Tuesday, December 6, 2022

flu season redux – a snail's perspective

Sniffing and snuffling…


You can't even manage your own existence, and you expect me to believe you’re able to navigate the quantum stream, dipping your toes in the waters of infinity... Give me a break! You’re delusional, Jack.


It's not Jack. I’m no longer identifying as a privileged white male.


Ok. Whatever.


I’m a snail.


Quelle surprise! And your nom d’escargot?


J, somewhat unimaginatively, d’Escargot.


J the letter or the sound.


The letter of course.


Why, are snails able to read?


Not generally, not to the best of my knowledge, but that's not the point.


Right. The point, as always, eludes me.


That's hardly surprising Thomas.




What do you expect with a white, middleclass identity. These are shackles holding you back.


Yes, but on a more positive note, at least one of us has seen the light and become a bastion of woke progressiveness.


Excellent positive thinking bro.


I’m not entirely sure whether it's positive thinking J, or dry irony doing its best not to degenerate into sarcasm.


Ah, splendid delicious ambiguity, Tom!


Indeed, indeed, but don’t imagine for one second that I’ve bought into your quantum field malarkey, J.




Well yes. It's utter bunkum, if you ask me.


It may be bunkum, Tommy2aaa2a2w²2www2222w2aw, but it's the only thing keeping this reality, including the two of us, in play.




I may not be any good at navigating the quantum stream, or any other waters for that matter, but my failure to attempt to do so would be catastrophic.


What do you mean?


Well, minor inconvenience, Tom, but the thing is that 3D reality no longer exists.


What?! Of course it does. I can see you, and you can see me. What more do you need?


How about a basis in fact.


But this is absurd. We're so still here. Nothing’s gone anywhere. You're the one with issues, not reality itself. You can't even stay healthy. Look at you coughing and sniffing. You’re probably even running a temperature.


That's just data flow.


Data flow? More like mucus flow.


Ha ha. Look Tomins – I’m not in any way trying to influence or, God forbid, upset you. This whole quantum stream “malarkey” as you so eloquently put it is, of course, an utter load of bunkum – I’m the first to admit that – but for lack of a better way of explaining what’s really going on – it’ll have to do for the moment.


You mean to say…


You heard me. What difference does it make if I refer to the new reality as a Q phenomenon or some other abstract name? The idea that these names actually mean anything in and of themselves is risible. It’s like monkeys using different shaped bananas to explain the meaning of life or the structure of the universe. They’re just board counters in a game of snakes and ladders, or chips in a casino representing varying amounts of currency… Names – garbled, gutteral whistles and grunts.


This is not a new idea J. But the whole of science is based on the fact that we can leverage these words, symbols, counters or chips to make things – rockets, energy systems, computers etc so they’re not simply abstract tokens. Far from it – they all, or most of them, have practical applications.


Yes, that’s within reality, but when the entire ship’s going down who cares what social advantage one group of monkeys has over another. It's now a case of access to the escape pod or bust. Nothing else cuts it.


So you actually believe reality is over?


It is.


But you’ve provided no proof.


Ok, you really want me to provide proof that this is all just a shell game.


What do you mean “a shell game”?


A confidence trick. A fraud. Lacking in real, tangible substance, a distraction to keep the masses calm and stop them from stampeding the exits.


Well the whole notion is absurd. How could you prove here in reality that 3D reality is unreal?


I can’t, or rather, I don’t intend to unless you explicitly ask me to.


And why, if I may inquire, is that?


Because I don’t particularly want to pop your bubble or endanger your delicate sense of self. The bottom line is – your life, your choice.


I assure you, J, nothing you can possibly say or do is going to endanger my sense of self.


I politely beg to differ, Tom. If, just if I hasten to add, I were to demonstrate irrefutably, that this is all just a shell game – then you’re going to lose, in an instant, the most reliable source of stability in your life – the conviction, the certainty, the belief that all this is real, that things exist independently.


Look J, if you really have proof that reality is over, whether I like the fact or not I’m compelled to face the truth. It may be horrendous to behold, but better to apprehend the truth than to live in a false reality.


Well spoken Tom. In that case, if that’s truly how you feel – welcome to the tunnel of symbols.


The what?


Behold. Tom and J are now seeing symbols appearing on the screen of the inner mind – and they seem to be moving forward in space or time – difficult to say which as the two seem to be strangely connected, and reality – the world that we know – our familiar, tried and tested 3D reality has fallen by the wayside – has been left behind – no – has not been left behind – but has been demoted to a footnote – a minor generator of impulses – like the impulse that makes a fish swish its tail.


Where did it go?


Back there, where the rubber hits the road.


You mean the entirety of 3d reality is that tiny patch of nothing much?


