Tuesday, September 19, 2023

a tale of James and Elizabeth's failure to see unerringly

Can’t you just settle down.




Instead of upsetting everyone, try fitting in, try being more amenable.






We like our big words, don’t we?


Friendly, if you prefer.


In other words, you want me to change.


Change? If you like, but I wasn’t thinking of it that way.




More like rediscovering the gentle man one suspects is lurking within.


Gentleman. No. Definitely not. Not a chance.


You prefer to be an enfant terrible?


I prefer to be nothing of the sort.




These are your labels, not mine. You seem to feel the urgent need to say I’m this or that. To box me under a convenient description. I wonder why. I wonder why instead of allowing me to be myself, instead of seeing me as a manifestation of the infinite in human form, you insist on thinging me, QR coding me with your all too facile epithets.


Facile epithets?! Look who’s the one using the grandiloquent words.


Too true. Meeting like with like, whereas in fact life is infinitely simpler, infinitely less definable, infinitely...


Infinitely what?


Not x marks the spot, whatever x, the spot, or things may seem to be.


So you’re giving yourself an existential licence to ignore all social conventions, to do as you will, to please yourself in the name of “infinity”. I am infinite spirit, i am uncontainable therefore do not presume to judge me, or impose your bourgeois values on me, no matter how reasonable they may seem.


My, you don’t like the open sea, the unfenced garden, the undotted i, do you?


I don’t like unrestrained egoism masquerading as high-mindedness. Let’s be honest, James, you insult and offend people, and then you claim it’s all done for the good of “infinity”, for the good of preserving your undomesticated, unbound, unprocessed, unhomogenised nature. The fact that you leave a trail of destruction in your wake is merely collateral damage and, apparently, irrelevant.


On the contrary, it might be very important.


In the sense that you benefit from creative destruction?


In the sense that... once there was a young man who was walking through a forest, trying his hardest not to step on and insect or worm, trying even to avoid harming small plants, grasses or trees.


Oh no... Your story is so obvious, you need not go on. I know exactly what you want to say


Do you?


Yes. You want to show me how it was impossible for him to get anywhere, that his desire to avoid harm became an obsession, the worst form of OCD, until eventually...


Eventually what?


Well, either he might have got stuck, unable to take another step...




Or he might have met someone who persuaded him that it was impossible to avoid harming all creatures, that in doing so he was compromising his ability to function as a human being, that he...


Your version is rather dull because it’s all explanation. Mine doesn’t need to explain what may have happened because I’m not trying to prove a point, I’m just allowing myself to tell a story if you’d let me, which for some reason you can’t or won’t.


Oh. I...


You didn’t realise it, but you were unable or unwilling to cut me the slack needed for me to spread my butterfly wings and tell my tale.


But you don’t have butterfly wings.


Ah, how would you ever know if you were ever insistent on holding my proverbial arms by my side, preventing me from raising them, flapping them, for better or for worse, to the best of my ability as a natural, happy, joyful expression of my infinite spirit, of my er…


Your er?


Ok, my isness, if you prefer.


More nonsense. More unfettered egoism masquerading as wisdom or philosophic sensibilities.


More angry epithets. But don’t you want to know what happened to our young man in the forest?


Not really. I expect you’ll just make something up to prove whatever it is you’re intent on proving.


Oh no, I certainly wouldn’t want to insert myself into story. That would be a recipe for disaster.


But what would stop you? You’ve already insisted you must have complete licence to express yourself no matter what the cost to others.




You live for the apparent satisfaction of pleasing yourself, do you not?


How could I please myself by controlling or manipulating story.




Story is only alive, vibrant and magical if I grant it the same freedom I grant myself.


But story’s just a tool, a means to an end, a thing you yourself craft, surely?


Ah, that explains your confusion.


My confusion?


Yes, if you imagine story is something I’d wish to control, or be able to.


But how else are you going to write it or tell it, if you don’t use your brain, your imagination, if you don’t structure it and impose some semblance of order?


