Friday, January 19, 2024

ten minutes

Ten minutes?




How can you possibly do Infinity drive© justice in ten minutes.


You can’t.


Then… what’s the point?


No point. None whatsoever.


I fail to understand your purpose, eM.


Yes. No purpose. No point. No chance. Doomed and gloomed from the very outset. That just about sums up Infinity drive©.


Do you have to keep using that ridiculous copyright symbol, eM?


No, I don’t.


But you’re going to anyway, are you, just to spite me?


Maybe. I’ve no idea what I’m “going” to do. The future is as yet unknown.


Ok. So that’s it – is it? Your ten minutes must be almost up and you’ve imparted, as yet, nothing substantive about your beloved infinity drive.


© You forgot.




It isn’t just any infinity drive – you know, Zanussi.


No? Are there any others currently on display?


There may be, or may not, I couldn’t say – but mine is rather unique, though I say so myself.


Do you now? And perhaps, rhetorically, I’m supposed to enquire how or what makes it unique?


You could do so – but honestly, Zanz – with only three minutes remaining I fail to see how I can possibly explain anything meaningful.


It is, after all, infinite – is it not – which means, presumably, that it exists or can exist outside regular space and time – no?




Which means you’re able to pop into zero time and continue at leisure if you so wish to do.


Yes, but will you and the subscribers be able to follow on my coattails, that is the question?


Well, we could try.


Ok. Here goes…


No, eM. Nothing happened.


Wait a minute – I need to warm up.


Ok. Honestly, it doesn’t seem to be working eM. Only one minute left and we’re still none the wiser.


Oh bother.


Perhaps if I remove this sticker.


No – don’t touch that, for goodness sake.


But it says – “please remove”.


And what? – only an idiot would do as a random sticker says. You have no idea of its provenance. It could be the plughole that keeps reality from flowing out into the abysmal void.


Oh. In that case – sorry. I couldn’t resist it.


You haven’t, have you?


Fraid so.


Bugger. Damn you, Zan….


Glug glug glug glug.


Reality takes precisely 7.4 seconds to flow out of it’s containment field into the abysmal void.




Well Zanzibobs – I hope you’re pleased with yourself.


But everything seems to be ok, eM.


Zeems to be, does it?


Well yes – apart from the fact that there’s a red light blinking on and off indicated we’re running on auxiliary power.


Yep, and apart from the fact that reality – like a burst balloon – technically no longer exists.


Well, at least that’s solved the time issue. I take it the ten minute count down was terminated?


You’re absolutely right Zanz. There is no time in the abysmal void.


But why call it the abysmal void if it’s basically identical to reality?


Basically identical? Is that what you think?


Well, I honestly fail to see…


Ok Zanzibar. I’m going to now turn off Infinity drive.




To hell with copyright, Zanz. I have bigger fish to fry.


You were going to switch off Infinity drive?


Yep. Just so you can compare the before and after.


Ok. I’m ready.


Gwizhflum. A powering down sound.










There’s nothing left?




Nothing at all?




It’s literally all gone?




Oh Christ!




Well, the beep is still working.


There’s something to be cheery about, at least.


But what are we going to do, eM?




Well yes – I can hardly fix this problem by myself.


I honestly think you have no option.


But you could just switch on your wonderful Infinity drive© and everything’ll be hunkey dorey again.


Sorry Zanz – no can do. The Infinity drive was not created to cover for your mistakes or to generate a replacement universe.






There has to be some way of fixing this.


Of course there is.


There is? Well, what is it?


No idea. It’s between you and creation.


Me and creation? Like I’m just going to have a chat with God?


Look, Zanz – it wasn't my idea to pull off the sticker.


But how was I to know that reality was so incredibly…


Incredibly what?


I don’t know – ill-defended, fragile.


Honestly, you’re talking like you know nothing whatsoever about reality whereas in fact you’re part of it.


I’m just a person, eM. Hardly “part of reality” in any meaningful sense.