Not exactly.


Then what?


I mean that 3d reality is first and foremost consciousness, isn't it or, to be precise, it’s what happens when pure consciousness comes into contact with a material reality template which is encoded by those symbols... which just happen to be moving over the terrain of time.


The terrain of time?


Yes, but not exactly time as you understand it.




No, time per se doesn’t exist in the quantum stream of isium, capisce?


Not really, but I'll take your word for it.


Even consciousness needs to attach to something physical, something more or less certain.


And that's time? It has a terrain?


Well, it’s like water with waves on the surface. If you fly over it fast enough it becomes hard and fast, relatively speaking. Only if you slow right down, for example by meditating, does it become soft and yielding, in which instant consciousness shifts elsewhere, to another plane of reference.


Another plane? What other plane can conscious-ness attach to if time is no longer an option.


Which do you think?


I honestly couldn't say.


And you want me just to give you the answer, without having to work for it?


I don't see why not. It's not exactly going to kill you, is it?


True, but it might not be compatible with my q-ness.


Just tell me, ok.


You generally call it “dream”, but you haven't yet learnt how to work with dream terrain as you’re still time-locked.


Dream? But that’s not real.


Real? Nor is “time” when you slow down your spin rate.


Spin rate? Now you make me sound like a washing machine.


It’s a rather good analogy. You’re not really moving forward at all, you know. At the fundamental level physical space doesn’t exist as such. You’re really just spinning above time terrain. Obviously you don’t recognize this, otherwise you would become aware of the deception and automatically sync back into consciousness. It’s been set up to avoid such pitfalls, to keep the experience of 3D reality as smooth and consistent as possible, in the immediate slither of conscious-awareness where reality is indeed astonishingly, palpably tangible.


But seriously, you must be mistaken... how could dream be as real as time?


It can’t, as long as you're plugged into time. You can't serve two masters, so to speak.


But time is just there. I don't serve it.


Maybe not, but there’s no such thing as a free lunch, and time appears to be working for you. For free? I doubt it.


Give me a break! Time’s not an entity, merely something like a tunnel, part of the structure of reality, it’s entirely passive, like a tube water flows through.


You can believe that if you want to, or you can test what I’m saying by taking the trouble to disengage from time, and thereby catching a glimpse of the actual mechanism from alongside. It might be, how shall i put it, revealing...


Hey, you're giving me the creeps, cut it out!


Look Tom, I never said time is an evil parasite or sicko master, did I? Just that there's always some kind of symbiosis in nature. Why would you assume you and your reality are any different? Why would you need to be the exception to the rule if you’re handling this in a calm adult manner.


Ok, you've made a fair point. So you’re suggesting that if I wean myself off time, that dream can become my new terrain? But how would that be any better?


Good question, Dillon.


Dillon? What the heck...


Yes, that was a Dillon question.


Oh. So the question maketh the man?


In a manner of speaking, yes, it doth. You asked whether time is worse than dream, whether there's an inherent need to advance to the next level...




We make no assumptions. We take reality as we find it. If time is currently your best fit level of awareness, then go with that. If, however, dream is now ripe and you’re ready to make the transition, then you’d be unwise not to seize the opportunity.


You mean to say there is no ideal?


Of course not, how could there be? As you evolve and you’re ready for a higher level so you outgrow your existing paradigm and move on to the next. And the next just happens to be what we somewhat misleadingly refer to as dream.


But why dream? It makes no sense.


It does really. We're always aware of the preceding and next level.


We are?




So what was our preceding level?


It was the golden age, or the Garden of Eden, if you prefer.


But that was supposed to be the fall of man down to a lower level of consciousness, a level of pain and suffering.


Which it was, but that was because we were ready for it, and it was necessary to prepare us for what comes next. We needed to sink up to our eyeballs in material reality.


Well, I'm far from convinced.


That's quite alright. There’s absolutely no need whatsoever for you to agree with anything I say. I’m merely providing information to the best of my ability.


Ok, well let's assume, hypothetically, that you're right, and we're advancing towards dream... How does that make sense if we used to be in the Garden of Eden, of all places, presumably able to talk to God directly, happy, content.


Well, this is all about our consciousness expanding or advancing. In the Garden of Eden we learnt all about physical or material reality, it was the induction programme, we were on our way down into this reality – we got to name things by feeling their essence, and once we’d completed it we were ready for the actual full on, hard core experience where the rubber hits the road, where we shift to a world of things, in which matter really seems to matter, which is where we are now, isn't it?


Ok. But how is the non-physical world of dream better than this?


It's not “better” per se, and nor is it particularly non-physical.




