So have you actually seen any of these gnomiki, James?
Of course, I see them all the time.
In flowers? – asked Alyona.
In flowers, yes, trees, with small children… Actually, there’s one, no,
two of them right beside you now.
Alyona gave a start.
Next to me? Where – I can’t say anything.
That’s not surprising.
Why’s that?
Because you need to know how. It’s like reading, isn’t it. When you were
little you could look at a page in a book but it was meaningless – you weren’t
able to read. It’s the same with gnomiki.
But they’re real creatures if I understand you rightly, not symbols or
letters that I need to learn.
Yes, they’re real creatures all right – but you can’t see them the normal
Whyever not?
Because you’re using the wrong eyes.
The wrong eyes?
Or the right eyes but the wrong part of your brain.
But I can see everything else, so why not gnomiki?
Everything else?! You’re joking, Alyona, aren’t you?
No, why do you say that?
Because you can only see things in what I call the cube.
The cube is where all regular things are arranged in a particular order
– a bit like alphabetical or chronological order.
But I can see everything there is to see – unless it’s too small or too
far away.
No, Alyona, my dear. You only see what you know how to see. In this case
you only see things that are divisible by one, though sometimes you can feel other
Divisible by one? Everything’s divisible by one, isn’t it.
You’re right – everything you can see is divisible by one – and anything
else that isn’t you can’t. Capiche?
Er… I think you’re pulling my leg.
I could be, but the thing is Alyona, what if I’m not.
What if I’m actually telling the truth?
Fat chance of that.
What if there are millions of things that you’ve never learnt to see,
either because you didn’t know, or perhaps because you were too lazy.
Hey – I’m not lazy. Don’t be mean.
Ok – then let’s see if you can spot Tiffle and Speck.
Tiffle and Speck?
The gnomiki that are with you right now.
But there’s no one here.
You see – you just said no “one” and I already told you there are other
creatures or things which are perfectly real, it’s just they’re not divisible
by one.
Then what am I supposed to do?
Well, first of all, try being a little less sure that you have all the
answers. Try and question your assumption that you’re fully aware of who or
what is in your vicinity.
Ok. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt – though I’m sure you’re
winding me up.
There you go again – doubting everything. Still, I can’t blame you – I
was the same.
You were?
Yes, in my past life.
Your what?!
When I used to live in England.
Oh, that past life.
Ok – I’m not going to be a spoilsport. I really do accept there might be
things, or even creatures, nearby which I can’t see.
Like angels?
Yes, like angels.
Or demons.
Yikes – let’s not think about that.
But I still can’t see anything more than I did a moment ago.
Impatient, aren’t you?
Yes, a little bit, but really – what do you expect?
Ok – now your eyes have become a little softer, a little more receptive,
but still that isn’t enough.
What more is needed?
You need to condescend, to make contact. To come down from your pedestal
and talk to ‘em.
Now you’re really having me on.
No, not at all.
What am I supposed to do – talk to the air?
Not the air – you need to talk to them. I even told you their names.
So you did – but how did you get their names?
Oh, that’s easy – the same way they got mine.
As soon as you can see gnomiki you can hear them and likewise, they can
hear you.
But why couldn’t I hear them if they were talking to you?
Because you weren’t seeing them. Isn’t it obvious?
Er… Not sure I understand.
Well, seeing them you’ve activated a different part of your brain – and
that part of the brain is rather special.
Yes? In what way?
It can see creatures or things not divisible by one, outside the cube.
Not divisible by one... But divisible by what?
By nought.
By what?
By nought.
But nothing is divisible by nought.
Correct. Nothing in the cube is divisible by nought.
No, James, not just inside the cube – it’s mathematically impossible.
Nothing whatsoever is divisible by nought.
Funny that.
Yes, very funny.
I thought we agreed that you weren’t going to be so dogmatic.
Dogmatic? Me?
That you would agree to suspend your disbelief – to play along in order
to see if you could see ‘em.
I did – but playing along is one thing, while suspending my reason and
swallowing crazy mathematics is another thing entirely.
Ah – but there’s nothing crazy about my mathematics.
James – trust me – we can go to the Russian academy of sciences and ask
them if there are any numbers divisible by nought and you know perfectly well
what the answer will be.
Yes, Alyona, I know what the answer will be – but only if the
mathematician is able to switch on the part of his brain which is able to see
gnomiki. As soon as he does that he’ll accept that he’s now able to see things
that are not divisible by one – which are divisible by nought – but it won’t
seem so strange to him.
No? Why not?
Because seeing is believing. Once he’s able to see gnomiki, and hear ‘em
too – he’ll no longer think as most people do, that nought is just nought.
Precisely. “Oh!” He’ll realise that nought is the zero point through
which we access Oh – the other side of our mind – the side of our mind that can
take us into Narnia, or anywhere else we might need to go.
But I didn’t say anything.
I know – but in Oh – on the other side of your mind – you did – you were
already thinking along the right lines.
Was I? What are the right lines?
