Saturday, January 13, 2018

Luke 2:1

i number you 5
i number you 4
i number you 7
i number you 9

"And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered."


You heard.

All the world?


Kind of like treating people as assets or property -- wouldn't you say?

Yep -- more or less.


happens -- from time to time -- but don't let it trouble you

Why not?

because administrative or jurisdictional overreach never goes unpunished.


Whenever officials start acting like they own you -- as they do from time to time, or own your family, your property or anything they don't in fact actually own


that can be termed administrative or jurisdictional overreach. 


And I like I said -- it never goes unpunished.



You could have fooled me

That's not my intention

What I meant to say is that I don't see any proof to back this up.


No -- I don't. Governments are constantly extending their powers and jurisdiction over people, their families or their property -- and no one seems to stop them.

I agree.


I agree.

I thought you just said...

I agree that no one seems to stop them, but whether or not this seems to happen -- the universe, or God for that matter, moves in mysterious ways. The cosmic duvet cannot be stretched -- if it gets pulled over a new territory it always leaves another part uncovered.

Not sure I follow.

Well -- take the original quotation.

Luke, chapter 2 verse 1.

Very good -- are you a bible man?

No -- but I know a bit.

Very nice - but even if you didn't -- this isn't really about religion -- I'm using a basic mathematical formula.

You are?

Yes -- because, as it turns out, reality is basically mathematical.

You could have fooled me.

Not my intention either -- but we'll come back to that in a moment, if you don't mind.


So -- you obviously have an empire attempting to extend its reach -- as often happens -- trying to establish a complete inventory or database of all biological assets -- which is great if you happen to own those assets as a farmer or slave owner might -- but not so great if you start treating freemen and private individuals as if they're your private property.

Yeah -- I see what you mean. But where's the punishment for administrative or jurisdictional overreach -- you seem to imply it's baked into the mathematical cake, so to speak.

Yep. A few verses later Mary gives birth to a child -- poetically, and no less ironically, in a stable.

Er -- what's poetic or ironic about that?

Well -- if the State has decided to treat people as cattle and insist on their being registered -- as if it owns them -- then what could be more fitting or perhaps revealing than the immediate appearance of the presumed saviour of mankind being born in a stable, of all places.

I see what you mean. Kind of ironic -- yeah. 

You see -- this is a case of instant karma -- or just in time duvet delivered responses.


Well -- at the very moment "the whole world" is being inventorised, or turned into digital assets, so to speak -- at that precise moment the "saviour" appears as a farm animal, or at least, hidden among farm animals.

And you think he wasn't registered?

That's kind of irrelevant.

I thought that was the whole point you were trying to make.

Not exactly. Let's just suspend our disbelief, for a moment, and assume that the story is correct -- that Jesus is the saviour -- well his timing can hardly be coincidental, can it?

I suppose not.

Let's go one step further and assume his timing is impeccable.


So this implies that the elite who decided to register humanity and treat them as cattle or digital assets -- they sowed the seeds of their own downfall in the very act of doing so. The universe responds immediately and delivers a software update to immediately rectify or correct the imbalance caused by administrative or jurisdictional overreach.



But Jesus didn't succeed in putting an end to the problem, did he?

How do you mean?

People are still being registered in censuses

or censi

ok, whateever, to this day.


So, how did his birth solve the problem?


I don't follow.

and poetically.

I follow even less.

If, as was asserted in the gospels, he was the son of God, and Messiah, then presumably, he released into the world through his teachings whatever was necessary to correct the imbalance -- without necessarily forcing governments to stop overstepping the boundaries.

But I don't see how.

Correct -- and that's your dilemma.

My dilemma? I rather think it's your dilemma: it kind of implies you're spouting hot air as usual.

Yes -- but that's until you follow the numbers.

What numbers?

The numbers of the universe, of creation, of life, of reality...

Anything else?

The matrix.

Oh -- I knew you were going to get there in the end. How could you resist referring to the iconic numbers of the Matrix movie's green matrix screen?

Well I did refer to it last -- at your special request.

Ok, ok, but you need to be more specific.

Well, everything has to be in balance -- no matter what shit is going down.

I don't see why or how?

No -- because you don't see the numbers.

So we're stuck in a revolving argument, getting nowhere.

It's an equation. All equations are circular. They have to balance. There can't, ultimately, be more or less.

I don't see why not.

once you see the relationship between one and zero.

Oh that.

Once you recognise and accept that numbers somehow have to interface with infinity.

Beep beep beep -- interface with infinity -- my ass.

Even your ass, if needs be.

But how -- that's like saying fire has to interface with snow, or oil with water?

Absolutely -- and it can do so biologically -- if needs be -- through the medium of life itself, or chemically, or emotionally, or even consciously.

Consciously? How?

As conscious energy -- but let's not go too far down that rabbit hole at this moment.

So... you believe


You think...


You're asserting...


Well, how the hell am I supposed to phrase it?