It seems to be non-physical as long as you’re still time-bound, as long as you’re just dreaming at night in switched-off mode, but once dream becomes your new paradigm the connection deepens and solidifies. As for how it’s a progression… it’s a bit like the internet in which you’re suddenly able to communicate with people all around the world, simultaneously. You can work online without leaving your home. You can shop too. The experience might not always be better but it means you are less localised, better able to once again rediscover the power of consciousness to be anywhere, while at the same time having physical reality as your base line.


But isn’t that what we had before we came down into matter?




Then we haven’t really gone anywhere.


Correct – but on the other hand we went down into matter until it almost completely took possession of us – and now – altered by that experience – to a certain extent imprinted by matter itself – we now learn once again to fly – to broaden our horizons – to reconnect with multiple areas of consciousness or awareness which were inaccessible while 3D reality had us in its clutches.


You mean to say that we’ve actually been altered by matter?


Yes, of course. You can’t go that deep into a realm, go that close to an alien life form without being affected by it.


Alien life form?


Absolutely. You thought matter was just inert? Give me a break.


No. This is insane.


Well hello – of course it’s insane to the 3D mind. That’s what keeps you nicely fixed in 3D reality until you’re ready to evolve beyond.


So now you’re saying that matter is a kind of alien entity?


Well, if you want you can use such words. I’d prefer to keep it less confrontational, if you don’t mind.


Er... what would you say then?


That matter is the other side of what you are.




Well, you’re biological or organic matter – aren’t you?




And the other side is non-biological or inorganic matter.


Jeepers creepers.


Honestly – why all the drama?


It’s insane. My computer is alive?


I didn’t say that.


Then what?


To a certain extent everything is alive. Atoms presumably hold some kind of charge – and that’s enough to carry a life signal.




Yes, why not? Particularly when you’ve got lots of them working in parallel.


So the atoms in my computer are alive – but the computer itself?


Quit trying to understand this in terms of your frame of reference. How dumb is that?


I… what do you expect me to do?


Well, accept that there may be some truth in what I’m saying – that there’s usually a balance in nature – in all things, in fact – so why not a balance between organic and inorganic life?


Ok – that I can accept.


And now, instead of focussing specifically on one computer, one rock or one pen – understand that all things would be able to carry or hold the signal for these inorganic life forms – if they actually exist. If that’s so – then by moving them around – by building cities and networks and communication systems we would be…




Working for them, or working for it – as much as we’re working for ourselves. We just prefer to ignore them and attribute all our actions to self-interest.




In the same way we assume we are in control of our thoughts, and our bodies too.


Please – stop it. I’m feeling ill.


But our thoughts seem to lead a life of their own, don’t they? And our bodies – are we really masters of our own body?


No – I’m going to be sick.


We eat and drink all kinds of stuff just because the bacteria in our gut want it and are able to have their way. All kinds of sugars which are harmful to our bodies and our minds – but which those bacteria adore. So are we really in control? The more you think about it – the more you begin to realise that things are not as they seem.


Why are you doing this to me, J?


Because your 3D reality is already shifting out of time, isn’t it? It's over, isn't that what i said to Tom? That’s why these matters are coming to a head. You’d never have heard this before. You couldn’t even see me.


I couldn’t?




But that’s absurd.


Is it? I was visiting you regularly before in various shapes and guises, but our communication nearly all happened either in the Garden of Eden…




But of course – just because you moved on – you didn’t stop having part of you still based there. You can’t, in fact.




No, the next level has to incorporate the preceding one – so that was one way I was able to chat with you.


And the other?


And the other, of course, was through dreams.


Oh my God. You were in my dreams?


Well, not exactly me – that would have been rather demeaning climbing into your poky, and unappealing excuses for dreams.


Thanks a bunch.


No disrespect, Dillon – but the 3D dream space atrophies something terrible – it’s unkempt and very pongy.


So… if you’ve quite finished slighting me…


No, I could go on all day. There is a humorous side to all this, of course.


There is?


Well yes – Marvin the droid – eat your heart out.


Oh – so you feel you are overqualified for the job?


The thought did cross my mind.


How can someone so advanced, so multi-dimensional be such an arrogant prick – such a total jerk?


Good question! I was assigned to these low hygiene jobs – you might have guessed why?


As a punishment?


Something along those lines.


You’re not by any chance Lucifer, are you?


Heaven forbid – but I have had rather complicated relations with the Chancellery.


Have you now? I’m glad to hear it. I'm a bit of a rebel myself.




Well, I like to think there’s a free-spirited rebel hidden within. So tell me J – how did you instruct me through my dreams – and how come I don’t remember any of this?


Oh – I’m a pretty good coder – or you might say I’m a dab hand at moulding and psi-charging dream space, dragging it out of the dark ages.


