Tuesday, October 6, 2020

mind craft

 Oh my God Merry, what’s happening?

Oh, new rules, new rules.

What do you mean?

Well, we have a few new rules, for your safety, of course.

Ok – but why’s reality looking so…

Do you like them?

The bars? The screens? The masks? The digital passports? The…

Good, aren’t they!

Good? Are you serious?

Of course, whyever not? We’ve put a lot of thought into this. In my opinion we’ve done a tremendous job.

What do you mean “tremendous job”?

Well, things are ever so much safer now than they were before.

But people can’t breathe… they’re literally suffocating.

Well, there’s always going to be some minor inconvenience, a small sacrifice to make for the common good, but let’s not be naysayers – let’s focus on the enormous advances we’ve made in such a short time. Everything has been done to ensure that people are now able to enjoy the new operating system we’re rolling out.

Operating system? Do you mean this is all a computer programme?

Well, I wouldn’t go that far – I mean, we’re all real, flesh and blood humans, aren’t we?

Then why the need for a new operating system, and why the need to lock us into isolated pockets of separate spaces?

Safety, of course, and moving with the times – we can hardly stop the advance of technology, can we, even if we wanted to. Oh, the things that are planned, the things you’re going to be able to enjoy, the things that you’re going to be able to do, now that we have the right system in place.

Merry, I…


I can’t believe I’m hearing this. It sounds like some sort of…

Orwellian nightmare?

Well yes, doesn’t it?

Only if you fail to see the benefits of what we’re implementing. Look around you... Here – put on these glasses. What do you see?

Oh my God. Everything’s in squares. It looks like Minecraft, that computer game.

Amazing, isn’t it. We’ve managed to make the entire planet AI compatible – so our computer systems can now process, run, and livestream everything – I mean absolutely everything that you need to live and function here on Earth.

But how?


How did you manage this, in such a short time?

Short time? You fail to do us credit. We’ve been working on this quietly, behind the scenes, for years. The final lockdown was just the beginning of phase 32.

Phase 32?

Yes. The grand acceleration – we call it. So now things are really moving forwards.

Oh – my – God. This is a nightmare.

Look at the mindboggling intricacy of the system – everything is integrated – even your thoughts.


Look! Don’t you see?

My God! How were you able to get our thoughts into the system?

Well, it took a little doing but with the wifi signals and 5G, we were able to constantly monitor your brainwaves, and linked to all your purchases, online searches, social media posts and contacts, not to mention your medical history, geolocation, pulse, daily exercise and astrological data – we have a 98% positive regarding what you’re thinking about at any given time – and that’s just the beginning.

It is?

Yes, we want to hit 99% by 2022 and then 99.9% by 2031.

My God, that’s incredible. But it’s hard to comprehend.

Not really – we get constant feedback through your online presence, and we’re able to programme your thoughts to a great extent using a wide spectrum of media.

Programme our thoughts? How? Using movies and music – is that what you mean?

To name but two. But really, it’s way cooler than that.

It is?

Absolutely! The human mind, it turns out, is really no different at all to a computer, as long as you programme it right and prevent it from slipping into higher levels of awareness. So compare the minds of all these people – change the settings on the glasses here like this. Right – now you’re seeing the several million people here in Moscow.

Well, they all seem to be thinking very much the same thoughts. Doesn’t feel too good. The coloration is dull or mildly aggravating. Feels like a headache waiting to happen.

Correct. Low energy – that way we have them in the correct slot – to be able to read them, and at the same time read to them whatever they need to think.

And they’re powerless to resist?

Why should they resist? They’re happy with this feeling of connectedness, and the low energies allow them to enjoy stuff which seems like fun. In fact, the whole purpose of being here was to experience the matter over mind energies. They're actually holding this frequency deliberately, as intended.


Because once matter has been established as the primary factor, the key issue at play, that takes us far into a topsy-turvy, back-to-front reality where spirit really has the ultimate survival experience, where spirit can, against all odds, create wings, rise to the occasion and soar like an eagle over the flatlands, the minecraft squares of material reality.

But why?

In order to create something from nothing, in order to set up the field beds of Creation, in which the uncreated can sprout organically, biologically, unbelievably, with the spark of lifefulness that is the hallmark of real, true creation.

Er...You mean to say that we have to go to inordinate lengths in order to create something new?

Absolutely! It's like the first law of thermodynamics: energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Fundamentally, nothing can be created from nothing; it needs to be converted from one form to another, via 0=1, the infinity drive.


And infinity only builds into something meaningful, something massive, when paradoxically everyone’s eye is off the ball, when everyone is focusing on things, on matter, on determinable facts, essentially driving infinity to the furthest, darkest reaches of unconsciousness. The further humanity advances into a world of definiteness, the more infinity energises the so-called quantum field of indeterminacy. In our greatest strength is our undoing!

