Cast of Characters:
Eugene – not the nicest guy in the world, but appearances may be deceptive?
Dan – a sound bloke, as they are wont to say in Albion, with an honest Anglo-Saxon name
You – the missing link in this genocidal tale of virtuous reality masquerading as a Socratean dialogue
Me – waving a conductor's baton, hiding in plain view, powerless to alter the course of events
At the end of an intense game of squash, Dan and Eugene head to the changing rooms for a shower, hardly noticing how their setting vanishes into the Greek halls of discourse, which themselves morph into something not unlike the old Globe theatre of Shakespeare's day, finally culminating in the distinctive quantum fields of indeterminacy – where nature meets numbers, and g-nome portal convenes its annual summer round-table wizardry tourney – but to our tale.
Frustrating? Of course it’s frustrating. How would you feel?
Er... I’m still finding it hard to accept that you’re for real. I mean, it’s one thing to talk about population control, which is a perfectly rational policy if we’re to save the planet from a mass extinction event, but...
Too little too late.
Perhaps you’re right but...
Just look at the figures. The die off is already happening. It’s almost certainly irreversible.
In that case why bother with your eugenics programme?
It’s a moral imperative.
To try to kill three or four billion people?
Preferably five or six. Yes. To save the planet, and humanity. We really have no choice.
Those of us willing to face the facts, unpleasant though they may be, those of us willing to act, despite the grave danger this puts us in. For the greater good, for the common weal, noblesse oblige. Someone has to do it so who if not us?
God, perhaps?
God?! Really, Dan, I thought you had more sense.
Who do you think created all these religions, corralled the masses into carefully groomed congregations of obedience and subjugation to a benevolent overlord?
Prophets and rulers. Rulers may have taken over and manipulated belief systems such as Christianity, but only because there was a potent spiritual core that resonated in the hearts and minds of the people, which convinced them in a way that no clever argument or lie could, that there is a deeper truth, a deeper purpose woven into the fabric of their faith, which is still felt from time to time, which transcends the lies and cynical manipulations of so called rulers.
Bravo! What beautiful sentiments! Would that they were true, I too should subscribe to one of the collective cults of coercion referred to as “religions”.
Of coercion? What on earth are you on about?
Has there ever been a religion which has failed to follow the standard pattern like any seedling, of first establishing roots in the earth, then growing up towards the sun?
I’m not sure I follow your conceit?
Tis no conceit, I assure you. The apparent metaphor describes, literally, how every religion by design achieves the same energy objective.
Which is?
To make people, as in the masses, amenable to harvesting.
I beg your pardon?
Harvesting. You heard me right.
By whom? For what purpose?
That’s good – direct questions rather than vague philosophical flim flam.
Well, the so called creator, the farmer who sows the seeds is usually the one who intends to harvest the crop when it’s fully grown.
You mean God?
I mean the creator of this particular cultivation.
And you don’t think it’s God?
Well, by one definition whoever seeded man here on earth is referred to as God, but if by God you mean the supreme creator of life in general, I’d say no – this is not God, though obviously he’d wish you to believe it if that helps increase the potential yield of this crop.
But, if as you say this is just a farm and we like seeds have been planted and are growing in order to be harvested...
Then why the urgent need to reduce the population? Isn’t it going to happen automatically?
Of course it is, but that will only immeasurably strengthen the power and wealth of so called God, the one that seeks to reap the bounties of humankind.
And you wish to prevent him from doing so? For the good of humanity?
So there’s no God to defend us from this tyrannical imposter that allegedly masquerades as God through the many religions.
Not only through the recognised religions.
No, how else?
Through so called science, which has also become a religion, not to mention the welfare state, which likewise
has become a religion?
To all intents and purposes.
You see, once people have bought into whichever collective structure resonates with them, whichever seems most likely to be true or to best serve their ends, then they’re on the hook: a kind of carrot and stick hook, if you like, which ensures they effectively cease observing or questioning the fundamentals, but start instead investing their personal power in preserving and supporting whatever organisation or system they now adhere to.