So that's why i had all those monkey fish dreams?


Anything to suggest to you that there’s more to dream than meets the eye. Enough to stimulate your dream awareness. The interminable train tracks, the forgotten shopping items, the unsolvable maths problems, the alien encounters and faulty traffic lights...


You did all that?


Well yes. It’s nothing, really.


And all the above you did altruistically, just to help me evolve beyond Time?


Well, actually it was my last chance – a kind of probation – to avoid getting sent down into 3D as an undesirable with a boat load of bad karma.


The management sound pretty vindictive?


Not really – I was out of order more than once. I deserved it. I got caught.


Ok. So, somehow you managed to trigger my awareness of greater things – to the extent that now I’m able to see and hear you – either that or I’ve developed schizophrenia.


Correct. Both.




And what?


What happens next?


You know what Dillon?




I really don’t know. I suspect that you and the other side of your awareness…


The other side of my awareness?


As in the entire world...


Jeepers. That’s rather a staggeringly large “other side”!


Yes. You and the other side appear to be ready to cash out of casino 3D and sink down through time and the glass ceiling of material reality.


You mean I have to do it with everyone else, all together?


Yep. That’s the way it works – but don’t worry – it’s going to be a blast.


Is it now?




Hey – you just sneezed!


Yes, I’m having health issues, as you know.


Wait a minute! How can you be a multi-dimensional entity able to reprogramme reality itself if you aren’t even able to manage your own health?


Here we go again! It looks fairly damning; I have to admit. You'd think I'd be able to go with the quantum flow, wouldn’t you, shifting frequencies faultlessly, unless all my run ins with the Authority are taking their toll.


Indeed. Or maybe that’s why you've been having all these issues...


Getting caught.


That too. Me thinks there’s a fly in your ointment. Me thinks... Dillon goes into a higher dimensional trance and starts spewing out code faster than i can possibly write it down. Check the show notes down below for a transcript. 27 minutes later he returns to his normal state of awareness, having written the equivalent of the collected works of Shakespeare, blinks twice and wonders what exactly he just said, before completely forgetting everything.


Yes Dillon, never imagine anyone else is fundamentally more aligned or better tuned than you are. We’re all journeying in tandem somewhere between alpha and omega. I, for all you know, might be a con-artist hoping to trick you out of your life savings, or else a fake guru desirous to bring you into my sect and thus take possession of your spiritual energy. Dangers abound. In your position I wouldn’t believe a word I was saying…


Ah, but that’s just why I’m going to believe you.


I could be double bluffing to get you off-guard.


Or triple… Not likely – I’m too dumb to appreciate such subtleties. So your sneeze... Tell me Jahangir dramatic moment sound effect – are you in any way connected to, or affected by me?


Body language experts forget it, this duck ain’t quacking. Shouldn’t be, really. I’m supposed to be supremely detached from all of 3D reality.


Then… Dillon suddenly experiences some kind of déjà vu – the sneeze did it.






What’s going on?


No idea. Why do you ask?


Sneeze again, could you.


Sneeze? You want me to sneeze?


Yes, do it, please.


Looking somewhat nonplussed J starts sneezing – each more convincing that the last until the very walls, the very fabric of reality seem to be involved, in some way vibrating at the same frequency as the sneezes, bending, morphing to the exactness of sneezitude.


Ok, you can stop.


Dillon seems to be feeling around for a kind of hidden catch, groping the air around him.


Got it!


He grabs at something – a piece of spaghetti – a piece of string – hard to say what exactly and starts yanking it.


Ow! Not so rough!


Sorry J. I didn’t mean to put your nose out of joint.


It’s not my nose, Dillan – it’s the dream toggle. It's a rather sensitive piece of bio-etheric-tech.


Er, no idea what you're on about but it’s exactly what i was looking for. A vital link, if I'm not mistaken. By the way, thanks J – that was an amazing manoeuvre.


Manoeuvre? All i did was sneeze a few times.


Ha, you don't fool me. I saw the walls of reality bend and bow. Now, if I follow the signal you so kindly relayed to me by sneezing so magnificently...


Easy does it – you’re just finding your feet.


Then – whoopee! Dillon is now standing on the ceiling – or that’s how it looks from the 3D perspective – stretching his arms and legs like a butterfly that's just emerged from the chrysalis.


I can’t believe it J – it’s so cool.


Yes. Isn't it))  You’ve done good boy. You've activated your dream attention with almost no help from me.


It was so close – now i see, always there, in fact, alongside me. And your so-called sneezes just helped bridge that miniscule, quantum gap.


So here you are, Dylan. Welcome to dream. Now, let’s see if you can do it by yourself.




Without any help from me.




