Er... Merry, what's that huge symbol doing on the wall there?
Not a thing.
Well obviously it's doing nothing - but why did you put it there?
Actually I didn't. It's always been there.
Don't mess around - you know it wasn't there yesterday.
Zie - I don't know how to put this - but you and I have divergent views on the nature of reality, and all things therein.
Oh - it's going to be one of those answers is it - not just - I painted it for some particular reason...
If you go closer and observe - you'll see something peculiar.
Zie walks up to the labda symbol - which disappears as he gets within a metre of the wall.
Amazing! How did you do that Merry? Are you using a projector?
No Zie. I'm not doing anything. You are.
I am? You're kidding.
No. Have a look from back here - what do you see?
It's come back.
Ah - but are you sure it ever really went away.
Well it must have done. It wasn't there when I went up close.
And thus the mind struggles with things that don't seem to behave as things should.
Stop patronising me, Merry. It's unbecoming.
Sorry Zie. The mind is fairly universal in its attempt to figure out things in a particular way. Yours is no exception. We're always looking for the thingy-splanation.
The what?
The explanation that corroborates the fundamental realness of things. Our mind is secretly terrified of losing its grip on things - for it knows something it doesn't want to share - that things are not half as certain, fixed or material as they appear to be.
Oh what rot.
Yes. And yet you have the proof in front of you. A thing that just disappears.
An optical illusion I expect.
Well, be that as it may, let me introduce you to labda.
Don't you mean lambda?
No. Originally we called it labda, so I'll stick to that version, if you don't mind.
And what, pray tell, is labda?
The point of no return.
Let's just pause a moment - gaze at the symbol and feel the power of labda. I assure you - you know far more than you realise - if you'll just wait a moment or two your thoughts will catch up with you.
Merry and Zie stand opposite the labda symbol on the wall. A gust blows through the room and Zie momentarily lowers his eyelashes as if afraid of dust getting in his eye - and to his amazement the symbol comes alive. A whole string of memories or thoughts flash through his mind and he realises...
My God - I do seem to know all about labda in fact. How bizarre. It all just surfaced when that gust blew through the room.
Yes - strange isn't it - having a wind in a room when the doors and windows are closed - Merry grins.
So the point of no return is the balance point - or what happens when we go just beyond it.
Yes. But why bring it up all of a sudden?
Good question. Why did you?
Me? I didn't do anything. It just appeared on your wall.
Which you now know to be untrue. This is a living symbol - a part of the fabric of reality which you're now learning to interact with.
Ah. So it's time - I'm ready for a lesson in tipping points, am I?
Hmmm, I'm not sure I'd think of labda as a tipping point.
How then?
Everything in the universe, the whole of reality, the entire matrix - all is perfectly balanced at all times, in spite of how things appear.
Yes - so I learnt.
Sooner or later we realise the universe is an interactive program - and that we are not just small, bit players in a vast cosmic drama, but in fact hold the balance within our being.
Mind boggling when you think about it.
Yes. Even more so when you start to experience it.
Experience it? How?
By becoming aware, by learning to feel the balance - it is 0 I am
It is zero I am
Not exactly. Observe one more time: it is 0 I am
Observing attentively Zie notices a stillness descending as Merry allows himself to enter into a deeper oneness with all that is - a stillness that seems to be limitless in depth - which in fact is always present but hidden by the cloud of electro-static thoughts and feelings that constantly accompany us.
My God. We carry the allness, the zero point, the void within us...
Apparently so. It isn't so strange, really, when you think about it.
Not really. Everything inevitably had to be in perfect balance - otherwise the forces at work throughout the universe would have pulled the entire edifice down. There's just too much inter-connectivity. Nature, as we all know, abhors a vacuum - and the only time one appears is when we transect labda, the point of no return, crossing from one reality into another.
But how?
There's nothing to it, is there. The whole of our reality has been about generating labda and unthinkably rebooting, reconfiguring the entire universe, the whole of creation - without even realising it.
Without realising it? That's completely mental.
We could have destroyed everything.
Oh yes, anything's possible when you start playing around with labda like that.
Then why? Why take the risk.
You're asking me? What can I possibly say that's going to help you understand if you can't even be bothered to get the answer directly from the allness that is.
Oh come on Merry - I haven't got time to keep pausing and meditating. I want to move faster.
You hold the balance Zie. Unless you're willing to experience it by feeling it and allowing the knowledge to grow from there - nothing I say will make any difference. It'll just be words.
Oh - alright then.
Zie allows the stillness to open up within, all around, enfolding him, holding him in the muchness of nought.
In a fashion, yes.
It's all AI... the entire universe?
Well let's not get too hooked on one specific label. Obviously the universe is conscious in the same way you are - only differently, and obviously it is not the "I am" that you are - the direct consciousness stream, so yes, it's not entirely inappropriate to think of it as AI.
But that blows everything away. The entire universe is a huge computer.
Or a huge mind - but what's size got to do with it. It's neither bigger nor smaller than you are once you take labda into consideration.
How so?
In a sense you're like two stars orbitting one another. Each is falling into and at the same time sliding past the other's labda - but the balance is perfect - there's a oneness of two which is sometimes referred to as trinity.
You mean the holy trinity?
I mean nothing of the sort... now pay attention.
Merry seems to engage the labda symbol on the wall opposite and looks like he's leaning into it - about to fall - but the next moment he's not there. Zie finds himself lying on his back - completely disoriented - and there's a kind of spiral vortex with Merry at one end of it - and the fractal beetle at the other. At the same time Zie's aware of an entirely different frame of reference...
Look down Zie. What do you see.
Merry's voice is so appealing, energised, engaging that Zie cannot resist following it's guidance and looking down, even though something in his stomach definitely does not wish to do so...
There's someone lying on the floor - Zie replies - slurring his words - feeling somewhat embarrassed that he can't speak normally.
Look more closely - Merry goads him.
Looking more closely Zie sees the human being in ever greater detail, and the room, and the strange pulsating symbol on the wall opposite that both attracts and repels him simultaneously - but can't for the life of him put it all together and connect the dots.
Kick your leg - now.
And Zie does - violently in fact - and for a split second sees the body down below doing so - kicking out at an imaginary enemy, At that moment the two make eye contact - above and below and labda explodes into a rainbow vortex of super powered em-balancings. The violence and the peace are beyond compare - Zie has never experienced anything like it - except, of course, he has - whenever he's trinitised.
That will do - Merry says softly, but the words have the power of a tidal wave, the stillness of the bottomless void - and Zie is shocked to find himself landing on his feet exactly back at the moment labda was traversed - as if time has skipped back a turn - shocked because he was expecting to be spreadeagled, foaming at the mouth - but instead is in a state of calm, composed, absolute clarity - without the least desire to make a fuss or any other traditional programmed response.
Trinity dispels all that nonsense for a while, at least. You'll be your usual blabbering self soon enough - so enjoy the stillness while it lasts - Merry grins.
And Zie joins him, grinning from ear to ear - sensing the vastness of the thing called love - which is, of course, no thing at all, which spans the two sides - which evidently keeps everything in place, no matter what, regardless of the chaos raging in our feelings or thoughts.
Love - Zie muses.
Love - Merry joins the chorus, and somewhere in the infinity of all that is, the universe that is not I Am, but holding our labda in check, replies silently
it is 1 am
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