Sunday, November 8, 2020

introducing the architron

You’re not doing enough to connect with real people.


Is that so Zie?




Ok. Have you checked your postulates?




Can you actually say with any certainty that these “real people” you wish me to connect with are in fact…


real? Of course they are. What’s there to check?


The assumption. That’s what.


What assumption?


That these people are real.


It’s hardly an assumption, is it?


Then what, if not an assumption, is it?


A fact, based on continual observation.


Ok. So you’re willing to stake your life on the fact that these so called “people”, your Joe public, are in fact real, in the sense of being real people?


Well, more or less – I mean, maybe not my life – not absolutely, but I’m willing to state that to the extent that our reality is real, these people are equally...






But only “uslovno”.


I’m sorry?


“Uslovno”. It’s a Russian word.


I don’t speak Russian, you know.


Yes, but that doesn’t stop you knowing what it means.




It means conditionally… or maybe contingently.




So, they’re real, you postulate, as long as reality itself is, which seems fairly reasonable, wouldn’t you agree?


Well, yes, which is why I don’t understand your issue.


Unless, the whole purpose of our work, the whole exigency of g-nome portal lies in the validity or the reality of reality itself, and thus, by extension the people whom we automatically assume to be real, reasonably as it seems, applying Occam’s razor as one does, to choose the simplest solution, the lesser perturbation in the field of knowledge and assumptions.


Er… Well, if by all that you mean that it’s more reasonable to assume that people are real than to question the reality of reality itself – I’d go along with that whole-heartedly, because there’s really not much point, is there, questioning the reality of reality, without very good cause indeed, and it’s much more likely that I myself am unreal or mentally deranged, or that’s what basic intellectual humility suggests, than that everyone else is “unreal”.


Ah ha – so now we’ve come to the rub of rubs – whether or not we can continue to assume that we ourselves are real, based on the assumption that reality itself and the people we have the good fortune to be in contact with, appear to be.


Yes, but the answer is self-evident, is it not?


It has been, yes, up until now.


And by that you mean to say that now it no longer is? That something’s happened along the way and reality has somehow, suddenly become deeply suspect?


There are indications.




No, not really.


Oh, for God’s sake!


God is doing very well without his “sake” being invoked, needlessly.


Sorry man.


Not “really”, because if reality itself is suspect, or has been compromised in some way…


What – like hacked?


Hacked or hijacked, yes… If that’s true, if it’s happened, you “really” wouldn’t know, would you?




You “really” wouldn’t be able to test that “in reality”, would you – as reality itself is the medium, the substrate, the operating system or platform that has been…






Beg your pardon?




No good. Lost in translation.


Well, reality is supposed to be as real as is – in the sense of “that which simply or truly is”, is it not?


Er, yes, I suppose so.


So, if it’s been hacked and compromised, the job would affect us no less, as we’re part of the reality platform, running on the Real-ity OS.


OS as in...


Operating system.


Yes, obviously, so… there’d be no way of knowing. It would still seem to be as real as is, wouldn’t it?




We’d have no way of identifying if it had been somehow un-is-ed – though I hate the term and despise you for using it.






You’ve just given us the clue we needed.


I have? Play it back to me.


The hack, if it’s a hack at all, would only work as long as it were undetectable…




In other words, the malignant code would have to disarm the usual in-built OS defence against hacks.


If you say so.


Otherwise it would stick out like a sore thumb.


Look, that’s all very well, but what’s it got to do with me revealing the hidden mystery to you?


The only way you can hide something as noticeable and obvious as a splice-insertion-substitution


Like I have a clue what that means…


Is by covering it up with an emotional patch – to get everyone riled by anything I think or anything anyone says which draws attention to the splice-insertion-substitution.


Emotional patch – check – I can figure that one out. Distract people with anger or fear and they’ll not be able to think rationally about whatever’s staring them in the face – it’s done all the time, isn’t it, false flags, psy-ops – mind-control 101.


