Thursday, February 20, 2020 /episode 11


At a meeting in Central Park, New York today the water bearers, as they call themselves, read one of MD’s execrable poems – judge for yourself – yet “in-verse” as they call it is believed to carry some so-called “quantum code” and allegedly acts as a prayer – I’m merely reporting what they believe to be true, so placebo that if you will. Brace yourselves guys, this may hurt:

What if I told you this isn’t really Earth
Would it fall on deaf ears
Would your blood-bond compel you to ignore
what your heart secretly

What if I told you that we are all
master creators of this realm
not just this world
but all Thim
a real ity born of a covenant outside Time
with Lucius Lord of Light
keeper of the Seal
and the great Thiel himself
soul binder and gatesman
of the entropic well
the no-thing without end
inherent in all matter
until your soul light
your good intent is interwoven
interposed by split thread
one above
one below
to make things real
to make matter
unequivocally so

time should end
and we should allow
the infinite to talk
to sing from the depths above
or the heavens below
and rekindle in us
the fire that breathes
the water that shines
the earth that bodifies
the air that sings to the sun and moon
and lo
the two Earths recombine
an' fuse
an earth we have known which be only half
and an earth unknowably unknown yet existent
written into backward time
of neither reason nor rhyme
from whence emerged the fragile mind we know
which sucked on the sustenance of matter
and matter alone
to stay alive
yet could not sense other half
the earth unknowably unknown
without which we are less
than nought
without which we are bound
to an endless wheel of non-consequence
until cometh the day
Time ends
and we discover the beauty of our
the beauty of all that we have endured
the beauty of our now unfolding


What do you mean “step outside my mind?” I can’t just exit the one thing that makes me consciously aware of being alive.

Does it really?


Except the mind is as much jailer as jailed. It’s almost powerless to see things as they are – in terms of the whole – the two Earths – able as it is only to process the material side.

Well it’s the only mind I have.

Is that so?

Are you trying to be obtuse?

It comes naturally. Look – I understand the problem, I think I’ll just give you a break. I have stuff to get on with.

But wait a minute – you went to all the trouble of coming here.

No trouble at all, I assure you.

If you have anything important to share – couldn’t you demonstrate what you mean rather than talking in generalities.

Good idea. See them?

Holy cow! What the hell? [a vast, vast auditorium of watchers extending to infinity – all watching intently… prompting feelings of vertigo/ stage fright.]

We are not alone. Never were, in fact.

But who are they?

The watchers. Without them none of this would have substance. They close the loop.

But who/ what are they?


People? You are kidding.

Does it look like I’m kidding?

No, but – it doesn’t make sense. How could there be so many people just watching us, as that? Where do they live?

Outside 3D – but then again – so do you for much of the time.

I do?

Absolutely – when you’re “sleeping”.

Ah – but I only sleep a few hours a day.

That’s ok. Once you’re back there you’re outside linear time. You can have as much time as you like.

For what?

For whatever you need.

But what – what do I need to do there?

I have no idea. Mostly gardening, or r&r: people strive to restore some semblance of order and normality to the biosphere that contains my last day – everything I thought, felt, said and did. Very often our day causes a trail of chaos. But listen – don’t ask me what you do – ask yourself – and set up a relay so you become better acquainted with your Self – and your biosphere.

But how? – I wasn’t even aware that such a thing existed.

Well now you are. It’s time.

Time for what? I thought you just said the opposite – that Time’s at an end.

Yes, it is – but here on this side it’s really just beginning – and it needs to integrate harmoniously into your normal self, normal life, normal world.

No way – this thing looks and feels completely different.

Which it is – but we have a kind of bridging device.

You do?

Yes, we do.

Well then, I’m all ears.

Good – kindly enter the plasma state.

Huh? How?

Quit fooling around. You know how – just do it without thinking.

Ah – yes – amazing how I can know something without appearing to know it?

Now, in the plasma state what are you most aware of?

Oh yes – of course – fields, electro magnetic or intra-dimensional: inter-connectedness.

Correct. And how do  you connect, how do you integrate with your 3D self?

Through these access plains.

Which are?

Water, earth, air, fire…

Good. And how are you configured in 3D? Are you locked in one position of mind and thought – or can you turn – can you swivel and feel or perceive other alternatives, alternative realities?