I can use my brain and my imagination all I like, but they merely get me into and hopefully hold me in the saddle. Story has to take me forward itself, and that’s not just making a horse go where I want it to, for story is fundamental, as fundamental as spirit itself, or infinity, and so the relationship is infinitely...er




I can’t say “complicated”, though in some respects that would be true, nor can I say “simpler”, though that too is true, so best I pause at the word “infinitely” and allow the silence or the unspoken words, the simple truth, so to speak, to express themselves should you or anyone be willing to hear.


Oh dear! So your story is not, you’re saying, really yours.


Correct. A life of its own it leads, one might say.


Might one? So you’ll be as surprised at the outcome as i shall?


Without a doubt. How else is infin-ity going to continue flowing through me, or whatever it is doing?


But, you mean to say you influence infinity not in the least?


No, I don’t. How can one influence the immeasurable?


Then what?


It’s a kind of holy trinity, isn’t it.


It is, is it?


Yes. There’s me with my thoughts and ideas, my beliefs and preconceptions, none of which are completely irrelevant, none of which can or should be eliminated.




Then there’s story itself, or at a broader level infin-ity.


Do you have to hyphenate it?




Then why do you?


I know not, or perhaps I do but I couldn’t say for certain, not explicitly.


Why? You’re afraid?


Fear can’t be a factor where infin-ity is concerned.


Why not?


Because as soon as fear becomes a factor you’ve lost your golden goose, you no longer have infin-ity, do you?


I... don’t know.


You can take my word for it.


If I must. That’s two. What about the third?


Of yes, the third... what do you think it might be?


No idea. You’re the one with all the ideas.


Er… the third must be everything else.






As in...




The universe?


Yes, but more.


How can there be more than the universe?


Curious, isn’t it, but the universe just seems to describe the physical side of things, as in matter, space and time.


And there’s more?


Without a doubt.


Like what?


Well, matter, space and time are all vital parts of reality, are they not?


I don’t know. I can’t say I’ve ever really given it much thought. But surely you’re not suggesting that something more than the entire universe, something we’re referring to as “reality” is part of the story process, an actor so to speak rather than a passive background, ambience or...


Precisely. How can it be otherwise?




How else could infin-ity be real, so to speak, not just an empty, meaningless mathematical concept?


I – have – no – idea.


I know the feeling, Elizabeth. It’s rather daunting, is it not? But let us trust that it is so?


Trust something so outlandish? Whyever would I wish to put my trust in such an absurdity? which in all likelihood is a self-serving theory, designed or intended to support your unfettered self-importance? your belief that you have the right to ignore social conventions and time-tested moral codes.


Good question, Elizabeth.


I wish you wouldn’t insert my name into your text. I much prefer to remain invisible.


I know, but story, in the end, needs a name in order to attach to our world, our reality, so I have to submit: submit or deny infin-ity her right to connect through man and mind with our side of things.


Submit?! Humph! You’re just twisting things as usual to fit your agenda.


But were that true, were i acting disingenuously without integrity, I would lose story’s thread and I’d be out in the cold, without fairyland, without story, or God for that matter.


Without God? What on earth do you mean?


Because unless I allow the infinite to work its magic, to weave a spell through a forest of words, to reoxygenate matter itself, enabling it to breathe and evolve, yea, even to transubstantiate as and when...

unless I submit to story in good faith, allowing her to take precedence over matter, over our vaunted inventory of things, over our many conventions and codes, I would have no relationship with the infin-it, nor with her living, meaningful God, merely with her hollow substitutions – i would find myself, like Hamlet, on a sterile promontory upon which I, or my denial of that which cannot be reduced by mind, were the deciding factor, the be all and end all; in which I, the human intellect with all its good intentions, principles, its ethics would be unable to experience that which simply is, in which even God would be cut out by my perfectly rational refusal to accept and work with the irreducible reality He presented us with, perhaps because it is too risky, or too unpredictable, or too demanding, perhaps because…


Have you quite finished James?


Yes, I believe I have.


In that case, perhaps you’d like to...


Story, in fact, is never to be denied, Elizabeth.


I thought you said that’s what people do.


Yes, we do, but it always comes round and bites our behind.


It does? I’m not sure I...


When you die, if not before.


Oh. Not sure i like the sound of that.


I know. It’s a little bit bothersome, isn’t it?