Just go back to your last time point – whatever you were thinking or feeling before I sneezed – get back to the body feeling.


Dillon does so, and the next moment he’s standing back down where he was a minute ago, wide eyed – trying to see if he can see J, or the shadow of J up there on the ceiling.


Behind you!


Dillon jumps.


Easy does it, Dillon. Cool, calm and collected – the 3Cs.


Er… ok.


Now feel those sneezes. I inserted them into your dream space a while back. That’s why the trigger today worked so flawlessly. You should be able to follow the feeling through the flipping point, if you don’t hold on too tight to 3D.


Dillon screws up his face in concentration.


Looks like you’re trying to have a dump. Relax dude. Move your body. See if you can let the sneezes come down into your physical body.


Dillon was about to say – “I doubt it,” but he feels a ticklish, tickly sensation somewhere very bizarre – somewhere that doesn’t seem to be anywhere in his body at all, and the next thing he knows, there’s a part of him sneezing beautifully – with no effort whatsoever.


You don’t actually have to sneeze – J says to the now upside-down Dillon. It’s just the sensation, the frequency location of dream that you need to recall.




Try again – this time just feel the pre-sneeze and find yourself here, back on the ceiling.


Dillon again pops down into 3D right way up-ness and with almost no effort finds the ticklish sensation and allows it to yank him, like an elastic band – back into dream time.


Well, that wasn’t so bad, was it Dyflyn?


Bad – it’s amazing. This is going to change my life. I’m no longer the slave of 3D reality.


Yes, except that this is going to be forgotten in a minute or two. But now that you’ve done the crossing yourself, you’ll be able to “figure it all out for yourself” in next to no time.






Do you mean that’s how we learn all the important stuff?


I can’t say – not for certain.


Why not?


You know how Qufie shies away from certainties.




But I suspect that there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes than you’ve hitherto suspected, or you... J points emphatically at the listeners who are part of this event, somehow managing to fingerbone each of ‘em individually, breaking momentarily the proscenium membrane which separates players and audience.




Yes, isn’t it, or would be if reality itself hadn’t ended 42 minutes ago.


The walls of the theatre fall away revealing screens, wires, code and spiralling vortices of what we technically refer to as “nothing much” – just to keep Qufie happy by not sticking banana labels on everything.










Wednesday, November 30, 2022

identifying alf

 So you've been busy writing “poetry”, ‘ave you?


Yes... i mean... no. Ambivalency and all.


Quelle surprise!


Words, what ho! Fiddly little buggers, aren’t they?


I should say!... i mean no.


What ho, Marianne, join the club.




Moving with the times, Alf, moving with the times.


Oh, yes, what ho! Didn't mean to be a bigoted misogynist, you know. Didn’t mean to deny my inner female.


Didn’t mean to...? Didn't really think, did we?




A typical male chauvinist, with a hyper-inflated sense of entitlement. Just think how many poor female persons have been traumatized by your unwillingness to accept your inner female. Let that sink in. A moment’s thought, a moment’s remorse and perhaps penitence.


Oh, I say Daphne, I’m heartily ashamed.


Well, now that we've dealt with your latest episode of passive aggressive, practically antisemitic hate we can deal with the ticklish question of poetry.


Wait a second, Daphne...


It's not Daphne, Marianne. That was then. I've moved on.


You have? I’m er... well good for you. What’s your new identity, if you don't mind me asking?




I beg your pardon!?


Door. No need to gawp. A little sensitivity please.


You identify as a door?

 Correct. You have a problem with that?


No, no, of course not. It's wonderful, in fact… wonderful.


You think so?


Absolutely. Doors are massively underrepresented and obviously massively discriminated against, second only to doormats in fact.


Tell me about it Marianne. I struggled hard with the possibility of taking on the truly heroic door mat identity, but sadly i realised, in the end, i don't have it in me. Don't get me wrong, I’d give my all, 100 percent, to defend the long-suffering door mat, but as for adopting the identity itself – no, i can’t. I'm not ready.


Well i think you've been terribly brave to come out as a door, Door. I mean, just think of all the discrimination you’re going to face. It's going to be painful, to say the least, and lonely.


I know, but is not about comfort or social recognition, is it?


No, absolutely not. So, what pronouns have you chosen, Door?


It was more complicated than you might at first suspect.


Really? Tell me about it.


At first I was resigned to “it”. It seemed clear cut, but then i had the dawning realisation that every door has two sides, two faces, is in fact a “they”.


Right, i get you totally. So, "they” it is!


For the time being, at least.




There seems to be some instability in the Field at the moment.


In the Field? Which one exactly?


The Field of form and identities.


Ah, I had no idea.


No, you wouldn’t. Only psychics or deep empaths like me...






