Field, Merry, what field?
Not what field. The field!
Er... non capisco.
You don’t understand? How bizarre.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to be stupid.
But my dear Megan, no one’s saying you’re stupid. Wouldn’t dream of it. Oh no! It’s just I constantly forget to what extent this earth is cut off from basic knowledge. Imagine not knowing about the Field. That’s like a fish not knowing about water, or a bird not knowing about wind.
Oh, it’s like that, is it?
Yes, the Field is everything, and were you not to know about it, you may assume things were going badly wrong in the world, based on what you see on the TV or hear from other sources, because of all the pollution, the wars, the cruelty and poverty...
But you mean to say that everything is in fact hunky dory, thanks to your mysterious field? I, personally, fail to see how a field, no matter how vast or universal it may be, can lessen the suffering of children in the Middle East or wartorn Africa.
Yes, that’s understandable, and yet, seeing or not seeing doesn’t alter the fact.
Really Merry – I find it quite offensive hearing you speak in this way.
Not entirely true Megan.
No, you see, things are only offensive if you harbour offence.
Harbour offence?
Yes, which is a kind of parasitic field which embitters and corrupts the natural state of love.
Oh it’s easy for you to say.
Yes, indeed. Nothing could be easier than saying the is.
The what?
Is. The is.
You’re not making any sense Merry. You’re not speaking English. What on earth’s the is meant to be?
It’s not on earth meant to be.
Then kindly explain, or kindly cease and desist – you’re confusing me unpardonably.
Ok Megan. Kindly let me take you one pip from where you’re presently.
One pip?
Yes. It’s a technical distance which won’t make any sense until you’re there.
Eh... Ok. I hope i cN trust you.
Without fail. Here we are.
Uh? But we haven’t gone anywhere!
Not in your way of perceiving, but in fact one pip is a distance neither smaller nor vaster than the entire physical universe.
Oh. I’m, how can i put it, a little sceptical.
I know, which is as it should be. You’re not supposed to take anything on trust.
No, definitely not. You have to test everything for yourself and either verify or dismiss. Now, if as i said, we’ve actually gone a pip you’ll be able to see what a moment ago was gobbledegook.
I will?
Yes, because a moment ago, ensconced firmly within 3D, it would have been well nigh impossible to enable you to see, sense or feel what is – the is i was referring to.
Oh that.
But now, one pip on, although your physical surroundings don’t appear to have changed, the field lines are completely, utterly different.
They are?
Are, indeed. Allow me to present them before and after, so to speak.
Ok. Where’s your device.
You – you’re my device.
Close your eyes. Deep breath. Relax.
This isn’t going to work, Merry, I’ve never been susceptible to hypnosis.
This isn’t hypnosis Megan. It’s live feed.
Deep breath. Relax. 3 – 2 – 1
Oh my God. I see.
Open your eyes if you like. Test, investigate what you’re seeing, preferably from multiple angles. That will make your findings more reliable.
Holy Cow!
That too.
I can still see the field lines with my eyes open.
Yes. Not surprising really, when you bear in mind that they’re actually there.
Well i never saw them before.
Correct, otherwise you’d not have been able to accept the 3D story. You needed a special filtered 3D vision, sans field lines.
So, er, how did they do it?
Do what?
Remove the field lines?
By creating a flattened replica of is.
What you call “reality”, mistakenly assuming that “real” means real.
“Real” is actually an acronym which was inserted into your consciousness. It means “replicated esse absent lines” or the latin equivalent which has the same letters.
Latin? Why Latin?
Because that’s the programming language they use.
It was never actually a genuine spoken language. That gumph about Latin and the so-called Roman empire was inserted to cover over the cracks in the matrix. A rushed job but it worked well enough, until recently.
So the Roman Empire never existed?
Not as such. Bits of it did, here and there, in Byzantium, Alexandria and Atlantis – copy pasted onto Rome. Anyway, long story short, the generally adopted programming language was Latin, and 3D reality is the last thing you’d want to call “real”, or even 3D, when you examine its field lines from the side, detachedly.
Here. Take a look.
No way!
Er... Yep. Ridiculous, isn’t it.
You mean to say we took that for real?
You tell me.
But how could we? It’s so obviously...
Flattened, derived, a replication. How come we never turned round and examined the vast mother field all around?
Er... Look and see.
Yes, it ain’t exactly pretty.
But who could have devised such a theatre of insanity?
Who do you think?
You’re not going to say God, are you?
I don’t have to.
How do you mean?
You have to see for yourself.
We did? We wrote the programme. We set the parameters designing an architect, who could order and run a reality that would play our emotions, fears and greed sufficient to distract us from the mother field overhead, all around. My God... How insane.
Who else? You could hardly expect a loving God to create and impose on you such a world, such a life, such a reality? If God were truly love and light, neither hate nor fear would have any traction in this world. The power of love, the power of light would melt or dissolve any emergent anger or misunderstanding.
So we did it ourselves – that’s what the field lines reveal, because we wished to experience and endure 3D, and really there was no other way?
Correct. How else could you engineer a reality based upon is, that lacks the main, fundamental component...
Which is?
As you yourself see...
Which is...
Indeed. You see – the quantum leap from the infinite and the universal to this squished, derivative version – a mere “reality” as opposed to a living beingness, an isness of be, a field that simply is – unambiguously and irrevocably.
So here, you see, you see – and nothing could be simpler, nothing could be more obvious, because no thing in any way alters the power, the fact or the force of the field lines, and the Field itself – which instantly reveals the subordinate, secondary, derivative nature of all things. Seeing the field lines you are able to see this stone both ways, ad infinitum – inside out or outside in.
I... i see
Yes, so what happens when you is the stone?
I can feel it from within, as if it be an extension of myself, a part of me.
I can see myself in any number of different relations to this stone – variations on a theme, permutations, recalibrations... With the stone shifting through red, green or blue spectra, fading in and out of form, shape, size, position, time – my God! With this one stone I can make or break the universe, make or break reality! I can use it as a reference point to turn about, around or through, thus binding or unwinding things in a fractal domino-effect reordering of the frame we’re presently “in”, and we’ve been doing this all along, in a tiny way, making miniscule changes to the set up we’re presently in, never realising or even accepting that we were always changing things from outside, using this innate power to interact with the field, even while denying its very existence. We liked to imagine, liked to pretend we were using muscles, machines or material forces to make things move, shift, morph, mutate, denying the very nature, the very existence of is, the field we ourselves be, we ourselves inhabit, we ourselves mind, manage and make do.
The sheer scale blows me away.
Of what?
Of is, the field connecting every thing, every one, every moment and place, every dot and every i...
Not to mention the scale of our blindness, our determined self-deception... un-be-liev-able
So, as you see Megan...
Don’t tell me. Your field lines say it all.
Good. Then say it yourself, for we need to use the word or deed to mark the fabric of space-time with something or other – paying matter its dues.
As you so rightly said – the field is alive and well – there’s nothing wrong with the world – it’s whatever we make do, make believe, make think, make say – and thus we consciate what can only really vaguely describe as con-scious-ness, until we pip pip and once more allow the field back into our lives, back to centre stage.
0=1 an’all, as they say!