Er... so we're on a collision course with infinity, is that what you're saying?

Kind of, or alternatively you could use the image of the pendulum which is now poised to swing back, unexpectedly, perhaps even snapping back violently in the other direction, to a world we thought we had left behind, a world where things are subject to the powers of mind, a mind that is attuned to the laws of creation, in which nothing is ever completely certain, in which things follow a kind of music, in which creation and uncertain are constantly vying with each other, neck to neck so to speak. In any case, the inputs and outputs, the plus and minuses have to balance, have to equal out, the sum forever being zero, which is also expressed, paradoxically, as one.

Wait a minute, you're saying 0 equals 1?

Absolutely, but more about that another time. So our world, if you like is a kind of laboratory, a workshop, or artist studio of blind, and to some extent mindless creation, creation with a capital C, referring not so much to the things we make as the creation of C, the C fuel, C factor or C potentiality which can be used elsewhere and throughout creation as a form of energy to manifest and make things happen as and when needed, which can unleash a new chapter, a new interpretation of order out of chaos.

God, this is insane.

Absolutely, you never said a truer word, and yet there is method in this insanity if you realise that, for example, the tail end of creation where things seem to be slipping once again back into the abyss can and does fuel the head of the snake as it unleashes another wave of music,as the magicks timelessly, spontaneously unleash a new arrangement of our quantumophony, once we’ve accumulated enough C to fuel that wave.

So we are like some kind of donkey on a treadmill here, are we?

Absolutely, we are loading the spring in order to ensure that creation and life can continue throughout the spheres, throughout the many interconnected levels, unabated, that the tyranny of matter and form gives way to the liberty of infinity's bowstring, which effortlessly rearranges matter cymatically.

Sounds like a rotten deal to me.

It would be, worse than rotten were it not for the fact that we ourselves are recipients of the bounty that we ourselves are here creating.

How is that possible? How can we be recipients and at the same time originators of this Creation fuel?

How can we be less? Do you imagine you are nothing more than what you think you are? Do you really imagine you are as limited as you appear to be?

Personally, I never thought I was particularly limited but of course there's more to us than meets the eye, that goes without saying.

So the people in “low energies” taking everything at face value, living within the system as if that is all they are, that is all there is, are doing something no less important than the few who actually get to take a leading role and explore so-called heroes journey.

How so?

It's like a human body, it's like anything, it requires a certain amount of structure, bone, gristle, muscle and flesh, all of which to a certain extent lives a life of its own, but which is at the same time subordinate to the higher purpose, the higher function that is the conscious being operating through that body, or with that body.

You mean to say the sleeping masses, the Great unwashed serves as the body, the physical structure that the hero needs in order to make his journey?

Yes, in a manner of speaking but this is not something the rational mind is really capable of understanding. Suffice it to say that the interconnectedness, the unity between all the players in this extraordinary, divine human comedy, beggars belief. We catch glimpses of it at times, but to see it in its entirety would almost certainly collapse the very fabric of reality and so we have to live and rely on trust, trusting our inner awareness of what is really going on , of what really is.

So if you're such a fan of grand C, the ultimate force of creation which we are subject to and working for, how come you're in such a hurry to subjugate the masses and create a prison planet?


What do you mean?

Necessity is the mother of invention. Without necessity, without the need to struggle against a perceived threat, against an encroaching or engulfing tide of darkness, madness, or non-sense, nothing would be doing, nothing would change, nothing would happen. Bear in mind we are here to generate big C and that's not going to happen until or unless our beloved human beings believe, mistakenly or not, that they are in a life-threatening situation, thus feeling compelled to go beyond routine: the run of the mill response of programmed tinkering: thus unleashing a power from deep within that rewrites the creation code of this reality, generating what seems to be something from nothing, were it not for the fact that we are drawing on depths unperceived, depths inconceivable, depths unfathomable: thus releasing energies trapped in old, redundant forms, which reactivate lost or forgotten code, lost or forgotten matter, or what you might call “broken Is”.

Broken Is? In the sense that energy can neither be created nor destroyed?

Absolutely, but it can be buried or hidden away such that it is no longer accessible to those who would access it, the part of us, the aspects of us working with the higher energies, so to speak.

So we are kind of like gut bacteria for them are we, breaking down their food?

Gut bacteria or perhaps, even less pleasantly, the bacteria that breaks down a dead body, turning it back into light.

Even better! You know how to make me feel good.

We are One, are we not, and thus there is no higher or lower in the continuum of Is, the isness of be.

If you say so.

So being the battleground where mind meets matter...


There's always going to be something else in play, something wholly, entirely overlooked, something that triggers a deep-seated fear and panic, something that threatens to undermine our reason which we therefore mostly suppress at all costs until, that is, the proverbial shit hits the fan.