Now you’re trying too hard to understand – to get back into your
comfortable cube.
You mean to say we climb out of the cube without even being aware of it?
Yes, all the time.
When you’re happy and humming a song like Winnie the Pooh does, or
suddenly have a daydream, or remember someone out of the blue, or when you see
something like just now.
Huh? What did I see just now? I didn’t see a thing.
Yes, you did.
Did I? What?
You saw Tiffle and Speck.
What?! You must be mistaken.
Impossible. You looked straight at them and for a second you connected
with them.
But I’d know if I saw them. I’d remember.
Not yet, you wouldn’t.
Why not?
Because you immediately forget what just happened, the same way people
often forget a dream or anything outside the cube that they experience in daily
So I saw them, you’re saying – but I’m still none the wiser?
Correct – except you’ve made a step forward because they gave you a gift
and you accepted it.
What?!!! Are you serious?
But I don’t have a gift. There’s nothing here.
Correct. Nothing. But that is merely because it isn’t divisible by one.
Oh come on, James, don’t be ridiculous. If a gift is divisible by nought
then it’s nothing at all.
Absolutely, until you allow yourself to see it.
And what? It’ll still be nothing.
Really? You’re very sure of yourself, young lady, are you not?
I thought we agreed to suspend judgement for a minute or two. After all,
Tiffle and Speck were kind enough to give you a wonderful gift. It’s the very
least you could do.
Oh, I apologise Tiffle. And Speck, I apologise. Do excuse me for being
so thoughtless.
Think nothing of it.
Think nothing of it, at all.
Did you say something, James?
Nothing whatsoever – James looks surprised.
Just I thought I heard… I must be imagining things.
Imagining things?
Imagining things? What a lark.
A lark? Well, I suppose it might be a lark, as long as it didn’t go too
Or get out of hand.
Precisely. There’s no knowing what might happen.
But on the other hand…
On the other hand – yes – I see what you mean.
Do you?
Does she?
Yes, nothing ventured, nothing gained – Alyona sighs, wistfully, as
she realizes how much has been blocked and curtailed.
I beg your pardon, Alyona? Is everything alright?
Oh, yes, I suppose so. But about that gift…
Take it if you want it.
James said I already did.
Of course you did – but you don’t remember, do
No, I don’t seem to remember. I remember nothing at all though, wait a
minute, I can remember a tinkling bell, which is strange, or was that a tickly
feeling somewhere at the back of my mind which I then mistook for a bell?
In fact, you don’t even
remember seeing me, Alyona…
Or me, Alyona, do you?
No… You know I feel terribly bad about it. It seems dreadfully rude not
to remember seeing someone I’ve just seen.
I mean two of you, of course. Excuse me, Tiffle, if you will.
I might do. If you’d
have the courtesy to open your eyes.
But my eyes – I thought they were open already.
You thought?
She thought? Honestly, thinking things is
rather problematic at times, is it not?
Yes Speck, you’re right.
On the count of three then… One
Alyona’s eyes suddenly open in a way they never
have before – like a door in the other side of her mind.
There, that wasn’t so
There, that wasn’t so bad – in unison – was it?
Not at all. Not at all. I
can see you both though truth be told –
You were seeing us all
Without realizing it, weren’t you?
Feeding it all to the
voracious cube.
Making the cube master of all.
Tinkle tinkle – a bell rings at the back of her
mind and Alyona sees the gift she’s been holding all this time.
Oh wow! Thank you Tiffle,
thank you Speck – what a wonderful pair of slippers.
You’re welcome Alyona.
They’re for dancing.
Dancing? But I don’t really
dance. I mean – they’re very nice. I love them.
Why don’t you try them on?
Oh – yes, I think I will –
she does – oh, they fit perfectly!
They should do. We made them
But how do you know my
How do we know?
How do we know?
Oh – silly question,
really. Yes. Funny how I’m still thinking that way even though I can see you
Funny, isn’t it?
Why don’t you try them
Take them for a whirl?
You mean have a dance?
I’d love to, but…
You’d love to?
What’s stopping you?
Alyona was going to say “there’s no music” but
realizes she doesn’t need to.
The music is waiting
for you
but you need to take the initiative, do you
Oh, I see.
Alyona starts
dancing – or perhaps the slippers start dancing and she allows them to lead her
feet – and no sooner does she start than the music fills her soul with light
and something indescribable – something unforgettable – something which
normally, in the cube, would be nothing at all, more’s the pity, something
complete and o’erflowing.
I say, Alyona.
Oh, there you are James. I
must have… she was about to say fallen asleep – but something pops in
her head and she knows that would be completely untrue – remembering everything
that just happened outside the cube with a squeal of delight.
I danced. It was wonderful.
Tiffle and Speck gave me the most amazing slippers. I never knew it was
possible to dance like that.
You’re welcome Alyona.
Alyona, you’re welcome.
And for a noughtieth
of a second both sides are brought together – and the rational mind realizes
that things are merely things, and nothing will ever be the same again,
the endieth end
or so it would seem
if things were so