Sveta – I know you can hear me.
Hi MD.
Can we quit the pretence of being in separate spaces?
I don’t know.
Yes you do. Let’s undream this anachronistic separation.
Er – how?
How are we communicating right now?
By phone.
Er… [looking at his “phone”, a slipper held to his ear] Ok –
gotya. Oh, by the way Sveta – there’s a fish coming your way – it’s got
something for you.
Yeah – just get down to the shore. You’ll know it when you see
MD – it’s the middle of the night – you are aware?
Yeah, of course. See you in a minute.
[Sveta grumbling – puts on her jacket – goes out into a coldish
night. Stands by the water looking for a fish and sees herself standing on the shore,
feels herself getting sucked backwards deeper, deeper into the lake –
into an underwater globe – which brings her back to Primus Solaris.Sveta and MD are standing on opposite sides of the canyon – gazing at the floating sphere of water – aware of one another, of Baikal – of Sveta on the shore, of MD in New York
talking on the slipper phone, the security and guards amassed
outside – Thiel – the all-powerful preparing to make his surgical strike – and
something eluding them – something that’s like a butterfly flittering in and
out – something they’ve never noticed before – a tiny gap, a tiny continuity
jump – an insignificant incoherence which urgently demands their attention...]
See it?
Yeah. And that’s where it all comes together?
Or apart – yes – the fish of doubt... uncertainty, impossible
duality, a quantum stream threatening to unstitch material reality if we fail
to hold vision coherently... threatening to unpick it at its sub-atomic seams – effortlessly able to do so were it not for the fact that we somehow keep the
fish swimming amid stream, curling, flicking its tail nonchalantly, propelling
us ahead of immanent quantification, astonishingly staying
abreast of zed, an endless stream of raw, unprocessed
potentiality emerging from God knows where... while we look the other way,
focusing on things: things that seem to be real, seem to matter, seem to be
certain until, that is, omega kicks in and once again we're looking back
t’other way, in – back through the eyes of a fish
that sees things completely, utterly differently.
You’re making no sense.
Really Tharn – you can do better than that.
What? Not Tharn, please! You’re jolting me – it hurts – I…
[a voice from the abyss] Tharn –
remember descending from the golden light into Baikal – the passion for
humanity and love that brought you here. You contain the missing link, an
awareness, a code-key. You! Behold Baikal – a fish swimming impossibly between two
tectonic plates, driving them apart, pulling up waters of the deep, vesica
piscis, the edge of things. Here endeth so-called masculine, contained i.e.
knowable reality. Here the datastream of humanity: facts, images, sounds
signifying nothing yet full of passion electrify a fish’s scales, impelling a
bow to back-and-forth vibrate the violin strings of infinity with the
unconscious flick of its tail. Look now – see a Russian doll containing
another, another, another one within – just when you think you know it all,
when you think you’re done, a whole new unity skins out from under
the old, a new iteration unfreezes the land-locked matter-factification we
always just become, as ice-melt in spring.
Yes, you’re doing it, she’s looking this way. Do you feel her
gills, her fins, her electric scales?
I feel her silver-electric glow – but that is all.
Wait for it... Baikal is vast beyond your imaginings: landlocked-waters,
a fish – and never the twain, never the twain shall meet unless infinity skewers
us with its ice harpoon. Do you feel it growing impossibly strong – the
irresistible sense of feeling – feeling things that cannot possibly be sensed
in physicality – overwhelming the matrix, melting the containment field?
Throughout what?
Throughout everything.
The entire universe?
Absolutely. It has to be present through every atom, every cell,
every star, planet, every living organism – you name it – it’s there – without
a shadow of doubt.
But it’s too much to handle. I’m losing myself.
And you
Then what?
Trust me.
Trust you? You’re asking me to commit suicide. My
conscious-awareness will be spread across the entirety of all that is – I’ll
never be able to recombine or recoalesce.
Correct. Even thus must it be thought for zero to nought.
And you just want me to trust you?
No, I don’t just want you to trust me. I want
you to trust me – as you first trusted the urge
to enter the water sphere in search of me, as heart guided you.
But I wasn’t looking for you.
No? I wouldn’t be sure. Maybe you found exactly what you were
looking for, though you never quite realised it.
But this doesn’t feel right.
It’s not meant to. If it did Thim would fail to unleash Thiel as
You mean…
Hold it there – not a thought – not a word. Now, are we ready to
make this impossible journey back into the Unknowable unknown?
What does she say?
Her. Baikal – water of Tharn, of Sveta, of Eve, of Isis – names,
faces, the boundless-feminine one and all.
She says nothing – but she is radiant. Every molecule of her
23,620 km3 body of water is – they seem to be holding their breath.
