Thursday, November 23, 2017

marriaging minds



They don't seem to be connecting.


No, not really.

Well -- are you surprised?

Er... I always kind of assumed they did.

Ok. That's fair enough.

Yes, but it's a problem.

How so?

If they don't actually connect -- if the two minds are actually completely separate and independent...


I only have one half of the picture. I mean -- they're both me, aren't they?

Yes and no.

How do you mean?

They both can be you -- if you figure out how to marriage them.

Marriage? Don't you mean "merge".

No, I mean exactly what I say -- not a whit more or less.

But how can you marriage minds?

In the same way you can marriage people -- with love and a commitment to one another.


That way both minds agree to overcome their differences and work together through thick and thin

Come hell or high water

Yep. That way your rational, 3D mind starts to learn a different language of perceiving and knowing.

It does?

Which is utterly alien to the 3D mind -- which blows apart your sense of identity and reality and


Yes, I suppose so. Your logic tends to use straight lines to join the dots together -- but if you draw straight lines on a globe, for example, between LA and Moscow -- they're not going to look straight when seen on a 2D Mercator map representing that globe.

No, I suppose they're not. But what's that got to do with logic?

Everything -- when you consider that the other mind doesn't really have any conception of space or time.

It doesn't?

Absolutely not. It might be likened to a fish swimming in the waters of infinity.

It might?

Absolutely. Well, as you can imagine -- that fish can be and effectively is anywhere and anywhen at any given moment -- such is the nature of infinity -- it's irrepressible reluctance to let itself be tied down in any way, shape or form, whatsoever.

So, er... damn -- I'm utterly stumped.

Yes -- there's literally no way you can get a handle on it or make sense of it in terms of what might make sense to the 3D mind.

So we're er... freakin doomed?

Precisely. Unless you quit trying to make sense of things rationally -- and realise that life itself is a kind of love affair -- between two utterly incompatible ways of perceiving reality -- either in terms of things that purportedly matter, or in terms of a precious-beyond-words rose -- which serves as a kind of blueprint -- a living, breathing equation, which constantly, somehow or other squares the circle and brings things together, brings things to a head in the very nick of time, against all odds, in spite of every rational objection or counter-argument.


Yes. Very much Oh to the power of x, y or z.

Oh... so this marriage thing -- does it actually work?

Can do -- can and must -- otherwise we're all

freakin doomed?

Yes, more or less -- for unless we're able to marriage the two -- infinity suddenly and quite unexpectedly lays waste to all the carefully thought out plans and strategies of mice and men, reducing our much vaunted material reality to rubble, when it allows itself to grow weary of our blind intransigence.

You mean infinity deals a killer blow?

I mean reality was only ever a temporary measure -- a "what if" kind of thing -- which was never going to stand the test of time -- which like a nuclear isotope has a half-life -- except this half life itself halves each time -- accelerating exponentially back to the wide open arms of infinity.


Yes... in other words -- unless you get round to embracing infinity and marriaging the two minds -- the 3D reality you've come to know and love just kind of implodes -- which is more or less where we are today, is it not?

I hope not. I'm not sure I like the idea of imploding into infinity.

Well -- it's a matter of choice -- you know. You're welcome to embrace the all that is -- in which case the implosion is deferred.

It is? For how long?

As long as it takes infinity to deal with the marriage of infinitely contradictory ways of perceiving a totality, which is what we're really referring to when we talk about "reality".


So, infinity itself comes a cropper if and when I agree to

marriage it -- yes, entirely -- because the things you know and love -- which you have somehow embraced, personalised, embodied mentally are no less aspects of infinity than God-like qualities such as being everywhere at once.

But -- how can that be?

Don't ask -- just put yourself in the position of infinity -- trying to make sense of everything you've done with your mind, your life, your perception and awareness, bearing in mind that you, like infinity itself, are derived from the same ineffable zero equals one computational dichtomy. Once the marriage of minds takes place -- you kind of hold each other in check -- but also have the opportunity to expand and grow into one-an-other -- opening up a third -- which is neither here nor there -- a compound, if you like -- a water molecule from the hydrogen and oxygen atoms -- which is quite separate and different in nature -- there's the rub -- the three of zero and one.

So this marriage you're referring to -- is it going to really, really hurt?

There's only one way to find out. I guess, to a large extent the answer is in your perception or understanding of God.


Whether your version of God is loving and compassionate, or angry and perverse. Your particular version is fairly indicative of your relationship to your Self -- the other part of you who cannot or will not be controlled or eliminated by anything you think, say or do, no matter what.


If, sensing that you're freakin doomed, so to speak, you decide to make the most of a thoroughly uncertain outcome -- and start dancing with the wild and merry abandon of one who knows he has nothing to lose and everything to gain by entering the slipstream of infinity gaily -- things may, and all too often do, take what can only be referred to as an "unexpected turn" -- but more of that another time.


Quite... so without further ado

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