And the magicks, to our mounting trepidation and great consternation, are once again brought into play.

But surely...

Surely, why the desperation, why the panic, why the refusal to accept what is? How can we possibly evolve, how can we possibly deal with the challenges life throws at us if we are desperately hanging on to an antiquated or anachronistic worldview? For better or for worse the magicks are an integral part of this our reality.

Look, I just can’t get my head around your so-called magicks.

Agreed. They never did and never will fit into the part of your brain that was responsible for your last comment.


The magicks are a product of wild creativity, big Cism – when someone, or even a group of people, deals with a seemingly insurmountable problem, an insolvable situation without violence or defeated resignation.

The blessed third?

That’s right. The third is primal C, the kind of creativity that can instantaneously rewrite swathes of code, rearranging countless hierarchical layers in our highly structured 3D reality, inexplicably collapsing the wave function of what has been, what was, revealing a hitherto unforeseen isness, a moment in time which, like a photograph, captures completely what cannot in fact be captured, what is always receding into the distance we know as the past. In fact, there is nothing to fret over, nothing to worry about, nothing at all for ultimately we are all children of C on the field trip studying the theoretics of inverted C, a world turned upside down, the insanity of matter run amok and this, dear Zie, is our ineffable mind craft.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Mind the gap

 Magicks, plural


Plural. Magicks.

And what?

It isn’t the same as what you were thinking.

So now you’re able to read my mind, are you?

Well, chances are yes, you instantly assumed I was talking about some kind of, you know, magic.

The thought did cross my mind, for a second, until I noticed that oh so seductive “s” at the end of your word.

You mean to say you understand the difference this implies?

Why so surprised? You think you’re the only one who’s had to deal with things that make no sense when using words the usual way?

Er… it’s just people usually scratch their head or start looking at you like you’re a nutcase.

People… And you reckoned I’m of the same ilk?

Of course not Merry. Of course not but, how on earth could you know what I was thinking about? You can hardly read my mind, can you?

[whistling to himself] I’m not sure I’d need to, Zie.


Your mind is more or less obliged to operate as every mind does – following certain prescribed pathways or patterns.


I’m not trying to imply that you’re not unique, God forbid.

Sounds like it.

Just that the mind which conveys you through the tangled briars of 3D reality is designed to limit you and obstruct you no less than it’s supposed to aid and assist you.

Come on, that’s ridiculous.

Is it?

Well, yes. The mind can or should be able to take us anywhere if we’re willing to open it, if we’re willing to see the wood from the trees.

Can and should, agreed, but in actual fact it has another purpose. It's a mechanism or machine designed to make 3D reality as real as possible for you, to give you the impression that this is all there is, that this is the real reality, and nothing else matters or even exists.

Sounds like some crazy conspiracy theory to me. As far as I’m concerned, the mind is an incredible tool which enables us to operate in any situation. It's all but limitless.

Absolutely, if you bear in mind the nature of 3D reality, that this is a kind of laboratory, a kind of simulation, no matter how real it seems, which is only possible if the mind ignores or blanks out everything that doesn't fit the paradigm. This it does with incredible ease and grace, until we start to sense an other.

Another what?

An other, period.

Okay, you sense an other, and what?



Awareness. It's a big deal. With awareness the 3D mind which is heavily programmed to focus on what, the nature of things which, to be fair, is not a bad place to start, suddenly starts noticing the gap between things, unthings, unthingedness, for want of a better word.


Starts noticing things which apparently make no sense, but which seem to exist, seem to be part of reality regardless. In other words, the mind becomes aware of what notteth no less than what whatteth.

Ridiculous! You're just playing around with words.

Yes, it certainly seems that way doesn’t it, and yet there's more to it than intellectual sophistry. You see, awareness comes from a deeper level than understanding. Awareness is a direct experience, taking us all the way back to consciousness itself. Awareness forces us to challenge our preconceptions, our prejudices and beliefs. It upsets the complacent apple cart of received wisdom and presumed knowledge. It takes our mind for a walk on the wild side of reality, to a place where things are no longer certainties, where things are no longer definite or even, strictly speaking, things.

Utter bunkum! You can't say things are not certain. Things being things fixeth them in the space-time matter of reality. They cease to be subjective. They become objective facts: facts or data points in the empirically verifiable field of things we refer to as objective reality.

Correct. Things are indeed features of objective reality, yet objective reality is but one side, one aspect of a totality, which includes both material reality and unthingable-ness.

Humph! I think you meant to say “unthinkable-ness”.

Yes, in some respects it is unthinkable for the rational minds cannot deal with awareness directly, can it? It can only really think in terms of things no matter how abstract, things that matter in some shape or form.

