m a reformed circuit breaker, I assure you. From now on,
I’m determined to find out everything there is to know about the force, the
entity, the paradigm that holds everything in this breathtaking dance of charge separation, zero-one-ification. This crazy thing called being.
If they’ll let you.
Don’t you see?
Oh, them! What have
they got to do with it?
Nothing. They merely
observe – except when it’s their turn to step into the limelight – but there’s
a heavy, weightiness in their observation – wouldn’t you agree?
Well, I suppose you
may be right – but they’re not separate from the charge, are they?
No, you’re right about
So, I can electrify
them, can’t I?
If you play your part
well, no matter what, yes.
Look – the poor things
– they’re frozen in their masks – like flint – and yet – something tells me
this universe, this reality has all the tools I need, if I’m willing to turn
things round – redesign, reorganise, rearrange it to make flint the new liquid
gold, the central column.
Ah – now you’re
talking. Do you want to borrow this?
Your flute? No thanks.
Not my thing. I picked up a trick or two while I was out of action just now.
You did?
Absolutely. Watch this…
[Zie starts doing a
kind of dance, singing a kind of rap – hitting a certain vibration – hitting it
again – getting resonance from God knows where – apparently those spinning
wheels, those vast improbable galaxies – as if he, as if Zie’s a violin bow
gong back and forth, lightly rubbing the strings, as if he’s a frog, croaking
through the night, a cricket, a cicada, a mosquito whining as it flies around
the room before settling on your nose – and suddenly flint – hard, hard stone –
is no-longer stuck on one side of Zie – the axis has spinnied around – the vortex
is no longer holding north and south, east and west apart – a different
cymatic flow, a different cymatic configuration has emerged from Creation’s
inner depths – and they – the watchers, the observers, the cold, hard stoney-hearted timeless ones are dancing sprites, children, gnomiki, in the forest of
the night. Poor things – they’ll never, I suspect, be the same again, which is
perhaps exactly what was needed all along.]
Thanks Zie. That was…
Lost for words?
Absolutely. Never, in
all my life, had I imagined Creation could be so…
You don’t fool me,
Not today… not today…
not while your electrics are fully charged and the universe is at your beck and
call. Enjoy it while it lasts.
And Merry fades to
darkness as this glimpse into infinity – through the spyglass lens of
g-nomeportal once again leaves the reader nonplussed, staring at a spider’s
web, beautifully spun, with not the faintest recollection of the epic saga, the
quantum odyssey he, she, we have created together in our starry vision – a seed, a
mustard seed if you like – planted in your mind, in mine – lost in the infinite
field of all that you and I are about – yet let it grow, let it grow, as grow
it must, as grow it will, as grow it doth – and then you’ll see, then you’ll
know – then we…