Thursday, June 4, 2015

Rock n roll

No one will notice.

What do you mean "no one will notice"? Of course they'll bloody notice if I'm standing there like a nutter waving my hands above a rock.

Of course, if that's what you intend to do.

There you go. So it's hardly surprising I don't fancy yet again making an exhibition of myself.

Yet again? When have you ever made an exhibition of yourself?

How about the time when I materialised naked in the middle of a crowded street.

Oh - well that was only for a second or two. Do you honestly think anyone would remember.

Of course they would. They were screaming and pointing at me.

Yes, but then you disappeared, didn't you, so that alters everything.

What do you mean?

People are terrified of appearing gullible or mentally deranged. Things just don't appear and vanish like that, do they?

They're not supposed to at any rate.

So the way the mind works is that all those who witnessed your brief appearance would have filed it away as a mental aberration. They'd actually be terrified of remembering what they thought they'd seen, so none of them will. I guarantee it.

You can guarantee whatever you like Merry, but it doesn't make me feel any better, particularly as you'd told me that nothing like that could possibly happen.

Just a minor glitch. No one's perfect Zak.

Yeah - but I have the impression you positively take a delight in compromising me like that.

I can't imagine why. I'm a professional. I don't like messing up, it's just there was a - how shall I put it - amusing side to the episode. Not from your perspective, I hasten to add, but from the perspective of your higher consciousness, which doesn't care a fiddle whether or not you're wearing clothes.

Well you can tell my higher consciousness next time your in communication with it...

No need Zak - it's here right now.

That I don't like making a spectacle of myself. Once you get a reputation for being weird - that's it. You're labelled for life. No one'll take you seriously ever again.


And - is it so unreasonable for me to require a little self-respect.

Ok. But you're aware of the other side of the coin, aren't you.

Oh here we go - play your trump card for all it's worth. A little more emotional blackmail perchance? Look, I'm not the messiah, Merry. It's not my job to awaken humanity or shift the balance of energies on this planet, you know.


So stop making out that it's essential for me to do my part for planetary realignment. I'm willing to do whatever it takes, but I don't see why it always has to involve me making an ass of myself.


No what?

No, you don't see. It's not your fault.

Funny that - because as soon as you say it's not my fault I start feeling the opposite is true. Did you attend special courses in emotional blackmail by any chance Merry, in whatever inter-dimensional school you attended.


You're not allowed to lie, are you.

No, I have no need to lie. Blackmail would not achieve any meaningful or lasting results,

But you did learn how to manipulate people.

Interact creatively with the sub-consciousness - yes. It's a kind of magic, isn't it, but it has to be done beautifully. Neither force nor hypnosis are allowed. It has to be done so that you yourself are fully aware of what you're signing up to, and are willing to do so.

So how do you achieve this masterful control over your subject.

Joy and delight.

Excuse me?

Joy and delight. They're kind of infectious, you see. Your mind and your body enjoy entering these states, and although a part of your sub-consciousness experiences discomfort, overall you feel stimulated and invigorated by going beyond your habitual boundaries, boundaries which all too easily become like prison walls with your sense of propriety the gaoler.

So making an ass of myself is liberating - you're saying. That's er... nice to know.

Yes, it is, isn't it. But more than that - as soon as you enter into the spirit of what you're doing - no one actually notices.

Of come on! Pull the other one. Of course people are going to notice if you walk naked down a high street.

Not if you enter into the spirit of what you're doing. You'd be amazed. The mind is highly programmed and compartmentalised. It doesn't see things, or imagines it's seeing things in accordance with the...

The what?

[pause]... if you're coming from a place of power and integrity.

Er... how can I be coming from a place of power and integrity if I'm walking naked down a high street, or waving my hands above a rock so that everyone imagines I'm raving mad.

You can't - unless you're willing to do so, by letting go - by not doing whatever you habitually do. Catch 22, except that...

Except what?

There's really nothing to it. The minute you give yourself to the situation and stop focussing your attention on irrelevancies...


Absolutely. Life is short Zak. We're all going to die someday - some sooner than others.

And what's that got to do with the price of cheese.