And awareness, you are saying, can go where the rational mind fears to tread? Is that what you believe?

Indeed it is so, but talking of this is largely meaningless unless we are ready to cut awareness some slack and allow it to proceed beyond the boundaries of objective, material reality, into the quantum wilds, into the great beyond, into no matter what.


Look, I'm not talking about trying to find crazy weird stuff that blows the mind. I’m not looking for thrills.

Then what?

Nothing really.

Lame reply.

I'm looking for nothing, but at the same time I no longer wish to deny things which are unthingable or unthinkable in the 3D model. So when I become aware of things which the rational mind is keen to brush under the rug, to deny or ignore, I simply open a window, so to speak, in another part of my brain. I allow the awareness to do its job and bring those unthings, for want of a better word, into play, into conscious awareness.

And er... what’s the difference between awareness and conscious awareness?

Well, you can be aware of something but if the mind doesn't wish to deal with it then awareness fades rapidly into the background and is all but forgotten, self-censored you might say, elbowed aside by a constant barrage of things that purportedly matter, favoured by the rational mind. Unless an awareness is brought to consciousness, categorised and slotted in somewhere, it struggles to compete with the rational mind which dominates the narrative. The rational mind is something of a bully who likes to have his own way, if you know what I mean.

And the consciousness can handle out-there awareness experiences, can it?

Absolutely. The conscious-awareness is a mind unto itself. It’s a mind which is not limited to the head, or past experiences, or even expectations. It's like the cloud mind. It isn't even limited to your physicality.

And we have access to this cloud mind, you're saying?

How could it be otherwise?


The cloud mind is essentially you in non-locality.

And non-time?

That's it. You seem to have grasped the essentials.

Well I see what you're getting at, but I'm not sure I believe it.



This is not something to be believed. It has to be experienced directly.

And how?

Well, partly when 3D reality stops making sense anymore, and partly when the awareness starts making it more and more obvious that there's something else, something using up bandwidth on the awareness channel but apparently going unreported, until the consciousness kicks into gear, can no longer ignore or deny what's under its nose. That’s when something really impressive happens, that's when the cloud mind overrides the rational mind's filters and bang. That's when you suddenly become aware of your awareness at the conscious level and kazam kazoo, you ain't never looking back, ever again, are you?


Like leaving the playpen. It was fun while it lasted but now you've outgrown that space. Time to move on, isn't it. Time to unmagick the magicks.

How do you mean?

Well you can't spend the rest of your life referring to everything that's outside the playpen yet able to affect what's going on here as magic, can you? Eventually the indigenous tribesman realises that the guys visiting in roaring flying birds aren't in fact gods, and that there’s a big world out there which he's actually part of. It's not necessarily better or worse, but it exists, and love it or hate it, once contact has been made there's no going back.

So the world beyond 3D is in all likelihood just as messed up as 3D itself?

Now why do you believe 3D is messed up?

Come on, give me a break. Anyone can see the state things are in in our reality. Why do you think they call it “the matrix” if it's natural and healthy?

Things weren't so different when you were inside your mother's uterus waiting to be born.

How do you mean?

It got fairly cramped. You couldn't see how you were going to manage the space. It was no longer what it used to be.


So as one phase comes to an end you decouple from it. You unattach. You start sending out feelers, looking for the next. It's there, but it has to be discovered, doesn't it.

But why all the trouble? Why the pain?

Why oh why, I ask myself, and therein lies the rub.


The pain is only ever as great as your resistance to the change.

It is?

Absolutely. If there was no resistance, if you hadn't grown hopelessly attached to this particular version of reality you would smoothly, effortlessly shift, flow, transition into the next.

How likely is that? I mean 3D’s not the kind of thing you can be lukewarm about, is it? It’s more akin to an obsessive compulsive disorder, isn't it?

You've got a point there, true, but the pain you're referring to is largely irrelevant.

What! How insulting. You have no idea what people are going through. The suffering and misery. Off the scale.

Absolutely. But bear in mind that you are the master of this process.


You are the one managing the transition

You honestly mean to say that I'm some kind of sadomasochist, that I willfully cause myself pain?


Then what?

I mean that you're delicately trying to reconnect yourself with reality, while the part of you that’s in situ in the playpen, so to speak, is doing everything it can to block and resist this reconnection, utterly convinced that nothing exists outside the playpen, or if anything does exist out there, it must by definition be bad, an existential threat, and must be resisted at all costs. Do you see the difficulty you face? You have been incredibly successful creating a reality that is engrossing and utterly convincing. It is material, is it not. Your body cannot argue with this determination, can it? You feel its blows, its gravitas, its weight and mass. What could be more real or more convincing than your reality, notwithstanding death.


Death is to a certain extent the fly in the ointment of material reality, is it not?

I don't see why.

Yes, I know.