Supposing that’s true – what’s so bad about that. United we stand, divided we fall. Humans are collective creatures – we’re happier and stronger working together for the common good.
True – but does it look like people are generally speaking happy, generally speaking united, generally speaking fulfilled, thriving, finding their true life purpose or even working for "common good".
Not exactly, no, but we've got to be realistic, haven't we? This isn't exactly utopia. People, by their very natures are far from perfect and end up making a mess of things. We have the gift of free will, and all too often we exercise it to our detriment, or the detriment of others – guided by our desires for instant gratification rather than what’s in humanity's best interests. That’s the learning process, isn’t it?
Yes, yes, we are sinful by our very nature, as we’re taught – and who am I to disagree, but on the other hand, our sins and desires are great for the church, great for the state, great for the God that plans to harvest beings who have spent their whole life disconnected from the great one and all – connected instead into surrogate agencies or organisations which benefit from our so called sinfulness.
Sorry – I don’t see how the Church or the state benefits from our sinfulness.
No, it’s hard to see, isn’t it – if you’re focussing on a concept such as “sinfulness” which plays havoc with you psychologically by encouraging feelings of shame and failure – rather than empowering you to heal or enabling you to see and to feel the deeper, fundamental energy flows which actually arouse and provoke unnatural, unhealthy passions and desires.
So you’re blaming…
No, there’s no blame whatsoever. The farmer needs his crop. He sets up the field, planting seeds in such a way that people willingly grow along his trellises, so he can harvest the grapes. He encourages certain genetics by interbreeding to maximise his return, and the fact that the people are a little less healthy, a little less happy, a little less natural than their earlier, less conditioned, less cultivated ancestors is hardly a cause for concern, because the harvest is not the bodies per se.
No? Then what?
This energy – this life force – this creative power which goes largely unused, which gets channelled into artificial, unnatural organisations built on false premises such as pseudo-religions, surrogate states – which pretend to be what they’re not in fact – pretend to be natural structures working for the common good – when in actual fact they’re trellises, or fish farms, or anything but the natural, fractal, spiralling structure which would work in harmony with the highest attainable consciousness of mankind, which would enable humankind to realise its untapped potential – to once again connect with creator, with source, with the fundamental be all and end all of Is – the ascending/descending wave in a double helix, or a toroidal field of toroidal fields – where God is not in any way, shape or form about coercion, about limiting or disempowering people, about generating endless insertions, structures, laws, rules, fear based control mechanisms… the kind of thing that dominates the world you live in.
So, you’ve decided that our God, whether that be the God of rational humanism, or socialism, or scientific materialism, or literally any religion – hope I’ve not missed anything out…
You’ve covered most the seed types.
is an imposter – an insertion, if you like, which comes between us and true God, and yet which we mistakenly take to be true God in our blindness or ignorance – but you, for some reason, know better than the rest of humanity – you and your Bilderberger, Trilateral or masonic elite – you want to save us from our enslavement by killing untold billions of people – in order to deprive that parasitic entity of its energy source.
Not exactly, but you’re certainly more right than wrong.
And you think that’s the lesser evil for humanity?
Well, lesser or greater – we’re fighting a war with a usurper who has taken over humankind, inserted certain mental and psychological implants which basically prevent people from being people – from working for the good of humanity – the human tree if you like. Our job is to resuscitate and save the tree which our humanity used to be, needs to be, has to be if we’re to survive. We therefore agreed to join the so called dark or service-to-self side – in order to stimulate the collective organism to sense the danger it is in – to try to bring it out of the comatose state by provoking a real-life crisis.
By trying to kill billions of people.
Would that they were people – sadly not one in a hundred so called "people" is actually alive. All their conscious energy has been subsumed, absorbed into the borg, into the machine, the matrix, the energy farm, the alien consciousness we are almost all part of. Yes. But if any of them can be saved, can be awakened, can be brought back to life – this will only happen when they’re presented with the stark "do or die" dilemma – which we are endeavouring to arrange.
By setting up bioweapons laboratories and releasing Frankenstein viruses into the public arena?
Absolutely. That's one line of action.
Which never seem to cause the damage you were hoping for.