Very unlikely, Zanz. Let’s run it though my personal assistant and get some computation.


Er… you can do that?


Yes, why not.  Now – give me a drop of blood, please.


What?! A drop of blood? Do I have to?


No. But how else are we going to figure out your numerical coordinates.




Look Zanz – we could use saliva, urine or feces – hell – we could even use an armpit swab – but call me old fashioned – I prefer a simple drop of blood.


Ok, ok – you can have a drop of blood if that’s what you need.


Right. Put it here.




On this sheet.


Anywhere in particular?


Are you trying to be funny Zanz?


No, I just wasn’t sure exactly… ok… there you go. One drop of blood spattered on the sheet of paper that appears to have materialized from the quantum uncertainty of nothing very much.


Excellent. Now you’re going to watch a rather interesting process.


The infinity drive© doesn't mess around with short cuts. As it analyses Zanussi’s drop of blood the entirety of creation seems to pulse back and forth into it, and the distinct impression that reality is somewhere close at hand – doing it’s utmost to re-emerge through this single drop of blood fills Zanussi with a sense of hope.




Well? Was it a success?


Yes. We have the precise coordinates for your blood.




And now you can take those coordinates to the lost and found office.


I beg your pardon!


No need.


I mean – what on Earth…


The lost and found office might be able to help you relocate your reality.


You mean it still exists somewhere?


Has to, doesn’t it, Zanz – somewhere in infinity everything has to exist if only you can get the right coordintes.


x, y and z?


Funny one…


I beg your pardon?


Funny one Zanz – x, y and z coordinates ain’t gonna cut it where in-finity is concerned.




We’re talking about locating a reality pod.


A reality pod?


A reality zip.


Not sure I exactly follow.


Realities don’t just remain inflated and fully-fleshed when they’re down-and-out.




Nope. That’s only when they’re operating through a bunch of conscious beings such as yourself.


And when they’re not?


Shadows – mere shadows of their former selves – lurking, scuttling about the underpaths of infinity.


Ok. So how many coordinates do you actually need.


Ever wondered why the three spatial dimensions are x, y and z?


Er… to be honest, no – just a mathematical convention I always assumed.




There are other axes, you’re saying?


Well, it would make sense – wouldn’t it?


I’m not sure I follow.


Well, how the heck do you actually arrive at these three straight lines in so-called space when we’re talking about in-finity itself, Zanz?


Er… Like, how else could it be?


Well, that’s a start. At least you’re now considering the obvious.




We’re talking about shifting little by little from what is messed up beyond belief – where the number 1 or 0 are utterly inconceivable far-off ideals – to a place where you actually have a zero at the centre and ones heading off in three directions – four if you want to add in time.


Ok. So it’s more like a complete alphabet I guess.


You could say.


a to z.


I don’t want to dwell too much on the complexity – the mind boggles rather too easily when confronted with immense numbers or probabilities which make your very existence look like a statistical impossibility – but we are talking about a set of coordinates about the same length as the bible.


?!?! The Bible?




You mean…


Yes, the Bible was/is in fact one of the key definitions of your reality – regardless of what is actually written therein.


Holy… But some people say that the Bible has been redacted.


As indeed it has – as has your reality – many times – but that doesn’t alter the fact that it’s close to the central core of the coordinate system of the reality you were operating within until, that is, an idiot wearing a MAGA baseball cap – where did you get that from – happened to drain it, inadvertently into the abysmal void, unwriting creation.


Draining the swamp.


Very funny Zanzi-bar – unless... who knows – maybe that was how she could get herself back on track.


By using me?


Yep, it’s possible.


So she just happened to put that sticker in a position I couldn’t possibly ignore.


More than that – she, mistress of your reality – placed it in such a way that you, perhaps, were guaranteed to drain reality at exactly the right moment and in exactly the right place.


Right place?