We have the option of spending our days paying homage to the God of small things - things that seem to matter terribly, but which in no way affect the real issues, or instead, coming into the flow, the isness, the magic of now moment.

What now moment?

The only one - the one in which everyone and everything is engaged totally in    Merry doesn't finish what he's saying. Instead he slowly moves his hands and opens a kind of doorway in front of himself and steps right through. For a moment he's invisible until he steps back through another doorway on the other side of the room. Trust me, Zak, there's nothing clever in what I just did. It's not a trick. There's more to this thing we call reality than meets the eye, is there not, and it's waiting patiently for you and your cohorts to discover its open secret.

Cohorts? What cohorts? I wasn't aware I was in cahoots with anyone else.

Oh people in general then. Now, you're free to stay in the kind of reality where things are all fixed down in a nut and bolted manner, but you're also free to confront the simple truth of life - and engage the isness that you're living in - in a more engaging, interactive, playful manner.

But why? To what end?

Why not?

Well - because it ain't normal for a start - wafting my hands around trying to tune into a rock.

Ok - it ain't normal - but it's fun. You'll actually enjoy it once you get started - and your body will love it - you know that.


It always does, doesn't it?

I suppose so.

Your body's ready to move into an upgraded version of material reality. It's basically reached the limits of what can be achieved in the current version. It's getting kind of cramped - like a foetus reaching the end of its time in the womb.

Oh God - I wish you wouldn't talk like that. You give me the heebie jeebies.

Yes - change is a little unsettling, isn't it, and death's a major issue, which is precisely why we need to keep moving if we're to stay still in the now moment. Otherwise we're slipping back off the curve of Is.

So I have to wave my hands and interact with a rock in a public place - because I'm going to die otherwise?

You do have a talent for sounding dramatic Zak.

No more than your talent for destroying my peace of mind.

If your peace of mind, as you call it, is based on truth, then I won't succeed in destroying it by means fair or foul.

And if it's based on sticking my head in the sand?

Then you're free to continue that way if you choose - but that will be an irrevocable choice. I'm only here with you as long as you're willing to continue walking the bounds.

So you keep telling me. Listen Merry - why is it no one's gonna see me making an ass of myself?

Because you'll be tuned into the rock in a minute or so.

So for a minute people will wonder what I'm doing.


And then?

Then they'll have the choice - either to put their head in the sand and forget they'd ever seen you - you'll no longer be visible - they'll forget what they just saw in exactly the way people forget a dream, or they'll choose to follow you - in which case they'll completely accept what's going on and it'll be a pleasure to share the experience with them.

Sounds too good to be true.


So is it?

You know Zak, the world you're currently in, material reality - sounds too bad to be true - and yet I take it on trust that it kind of exists - but only in a very limited sense.

What do you mean?

I mean - it seems to be here - when I tune into it - and people seem to be living in this reality as if it were real - but when they die it all gets erased, and even while they're alive - they have to pretend they're not able to see and feel what's really going on.

So you mean this isn't really real?

How could it be? How could people care about whether you're using a rock as a kind of portal, or whether you're wearing garments of clothing or not?

Because these things matter Merry. We're human, you know. There are certain ways of doing things.

Yes, up to a point, if you choose to be bound by the stifling limitations of 3D reality, and in doing so ignore everything else that is.

No one's ignoring anything... we just don't see more than we're able to see.

Ok. But you feel a lot more, and you collectively can now feel that something's not quite right - that things don't quite add up, that things have to change and are already in the process of changing.

Yes. You might be right.

So let's embrace the change. Let's delight in what is - rather than worrying about zombies and ghosts. Half the people you're worrying about are not even real - they're just simulations. and the other half are desperately trying to free their minds from a machine that seems to have subsumed them into its labyrinthine mechanism of control. Tuning into something tangible, like this rock - is a great way of re-establishing the basics, reconnecting to the isness.

The isness?

of Be.

So let's do it

Zach tunes into the granite lump of rock feeling its power surging through and around him. Suddenly it's like a flash mob. First one, then another, then a dozen people are with him and the rock is singing, humming, vibrating... and the rest, as they say, is history.

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