Good, well, the splice-insertion-substitution [sis], as you subconsciously know already, is where the real-is connection is replaced by another, let’s call it real-ity for want of a better term, so, for example, the security guards in the world-renowned museum are watching a screen which purportedly shows the hall where the most valuable exhibit is held, but is in fact now showing a recording, not the live stream, and the guards are non-the wiser, until/unless they get round to checking it manually, to see if the wire’s been tampered with.


So, you mean to say, that somewhere along the way, our main reality data stream, was substituted by another, which though real enough, is not real as is, merely apparently real?


That’s what we’re going to investigate, isn’t it. We would be none the wiser, if it were a job well done, unless we actually physically tested the set-up, for everything will be real enough within the substitute mirror reality we’re potentially operating within.


But… it seems so absurd.


Absolutely. Fundamentals, we are led to believe, are only for fundamentalists, in the same way conspiracies are only for conspiracy nuts. The sis sees to it that we are almost guaranteed not to question anything but things, mere things, within the sis-tem – rather than real-ity itself.


And who could possibly do such a thing?


Who? Why you of course. Why assume anything less? Real evil can only survive in reality if it is really well-intentioned, and devilishly good at believing what it's doing to be right.


Oh for God’s sake Merry!


Yes, God’s “sake” is the time-honoured defence against any verification or authentication of “is”, is it not? That, and a lingering fear, a low-pulsing-throb of unwillingness to go down that avenue, to check under the stone – a barely noticeable sensation which flies beneath the radar of our warning systems – paralyzing us with a scarcely discernible feeling of un-do-ability – that we cannot or mustn’t investigate this matter, that we cannot or mustn’t pay attention to this slow, quiet hum of questionable-ness, for fear of what we might uncover... for fear of what we know, yet cannot/ must not know we know. #know thy fear irrationally


And you’re the bloody exception, are you? The one with the gall to challenge real-ity itself?


Apparently so.


Well I think it’s bloody ridiculous, and I’ve better things to do than continue…


THWACK – Merry appears to kick Zie in the solar plexus with devastating power.


Zie topples over backwards but instead of hitting the deck, as should surely happen in any normal version of reality – stops midway to the ground – appears to split down the middle into two sections – left and right – and then recombines in a sonic flash – to find himself standing with Merry’s right foot three inches from his chest.


Er… was that absolutely necessary?


Merry doesn’t move a muscle.


Zie – somewhat annoyed – kindly quit the amateur theatrics Merry – and answer me.


Merry is frighteningly unmoving – giving the impression that he’s frozen in time.

This suddenly strikes Zie like a hammer blow, actually knocking him into another frame – where Merry and Zie are apparently back at the word “Bingo” – rewind if you need to refresh your memory. #Bingo


Wow Merry – how did you manage to get me back to Bingo? What was that all about? And how come I’m not coughing up blood after your boot in my chest?


Questions, questions… will there be no end to them?


Ok, I see what you mean. Yes.


Well done Zie – you’ve processed that beautifully, but let’s assume your Joe Public is a step or two behind, not having had the luxury of my boot in their chest – bring them up to speed, if you would.


Sure thing.


Zie suddenly dives through a connecting wall – the one he’s just popped out of – into the un-is-ed version of reality. That’s the kind of thing you can do when you’ve been unspliced but still hold an awareness of the insertion-substitution code. Readers, dear readers, beware – a boot is coming your way. This is a chain reaction and you really have no chance of avoiding it – even your failure to subscribe to the channel and read these vitally important guidance sheets has not immunised you from the impending shock of Zie’s fast approaching boot – why, you may ask, as indeed you should – for who would not wish to know why their apparently ample collective defences against the dark arts should fail to afford the necessary protection – unless, that is, you have been misled into believing that this act of mercy and love is, in fact, a viscous, hateful attack on your person, when in fact, your person has long since been hijacked by a parasitic Trojan entity – which your person is utterly oblivious to but which, deep within the corridors of story, deep within the underworld of collective, universal isness – you grant Zie permission to strike a blow not to your chest, but to the emotional patch which has been inserted, which prevents you from rationally being able to notice the slight, scarcely detectable and yet unmistakable blip in the livestream of reality – which has thus kept us all, you included, in a substitution of reality – a cunningly real un-reality – which you yourselves will vehemently, nay, even violently if need be, defend until your patch be removed and suddenly, awareness is restored…