Fairly locked – there’s almost no movement at all.

Well go to it. Clean up the socket and let’s see if we can integrate the two sides – so they become mutually referential.

Mutually referential? Is that possible.

Absolutely. It’s how you were initially designed pre-fall. Without it you have a tendency to turn into sociopaths, victims or adherents to the cube cult of extreme rationalism – which just happens to exclude anything whatsoever pertaining to this half of Earth, this half of mind.

Yikes. Small wonder things are so messed up.

You’re telling me.

Right. Has it loosened up yet?.

Give me a second. It’s – that’s a bit better.

Ok – here’s some – let’s call it oil. I won’t give you all the details right now as you’re still only in the limited awareness rehab state – your sense-feelings need time to catch up and rebalance things biospherically.


Good. I think we’re ready to get back. You have a battle to lose.

Lose?! Why on Earth should I lose?

Well how else are you going to defeat the dark Lord Thiel.

By losing? I wish you’d…


Ah – I

You get it – don’t you. I told you it takes time for the biosphere to rebalance, readjusting to mutual equilibrium.

Wow. Come on then – I’m excited to go meet Thiel and his blood-bonds.

Great. Have a beautiful time.

I will.


Elimination on the count of three.

But master – we can take  him, put him on trial.

Yes, you could but how should I put it? – this time it’s personal.


Do you question my orders?

No master. Heaven forbid.

Indeed, indeed. Captain Ebon, I’m not at liberty to disclose to you the true nature of this enemy agent, nor his crimes against humanity. I believe you are well-acquainted with the Official Secrets Act and our need-to-know protocols.

Yes, master. Forgive me. It won’t happen again.


Should I order our men back – they’ll be too close to the energy pulse.

We can’t afford to risk anything. Hold them in position.


Better still, I want you to personally supervise the operation on the front line. Our enemy combatant deserves a ranking guard of honour.

My lord.

I will ensure your family is well looked after.

Now get in place, Ebon – you there, what’s your deputy’s name? Lieutenant Strine, I’m reviewing you for promotion – let’s see how good you are at carrying out orders. You’re about to order an EM strike on that block opposite – which will unfortunately result in the death of at least one thousand service personnel , including our much loved Captain Ebon. Any questions.

No master. I have the codes. Rest assured you have my complete loyalty.

Good. At ease Lieutenant.


How many water drops do you imagine there are here on Earth?

[the class looks dumbfounded.]

Ok then, how many atoms are there in the universe?

[like – what the hell]

Let’s try again – how many cells in your body?

- a trillion?

Maybe Jez – maybe less, but certainly hundreds of billions.

What about bacteria?

- on Earth or in our bodies?


What about electrons?


You see – the numbers are insane and what do we see again and again?


Yes, Stacy. Well spotted. We see an astonishing degree of coherence – until perhaps the organism gets sick.

- and what of it? Why shouldn’t there be coherence. You couldn’t have humans, planets or stars without coherence. They’d just collapse or die so any system or species or organisation lacking coherence is simply eliminated, taken over or never even makes it off the drawing board, so to speak.

Right Maya. The physical universe, or physical reality is, you might say, a kind of coherency filter. It simply doesn’t permit non-coherent entities in – or if they’re in – they are issued with the imprimatur which makes them visible or material. They might be part of the background – in a kind of quantum soup of potentiality – but in order to get shelf space in this reality – they need that stamp of approval – they have to pass the coherence test.

- That’s kind of weird – postulating that this universe is a coherence filter. It would imply that there’s a load of stuff which is simply off the radar screen – which might be no less important than the matter and organisms we’re able to study.

Correct. There could be a huge bias at work – which would have a major effect on our empirical sciences which have assumed that the universe is the whole set, and basically a neutral bucket containing wheat, chaff and grain.

- And?

Well, we need to consider how these organisms or structures cohere so seemingly effortlessly – because we’ve kind of been taking it for granted, haven’t we?


Like – I’m a human – how could a human possibly be anything less than me, or different from me?

Well, it’s easy to get lost in fruitless speculation, isn’t it?

Yes, it is, but evaluating the wonder, the statistically incomprehensible fact of coherency is vital if we’re to get a better picture of what reality is or might be. You’re familiar with cymatics aren’t you.