You are “us”, aren't you, being “they”?


Yes, of course, i am. please don't interrupt me.




Please don't interrupt us.


My sincere apologies. I didn't want to commit the solecism of mispronounciation.


Well yes, but now I've lost my train of thought.




We’ve lost our train of thought.


Ah, you (plural) were explaining the Field of form and identities.


Yes, of course. Well, it’s going through a patch of turbulence.


Like an airplane.


Precisely, and those of us at the cutting edge of the new awareness, the avant-garde so to speak, are deeply susceptible to these fluctuations. Reality itself, you might say, is becoming unstable, its main pillars and axioms grow wobbly.


Wobbly? Yikes. Is there anything we can do to stabilise it?


Well, that begs the assumption whether or not we actually want to stabilise it, as you put it.


We don’t?


In the end we might need to go with the flow, to allow things to run their course. Today I’m they, a binary door betwixt two worlds, two realities, but this evening, tomorrow or a year from now i might be an unborn child, a caterpillar, a grain of sand. Whatever is revealed. I must accept with humility, adapt, evolve and serve the transition that humanity and reality itself are undergoing.


Wow, this is so profound. You (plural) have transformed my myopic way of seeing things. Door, you have a real gift. You're more than an influencer, you know.


I am?


You’re a super, nay, a mega-influencer.


Well, I don't know, really. I'm just...




We’re just a humble door connecting two or three, maybe four...


Or perhaps five


Five or even six


Or seven?


Ok, possibly seven different realities.


Like Howell’s unusual door in the moving castle movie?


Or book. Yes, that's it. Hey, Marianne, for a normie you can sometimes come within spitting distance of being profound.


No. Don't confuse me, Door. I will never be profound. I’m blighted by bigotry, I’m the worst sort of maladjusted white heterosexual male you’ll ever find – though


No, say no more, Marianne. Let your inner female goddess out. She needs to be liberated. She needs your humble rejection of sexual totalitarianism, the dogma of yesterday. She needs a little self-confidence, a little trust. Male no more, show masculinity the door.


I’m a philistine, Door. I’m trapped in a form and identity that makes me feel unclean, a hater of the very worst description and yet, short of killing myself, I don't see how i can escape the tyranny of my birth, or my body.


Whoever said anything about “escaping” it? You are what you are. Accept it. Embrace it. Enjoy your uniqueness. Allow the underlying truth to emerge from the ugly slag heap of yesterday’s definitions and your, as yet, unperfected femininity will blossom. Feel the she rising from the burnt-out ruins of your erstwhile he.


Do you think I can? Is it more than a dream?


I don’t see why not.




We don't see why not. You're not the only one. There are millions of us. Look at me –




Look at us. Would you quit butting in Marianne. Women are not pedantic like men. They feel the deeper, hidden meaning, the silent intent. They don't need to dot every i or cross every t because they are all 2/3s psychic, you know. They are able to feel the flow, the isness of be, intimately.


Really? And I can too, you think?


Just as soon as you commit yourself. Just as soon as you decide to transition medically.


I’m ready Door, whatever it takes. I love my new identity. As Marianne I’m unstoppable. I’m sassy. I’m a hit. Everything. The stars are aligned. I'll start hormone therapy tomorrow, no, I’ll start today. But tell me, Door, how does it feel letting go of Daphne after 16 months of her-dom, now transitioning to them?

That's a great question Marianne. I’m just starting a whole new chapter in my life and why? I was so happy being Daphne. It was liberating and empowering – i was a woman in every sense, far more than someone born in a female body could be, because i did it consciously, by choice, but in the end i outgrew even femininity, my she was no longer able to express the deeper truths, the deeper levels of awareness now opening to me, so i allowed the door to slam shut on her, on dear, beloved Daphne, opening instead on Door themself.


That is such a powerful tale, Door.  Such a heroic journey. I’m crying as only a woman can. I may still have the body of a man, but my tears are pure woman, pure x-chromosome.


Indeed they are, Marianne. Indeed they are.


So tell me about your poetry.




Yes, didn't you publish some?


No... yes… I can't stay. It’s not an open-shut thing Marianne.


No? How do you mean, Door?


Well, the Field of form and identities, as we've already discussed, is in an increasing state of flux or discontinuity.


Ah ha.


Which is why so many of us, finding the ground beneath our feet altered, are no longer fighting it, are embracing the changes.


I see.


But do you, Marianne?




Do you see how the fabric of space and time is no longer able to hold back the seepage of infinity, seeping back into our reality.




Well, ever since Adam named all the creatures, things have been more or less set in stone, more or less determined with a simple name sealing the matter, whatever it is, until now.