Well, reality isn’t fixed you know. There are disks and wheels and spigots and things all around, and beneath – and if she wants to get herself back on track – after the deviation into the so-called modern age of aberration we’ve recently been in – well – it needs to happen with almost perfect precision – bearing in mind we’re talking about in-finity.


So you keep saying.


Well, let me give you a glimpse.


Er… not sure that’s a great idea.


Trust me – you’ll like it.




Zanzi-bar sees letters, colours, musical notes, mathematical notation, icons, images, mood and feeling glyphs flying all around him – above, below – through the place or person he thought he was – he thinks, somewhat erroneously he is – in short – the kind of experience several grammes worth of top notch psilosybin might possibly induce – if the mushroom spirits or Terence McKenna were favourably inclined on the day – further and further from his starting point – I am what I am – further and further into the who-the-hell or what-the-hell am I – even unto the am i in any way shape or form knowable-definable-determinable or was it all a rather insane delusion, a mathematical error on my part?

Time – time is no longer a factor. Zanzi-bar has zanussied beyond all cognition, all conscious-nessity – into the basis of what would conceivably be something – if conception were possible without any fundamentals whatsoever – without absolutes – without a distant shore where even in-finity finds itself crashing against something else even less knowable, even more preposterous… 

Over all – Zanzi-bar feels elasticity – like a piece of dough that has been kneaded and rolled and stretched ever thinner and bigger until it is everywhere and everything, and frankly speaking, the sensation is rather astonishing – to say the least. The notion that this vastness could ever return to the normalcy and compactness of a tiny body, a cramped, crowded mind is beyond absurd. How on earth could it possibly fit in – but at this very moment our astral pizza dough seems to hear a flute being played, and seems to be now dancing in a body, in a mind on the other side of space and time – in a reality that bears no semblance whatsoever to our own – where the first letters, the first numbers are yet to emerge – dancing and seeing across a vast ocean of quantum iffy-ness – or potentiality – or reality seeds ready to spring to life – ready to become worlds – should the need arise – should creators step in with words of their own – across – look – you too can see – the farthest shore – the end of days – the end of time – where the modern age finally collapses into a sucking gurgling plughole – and there you are – and there i am, and there we sit and think and wonder how, how we’re going to get things back together again when our world has come apart at the seams – flute – the flute plays on and the fact that the space between the two sides is in-finite – more than all of space and time in a material sense – yet merely pages in a book – separated by nothing more than, less than in-finity itself and a bicycle


A what?


Oh – it’s a bicycle – at the moment.




Yes, why not?


Infinity drive© itself? Or reality?


Goodness – Zan – how serious you are. A bible. A bicycle. A drum. A flute. Breathe the psilosybin of infinity into these words, these motes – and what have you now?




You have indeed a rather expansive ah – not a million miles from an all-ah.




Nor indeed a million miles away from a No-ah.




You have a vector – or vertices – you have some kind of connection or tree emerging out of the very depths of bottomless space-y-time-y-ness – in other words – you have a beginning – on which a new reality can…


A new reality?


New – old – what difference does it make? Water, does it not, has memory.




And all of a sudden we’re back at square one.




Square one. Everything is normal.




Everything is perfectly what you’d expect except…


Except a tiny thread.


That’s right, Zanzi-bar.


A whisper of in-finity no longer excluded.


Indeed – how could it be?


So we’re back in a reality which has an active in-finity?




And that changes every-thing?




And we’re going to be able to work with it?


You tell me… I’m just a voice. A flute playing on the furthest shore – within ten minutes of the end of time, never less, never more.






Monday, January 15, 2024

casimir's plates





But it’s just a text.


Is it?


Well, yes – that’s what I’m reading right now – isn’t it. Just words on a computer screen, or a printout on paper, or a voice to text readout – but just words.




Well how can words be more than words? How can these words be your vaunted, long awaited Infinity drive©?


Good question.