Er yeah

How a certain frequency gets your medium – be it sand, water, grains or whatever, to vibrate in a certain way – assuming a very different form from a slightly higher or lower frequency. Sound just seems to have this uncanny knack of getting things into shape. It’s a kind of energy frame, or structuraliser.

So you think that’s what holds things together?

I wouldn’t go that far – but it's certainly useful to observe and draw comparisons. Let me backtrack a little to the "how many" questions I asked.

Uh huh

They showed a certain bias – didn’t they?


You see – saying how many cells there are in your body is like asking how many ways it is possible to divide up one, isn’t it?

You mean – because it’s a single body.

Precisely. And a single body is going to have as many sub-divisions as it takes to fill the one – to keep it full of matter – for nature abhors a vacuum.

You mean to say a body is not made up of cells – per se? But we know it is. They start dividing from a single fertilised egg, and eventually you get a fully grown man or woman.

Yes – but only if that egg is fertilised and already complete – informationally – then it simply expands and contracts.


Well, as the cells divide – they become smaller and smaller relative to the whole. The one becomes many and yet somewhere in each of them the first single cell remains, or rather, the awareness of that first cell remains. It’s really no different from an expanding and contracting universe.

Wait a minute – the universe is actually getting bigger – we are told – whereas our bodies are not, after puberty, so these are hardly the same.

Who says the universe is getting bigger? Think about it – relative to what is it getting bigger? Now, if we were getting smaller – then yes – it would definitely seem to be getting bigger – but in the end, bigger or smaller is not really the issue, is it?


Let’s be honest. Unless there remains that sense of One, the whole, the singularity – then the whole thing crashes, flies apart, collapses in on itself in a hyper-deflation, or something of the sort.


I think the big problem is we get stuck at one level, mentally – we decide we want to look at the universe from one position or another – but that’s not going to work – because apart from the singularity of waterdroplets – there’s the singularity or universe of all water, and the two, physically, cannot really be reconciled. The data flows would have to be too great – you’d have to have every droplet, and every atom, and every cell with an awareness of every other and of the entire organism or universe at the same time. You see? How could that possibly occur – when viewing things in terms of matter – as discrete and separate.

But how else could we view things? They’re obviously discrete and separate – no matter how much they have in common.

Yes, they are – obviously – discrete and separate, I agree – but at the same time – it’s a little too obvious, isn’t it.


Bearing in mind the entire universe appears to be a coherency filter or coherency generator.

So what are you suggesting Professor? That things are all one single organism?

Possibly. It’s certainly an option, isn’t it?

Hardly. How could the entire universe be a single organism?

I have no idea – I can’t say I’ve given it much thought – but you may as well ask the opposite – how on earth could the entire universe not be a single organism – a singularity – which brings all of its dark, unknowable incoherency into a disk or column of coherency at certain frequency bands which we are aware of as the known universe. The coherent we refer to as matter. The incoherent cannot be perceived by our senses or even measured by instruments because it would be on the other side of the filter – in a kind of quantum soup – simmering away – but whatever it’s doing – we can be sure of one thing….


That our consciousness is based there.


Our consciousness – consciousness is there – for consciousness is not structured as matter.

Then how can we be conscious here?

Who said we’re conscious here. We’re conscious period – but only to the extent that we’re aware of things here.

Wait a minute….


You mean to say that our awareness of things is the measure or proof of our consciousness?


But surely consciousness can exist independent of matter, if as you say it’s unstructured and therefore swims in the quantum soup.


But you’re contradicting yourself.

Yes. It’s always troublesome trying to set things straight in flat plains and linear chains. To the extent that consciousness is not and cannot be structured – it is not matter – and therefore “there” so to speak, yet to the extent that matter exists in a kind of vacuum – where consciousness appears to be absent or excluded – that apparent void can only be achieved by oscillating notional things either side of an elliptic as plus or minus. The two obviously cancel out – but the awareness is polarised and only sees, only experiences one side. The awareness is mighty powerful – is it Not – flashing on and off as notional things oscillate back and forth – in and out of opposing positions – ensuring that our perception of reality is smooth and one-sided.