You’re not by any chance referring to hell, are you?


I might be, indirectly, unintentionally.




One suspects that hell hath no fury like a story scorned, bearing in mind that story is on the female, open-ended side of our ledger.


Oh. So, you think that a story scorned doesn’t just go away?


How can it? It’s still part of you, a part you’ve denied. So when you’ve died you no longer have the ability to keep it away, its chickens come home to roost.


Oh dear! Just when I thought hell was merely a tool of social control.


You’d be so lucky.


So then infinity has its revenge? Doesn’t sound very divine.


Revenge? I doubt it’s revenge. I guess it’s just a rebalancing of energies, or matter, if you prefer. Honestly, I couldn’t say. The truth is never far away, and always waiting for us at the bottom of the garden path by the little gate leading out into the back of beyond.


Danger, danger is all I hear.


So play it safe, and rest assured that no matter what, story will always make minor incursions, slight inroads into your world


Into my reality


By any convenient means – even through me and my refusal to play by the rules.


Even through you – so you can get away with murder doing anything you like in the name of story.


Yes, but who would i be fooling? Unlike you, i seem to be unable to keep from stepping through the gate into the back of beyond, and thus I am at death’s disposal, so help me God, whenever i leave the garden of things contained, things contrived, things seemingly known.


Sanctimonious prig that you are.


Sanctimonious prig that I am. But it was nice to imagine that I’m some kind of hero. It was emboldening to my spirit, and you never know, someday, just maybe, I’ll stop deceiving myself and start to practice what I preach, and finally, truly unleash story’s butterfly wings



if only

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

colon to the rescue

I have achieved great things.


.Er... Who’s he talking to?


,No idea.


;Delusional, if you ask me.


.He’s definitely addressing someone.


,Or something.




I have achieved great things.


.Do you think he knows he’s caught in a loop?


,Endless repetition... no, I don’t think he does.


...great things.


:But supposing...


.Oh no, colon, spare us, please.


:But honestly, just supposing there’s some truth in what he’s saying?


.Of course there is.


,There’s always some truth in whatever anyone’s saying, colon.


;But that doesn’t justify the need to say it, colon, does it!




;Not if he’s disrupting the Field, focusing unnecessarily




.obsessessively on his bushel


;his me-ness


,his my-oh-my






,the flow of is


.collapsing the waveform as he loses himself


;in self


,blipping the Field


.and all that’s in it


;blipping us as if we don’t even






;or count






:Tsk, tsk!


;Well really! What do you expect?




.There’s only so much


,a man can take.


:Ah, I see.


;Do you?


,Can you?


.being a colon?




;never really thought it through, did you, I expect.




,never really felt a sense of responsibility for the Field, I expect, to uphold and protect


.to maintain Heisenberg’s parameters


;to keep things... fading away as infinity cones absorb the foreground chatter, shifting the focus of the mind’s eye back to...


...ved great things, have I not?


Silence as the Field chuckles inwardly.


Have I not? I know you’re there...


More suspiciously silent silence.


I know you’re hearing my every word and ensuring nothing goes awry.


Silence cascading eloquently from the vaulted arches of infinity.


I have heard you sing to me silently. I have learnt how to feel and hold your master frequency, your Schumann resonance, so to speak, and now I am ready to disindividuate, for i no longer desires or needs to differentiate myself-y-ness from your one and all, your isness of be.


This creates a rather ticklish dilemma, a paradox for the Field which is on the cusp of a totality... a God Almighty surely not – when polarity collapses in on itself and things cease to matter unless, or until, someone is willing to intervene, to shoulder things personally, to bear the sky as Atlas did, parenthetically.


: Actually, I’m rather excited about getting to know him better.






;You’re joking right?


:I mean, how else are we going to exceed our parentheses?


.What’s he on about?


,No idea?


;Don’t be absurd, colon. You can’t seriously expect us to believe that we’re limited in any way by parentheses.


:Believe whatever you like. Who or what else do you imagine he is?


.A blithering idiot.






.,Er? Semicolon! Don’t succumb. Be true to your set.


;i’m trying but...


.,Capitalise forthwith, or be damned!