Why should death be an issue. It's just something that happens to all of us, isn't it?


Then what?

It's something that happens which the rational mind is supremely unable to handle. Death makes a mess of all rational assumptions and calculations.

No it doesn't!

All of which are based on me being the centre of things, me being a certainty, me being constant, the all-seeing eye of the hurricane around which reality things turn and the drama unfolds.


So the rational mind packages death in protective layers of “not worth thinking about/ to be dealt with at a later date/ who cares, it happens to everyone/ feeling scared? Sex, drugs or keeping myself busy with endless distractions will handle that”.

Well, there may be some truth in that.

Only if you're willing to consider that truth, which involves allowing the mind to float out beyond the playpen. As long as you desperately need to defend your play-castle reality, you'll be unable to see what I'm saying even if I present formidable evidence and watertight arguments, neither of which do I intend to do.

Whyever not?

I didn't come here to persuade you. It's none of my concern whether you believe me or not, or whether you're ready to accept any of this.

Don't you care?

Does it matter?


This is your life, your process, your religion.

Wait a minute... what do you mean “my religion”?

You believe in things, including yourself. As long as that belief is paramount, as long as you are utterly committed to your status quo, your version of reality, any third party attempt to overcome this will only provoke a more determined resistance, a mortal struggle not to let go.

You might be right there. So death, you were saying, is a problem.

Correct. Death is one of those awkward fundamentals which, like trying to explain how life and the universe originated, defeats all honest attempts the rational mind makes to provide a convincing 3D explanation. Without cheating the rational mind falls woefully short of handling the big questions. Fortunately, the rational mind is expert at cheating, and is more than able to distract, mislead, beguile, browbeat or face down the most intransigent of thinking minds. How? you may ask? What could be simpler? It has insider knowledge. It knows you inside out – all your fears and weaknesses, all your foibles and fantasies.

But you're speaking about the rational mind as if it's somehow not me.

Am I? Oh dear. Well never mind. I’d be the last one to suggest there might be an agenda at play. I certainly wouldn't wish to sow seeds of dissension or suspicion in the ranks of our faithful foot soldiers.

Ok, ok, I see your game.

A little insider joke, but as you can see, if the rational mind’s vaunted objectivity and neutrality only applies as long as we accept unconditionally and agree to work exclusively within the 3D paradigm, then we run into a problem once we come to the other dimension/ paradigm shift stage of the game. The highly respected and trusted mastermind that has served us so faithfully in building up our rock solid, bombproof reality, potentially becomes the greatest obstacle to any further advancement.

You really have the knives out for the 3D mind, I see.

I want a fair fight, nothing more.

And death?

Quit harping on about death, you know it gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Give me a break Zie, I know exactly what you’re up to.

Ok, bro, you don't miss a trick, do you?

Why do you have to drag it out like this. I know you've got something you want to say, so maybe you can just get on with it before I unsubscribe from your channel.

Ok, bro.

Cut it out Zie.

Well I'm hardly gonna call you sis, am I? That just sounds absurd.

Call me by my name, idiot.

Nonna? I thought you wanted to be incognito.

Ok, you've said it now so can we just move on. Death. Last chance or I'm leaving.

Nonna my beloved.


Death is not a thing to discuss in polite circles.

Polite circles, my ass.

Very funny, but if the proverbial elephant is hiding under the rug, while we may not be able to see it as such, we certainly can observe what Einstein cryptically refers to as the curvature of space-time.

You mean a big bump.

That I do.


And if death is a major non-thing, it too would presumably, though hidden, induce a bump big enough to challenge the best attempts to ignore it.

But you're saying nothing new.

True. Nothing of any consequence whatsoever, except that Einstein's space-time, though utterly abhorrent as far as science goes, is remarkably useful when one starts to consider the nature or form of reality itself.


You see?

Not at all. Can't make head or tails of what you're on about.

Then why did you “ah”.

Dunno. It just popped out.

Exactly. And that folks is how babies are born, or new paradigms, if you like.

Exasperated Uggggg!

Regardless of what we think we know. Happenly, until with hindsight the magicks take shape as the backbone of a new emergent paradigm.

Yawn. “Click” unsubscribe.

Adios Nonna, so cruel yet so... “click”


3D fractal shapes coming out of your screen, best beloved reader, filling your room, your space with high strangeness otherwise known as wyrd. No longer able to contain yourselves, as one body, all around the world you find yourself dancing, melting through the fabric of space-time into another aspect of Is. 3D is down. We continue this seminar entitled “Magicks, an emergent technology” on the other side of matter. Kindly mind the gap. Welcome.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Page 13

Merry, what exactly are you doing?

Why exactly do you want to know?

It’s just – it looks like you’re exercising.


But at the same time it looks like you’re lying on the settee watching TV.