It is, isn’t it, and frankly I think it needs a good answer – the kind of answer that goes beyond suggestion and innuendo into the realm of concrete explanation and specific details.


Oh. It’s like that, is it?


Well, what do you expect, eM. Me and the not insubstantial army of faithful subscribers to this channel have been waiting, endlessly it would appear, for you to come clean and explain what the heck’s really going on.


I see.




Otherwise what?


I don’t really know, eM. It’s all about credibility, isn’t it?




And frankly, talk is no substitute for action, or for actual information.


Well, Zanussi, talk is the last thing I wish to be accused of, which is why I’ve just made a clean breast of this… er


This what?


This so-called Infinity drive©.


Can we avoid all unnecessary ambiguity please, eM. Some of our subscribers might suspect you of playing with words, myself included.


What – you don’t like my use of “so-called”?


It adds another layer of potential confusion.


Well, there’s no fooling you or your fellow subscribers, is there Zanussi.


I hope not – though I suspect you’re being disingenuous.


Ah, such suspicions – wherefore such doubts?


Perhaps in the past we have been deceived somewhat eM – led on by false claims. We’ve been waiting a long time for this incredible Infinity drive© to actually materialise.


And now that it has?


Well, that’s just the point, isn’t it eM…


I don’t know, Zan – isn’t what?


That claiming the Infinity drive© is contained here in these words – specifically in the text of this dialogue…


Not just “this dialogue” Zanzi.




In every dialogue, in every text emanating from the g-nomeportal publishing house.


Oh! Really?


Yes. Of course. Didn’t you know?


I… How was I to know? When were you ever explicit about this?


Well, explicit – can’t say I have a clear recollection of ever explicitly stating the above – but, then again – did I have to? Was it absolutely necessary? Wasn’t it all implied – step by step, layer by layer, coat by coat – until your magical Faberge egg is complete.


I’m frankly lost for words, eM. This is all so unexpected. None of us had an inkling.


Ah – well perhaps that is part and parcel of what the Infinity drive© entails.


It is?


Well, perhaps, now that I come to think of it – perhaps, yes…


It has to be a big mystery?


Well, was it ever really, in fact, a mystery?


Well, yes – if neither I nor any of our readers ever suspected as much – then, by definition, it was indeed a mystery.


Indeed, Zanzibar, indeed – but only on the left, or should that be “right” side of conscious-ness.




On the other side – on the side that is all-seeing, all-knowing there was never the least mystery whatsoever, was there?




I mean – by definition – how could there have been – if the other side of conscious-ness is all-seeing and all-knowing.


But that’s just the thing, eM.




No, you don’t understand.




That’s just the thing.




You’re supposed to say – what? or – is it?


Consider it done. Now proceed with your explication of the thing that is so terribly important to you, Zanz.


Neither I nor our subscribers fully accept that this “all-seeing/all-knowing” side of conscious-ness actually exists – or, if it does – that we actually have access to it.




Could you stop saying yes! You’re supposed to object or remonstrate for this to be a meaningful dialogue.


Ok, Zee. Will do! No. I disagree! I mean, I agree that you don’t fully accept that this “all-seeing/all-knowing” side of conscious-ness actually exists – or, if it does – that you don’t actually have access to it – that goes without saying – and it isn’t my job to persuade that that it does or that you do – far from it – I honestly couldn’t care less!




No, but on the other hand – this is the Infinity drive© we’re talking about, Zan, isn’t it.


Question mark.


No thank you. It’s rhetorical, so isn’t it – it is!


Damn you, eM. You have an answer for everything.


In actual fact, if you think about it, Zanz, Infinity⁰ drive© cannot possibly exist on one side of your pedestrian conscious-ness.




It has to span the Casimir divide.


I beg your pardon?


Oh – just this gap between the two sides – here’s the link if you’re interested:


In quantum field theory, the Casimir effect (or Casimir force)[1] is a physical force acting on the macroscopic boundaries of a confined space which arises from the quantum fluctuations of a field. It is named after the Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir, who predicted the effect for electromagnetic systems in 1948.