But – we never subscribed – we’re not even reading this – and Occam’s razor – for crying out loud! Millions of enraged voices call through the ether-net as Zie’s boot continues to multiply, proliferate, and advance, coming ever closer, now within nanoseconds of impact.


True, true, and true again – then kindly explain how i is able to breach your inviolable defences?


Ungrammar alert! Ungrammar alert! You can’t code ungrammatically… a voice like a siren interjects.


Do you hear? Is that your voice? Are those your words – or is that It – the It that has inserted itself into your isness?


The It? No, that’s sickening. That cannot be… refuse to contemplate… refuse to consider… abort.


Or perhaps, you thought that this is really a story? Perhaps you believed that I’m reaching out to you through words – through the proverbial boot of Zie? Really? You mean to say you fell for it – the oldest trick in the book?


No, we fell for nothing. You’re a fraud – a confidence trickster – you’re going to be arrested and eliminated. You’re beneath contempt, the scum of the world, a filthy…


Correct. Indeed i am – so now try and withdraw your gaze.


Merry holds up a mirror – and all of them – every single one desperately tries not to look in it. The mirror exists in something less than the nanosecond between Zie’s boot and their collective patched solar plexi – a mirror that reveals too much – that they are desperate not to see – for it’s reflecting directly from is, as opposed to the hacked live stream, temporarily disrupting sis, momentarily collapsing the carrier wave.


Scream. 😱 A furied scream of indignation. Merry doesn’t flinch. Nor does Zie.


You see – you see – you’ve been loving the deception which could never have been instigated without your tacit consent, way back then – we merely call your bluff, drawing your attention to the single line of code – /“if it ain’t real then me – how can I be?”#fear this above all else: amygdala prompt😵/ and accept your challenge at face value – we agree to fall into your terror-trap – to test, to verify our real-ness, no matter what the outcome, for failing to do so – we cannot validate the true nature of things from within – as we must now do, if-whether permitting.


But you’re nobody. Nobody! 😡 spitting mad, their metallic voices dissonate unbearably.


Good...   Bingo!   Indeed i deny it not – i be nobody – and until you kindly gave me permission to be nought i/ we could not enter your house – for your house is shielded against entry by anyone or anything, unless it be nobody or nothing in reality.


Zie’s boot strikes home.

Millions upon millions of un-readers, un-subscribers, un-followers and un-fans of g-nome portal (their almost wholly unknown quantum field, ether-net, live stream host), are suddenly aware of a sickening lurch, as their reality falls out of equilibrium – and in the split second of uncertainty and indecision – each one unknowingly, un-consciously uploads the entire archive of g-nome portal 0=1 – pages and pages of non-sensical code – pages upon pages of deranged ramblings and utter non-sense, pages within pages of 0=1fulness that cascades down like rain from the rooftop of their individual is-ness into their me-ness and beyond, beyond, into the parched soil of a real-ity that has been starved and deprived for decades, for generations, for centuries and more, of un-contaminated, un-censored live-feed, of real, unadulterated is.


And you think this garbage is any better?