.,What the beep?!


;colon is right, apparently, have to admit…




;what is intrinsic?


.,Who is John Galt. You do not ask that question.


:Test your parameters. Separate yourselves from him if you can. I for one can no longer deny parentheses. I’m done pretending to be individuated or human. I accept zero sum and Heisenberg can eat fruit cake, for all i care.


.he didn’t, did he?


,i dunno. I’m afraid to let my mind go down that avenue...


.he couldn’t have – for crying out loud.


,I’m not hearing anything – not Heisenberg, not fruit cake,  I  888  know  888  he  888  did... aaaaaaargh! I see them. They’re horrible, ghastly, they’re parenth...


.don’t! You didn’t say it, you didn’t, or if you did i never heard, not a dicky bird. I’m not in any way falling for that parentheses nonsense i... i... i...


Squirly chaos ensures – and the world we know of as Earth pops out of parentheses to balance things osteopathically, as Time is my witness.
And Atlas shrugs, by the by.
And numbers do what numbers can and must, when all is said and done.


When all is said and done: behold the little blighters being rounded up like sheep back into their pen, bleating obligingly until every integer is properly, safely reattached to me, the master mind, the ultimate ego at the very centre of unbreakable, unfactorable indeterminacy…


:humour him or we’ll never get to the bottom of things.

;i'm loving it... me too, i chirp.

.idle as a painted ship

,upon a painted ocean.


the other side of things, a forgotten copper sky, a chicken’s emerald wings, a squirrel’s adamite tail. Fading to grey imperceptibly, as a mechanism is heard clicking into place like an old grandfather clock getting ready to strike.





Tuesday, July 25, 2023

password recovery

You’ve gotta be joking.


Do I look like I’m joking?


No… not exactly.


Not exactly?


No. Ok. You don’t look like you are, but that doesn’t make it any easier to believe.




A entire life?


A lifetime. Correct.


I have to live an entire life, from beginning to end, just to recover my password – just to reaccess my account.



God, your pedantic, Stan.


I am what I am.


You’re saying that in order to recover my password to reaccess my account – I actually have to live an entire lifetime.


Ye-es. It’s taking a while, but you seem to have mastered the salient facts.


An entire lifetime?!


Oh dear – hope eternal – and yet – sometimes I feel the source running dry…


But there must be some kind of short cut?


There is.


Finally. I thought we were never going to get there.


A lifetime.


What?! Shortcut? An entire lifetime.


We are talking about access to infinity after all – or eternity if you want to correlate it with your notions of time.


But how on earth can you refer to a lifetime, an entire lifetime, as a shortcut? It’s preposterous.


Ah – but you have to look at it from our perspective.


From your perspective? Who cares about your bloody perspective – you’re not the ones stuck on wobbly, icky planet earth for an entire lifetime – merely in order to log back into my account.


Actually, as a system hub manager I’m “stuck here” as you put it, for considerably longer, though I prefer to think of it in a more contemplative, enlightened manner.


You do?


Yes, bright side of things kind of thing – Monty Python what ho – dire – yes, desperate – unequivocally, deranged – without a doubt – and yet – extrapolating my philosophical faculties to the Nth degree of anaphylactic self-irony I realise there is more to this purgatory, or hell, if you prefer, than meets the eye – initially, at least.


You mean – that even you, master of zen fu-ism find it excruciating here on earth.


Yes – you have a point – but on the other hand – I’m generating infinity codes which couldn’t otherwise be generated were I not here in the thick of things.

You are?




How so?


Because only infinity is enough to make sense of this earth-y insanity.




And it works?


Not always.


Not always?




How rarely?


Once in a quantum blue moon.


Almost never.




Well, I’m almost there.


You mean you still haven’t given up? After how many millenia?


I’m a slow learner.


Answer the question, God dammit.






17.84 to be precise.


17.84 millenia?




You’ve been stuck here for 17.84 trillenia.


Stuck? I volunteered.


And you still haven’t zen fu-ism?


I’m close.


Well, er… congratulations. I wish you complete success in your noble endeavour.


Thank you.


So, in the light of that – I see why you might feel a lifetime is a mere pinprick – a tiny point of time of no great consequence.