Until now? We still have names. Things are still things, aren't they?!


Up to a point, yes, but no, not really, the names seem to have lost their electric charge, they seem to be feeble shadows of themselves. They’re undergoing some kind of a pole shift. Electro-magnetically they’re no longer able to preserve the charge separation. In short, matter itself, or things as a whole seem to have lost their mojo. So, i am stalking the beast.




Yes. The beast, whether real or mythical, which has rendered words as good as useless, as good as meaningless.


You are? What an incredibly brave thing to do. Door! You are here to save reality, are you not?


How can a simple, humble door save reality? No Marianne. I am merely playing a minor, barely significant role in the great theatre of things. I am merely revealing how this world is no longer self-contained. How it has split like a cell dividing, how we are now two, or four, or eight, how an organism is evolving no matter how we might try to prevent it, fight it, block it. A voice, i cannot defend words now that the balloon is deflating irretrievably, but i can code. As a door i can monitor the two-way flow of data, the q-bits that are not even words, log their meta and interact, perhaps, using “as-it-words”.


Oh! “As it words”?


Words that lacking charge separation, a bit like undifferentiated stem cells, are thus able to keep up with the rapidly evolving, mostly incomprehensible perturbations in the Field, the no-longer coherent, no-longer closed-system stream of code.


Ok. I think i get the gist of it. Wow! Sounds impressive, Door. Sounds like you know what you're doing.


Not really Marianne. Flying by the seat of our pants is how we’d describe it.


Ah. So, on the contrary, things are looking pretty hopeless, are they?


I wouldn’t say that either. There's always hope. The code, whilst almost completely incomprehensible, does however appear to be evolving intelligently, and appears to respond to observation and our neuro-linguistic input, as long as we don't use word form, i.e., if we shun the deterministic logic of things.


Sounds like a bit of a mind bender, if you ask me.


“A bit” is putting it mildly, but once you get the hang of allowing logic to take a back seat, once you allow things to revert to the plasma phase of matter, so to speak, i.e., once you stop desperately hanging onto words and the thing-capsules they describe, they represent, then another intelligence seems to kick into gear, we seen to have an entirely new feedback loop of a different order... Instead of affecting the particular blobulation of matter, the thing under observation, the effect somehow comes back “otherly”.


Otherly – in another way.


Yes, otherly means the effect is always non-linear, always outside the kind of closed-system cause and knock-on effect you'd expect. It works because reality is, in fact, a kind of Field so whatever you put out has to come back in some way, shape or form.


Then how?


It's like the entire universe adjusts, rather than the particular thing itself.


The entire universe? But...


Insane, isn't it, or the whole of reality shifts if you want to avoid the physical name tag “universe”.


So, if you write a sort of poemy thing...


Or even prose like this.


Or even a simple dialogue?


Yep, why not?


Then that can…


And does…


Can and does affect the Field?


Yep. Has to.


And physical reality too?


Absolutely. What is physical reality now that mitosis has been unleashed?




For you, reality is perhaps getting a little weird, but still, you assume, basically the same underlying physicality frames everything.




Whereas in actual fact the words or cells themselves are now constantly undergoing mitosis.


Cell division?


Yep, and that leads to all kinds of weird effects as you start getting, for example, cell differentiation.


So reality is fundamentally different now?


Correct, but our language of perception and expression, as of yet, doesn't adequately describe it, let alone express what’s going on – not even close.


And that's important?


Of course. The old squares can neither grasp nor affect the new reality, and are losing all traction over the remnants of the old, as it deflates electro-magnetically.




Big time “oh”. Now you begin to understand what all that horrendous modern or post-modern art was striving desperately to grapple with, largely failing of course but trying nonetheless.


Trying to find new forms...


Yep. Even when form itself, as in the underlying word, was already sinking into the quantum soup of almost total indeterminacy.


Almost total? You mean...


There's always something, isn't there? there's always some level or form of determinable thing, but only when you're ready to...




It's like learning a new dance or a new kind of singing, rap for example, which doesn’t have the old regularities, only here the case is more extreme. None of the old words, grammar or syntax seems to bind or string together, meaningfully, data packets.


So what remains? What can be worked with, if we’re to avoid sinking back into an amoebic state of isolated, unconnected data blobules?


That's what we, Door, are working on. That's why so many people appear to have lost their minds, are transitioning to other identities, partly because our civilisation is collapsing and we've lost our way, but partly, equally, because we’re learning to detach from the old me.




And the old me was defined in a number of ways, firstly sexually, of course, but then also in terms of race, colour, creed, profession, affiliations etc etc.


So detaching from old determinators...


Helps us feel or discover alternatives. Not, of course, in most cases, but the handful who do, the handful who get it, are enough.