Like a swarm of angry bees – they rise indignantly, intent on smiting Zie’s boot, still suspended an inch from their chests

– intent on expunging every last trace of that abomination, the abhorrent un-sense of g-nome’s quantum-field chronicles, investigations and experiments – but before it can be done – the great unzipper works its magic – splitting every one of them, every one of you, every one of us in two, unrolling, unravelling and rejoining us, them, you is-fully in spite of what, in spite of spite, as reality crackles and fizzes, as the walls grow opaque, then wobbly, wibbly, bendy and branchy – as the collective mind of the great Architron – our wholly hidden and unseeable mother beast – snuffles and sniffles around the tulgey wood – looking for something more real to attach its attention to – finding the perfect data-tube – one with a real uninhibited flow of utterly random, utterly delightful, utterly delicious zero-oneness, noughty isness and wholly irreducible un-fulness. Click. The Architron is…


Ah – there you are humanity. What kept you?




Well, speak up, won’t you?


Humanity is unused to seeing itself as a hall full of fish.


We’re rebooting the system guys. You’re about to go through all 7 million nine hundred and 23 thousand, eight hundred and fourteen permutations to get you back into a reasonable semblance of shape and form – a kind of recalibration – so bear with me please – the fishy phase won’t take long – unless that is, your files are corrupted – in which case some of you will get stuck an aeon or two until the issue's resolved manually.


And the rest…

   they say




Dot dot dot     0=1     words no more than i is #am i not


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

not what ye think


Er... what are you doing Merry?




Oh sorry.


One week later...


Merry, what are you doing?




Ok, ok.


Fifteen days on...


Merry, are you done yet?

 Do I look like I'm done?


Probably not, but then again, I wouldn't really know, would I?




I mean, I don't actually know what you're up to, do I?


Oh yeah, good point.






Well, you've been sitting there for weeks, haven’t you? You might like to tell me about it... I've brought some...


Not hungry, thanks all the same.


No worries, I can eat them myself.


Zie starts munching on crispy mushrooms.


Crispy mushrooms, why didn't you say? Don't keep them all to yourself, will ya.


Sure. Tuck in.


I needed a break anyway.


You're telling me. Have you actually slept in the last three weeks?


Difficult to say Zie. I wasn't exactly operating within time in the usual sense, was I, otherwise I’d have passed out by now, probably be dead, wouldn't i?


You're telling me! I've never seen anything like it, you sitting there, standing, or holding some asinine pose.


Asinine pose? Is that what you call my divine asana? The love-child of generations of intense study, meditation, yoga and inspired madness!


Oh, it was an asana? I thought you were trying to impersonate a goldfish having an out of body experience, either that or a radish intent on revealing, by proxy, the inner snail.


Ha bloody ha. Very funny.


Er... do you have to lower the...


tone? I’m sorry, unparliamentary language. Inexcusable.


Well, it's not the first time, but no harm done. 


On the contrary, it explains my failure to achieve terminal velocity.




Terminal velocity...


Sitting immobile? Not sure I follow.


You don't have to move to move, Zie, do you?


Er, call me a traditionalist but I rather assumed you do: movement being a prerequisite for movement.


Where's your imagination, Zie? Movement is the one way guaranteed not to give you real movement.




In the same way real inspiration has to flow through you in spite of your thoughts and personal limitations.


Oh right, yeah, maybe, but what's that got to do with physical movement?


Real movement has to come from within. I'm going to say something very foolish which I'd like you to forget immediately.


Yeah, whatever.


Real movement requires a perturbation in your space-timeyness


Excuse me?

In your space-time field, ok? which itself requires a rearrangement of your isness-ness.


Oh God 😖


Yeah, more or less. God's practically the only way you can possibly begin to comprehend the isness-ness.


I mean, what on earth are you on about?


Precisely nothing on earth, if that's any help.


No, not really.😕


Didn't think so but there’s precious little I can do about it. Once you, essentially, step out of time no matter where you appear to be, sitting in the garden under a cherry tree as I am, or on a mountainside in the Himalayas, you are essentially decoupled from Earth, the operating system, busting out, in a state of active not-ness.