Naturally, the collective consciousness, even that of enslaved people, still works to ensure survival.
So you don’t think that possibly you’re working against nature?
We aren’t playing games.
You’re telling me!
Our commitment to the creator, the true creator or all that is – the source of all code, all life, of all – is such that we’re willing to play the darkest, most heinous roles, as need be, in order to break the deadlock – in order to flush the parasitic farmer entities – the giant squid – the worm – into the open.
You’re fighting hell with hell. Don’t you see?
It is our drama – to play this role until the time comes when we’re able to step down and confess that it was always no more than a pact, the fulfilment of an ancient trust, of an agreement – to play our part in this human drama, la comédie humaine, to enable men and women to see beyond their limited perception of things, of matter, of stuff – to grasp the fundamentals of life and death, of power and debasement, without which, without so doing, none of this great endeavour amounts to aught, none of this to any more than nought.
Drama – mass murder?!
Thwarted – for this is not, in fact, a neutral stage. Every sequence of events is carefully managed, carefully controlled Dan, don’t you see?
I see insanity. I see evil.
You see your own vanity and self-indulgent hypocritical moral superiority.
In what way am I to be accused of seeking to kill my fellow human beings?
Without seeing the energy flows which you’re passively part of – you’d never notice, you’d never know.
And what exactly do these “energy flows” do that is so detrimental?
You, along with your sleeping brothers and sisters feed, nourish, sustain the beast which is keeping humanity enslaved, in mental, physical, spiritual poverty, bondage, virtualisation.
You’ve virtualised yourself or yourselves – to the extent that what seems to be real and true is not even close to what’s really going on, what’s unfolding. Deep in your hearts, in your collective sub-consciousness you know this to be true – which is why you’re freaking out about climate change and a host of other non-issues, but you’re so busy creating enemies and blaming other people that nothing short of complete self-annihilation will wake you up. It’s like the mouse utopia experiments.
In which the mice had everything they needed to survive?
The colony expanded to a critical level, then collapsed, every time, back to not a single mouse alive.
So, if the mice utopia is true of humans – there would be no hope for us if we had ideal survival conditions, which we don’t. Many people still have to struggle to get by.
And you might even consider that the ultimate creator is looking for an alternative outcome, without which none of this means anything, and therefore…
You’ll do anything to justify being a demented, satanistic sociopath. People like you need to be locked up or exterminated.
And thus the world wags, as a motley fool once said. Here Dan, try on these glasses.
Go on, try them on. What are you afraid of?
How else are you going to see the pathology you’re a part of?
unless you’d rather remain blissfully ignorant. In which case, you can hardly blame me. I am but a messenger.
Ok, let me try them on – if they’re legitimate, but how would I know? You yourself have admitted…
that there are energy flows which either go in natural spirals, or into black boxes. Make up your own mind. I merely give you the option to see with your own eyes and draw your own conclusions. If I’m right, you may discover that your "no harm policy" conceals… a dark tale all of your own.
[Dan puts on the glasses]
Blast my eyes! How could you live with this knowledge if it were true? How could you stop yourself from seeking to destroy every man woman and child who was plugged into this network of deception – this abomination?
Well, you know Dan, what differentiates humans from animals is perhaps our ability to laugh, is that not so? A sense of humour – the ability to step back and say “hey ho – things look dire but perhaps God has a plan, or if he doesn’t, perhaps this is all just an infinitely layered joke – which will make perfect sense the minute we let go of our hyper-inflated sense of self-importance, and realise that ultimately, in the greater order of things – that regardless of appearances of good intentions – hey nonny nonny,
converting all your sounds of woe,
then be you blithe and bonny
and sigh not so but let them go –
if all, in fact, is one; if this, in fact, be a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing, unless, that is, zero equals one, unless infinity itself scampers across the stage of human self-righteousness, human conceit, and scatters tiny babel seeds which suddenly reveal how little we actually understand, how little we know, till laughter dissolves our God supplanting hubris, and we all revert to merry mirth and that was that – how well we played our parts, with what consummate skill and impassioned abandonment.
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