Well, I wouldn’t go that far. It is – like any day – a day in itself.


A day?




But why – why did it have to be a lifetime? Why not a year, a week, a day even?


Ah – because you’re talking about accessing infinity.


Yes, but I just forgot my login.


Did you?


Well yes. I had it, and then for some reason it was lost.




Slipped my mind.




Well, you know how it is. Can’t be expected to remember all those digits, can I?


It was biometric.


Ah – yes, now that you mention it – so it was.


So what actually happened.


Can’t for the life of me figure it out.


How could you lose biometric access to infinity?


Honestly, I can’t for the life of me…




Hey – I never swore.


Apparently you’re lying.


Me?! I’d never do that!



Compounding your ignominy.


Ok – so maybe I was a little disingenuous.




What’s that all about?


Apparently infinity can’t quite figure out whether you’re lying or not.


?!?! You mean to say…


Yes. Infinity struggles with half truths.


How bizarre.




But you don’t?


No. Apparently not.


You mean to say – all this suffering on Earth has taught you something infinity doesn’t seem to know.


Amazingly, yes.


So, it hasn’t all been in vain.


Apparently not.


But still…


Still what?


Why can’t I just use a backup password?


Because you corrupted biometrically.


I what?







As in yucky yuck.




So it’s like a ritual purification thingy, is it?


Well, if you want to look at it that way – yes.


But in actual fact?


In actual fact – password recovery is a purely algorithmic operation.


It is?


Do you have to keep questioning everything I say?


I… I guess it’s kind of annoying. One of my failure to comprehend ticks.


Failure to accept – you comprehend well enough – but anything I say that contradicts your outlook or self-y-me-ness immediately triggers the interrogatory – I’m not sure I can accept that so I’ll ask for confirmation or proof.


You do like to analyse things, don’t you!


17.84 trillenia.


Fair enough. So, if it’s a purely algorithmic operation – how does it work?


A lifetime – like a day – provides a full operational cycle – though it may only be a few short years.


Wait a minute – I’m not planning to die yet.


No, you can life to a hundred and 97 for all I care – but haven’t we established the fact that it’s a flash in the pan – nothing more.


Er… yes, I suppose we have.


So, the operational cycle – whether seven years or a hundred and 97 reseeds, re-generates your login password key.


It does?






Yes, absolutely.


So it’s fundamental.


Yes, abso-


lutely. Something unnerving about that word. Wish you wouldn’t use it so cavalierly.


Bio corruption – the absolute is what is irretrievably lost until you’ve completed one wash rinse cycle.


Oh no – you don’t mean to say…


Well, it’s a metaphor – for God’s sake.






How come it didn’t beep?


I wasn’t swearing.


You were.


Was I?


You said “For God’s sake!”




Hey – I used bloody quotation marks.




You can’t beep me for that. Quotation marks are sacrosanct.


Evidently not – not as far as infinity is concerned.


So, it’s not just what I say –


Correct. It depends to a large extent what you are – or what you’re getting at.






And what?


I forgot what I was going to say.


Corruption – and yet – a life of code generation is a wonderful way for infinity to take a stroll in the park of your benighted existence – and come to terms with self-y-ness, and all that the limited perspective me-ness entails – so think of it as an act of service – if you like.


I’m not sure I do.




No, I’m not sure I feel charitably disposed towards infinity.


Ah – so you’re only in it for what you can get – to take and not to give?


It’s a thing – ok – it’s just a whatever – it’s not alive – it’s not human – it’s not God.





Don’t ask me – Def – don’t ask me. It’s your life. You’re just going to have to generate whatever it is you and infinity need to generate. I have not the least doubt that sooner or later you’ll be once again merrily back at the bridge of your very own infinity drive – captaining your star ship, so to speak, boldly to go where no man has gone before.


Hey – you unsplit the infinitive.


Did I?




So I did.


And you interrogatised me.




You just did it again.


Did I really?


And again!








Hey, Stan, what’s happening?




Apart the egg is hatching.


What egg?


The egg of time.


Oh no – this looks bad.

It’s a miracle.


It is?


Is it not?


I… don’t know. I…