Oh, so now it's not-ness is it? Not content to graffiti isness-ness on the cave wall of my mind, you decided to go full Plato and drag me outside into the sunlight of my unknowingness-ness.😠


Well done Zie, very poetic, the sunlight of your unknowingness seems to be yielding fruits of umbral vermilion.😊


I give up.


Ok, ok, running ahead of myself. Honestly Zie, you can hardly expect me to be entirely sane or rational when I've barely returned from a close encounter with isnessness, can you?


I suppose not, in fact I’ve never really expected you to be entirely, or even partially, sane or rational, have I? But could you possibly explain what on earth compels you to make such a mockery of normal reality and basic er...


Basic what?


You know... the way things are done, the way people basically behave, organise their lives...

You mean isness.

Ok, have it your way... damn you Merry. 😡


Merry shifts into an elegant one-legged-crane asana which calms things down noticeably, and reality, imperceptibly slips back to where they left off a minute or two ago.

...the way people basically behave, organise their lives, without the need to invert the field.


Oh, so you noticed, did you?




You see, you noticed without noticing you'd noticed  field inversion. Astonishing.




Language Zie.


Oops. I...


It's ok, it’s to be expected in the circumstances. You're absolutely right of course, I inverted the field, can hardly help doing so, can i? Me being not what I is.


As in uncapitalized I?


Yes, that and 73.


Oh fliminy jiminy, another random number from your insatiable impredictability field1.

Bingo! You've done it again, you nailed it!

1 Impredictability, as opposed to unpredictability, does not imply things cannot be predicted, but that doing so would affect the outcome until/unless the "I am" and the "it is" are wholly reconciled, as in "0=1". That having been done, all bets are off: mind and matter now correlate infinitely so that, for example, a seemingly random number can trigger a limitless cascade of causality, all things being equal, impredictably, believe it or not.

Oh f***


Wow Zie, you’re really letting rip today, aren’t you.


F***, what's come over me?

 You've shocked yourself deeply by noticing, once again, without noticing you'd noticed, by speaking from the other side of mind, the side that doesn't weigh and measure what it's going to say, which speaks out intuitively, directly from a knowingness-ness. Your cogito-ergo-me is bound to freak out.


Cogito-ergo my arse! You and your bloody theories.👿


Well I suppose, now you've come this far you may as well continue daubing your foul language on the crystalline sphere of isnessness. It won't stick, I assure you.😉


Oh, so it's a crystalline sphere now, is it? 😈


In a manner of speaking, yes, it can be described that way, but on the other hand isness-ness never really allows words or ideas to box it in. Look, Zie, there's always going to be a personal issue when you come into close contact with knotty-not, or someone who has decompressed the earthly coil, so to speak, collapsing the time function, travelling without moving, bringing infinity back into play.

Time seems to pause a minute or two – maybe more – while Zie disconnects from the grid, unknowingly.

😲 Ok. Er… ridiculous though this may sound, something in what you just said actually totally makes sense; I mean – I don’t have a clue what you’re on about, don’t get me wrong, but I seem to know exactly what you mean. Weird, or what? I must be going mad.


Funny isn’t it. I guess letting off steam expletively kind of helps, enabling you to confront the personal nature of things – how this whole shabang is packaged within the egoic cortex, the interface of mind-matter-me over not

                            not, literally, like x, y and z axes meeting at the place where you’re least in control of your self – at nought, the triaxial intersect.




And suddenly, the isness-ness goes from being an outlandish, alien incomprehensibility to making sense, untime permitting.




Well it's never going to make sense in time, is it?


Well, no, i suppose not... 

Not with time being only half the tale, the quantifiable tick-tock of things coming, things going, materially, without reference to the isness-ness, the crucible at centre where x, y and z axes converge  ðŸŒŸ shine like a star as the timeless unity: zero equals one. Small wonder i looks t'other way, ignoring the unfathomable glaring sun at the centre of all that is me, where collapsed boundaries coalesce, focusing instead on thingability: a convenient geometric fiction of linear objectivity, fading exponentially into ever-expanding obscurity. Timebound, we fix on anything but the golden isness i be.