Well, it’s a little confusing trying to make out what exactly you’re doing.

Isn’t it just.


Uh huh?

I thought you might care to explain.

Really? What’s the point – you seem to have explained everything beautifully.

Well not really – I only explained my confusion as there seems to be some kind of glitch in the matrix, or something…

Or something

Distorting the field of reality you’re occupying.

“Distorting the field of reality I’m…” Since when did I ever occupy a field of reality.

Since… doesn’t everyone? I assumed…

You assumed that everyone occupies a field of reality – what I’d usually refer to as  a frame – though you’re welcome to call it a field if you prefer – did you? I wonder why?

Well, everyone seems to follow the Greek unities of drama, more or less, don’t they?

I don’t know Zie – do they?

Well think about it…

Must I?

Unity of place – we’re only ever in one place at a certain time. Unity of action – we’re only really doing one thing at a time – unless you’re one of those fearsome multi-tasking mothers on the phone, cooking dinner, feeding the baby and writing the complete works of…


Yep, that’ll do, all at the same time. And the other one – unity of time – no flashbacks – one day is the time when it all happens – no matter how much you like to plan ahead or live in the past.

Congratulations Zie.

[feeling pleased with himself] You think so?

Yes, you’ve managed to demonstrate to the world that you’re an even bigger idiot than we already imagined you to be.

[crestfallen] Oh.

Only kidding. Could you scratch me back please.


[Zie scratches a third Merry’s back – this one is walking in a jungle and appears to have been just bitten by some insect – mosquito I guess]

Hey, wait a minute – there’s another one.

Oops. I seem to have problems keeping my reality field under control today. This is evidently a new kind of schizophrenia.

But –


Who’s talking to me if there are three of you – which one is it?

Does it matter?

Well yes – I think it does.

Are you absolutely sure there are three of us, Zie?

My eyes cannot deceive me, can they – one exercising, one chilling, one sweating profusely in a jungle somewhere.


In an Ecuadorian jungle. And…

What, what, an extasy of fumbling as he fits the clumsy helmet just in time.

There’s another.

Honestly Zie, me thinks she doth protest too much.

I just can’t make it out.

Make what out?

Which one is you? What am I supposed to focus on?

Ever had a close-up chat with someone and tried switching eyes?


Ever had a close-up chat with someone and tried switching eyes?

I heard you – what do you mean? 

[In another version of reality Zie appears to hearing Merry differently – knows exactly what he means]

That one Zie.

That what?

That version of you – over there – he’s got it – see? He knows exactly what I mean.

What? Where?

[sudden sideways lurch – Zie tumbles into that version – ah ha moment!]

Oh yes – like you’re looking at the person and suddenly you realise you’ve actually been looking into one of their eyes – and you switch to the other – and it’s different – it’s like a different person – and we do this all the time – don’t we – automatically favouring one side of the person.


Come to think of it – we do it to ourselves too – don’t we? I just switched sides, didn’t I?


With a little help from you. Can we replay that?

I don’t know – can we?


Or would that upset your Greek unities?

Oh screw the unities – they’re only useful up to a point, as long as reality is monolithic and certifiable.


If and when we stop beating the 3D reality or bust drum – we’re in a greater state of…



Doesn’t really have a name – does it?

Oh, I see.

It’s more like competing claims, competing versions – amounting to nought until…

One comes and stamps its foot on everything – selecting a single version as the new base unity.

More or less, caveats notwithstanding.


Well, it’s never quite that simple, is it…


The boot of God is almighty – that I cannot deny – nor would I wish to – your honour – but…

I’d like to see how you’re going to wheedle your way out of this moment of certainty Merry. You seem to have dedicated your whole life to demonstrating that things are not what they seem – and now, even you, are finally forced to admit that there is a moment when it all comes together – when we see that you’re neither strolling in the jungle, nor watching TV on the settee, nor…

Ok, Ok – you’ve made your point.

Have i? Because something tells me that you’re still concealing something.

Oh shucks – you’ve seen through my final subterfuge.

The devil’s in the details, as they say.

I wish you wouldn’t bring the devil into it – you know how sensitive I am to being typecast.

Well, at the very least, you’re a seemingly innocuous, inoffensive sort of devil, Merry.

It’s like déjà vu all over again. Why are humans in such a confounded hurry to either zero or one me? Are there no shades of grey?

Words – these are just words Merry – as you yourself say.


So, we can hardly call you God, can we – you’re not the boot stamper, are you?

Not really.

You’re more into alternatives – resisting the tyranny of one – the “my way or highway” approach that God appears to favour.

I never said it like that.

Words, words – they’re never quite right, are they – so bear with me Merry.

Ok, Ok, if you must.