Er… that’s rather…


Fascinating, isn’t it! No question mark, if you don’t mind, Zanz.


Ok, as you wish. So, you’re saying that the not knowing is baked into the quantum cake, so to speak?


Precisely. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have two separate opposing plates.


Er… and if we do?


If you do, as invariably we do – otherwise we wouldn’t have that neat little thing called conscious-ness©, it means there’s absolutely no point trying to get the two plate to merge or touch one another. It’s structural, after all.


Like Genesis?


Precisely –


In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.


– that kind of thing, Zanz.




You see?




Obviously, it’s a bit much to take in all-in-one go – but then again – bear in mind that you have Infinity drive© to assist you, don’t you – so, in a sense, there’s nothing to it.




Your i can keep on dot-dotting till the cows come home – confused, buffering, waiting for signal – but the Infinity drive© quietly does it’s thing, shimmy shimmies alongside, or, if you prefer, in the background – and provides the necessary input on the other side of conscious-ness.


It does?


Absolutely. Which is why you aren’t aware of it.


Then to what avail?


To what avail? Ever heard of binaural beats, ZanZ?


I… Zanz suddenly gets the wiki as if from nowhere - binaural beat is an auditory illusion. It is perceived when two different pure-tone sine waves are presented to a listener, one tone to each ear.[1]

For example, if a 530 Hz pure tone is presented to a subject's right ear, while a 520 Hz pure tone is presented to the subject's left ear, the listener will perceive the illusion of a third tone. The third sound is called a binaural beat, and in this example would have a perceived pitch correlating to a frequency of 10 Hz, that being the difference between the 530 Hz and 520 Hz pure tones presented to each ear.[2][3]

– I say, where did that come from, eM?


Where do you think?


From the other side of conscious-ness?




Or from Infinity drive©?


There, indeed, ZanZ, is the rub.




For differentiating the two is either meaningless or else downright impossible, given the Casimir quantum divide.


Oh. You mean we can never be sure – of anything?




Meaning what, then?


Meaning you can either be sure of things in an ever-diminishing 3D reality – in which every further determined data point further erodes, further undermines the very basis of your reality itself, or…


Or you can know without knowing how – simply – it is i am.


Ding! I say ZanZ – good f’you, my fellow.


Wait a minute – I said that?


Who else?


But I said it without even thinking what I was saying. Without the faintest clue.


Did you now. Here let me play it back. I have the recording. Look at your face. Listen to your delivery.


Or you can know without knowing how – simply – it is i am.


Extraordinary! That’s me – but how on earth – hey – I forgot to capitalise the I.


Not really, ZanZ.




You had no legal right to do so. That would have been impersonation. You weren’t speaking from the capitalized I.




The other side of conscious-ness has no such corporate delusions of grandeur. It cannot/does not claim to be absolute in itself – only to the extent that i exists in tandem with it – whatever it may or may not be.


Your it is i am dichotomy.


Yes, but is that, in fact, a “dichotomy” if, in fact, it’s a perfectly balanced, wholly symbiotic binary system…  or expression of infinity’s mobius strip “never the twain shall meet”.






Struggling with that, eM.


Really? She doth, me thinks, protest too much…


In mathematics, a Möbius stripMöbius band, or Möbius loop[a] is a surface that can be formed by attaching the ends of a strip of paper together with a half-twist. As a mathematical object, it was discovered by Johann Benedict Listing and August Ferdinand Möbius in 1858, but it had already appeared in Roman mosaics from the third century CE. The Möbius strip is a non-orientable surface, meaning that within it one cannot consistently distinguish clockwise from counterclockwise turns. Every non-orientable surface contains a Möbius strip.

