I find that hard to believe.
Well, instead of smugly yepping
me, you might consider that you’re in all likelihood spouting horse manure, not
for the first time.
“Spouting horse manure” doesn’t,
in my honest opinion, work as intended.
Look, quit trying to teach me
linguistics and concentrate on the real issue, for a change.
That you don’t believe me?
That no one believes you
1-2-3 dramatic pause No one!
Ever hopeful. I think you’re somewhat exaggerating.
You do? How about the fact that no
one is even vaguely interested in your hog swill about infinity, Dai.
What do you mean “nobody”?
I mean Joe Public. Your actual
Wait a minute bro… Audience? You
don’t actually think I’m supposed to have an audience, do you?
Er… well, why else would you be
producing this content?
Why else? You mean you don’t actually
I assumed…
You assumed?
I – quit interrupting me ok?
I assumed you were writing for an
imaginary audience.
Well, if they’re imaginary, what’s
the problem?
Well, don’t you want to have a
real audience? A mass following?
What makes you think I don’t have?
The viewer stats for a start.
Viewer stats? You’re kidding,
Er… Your two loyal followers?
Dude – you’ve been looking at the
wrong stats.
I have?
Yes. Obviously.
Look Dai – I’m staring at the
official google g-nomeportal stats – so what gives?
There’s this incy little space-time anomaly that’s still tenaciously holding the collective
consciousness of 3D Earth in a particular frame – or holding pattern field –
which is largely obsolete given the fact the the temperature of Is has
now risen above melting point.
Oh God – why did I ask?
What that means is that your collective
consciousness is, even as we speak, catapulting into what you might call
“another dimension” – though I personally feel the term is misleading and
grossly overused.
And in the newer Is configuration
people are desperately trying to figure out how things came to pass, and why nothing makes sense using the old methodologies.
And almost all the material
they’re able to scan from the old Is is essentially irrelevant.
Yep – because it was mostly a collective exercise in pathological denial: trying at all costs not to see the new. It was all about conscientiously propping up the
collapsing house, the passing paradigm, nothing more.
So then they hit upon my material.
Our material, if you like… and Boom!
Boom! Suddenly things start making
You mean to say – the torturous
prolix you spout forth endlessly suddenly starts making sense?
But how?
How? Maybe because it’s pure
Pure genius, with a not
inconsiderable twist of obviously delinquent Tom-foolery.
Ah. That sounds more hopeful.
Because this blog isn’t really
coming from 3D reality, you see.
No? You could have fooled me.
Nope. So, the attempt to disguise
it as such is rather contrived and ineffective. A mere fig leaf.
So what then is the real purpose
of it all?
Purpose? My, you do sound mercantile
my friend.
Practical, not mercantile.
Ok. Fair enough. The “purpose” as
you put it – apart from art for art’s sake…
a snort of derision, unsuccessfully.
Apart from art for art’s sake – is
Yes, unfortunately there’s no
equivalent word in the 3D vocabulary.
Well, get creative, Mr Artist. Try
a little analogy or, perhaps, metaphor. A work around.
Ok Siôn… I’m a gardener. This is a
trellis. Your little civilisation is a bean plant, or a vine if you prefer.
It’s now figured out that my trellis – boring and repetitive though it may seem
to be – is rather a useful tool if one desires to get airborne, and there’s
nothing bean plants or vines, for that matter, like more than getting airborne.
With time – your hitherto flat
earth is now in the process of discovering another dimension which up until recently was out of bounds.
Out of bounds because it was
holdless, limitless, infinite – if you like.
Because the new vine hadn't yet taken root.
But with the help of my somewhat
turgid prose, and a few carefully placed joists and crossbars, things are
expanding into an increasingly multi-storey version of flatness. Our reality is
acquiring height n' depth.
Which, believe it or not, by the 9th
or 10th iteration, hits a kind of threshold in the consciousness’s
ability to traverse from one awareness type to another.
Naturally, once the awareness has
transitioned to new type – it will need to do some rapid back filling – to
explain to itself what exactly has been going on and why.
You mean to say that your trellis
is going to help the new awareness type to figure out what exactly has
Kind of, yes. It spans the gap. It provides a framework full of holes, full of nothing much, for the expanding conscious-ness to grow into, plus an archive of the entire process.
And that’s going to help?
Absolutely. In any case, my
stairway to heaven…
Please! Couldn’t you find a
slightly humbler expression!
Ok, no problem. My trellis provides context, plus
a historical record, plus easy bite size chunks for the mind-mouth to chew on.
This is the worst kind of
explanation I’ve ever read.
Well, honestly – I grow tired of
using owrds.
Of using words? What on earth is
wrong with words?
Wait till you’ve flipped into yZ
Into yZ – as opposed to where we
are now?
Which is – let me guess… er… xY?
You’re rather judgemental Siôn.
Me? What makes you think that?
You never object when you’re so
called “scientists” choose to refer to chromosomes as x and y, do you?
Well no. That’s because they’re
Whereas you’re just a clown peddling
some kind of infinity-drive snake juice potion.
Fair enough.
But if what you say is true...
It should be affecting what you
refer to as the quantum field – should it not?
Absolutely. Very perceptive.
After all – a massive quantum
shift just beyond the horizon of our perception would have to backup into the
present moment – wouldn’t it?
There’d have to be waves
reflecting back off the impending field boundary disrupting the smoothness of
reality, wouldn't there?
But where are they?
Where indeed.