So you’re the doctor Dee, the devil, the demon, the dot dot dot – I know not what – who adds a little twist to things – who reveals the fact that no matter how much things appear to be settled, in fact, they’re only settled as long as we have three dimensions in place, three unities, our holy trinity of time, place and action – which is fine, isn’t it – mostly.

Mostly, yes.

Mostly, people are happy enough messing around in 3D, but sooner or later – you pop up again, don’t you – the unboot.

Please – can you not think of a more fitting title?

than “unboot”? I could, I suppose, but I rather like the modesty and simplicity of unboot.

You’re just rubbing salt in the wound of my wounded pride.

Ah… you see, Merry, you love twisting things around, don’t you – nothing you say is ever quite what it seems – if you had any real pride you wouldn’t mention it.

Ah – so you’re saying I have no pride.

Can’t trick me Merry – I’ve been there, done it a hundred times.


You’re using quantum legalese again.

I am:?

Even that “accidental” colon you slipped in between the “am” and the question mark had a special purpose, did it not?

I cannot lie.

True – but you can deceive. So, yes, regarding “pride”.

Oh forget about it – water under the bridge.

No, no, let’s rewind.

You’re destroying our unity of time – the readers won’t tolerate it.

The readers be damned, Merry – this is Armageddon – the final battle.

Gulp. I think you’re over-exaggerating Zie.

You see – realese – again.

What the…?

You know perfectly well – realese – like legalese – your cunning use of words. “I think you’re over-exaggerating Zie.”

What of it:? Perfectly innocent.

Absolutely – except "thinking" is not the same as knowing or speaking plain truth, is it? You cannot lie, can you?

No, and no. Are you happy now.

So, you see, Merry silver tongue – this is no over-exaggeration – Armageddon is precisely where any one of us takes our final stand, and faces the devil – in this case you.

Please Zie – you’re embarrassing me. What will our readers think?

It matters not – why did you slip in another colon: thought I wouldn’t notice the subtle coding?


Cannot lie?

So, while you’re getting ready to answer the question, let me rewind a third time to our point in hand.

For God’s sake Zie, let bygones be bygones.

Why, look over there – what do you see:?

Hey – that’s not fair. You slipped in a colon by mistake.

Mistake was it?

What do you see:?

[Merry forced to look outside the existing frame of reality where they are now – much against his will] I see you talking to me.

/And, what am I saying:?

Oh for Pete’s sake – quit coding would you – it’s unnecessary. No one’s telling lies.

//What am I saying in yonder frame:?

[Merry brings up frame with timestamp 2:22]

     if you had any real pride you wouldn’t mention it.

     Ah – so you’re saying I have no pride.

And what Zie – you’ve just driven an ox cart through the Greek unities for what purpose?

Can you bring up the other two frames which are running in hidden mode?


If you don’t mind:?

Ok, Ok…

[Merry is delivering a lecture to people who are about to enter 3D reality – explaining the nature of reality to them and how it works. Sitting in the auditorium is a younger – no – not exactly a younger version of Zie – let’s say a starrier eyed version of Zie, along with a bunch of other Earth-human-wannabes preparing for the great immersion.]

Everything you’ll experience in Earth will always strictly adhere to the law of Is: 0=1 [evidently they are all already familiar with these terms] There will be no deception as such – the devil – as they say – is always in the details – such as the use of terms which will very often differ from what you think those terms actually mean.

[Zie shoots up a hand – asking for clarification]

If, for example, in 3D I tell you I have no “real” pride – you will naturally assume I’m saying I have no pride, period, won’t you, because in 3D you’ll be only dimly aware of the fact that your reality operates as a computer programme, and that every word, every punctuation mark matters. Your rational mind will do everything it can to get you to gloss over or skip past those little bumps of conscience or awareness which are telling you otherwise.

So, what are you really saying then – Zie asks again?

Real – refers to reality – the question is what is real? Here you know full well that reality is not limited to one particularisation – that you can hold several fields or more, concurrently – and very often do so in order to achieve certain esoteric goals.

But in 3D we’ll be limited to one field?

Correct – until, that is, until you figure out that reality is only half the story, half the picture – that there’s more going on behind the scenes.

But how?

How Zie? Marinda? Telora?... [Merry names everyone in the group – before pausing dramatically – with everyone on tenterhooks] That is precisely what you’re going in to discover.

And we’ll be on our own?

How is that possible? You’ll have all the help you need.


Really… [the tension is broken – the reality field they’re watching in real time on screen, so to speak – starts shimmering, shaking when it hears them saying “really” – like it’s laughing at the joke – like it can’t help itself – though it’s supposed to be “it” – evidently it’s as much alive, as much a part of the equation as everyone else, and the whole class is laughing with abandon]

Thanks Merry – now the other one.

if you had any real pride you wouldn’t mention it.

Ah – so you’re saying I have no pride.