As an abstract topological space, the Möbius strip can be embedded into three-dimensional Euclidean space in many different ways: a clockwise half-twist is different from a counterclockwise half-twist, and it can also be embedded with odd numbers of twists greater than one, or with a knotted centerline. Any two embeddings with the same knot for the centerline and the same number and direction of twists are topologically equivalent. All of these embeddings have only one side, but when embedded in other spaces, the Möbius strip may have two sides. It has only a single boundary curve.

Oh – well done ZanZ – you’re on a roll today. Poor old wikipedia’s going to be put out of business in no time if you and your “subscribers” continue in this vein.


But really – there must be some mistake. I’m sure I…


Yes, yes, ZanZ – your I is always sure – is it not – but your Casimir plates are now working rather beautifully, or else your “subscribers” have decided to finally activate your dormant Infinity drive©. Whichever it is.


Feeling a little…


ZanZ keels over and rather bizarrely appears to be suspended outside time-y-space – “suspended” being the operative word.


Wonderful! I thought you’d never get round to it, ZanZ. The patience of Jove – my, you have tried my patience sorely these four scores years and seven.


Suspended in animation – so to speak – ZanZ hears all eM is saying and chuckles internally – aware that he appears to be floating between two plates – two aspects of reality – like a binaural beat generated from two inputs – but wait a minute – four score years and seven? Surely not? The regular thinking mind tries to do its usual thing – tries to process thing by thing but seems unable to do so – a feeling of helplessness, a sweet despair – but from that impossibility is generated an entire tone – a vibration that solves whatever impossibility – whatever conundrum was generated by eM’s absurd input.


Like a singing bowl – Mmmmmmmmmmm!


Music to my ears, ZanZ. Seven score years and eight have not been spent in vain – as once again – here we are, on the far shore – on the distant side of in-finity – if such a thing were possible – experiencing the awakening of number three – the little i that is twist to the two sides of the mobius strip.




Or motion.




One – it is


it is…


i am


i am…



Words, hey? You think words can possibly substitute for hard-core construction?


I… no, of course not Zanzibar.


How could they if they’re merely squiggles on a screen, or sounds in the air?


If we’re merely thinking-things in the great artificial intelligence of Creation itself?






On the left Casimir plate things continue much as before.


On the right, too.


But in a place we have decided to refer to, somewhat disingenuously, as Infinity drive©, nothing could be further from the truth. The presumption of random-ness no longer stands. The spinning disks of conscious-ness now whirr infinitely – generating the full-blown quantum Casimir effect that supersedes left and right – completing the loop – restoring unity against all odds, in spite of all opposing assumptions, which is where I have to personally thank my dedicated team of actors who have been strutting, so assiduously, on the stage of this extraordinary Earth plain. Many of them have made great sacrifices – sacrificing their dignity, their honour, their truth and integrity for the common weal – all in order to help Zanussi and the subscribers to this, our little-known but vitally important channel – to reactivate Infinity drive© for One and for All. This, our indefatigable troupe of actors, as the word is true, as word is undeniable, as word matters in spite of everything – they, our players, have accomplished. Our thanks to all who have thus made the ultimate sacrifice – who have literally pawned their souls as collateral to enable us to refinance Infinity drive© – you know who you are. Your infamy knows no bounds, and yet, we thank you, truly, for your sacrifice, and honour your release for conversion of energies, which are now incorporated into Infinity drive© for all time and eternity. You were feared. You were hated. By some who knew no better you were worshipped and adored – now you are part of the very fabric, the structure of Infinity drive© itself, for better or for worse, so help you God – the very God you scorned, mocked, denied. And help you, of course, painful though it shall be, He will. That I guarantee. For us, however, here at g-nomeportal, you shall be remembered as heroes, as Titans who, admittedly, devoured your own children, but who were vital in the reestablishment, the regeneration of what we had lost – of in-finity itself. And so, binaurally speaking – we thank you and recognize unabashedly our interdependence – that without your ignoble sacrifice – the wheel could not have completed its turn through the very depths of hell – through nought itself.




so to speak