But if we were only seeing one side – wouldn’t that be like flying a plane with one wing – or a boat with a rudder fixed hard to port or starboard? Wouldn’t we just circle around? How could things appear to make sense and progress in a linear fashion?

Excellent question.


It’s almost inconceivable, isn’t it, except for one small factor.

Er… Which is?



You throw your weight behind it – or rather against it.

I do?

Yes. You’re the counter-weight.


Look. Put someone on skates on the ice. How can they move forward? There’s almost no friction.


But if they start pushing skates left and right and leaning their body just the way that feels right or works best – the left and right skate with the body’s inertia and weight – allow forward movement at great speed.

Ok – but what’s that got to do with the universe becoming real.

Well, let’s assume the universe is incredibly finely balanced.


Let’s assume that you are the final straw – the very apex of that weight – that your skating through the time and space we refer to as reality – is what makes things matter – what makes them real – what gives them mass.

Er… but wouldn’t that imply…?

Correct – that you basically contain the entire universal mass within you.


Which ultimately amounts to nought – because it oscillates across the elliptic – doesn’t it?


But becomes immeasurably big and preponderous to the extent that you allow it.


You. To the extent that you allow your conscious awareness to see things as things – and go further and further from the elliptic – allowing matter to pull you into an ever more elliptical orbit, and yet, at the same time, no matter how elliptical your orbit, no matter how “heavy” things seem to be – it does not alter the fact that there is no matter, no thing until you bring your weight to bear. Only when you do so can the skater move forward – for there is zero friction to push against – merely opposing trajectories – opposing spin – or one level deeper – not even that – for at heart – at root – oppositional forces have to arise from within a singularity – and if there be opposition – it is more the result of perception – opposing ways of perceiving the same – from above or below, electrically or magnetically, as light or sound. Like it or not, we fool ourselves, we lose all meaning if we fail to return with every breath to the singularity – the underlying One which holds the universe, the water drop, the atom, the cell, the being that I am – in check – in harmony – in truth – in beauty.

[breathing out – like – holy shit – what was that]

Feel it? Did you? It’s there. We’re all aware of it – but we tend to lose it from sight when our rational mind, like an eager puppy, rushes off into the woods chasing one scent, following another – unable to contain its excitement and enthusiasm.

So we’re just supposed to give up on…

Give up on nothing! That will get you precisely nowhere. Simply allow yourselves to become aware of how your awareness grapples with zero consciousness here in a world of things.

Zero consciousness? But surely…

The minute you become fully, truly conscious – this physical, material world ain’t here. You’re in de’ soup. You may still see things floating around as counter balancing potentialities – but not as this or that – hard material objects or facts as you do on this side of the awareness elliptic.

Holy Mao.


We’re not trying to eliminate matter or anything. We simply on a journey, destined to become aware of our awareness – sooner or later – conscious of our un-consciousness -sooner or later – and then, that is when the DJ within can start spinning the disks and mixing matter in a way that would make Gandal’s beard curl.


Breaking news: nuclear code orange alert

Notorious Russian hacker known as MD, FBI sources announce, is suspected of being in possession of a mini-nuke somewhere in the 8kt range. That’s about half the power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima for comparison.

Police have cordoned off the area around Manhattan’s 66 Thesalon Street and East 42nd Street and are doing everything possible to ensure the safety of all personnel and civilians in the immediate vicinity. There is no official explanation for how such a weapon could have been smuggled into New York but Lieutenant Strine, deputy to Captain Ebon head of the elite counter-terrorism police department, has indicated that the so-called flyers may be responsible, as they are known to be affiliated with MD.

Eye-witnesses are reporting a large armed-response team moving into positions around the building. Anonymous sources have revealed these are being led personally by Captain Ebon, indicating the serious nature of this operation. It’s not yet clear if a full evacuation will be ordered. The building itself, an iconic part of the NYC landscape, appears to be emitting some kind of low-frequency sound waves causing people nearby to imagine they’re hearing things. Here’s an update from our science and technology correspondent Abner Tyrol...

 Meditating? The fools! Tell them to get the hell out of here if they value their lives! God help us all.

Captain Ebon, there’s another column of well-wishers marching this way up Lexington Avenue. They’ll be here in seven minutes.

Insanity. What the hell is really going on? This doesn’t make any sense.

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