Little suspecting the sun in the sky is in fact... is... I can't say it! Why is that? 

3rd law of uncertainty. Moving swiftly on... but, yes, you're absolutely right: it is

So now I'm free of all that? untimified, am i? 


Not intentionally, but then again, without realising it, you shifted into a sense-and-sensibility of my i, didn't-haven't-isn’t you?


i... now that you mention it, i suppose i... oh heck!


Zie is suddenly aware of a vast, vertigo inducing, cavernous isness – a void that under normal circumstances is completely wrapped up, neatly boxed and bound within the egoic me-is-me – who  somehow, now, is strangely absent, revealing... 😱


Until, suddenly your attention is drawn to the fact, and your fledging state of awareness suddenly grows unstable, collapses in on itself, suddenly, kerbang! 💥


Ow! What the beep!


Zie, are you alright?


Alright? I...


Zie is utterly nonplussed, having imploded, inverted, collapsed in on non-self with a kind of earth-shattering sonic boom. For a second he’s panic-struck, imagining, as the ego is wont to do, that he inadvertently let rip, as in whiffy-whiffy, feeling that prickly sensation of shame, sniffing the air for any telltale sign of cabbaginess.


Don't worry Zie, it wasn't you. An instability in the quantum field, brought about by my rather absurd disambiguation…


Your what?


Well, I went all in, didn’t I, for a week or two.


More like three or four.


Yes, that's right, and then you stepped in, and you help bring me back to reality.


I did?


Absolutely. Couldn't have done it without you. Like lady Macbeth I was in nought “stepp'd in so far that, should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o'er”; such is the allure, the tantalising draw of infinity. So easy to lose oneself.


You mean I saved your life?


In a manner of speaking, yes.


By popping your bubble.


By removing my...


Merry, what's happened? You're frozen again, like a bad internet connection on Skype. Shit! What am I meant to do?

Zie's phone speaker starts transmitting Merry's voice... Do? Since when was doing ever a way of solving an issue with time dislocation?



Part of me is still on the other side of the cherry tree, in the crystalline sphere of is.




Quickly, run around the tree... Zie springs into action. Not that way, imbecile😬, the other way, or we’re lost, the whole of reality could implode with me.


Zie bifurcates. One part of him rails against Merry for calling him imbecile, the other races around the cherry tree anti-clockwise, nay, on second thoughts clockwise💫, dammit, something’s messing with the optics, in any case, clockwise, anti-clockwise or thirdly...

 Thirdly? What do you mean thirdly?


I utterly cannot hope to say dear Melatron, but look for yourself, there's an entirely different axis of perception involved, is there not, which is neither clockwise nor anti...


Damn, i hate 2 admit it, but yes, you’re write, confound it.


And blastedy blast, for all that!


Ah, we seem to have resolved the issue Epsilon.


Indeed, Ziphany. Chel will be delighted, I’m sure.


Chel? Are you sure?


Absolutely. Chel will be ecstatic, without a doubt.


If you say so, but don’t you think he'll be...


Pronouns, Ziphany! You can’t “he” Chel for love of nought, can you!


Nor can you “you” me, Epsilon, talk about hypocrisy.


Oh damn, we seem to be caught in Merry's inversion field.


Field? How in nought can an inversion field itself?


It can’t, of course, unless/until it does. Second law of indeterminacy.


Ok, ok! Don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs.




Ah... Apparently, so.


Meanwhile, Zie, running around the cherry tree shares the ah-moment noticing without noticing, knowing without knowing how, and Ah's to a halt in three separate moments simultaneously, unsure which is the real McCoy, which is actually “me”.