It ain't personal. I don't come into the equation. I don't matter. This is purely mathematical -- regardless of what I think, believe or assert. The proof, you may say, is in the pudding. Unless 0=1, unless the two sides add up, unless numbers or things can and do interface infinity, then we're stuck. 

How stuck?

Absolutely, completely and utterly stuck.


Stuck to the nth degree. So stuck that nothing will ever happen. Nothing will ever amount to anything more than zero or less than infinity.

So, what you're saying is that, unless I accept your ridiculous theory -- there'd never been any numbers less than infinity or more than zero?


Not even one?

One would be zero -- you'd never know the difference -- unless you have infinity onboard as a kind of parallel trading portal where values can be determined and denoted.


Yep. A bit like any trading portal. 

So -- we can't just fix values?

We can try - but doing so we start to deny infinity - and that has consequences. 

What kind of consequences?

Big and unavoidable ones.

Ok -- I think I get the message. So, you're saying Jesus the alleged Messiah was a big, unavoidable consequence of administrative or judicial overreach -- which, if I understand correctly, was the result of the elite's failure to understand the nature of reality?

You might be right or you might be saying too much.

How do you mean?

We don't know to what extent the so called "elite" understood the nature of reality. 


They may have understood things perfectly. They may have wanted to test the system, or even to trigger a response.

Yes? You think so?

I don't know. These are possibilities. They may, alternatively, simply not have cared. They may have assumed, rightly or wrongly, that they could buy time -- that the consequences would take years to bite them in the ass, and so they didn't need to worry about them for now. Political short-termism -- you might call it.

That sounds fairly typical.

If you're talking about politicians.

I thought that's whom we're discussing.

It depends how "elite" your elite is.

How so?

At the very top -- they may know far more than you realise. They may have known that the consequences would be fairly catastrophic.

Catastrophic? I hardly see how you can say that if we're still being registered to this day -- in fact -- it's probably worse now than it's ever been.

True -- but whatever software update Jesus delivered is now deeply impregnated into the body consciousness of the masses. It could be incredibly subtle yet monumentally powerful.

Again -- I fail to see how. I mean -- there are millions of Christians but...

What's this got to do with Christians? I'm talking about numbers and software updates.


I'm talking about the balance of matter and dot

Dot? What the hell's dot?

It's not matter -- is it?

No, I suppose not.

It's not anything much, is it?


But it's right at the heart of our civilisation now, isn't it?

Yes -- I suppose so.

You can't go far without encountering dots.

Like dot com, for example?

Or decimal points. Periods. Full stops. Any dot you like - even jpeg images. They're made of tiny dots. 


You see?

Not really. 

Oh come on, dude.

But what's the dot got to do with matter, or whatever we were talking about?

What does the dot represent?

I dunno. I never gave it much thought.

Well think. This shit matters.


Turn left a bit.


Now right.


Back. Reverse.

Eh... No. I don't know.

Exactly. That's precisely what it represents.


No. I don't know.


No. I don't know. What could be more vital -- more important -- more valuable in the age of almost infinite information than the dot representing "no - I don't know" informational vacuum/ void, or time out.

Holy cow.

You see?

I'm not sure. Maybe I do. Maybe... But it's kind'a far out.

You bet it is.

Holy shit.

Try to avoid expletives -- they disturb your dot matrix.

My what?

Your field of consciousness -- which can be described as a dot matrix.


cow. That's better, isn't it?

I suppose it is.

So there you 'ave it.

avit? -- a dotted h.


Except we use an apostrophe. 

That's right. But these are all merely variations on a theme. 

They are? You mean all types of punctuation are... 

basically dots - yes.

Holy sh..


So what's it all got to do with Jesus's birth -- if we're to close this thread in some meaningful way?

Good question.

You mean you don't know! 

The trouble is that infinity is never linear -- by definition.


So, whatever happens when Jesus is born is never going to be easily recognisable in a cause and effect sort of way.

Well, how do your precious dots help save us from the cruel effects of political, administrative or jurisdictional overreach?

Don't you see?

No. I don't. 

Hold it.


Your "No, I don't". 


Hold it just there -- just like that.

For how long.

It doesn't matter -- just hold it -- if you want to know the answer.

Ok. I'm holding it.

Now -- don't move -- please, don't move.

I'm not moving. I'm holding it, as you asked.

We need a sign.

A what?!

A sign.

Oh God. You're insane.

Am I? I thought you were holding it.

Well I was, until you said something ridiculous. As soon as you start being insane I can hardly be expected to hold my mind steady -- can i? It naturally rejects and repels madness in any shape or form.

Excellent. Once again you've illustrated the nature of numbers in action -- and how the Jesus factor can upturn any equation, any set of numbers, just as soon as we're willing to allow a little insanity, a miniscule drop of infinity into our mind's operating system.

Oh God!

Yep. A little oh God - a little insanity - a little dotty weirdness, an arc, arch or parabola of infinity and your linear frame starts curling round - like the footballer kicking a banana shot and scoring an amazing goal.

Jesus Christ - I give up.

Poetic justice. I rest my case.

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