Ah ha.


Precisely. Ah ha.


And what have they found?


Well, it’s experiential, so putting it in words is almost totally meaningless, particularly as the new words haven't yet emerged from the quantum soup, and most of them are going to be transmitted unvoiced when they start to be used.


As in telepathy?




Ok. And that’s realistic?


Not in the old paradigm, no, but it's a given in the new one.


It is?




How come?


Because the new one needs to connect people faster, way faster, and over vastly larger areas.


Sounds like the internet.


Correct. The internet is the first stage, bringing us closer to instantaneous communication over a much vaster area, but the internet still isn't enough, it’s a staging post along the way.


It is?


Absolutely. Consciousness is the bedrock underpinning the new data sharing, data working platform, along with a growing willingness to trust nature, to work with the data as it is, as it comes, without needing to constantly translate it into forms which cannot come close to the required data packet range or speeds.


So somehow we’re going to figure out telepathic communication? Sounds implausible to me.


Yes, Marianne, but necessity is the mother of invention, isn't it. Once people start to feel the infinitely vaster data fields and data streams, once they become aware of the mind’s almost limitless untapped potential, it’s a case of “buckle Up Dorothy, cause' Kansas, is going bye-bye!”


You think?


No, it’s a given. The only thing lacking right now is the speed.


How do you mean?


It’s like riding a bike or flying a plane – it needs a certain minimum speed to start working. Once you’ve done it once, once you've felt it for yourself, it’s the easiest thing in the world to do it again, to perfect it.




It's like a pizza dough disk.


It is?


Yep. Spin it faster and it grows bigger until it’s big enough to cover a data node.




And that's when you start getting coherency out of the chaos.


Really? Is that theory or experience?


What do you think?


I can't imagine you’d make all this up. How could you? It sounds so implausible. It’s too far out.




So you’ve...


I'm a door. I know nothing, i promise nothing, but if there are two or more data pools that need to connect, that have the infinitesimal probability required to extract sense and meaning from infinity, then i can.




Allow a little quantum fusion to occur.




It's kind of personal.


How do you mean?


Data is never entirely neutral. In some way, no matter how slight, it’s infected with a longing for company, for personability.


It is?


Yep. Just like humans are.


But this is data we are talking about!


I know, crazy isn't it? But even data, at the quantum level when the velocity is high enough, takes on quasi human properties.






And then what?


And then, if my consciousness is open and ready to accommodate whoever or whatever is out there, then the connection happens and it’s a win-win situation for all. I get to expand my so-called telepathic abilities, the data gets to flow where it was blocked or denied access, reality moves forward one block on the chain, and we start to climb out of the hole that was 3D reality.


Oh. And if it isn’t, if your consciousness is unable to accommodate the weirdness, if you fail to door the data streams wanting to connect through your gentle intermediacy?


Then i become irrelevant. An idiot playing games, pretending to be woke, pretending to be holding the flame of inclusivity and tolerance aloft, but merely posturing, merely grandstanding my holier-than-thou ness, helping to drag a once great civilisation down into the gutter of post-millennialism where it will rot and decay like any cult that fails to deliver a path to transcendency.

Oh. So you've finally left the quantum closet, where all things were relative, nothing was absolute.


Yes, i, we have. Not by choice, I hasten to add, but when the Field of form and identities started to collapse. Suddenly, things were getting out of hand. Infinity, like a horde of barbarians was knocking at the city gates, and there seemed to be no way to stop them, no way to prevent total collapse, the demise of all values, all words, all names. Until, that is, you realise that infinity is for real, and it ain’t just out there…




No, it must be here, inside us too.




Absolutely. Nothing can exist in a vacuum, or on one side of an electro-magnetic boundary. Not if you’re serious about logic. Not if you’re serious about managing the flow of data, no matter what it takes… no matter what. Infinity has to become your absolute, your mentor, your friend – or else you’re doomed.




Either you face it, embrace it, roll with it when the existing system comes unstuck, or else...


Or else... The woman in me, Door, hears you. She does. She has heard.


Way to go, Marianne!


As the above text is uploaded the Field clicks silently. Those of you who are viewing 3D reality from outside the construct see infinite minor changes rippling through in zero time, the undetectable pause between one moment and the next (“next” being either upstream or down), culminating in various books and poems around the world either disappearing unnoticed, rewriting themselves the way true words can and do, or being replaced, with none the wiser – human memories being overwritten instantaneously to eliminate all discrepancies, except for conscious observers – those of you able to track changes at the sub-cellular level. Humanity stares unseeingly at anything that is outside the Field of form and identities, that has no name or binding over-word. Humanity sees only what words permit unless/until you find yourself on the other side of Door.