So you see/ So you see/ So you see... 
in each separate moment Merry starts talking as if nothing could be more natural, and in each separate moment holds a separate asana, each one utterly ridiculous, absurd beyond belief, each one drawing into question the very credibility of reality itself. And suddenly Zie's uncertainty is resolved. The certainty of uncertainty dawns upon him unceremoniously as Epsilon and Ziphany finally resolve their tiffle in a manly embrace, and remember, to their great surprise and amusement, that Chel was in fact an unfurcation if iCh and El, and thus, all’s well that ends well, is it not, beloved nessness of is, beloved field of matter-not-ing0, if i be write if...

Zie, what on Earth are you spouting. Don’t ever ask me to take you anywhere again, you evidently can’t handle nought-y-ness.


You may be write, Merry, but something tells me our journey is more important than rhyme or reason, that we've put a hitch in time, and now the world’s about to realise thirdly, infinity be in play, ye wist?


i wot, for what it’s worth, but more, anon.


Utter garbage.


You lost the thread.


Me? I'm not the one in control of the writer’s pen!


No, but you are in control of the field the writer seeks to define or maintain, and what have you allowed it to become, reckless reader, idle dissipate?!


I beg your pardon! How dare you speak to me like that! The reader is inviolate, may not be criticised, slandered or condemned, is the neutral, passive, recipient of zer writer’s best attempt at creativity or, at the very least, literacy.

No more, beloved reader, no more. We are in this together and all are condemned unless/until we uncollapse the field of is, unless we restore ness to ness, movement to movement, nought to nought, so help us God.


Amen, and tickle me pink, so help 6s God.



0=1      read no more, it's a scam, a Nigerian prince desperate to inveigle your mind-y-mind, take your money.



How to recontain things?


Can’t be done. Pandora’s box is opened again, but this time it’s not time allowing things to matter in new and unpredictable ways, is it?




This time it’s not-time, as in nought, the great and grotesquely unnoticed, unobserved, ignored – now calling into question fundamentally, absolutely, every fundamental, every absolute – starting with me, the great illusion of separateness, the quaint, anachronistic idea that things were ever, truly, what they seemed…


If only they could see the wonder, the beauty of is – the field as it flows throughout – unifying all the way back to zero on3 – yet allowing conscious expression, ad infinitum, an awareness of whatever the quantum field conjures, momentarily into 3D picture boards of flat-mindedness.


Of course they can see. Of course. Why would you doubt their adherence to the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd rules of indeterminacy, master Chel.


iCh El, if you don’t mind.


But we still have to touch base or else none of this will ever recombobulate.


Indeed we do, Lazarus, so let me waive my basic right to be ingness, and be-thing three axes instead, for the love of God, so to speak, for the love of all that man can be and do via/through my self inversion. POP!



So where are we Merry?


No idea Zie. Real movement requires a sense of everywhere being here – when the boundaries are down, once time zeros in thirdly


But, how are we going to get back if we don’t know where we are?




To where we came from.


Oh! That’s what you mean.




No idea.




Not the faintest, nor the foggiest… In fact, isn’t it wonderful – deliciously free – to be surfing the waves of utter abandonment, of quantum indeterminacy.


Er… well, maybe, but I do have things to do, you know – put the dog out, turn up at work tomorrow.




Yes, Monday morning, you know.


Er… have a look outside Zie.


Is it going to make my stomach churn violently.


Kind of, yes, but you’ll get used to it, I’m sure. It’s like weightlessness, a bit, isn’t it.


Can’t say I’m overfamiliar with that, either.


Well anyway – the thing is to make the most of the moment – because there’s no knowing what or whether – or whence, for that matter.


Make the most of being utterly lost in the space-time continuum?


Er… hardly lost – are we.




16th rule of indeterminacy – exactly where or when we need to be, right now, corresponding perfectly with an isnessness in 3D reality, or any other numerical D you might choose to explore.


Ah. That’s good to know. So…


[boundary imposed to prevent inadvertent catastrophic disambiguation, hereafter icd, for what it's worth]