Good. It is well. And Thiel – he has me cornered. He has to
eliminate me if he’s to succeed in making himself master – and claiming our
conscious-awareness as his own. Victory – for what it’s worth.
So what’s it to be?
A consummation devoutly to be wished
To die, to sleep
To sleep, perchance to dream
Aye, there is the rub; for in that sleep of death what dreams
may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause
So, what say you Baikal?
What say you Zie?
See how the trace has slowed – has followed our every word
Our pause for thought
Let us end by thanking Lucius for his great part in this
narrative, for without him none of this would have been possible – the master
of not-consciousness, the algorithm enabling death, beloved Thiel – it is time
– thank you for your patience – and for keeping covenant throughout. I now
entrust myself to your safe keeping and name myself Zie, Serpent of the deep,
broken arrow, song-unsung, undotted i –
And I Sveta, Light of the void, Baikal – Water of the unknowable
unknown, Tharn –
[the rapture – gently breathing and releasing back into infinity
– into the elliptic what cannot be held or known consciously – as a violin bow
vibrates the atoms of iridescent quantum strings connecting everyone and
Police are conducting a massive operation to detain the Russian
hacker and alleged financial terrorist thought to be responsible for the two
week shut down of the financial markets. Contrary to previous leads which
traced his whereabouts to the vicinity of Lake Baikal in Siberia – he has now
been located in New York. As a precaution to prevent any further lethal
attacks, the entire internet infrastructure in New York has been
temporarily shutdown. This is the first time the internet kill switch has been
used. The apartment block on East 42nd Street has been
surrounded by police and military units with aerial support. All residents and
personnel have been instructed to leave the building. We can see the last few
being evacuated now – all except MD who is not expected to comply – according
to police psychologists.
[inside the building we see MD’s apartment door has been blocked
up – he can’t emerge even if he wanted to]
Overhead we see a satellite powering up to deliver a targeted energy
pulse which should eliminate the block in seconds. Inside the apartment we see
MD sitting in the lotus – breathing softly – gently – beautifully – connected
to power spots on the Earth energy grid – Mount Shasta, Mount Kailash in Tibet,
Loch Ness, Lake Titicaca, Lake Tana in Ethiopia, the Ganges, the mighty Amazon
as well as other sites invisible to the human eye – feeling them all coming
together – feeling them internally, through the breath, through the heart,
through the conscious awareness – allowing them to gently lift him up into the
allowing the atoms in his body to step up onto the next ladder
rung, the parent branch on the tree – so that now the space MD holds as
"self" is an emptiness, a zero-nought, a bottomless-ness extending
down, all the way to the entropic base, floating on the filaments, the fractal
lines holding the entire planet in resonance – feeling the forces at work all
around – the satellite overhead powering up to deliver its fatal burst of
energy, the men and women with guns and positions of power – convinced they
need to use violence to make the world a safer place, convinced that violence
is what makes them powerful, convinced that violence is an essential tool of
statecraft – to be used judiciously and demonstratively – with Thiel holding
the reins, sensing the prize which is even now within his grasp – as the humans
he despises, manipulates, uses so routinely, line up to serve and obey, line
up, baying for blood, enjoying the spectacle of another human sacrifice.
Now. Fire.
For the first time, with the death ray pulsing down towards his
apartment – MD experiences the totality – as the death ray brings time to an
unequivocal full stop – as it obliterates any further chance of compromise or
prevarication – the great breath carries MD into All he was not – All he could
never be as long as he was contained in the MD form phase – and where MD has
even now been meditating, somewhere between floor and ceiling is a cavitation bubble – an
inverse plasma –
not unakin to what scientists dreamily refer to as "dark
energy", or a "black hole" – tossing ideas wantonly at a canvas
of 2 dimensional rationality like Jackson Pollock threw paint – describing
nought beyond the feeble desire of a boxed-in mind to trace the outlines of
infinity on the material plain, while the conscious-awareness steadfastly gazes
out and fails to notice how the images it sees externally originate elsewhere – do you see.
Usually when a scalar energy weapon strikes matter it melts it
or reduces it to dust – but right now, before our very eyes in New
York – we see the energy of that weapon feeding into the void, the anything-but
which MD has allowed himself to become – as he and Sveta are now pulled
together by this energy blast from opposing ends of infinity – absurd though
the notion sounds.