We see Merry connected to “it” – the field – using his words carefully, cunningly, to keep Zie focussed on the matter in hand – to prevent Zie from noticing the gaps which constantly open up in the field behind him, or just over his head, or in the moment just past, as well as the huge gap that is closing just as the next moment, the next frame is about to replace the current one – as each frame has a limited shelf-life – like a bubble – they cannot last more than T1 – the duration of that bubble’s interruption field [if] strength.

So, any moment in time has a tiny duration – T1 – and there’s nothing really stopping me from…

Don’t be in such a confounded hurry Zie to burst the bubble.

But I thought we’re supposed to solve the equation.

Constructively, yes.

And you mean to say that reality is very fragile?

Of course it is. It requires great energy and effort on your part and ours to sustain it.

But why? Why all the trouble?

Why do you think?

Seeing how it’s so beautifully orchestrated – how everything in the bubble is minutely integrated into my perception, awareness, consciousness circuitry – so to speak – I can only assume that there’s higher purposes at stake.

[Merry doesn’t know whether to cry or laugh] Well, Zie, you seemed to be flying so high, but then you reveal the star-spangled depths of either your ignorance or stupidity – so all I can say is God help us – if you’re the future, the hope of this world, this reality!

Me?! I’m just one in seven billion Merry. No need to make a big thing of me.

Oh, and you think that numbers add up? Really?

Really – yes, but colon double forward slash, we both know that in truth – no, you have no pride, the numbers don’t add up – zero equals one and the devil’s a b-movie film director gunning for the big-time.

Ha, bloody ha.

So, if I’m not supposed to simply break out of the Truman show – what then?

What do you think?

Side nudge please.

Left or right?

You decide.

[Whaackk! Zie skidaddles into a parallel frame – drinking tea with Merry – surrounded by an epic performance – literally – millions of different scenes being played out in real time]

What do we call this Merry?

Café humaine.

I’m impressed.

Yes, it’s turned out pretty well, I think you’ll agree.

[They spend a minute or two simply observing, sipping their tea and nibbling cucumber sandwiches – brought in by a footman on a silver platter]

Some of these – quite frankly – I find upsetting.

Dark shit – isn’t it.

Do you have to use such reprehensible language Merry?

Shit? You’re worried about a word – which is technically accurate.

Well, it’s hardly polite.

Do you realise Zie, that in your desire to be polite and create a polite society – you, and your other versions have killed more people, destroyed more lives and beauty, than all the bad worders combined.


The words weren’t bad till you made em bad. Like nigger – for instance – or woman – or cripple – or spastic – they were merely words that technically described what is – not what is good or bad – but somewhere along the line – you allowed value judgements to creep in, and prejudice – because you were all hell-bent on avoiding certain undesirable aspects of yourself – and thus stigmatised certain words, certain people, certain things.

But look there – I can see you were there too – encouraging us to do so. You were the one – whispering in our ears – telling us to doubt, to distrust those people.


You put us up to it. You helped create hell here on Earth.


And you have no shame, whatsoever.

Nor pride.

Oh, pride you have in abundance.

Do you see the circuit – or do you choose only to see the 3D image?

What circuit?

Look more closely.

Oh no…  [Now Zie sees the scenes where Merry, or another version of Merry was teaching the people how to blame, how to stigmatise, how to hate – a lesson that required infinite patience and cunning in being taught]

You see – I’m right.

Yes. You’re right. Look left.

[On the left Zie sees a shadow of unrealised potential, thwarted ambitions, disappointment, fears, denial and other darkened energies – which had to be integrated, had to be brought into play if the human drama was to continue for another T1 – if the experiment wasn’t to be shut down. Off stage Zie’s agent is seen shaking his head and signing waiver papers agreeing to allow these dark energies to be incorporated no matter what. Merry doesn’t seem to mind – holds his nose and goes into the foul smelling swamp of toxic emotions and helps Zie and other players to bring them into play – onto stage – into the drama – the human comedy.]

Oh my God.

Incredible, isn’t it.

But how could God…

I expect you’re going to blame God now, aren’t you?

No, I…

And where, do you think, God is hiding in all this?


Behind the stage? In the field itself? Or perhaps God is T1

Or Tzero?

You’ll never know, will you – as long as your mind is busy weaving circles around the simple truth, the absolute, the all that is…

Why me? Of all the people in the world – why do I have to see all this?

Would you change places with anyone else? Really? You only have to say – I’ll see what I can do…

Merry, quit messing with me. You know perfectly well…

So what’s it going to be?

I want it all.

You do?

I want it now.


I want, therefore I am not.

Now you’re talking.

Zero equals one


It is: I am

Incredible. Good luck.

Forward slash.

Oh my God.

Forward slash.


And the rest, as they say


his story…