And your readers – that huge
throng of new agers…
Sounds dreadful – but they’d be
acting as a kind of magnet either repelling or attracting us even now, wouldn’t
they – as conscious-ness – whatever that might be – has to transcend these
frequency bands by shifting and fitting into the new Is.
Well what?
Where are they?
These phenomena? These
interference patterns? These quantum wobbles?
Er… Maybe you could bother to open
your eyes.
Hey you, Dai – quit insulting me!
No offense Siôn – I mean ––
What do you mean? My eyes are
open, aren’t they? I’m looking at you, aren’t I?
Sighs a
third time – deeply – gently – tenderly.
Clink! The
penny droppeth. Another camera clicks on.
You mean the yZers actually use a
different set of eyes?
again – more merrily – like a child.
Er… this is getting weird. Almost
Laughs a
third time – infectiously – like a wee child.
Ding! The
bell chimeth!
The eyes are an aspect, a feature, a…
That’s it – the eyes are a function of conscious-ness.
Yep. And your child – laughing the same way – like a younger and younger child – your child sees differently as indeed nothing was ever really quite...
music – da da dah!
Oh my God.
Oh my God
Oh my God!
Ding ding
You’re there – I mean here –
I regret
to inform you, dear readers, that this blog has undergone a sudden and
catastrophic shift of frequency. Please adjust your headsets to continue
following the show – to yZie
Hi Zie.
So this is your yZ?
Well, I wouldn’t go that far.
Not exactly, no.
Why not?
Look around you… What do you see?
Oh my God.
You’re now in the “oh my God” phase of matter.
So nothing’s going to make sense?
Whyever not?
Because it’s… kind of insane to behold.
And what do you think 3D reality was like to a newly born
Well, that’s different. That was a newly born. Whereas…
A newly born class of people – the new yZers are
essentially no different to a newly born child.
There are various phases of development, as you can probably
imagine. Familiarisation. Induction. Data and awareness building...
Oh my God. This is so…
I’m lost for words.
I see. Well, you don’t have to worry about that, do you.
No, not exactly. Words are the first vestigial element to
go as you establish yourself in yZ.
Absolutely. They’re way too linear, and also zzz
You mean like – divisive, contentious, perverse…
Yes, but try the sound instead – see what it feels like.
Er… Ok.
Zie starts zzzzing.
Oh – yes – I see what you mean. It seems to make a part
of my body vibrate in a funny way. Except I can’t quite put my finger on it.
Correct. That part of your body doesn’t exist in 3D
Oh. Well that makes sense.
But it happens to be part of the communication apparatus
here in yZ.
Oh, this is unbelievable.
Pretty cool, isn’t it.
But what happens next? Am I here to stay?
Do you feel yourself battle-ready here yet?
No-oo, not exactly. Not yet.
Right. So you need to build things up a bit, before
you’re ready to stay.
I do?
Yep. Otherwise the seed won’t have taken root.
But when I was born in 3D… it was just a sudden thing.
Was it?
I think it was.
Well, don’t be so sure.
Really – you can actually check it for yourself. You’re
able to access multiple levels of your conscious-awareness now.
Have a look at your embryonic stage. Zzz it now.
Go on.
Zzzz... Oh my God!
Oh my God!
I was shuttling back and forth.
Trying out Beta versions of my new reality even before I
was born.
Even as an unformed foetus – even as a tiny embryo.
And thus the seed takes root, and the new plant starts to
grow – warmed by the sunlight of conscious-ness and the waters of infinite mercy
and grace.
Infinite mercy and grace – that sounds a little bit like
religion to me.
Well, if you like, yes – but you might just consider it
the living, all-present life force – a kind of maternal instinct that extends
throughout the quantum field – encouraging data to flow into patterns of
harmonic convergence that we refer to as life.
The data – you see – cannot bind.
Cannot in or of itself possibly maintain the fiction of
being alive. That would be one bridge too far. A quantum leap too great to
entertain – and yet – with the sunlight of conscious-ness – the Father you refer
to it as – and the waters of life and Earth-y-ness – the Mother, or nature
herself – amazingly – incomprehensibly – data takes on a life of its very own –
transcending its inert-ness – entering into a symbiotic partnership with
With infinity??
Well yes.
Data enters into a symbiotic partnership with infinity?
Yes, that’s right.
With the father and mother looking on?
Well, technically they do a little more than just observing,
but we needn’t go into that right now. You’re still as an yZer underage –
barely conceived, so all in good time, my friend, all in good time.
You mean I’m essentially just data?
Ah – you like and fear that word, do you not?
Look, I’m going to send you back down to 3D and your Siôn-y-ness.
You’ve got more than enough to think on by now.
Don’t worry – that vestigial part of your
conscious-awareness needed to build or strengthen a stairway to heaven, located
in the tail bone of all places – is actively being supported, so you’ll find it
not so hard to carry on establishing your new awareness.
Supported, is it? How?
How indeed? We might say that you are sending back
thoughts, waves or energy from your future – but that wouldn’t be entirely true
– would it?
Because it’s not just you, is it? Zzz what I mean?
Zie does another spot of zzzing…
I zzzeee. The Father and Mother are also in some way
playing a part.
Correct. But look further.
Siôn zzzees some more.
You zzzeee?!
Yes. Zzzing cuts no punches. Supported also by my data –
that vast family, that intergalactic field of sub-atomic particles...
Or perhaps ether?
Or ether.
Or cosmic plasma?
Or electric charged plasma, yes… they’re also part of
this. Oh it’s too vast to comprehend. I’m going to blow. I can’t contain the
Ssssh, little one. See you later. Sleep little child.