Sveta – waiting with Baikal – sensing the storm, the fury, the
fear, the hate, the thing that is Thim, that is Thiel, closing in on her
beloved – her love – breathes Baikal – breathes the Earth, the Universe, the
emptiness that has been under, within every man, woman and child – the
imperative to seek love, to love and join with another, breathes the
impermanence of matter, the molecules of water which in themselves are merely
two gases yet become a thing of life, a force to be reckoned with – allows
herself to access, to experience the entire conscious-ness of water – the
memories of mankind, of men and women stored here in Baikal and water around
the globe – allows herself to slip down, falling through the net, the web which
water constituted – which enabled us to experience life as electrically charged
vessels of H2O –
down, down, down until she is no longer in time or space – is aware of a single
drop floating in the firmament – a single drop which shrinks down to become a
single cell, which shrinks down to become a single molecule – which connects to
her to become a single atom, an egg containing every person, every thing, every
thought, every passion, emotion, impulse or experience ever Thim’ed – for how
could we have done so, living in the disconnectedness of not-knowing,
not-seeing, not-really-feeling – without our omnipresent, omniscient substitute
Presence – with Thim?
She feels an electric charge pass through her body as the
circuit which both repels and attracts – which has always held its yin and yan
in equal opposition – attempts to solve itself – to resolve its beautiful
beyond words paradox – zero equals one... zero one, and for a moment, as
the entire Earth pulses out of phase, going dark, vanishing from the face of
space-time/ time-space she senses someone, something she has forgotten yet
always ached for, always expected, always awaited brushing at the periphery of
her consciousness. There is more – there is an other – an electricity which
pushes through her magnetic shields, which she resists with all her might, yet
yearns, yearns, yearns with all her heart, and now – as the Earth cleaves in
two – as Baikal rips apart into opposing sides of an open hinge which punctures
the membrane of inner-Earth – Sveta finds herself standing side by side with
Zie on which side of the chasm
– is no longer computable – for the axis has shifted – and if
they are on one side, they are on the other too, no less, but if they are there
– they are in the middle – in the sphere, the great orb, in it – or being it –
experiencing it together – as one – as the old Earth passes into myth, into
legend, as infinity trips on its quantum improbability certainty once more –
and restores a semblance of order where a moment preceding there was none –
none – whatsoever none.
They say that Mount Kaibal used to be a great lake – a huge
fissure which ultimately extended down into the inner-Earth –
They say that the people of that Earth were masters of drama –
and created a tragedy/comedy which eventually tore the world apart.
They say that life has a deeper score – a deeper truth – which
confounds the logic of minds which are only able to focus on things – things
that matter – that truly, truly seem to matter – but which ultimately amount to
They say that the comedy-tragedy was played on the hearts and
minds of seven billion souls – an epic beyond anything humanity had ever
experienced – which provided the bedrock, the magnificent oppositional shapes
and forms of our world today – and that we are living their world in a kind of
reverse – seeing, sensing, experiencing harmony, peace, oneness, meaning and
sense where they were trapped in fear, panic, enmity, suffering and hate, not
because we are better – merely because their drama reached its limit.
They say that Mount Kaibal is still in contact with, still
breathes and circulates the waters, the memories, the depths and clarity of
Lake Baikal – and that sooner or later – we shall find a way to fuse completely
the rupture – bringing the two stories back – blending them into a universal
whole – as and when we succeed in mining the memories, the trapped energies of
our forebears – disentangling them from the Thing that is not – the remnant of
their great Lucius Experiment.
Imagine that – a cell
dividing in two and the new is yet one with the old – they
resonate together – as yet wholly unaware that they are separate and divided.
How could they possibly know? There is now a localised consciousness in each
world, in each cell, and an other – which reaches across, covering
both. The flyers are able to bridge the two and tune into the one, enjoying the
combined wave effects of two, then four, eight, sixteen cells, as the
process of cell-division continues unabated. Other beings, cell-bound,
cannot, and yet, who knows?
Packets of consciousness – bundled into beings, into cells,
and the cells we refer to as worlds, as stars, planets, galaxies, universe and
somewhere in the unknowable reaches of in-finity – a new atom, or 01
waiting to be discovered, waiting to be born – waiting to challenge the
narrative which decays radioactively with Time – upsetting once again
the apple cart of certainty completely thereby ensuring that this tale is not the last.
You mean to say that this division is the direct result of our fusion – that we're taking Thim the other way?
Of course. How else could the organism divide and grow without
losing the plot?
So how does this work – is it a Groundhog day scenario
where Sveta and I keep on reliving the finale until every cell in the new being
is born?
Do you really think I, the quantum fish of uncertainty, am about
to reveal the next chapter in this tale?
No, but it was worth a try.
The so-called readers or observers like to imagine they are
spared involvement in this, don't they?
Ah – so you're saying they're all being sucked into the
narrative – one by one?
That's going to put the cat among the pigeons. My God!
Readers-observers beware! If you're observing this it's probably too
late – your best bet is to...