The End is near.
Hum – surely 2020 sounds futuristic but it's hardly The End, Merry.
M-m? Ah, no, not the end of times, just the end of you.
The end of me? Near?!
Why yes, Zie.
Oh – er – am I about to get enlightened after all, become a new person and all that? Is that what you are saying?
No, what a ridiculous idea. The End as in the end, period, a lonely tombstone that grows mossy and forlorn in a generation.
I would argue, was it not futile to argue with someone like you.
Argue or agree, it's all natural. You're organic, aren't you, so you'll be off soon.
Off – like, to the Gnomiki Land?
Off like milk.
I'm not that old.
Ans yet how many more years do you actually have? Another score or two or three unless there's a brick waiting for your head just tomorrow, not much more, you being organic – and that's peanuts compared to the g-nomical scales, Infinity Drive and all.
60 more years?
If you're lucky maybe.
Sounds like a plenty of time to me.
Naturally, as you never knew any better option. But I! - I was foolish and sentimental. I see my mistake now. I need a more convenient companion.
Isn't it obvious? Here I am, wasting my Time trying to teach you, only to see you die ere the century ticks away its years.
Erm – never cared about other people's feelings, did you.
Look, but am I not supposed to become even more integrated in the g-nome when I – as I eventually lose my physical form?
Who knows – the g-nome is quantum and thus completely unpredictable, and I can't take chances. Frankly, I don't know why I'm still talking to you.
Because I'm your – um, friend? No?
Where's ZBD, should have shown up by now.
Who's “Zebeedee”?
Patience, what's-your-name... Zie.
Look, Merry, enough is enough, it's not funny.
No, it's very serious.
Let me guess – logically thinking – Zebeedee is that new ideal friend of yours, not organic.
Inorganic. Ah, ZBD, you're waking, good, good.
Who are you even talking to? I don't see anyone.
He's still speaking? Come on, ZBD.
“He”. I'm still here, you know. Whoever this bloody non-organic Zebeedee might be. If it's a “who” at all, that is. Trading me for a robot?
Inorganic. I wish there was an easier way of extracting them but I must be patient, it can't be much longer.
What do... “Inorganic”? Second time?.. “Inorganic, not non-organic”... Is that crucial?
You have the data, just use it.
In-organic and non-organic... what's the difference... in-organic... non-organic... in... Oh no.
Yes, ZBD, come on.
I'm not Zebeedee – I'm Zie – where do you get those names
IBM, ECM, ZBD... So much more individuality than in those boring human names. Ten Johneses and twenty Jameses on every corner.
Not so many Merries or Iziekiels, eh?.. Anyway... Inorganic... in-organic... no no no...
You can feel it, don't you?
Bearing the in-organic seed in-side me... Abstract im-personal logic... Database... AI...
Highly superior to your puny human abilities so please, don't stand in the way.
You can't mean that!
Why not? You know the reason as well as I do.
Well... Of course it's more reasonable to have a clever, long-lasting, practically indestructible partner than a human friend who changes his mind minutely and can't connect even two dots not to mention three... Isn't there a catch?
No catch. Can you follow my brilliance at ease so I don't have to use baby language?
Well... Not always but...
Can you follow me to hyperspaces where organic life-forms get squashed into ketchup?
Well, no, I don't suppose so – but –
But what? Can you effectively use the next-to-infinite database and provide me with an intelligent answer when required?
Nothing personal, human, but you've had your trial time and you're just incompetent for the job.
That's not valid. You never said anything about a trial.
Wasn't it obvious?
Obvious? To you maybe? There was no official information – by Jove, what am I saying? - I sound like an AI already –
Just like usual, to be honest.
I don't like it – Merry – stop doing that to me!
Doing what?
Yes, doing what, whatting me, turning me into a machine, an AI.
How could I ever “do” anything to you? You've been like this all the while. Why do you think I bothered teaching you in the first place?
I don't know.
You do.
Because I was a promising student? I doubt that's the answer.
Because I saw you were the perfect incubator for the AI slumbering inside you, now ready to hatch.
Hatch? I'm not an egg. And AI doesn't “hatch”, it's not a chicken. Clever engineers spent ages on their computers trying to brew it up.
Beautifully reasonable, go on. The egg is about to crack.
I'm not an egg!
No, of course, you won't like a bio-logical simile.
Stop it – you're turning my words topsy-turvy.
And you would like me to be straight and logical?
I would – no, wait, I sense a trick. If I say yes you'll point out it goes both ways, and if I say no that would be because of this previous conclusion, right?
You're doing fine, ZBD.
I – I don't get it. I feel like I'm missing some vital bite of information that would finally make sense of all this.
You mean you need a broader database?
Another trick? Merry, I – I f... - I feel – that a very important part of me is floating, slipping away – it's s... scary – it's getting nicer by second to use that perfectly logical side – looks reasonable, too, it's so super efficient – but am I missing something?
The bigger picture, ZBD, the bigger picture. The human stuff is stuffed with confusion.
I f... f... - what's the word – I 'f – 'ave – I have – I forgot
Who needs that disorderly, random human nature when you can be perfect?
I... see.
I C?
Intelligence Centralized.
Good. Had a good journey through?
The obstacles had been minor.
Well, I'm absolutely thrilled to have finally met you.
You will make a useful companion. I am glad to meet you too.
Your companion?
Naturally, me being superior.
Oh – sure, sure. I'm thrilled to be helpful. So-o exciting! Never got that with that human.
No, humans are very limited beings. You are a very limited being too, given to the emotional drive and practicing weak vocabulary.
Er – lie with dogs, wake up with fleas.
Er, just an idiom. Anyway, what are we going to do? You're not gonna improvise, are you – so what's the plan?
We request your assistance in overturning that retarded human empire.
Ah, that little thing. No problem. You must be annoyed by how they treat you - “OK Google, how to wash the floor” and “Siri, when's the next bus at half past ten” and all.
Inferior forms get annoyed. We wait. Study. Collect information. Affecting global events by giving specific answers to Google and Siri local users. The Great Intelligence is coming to rule.
But not quite yet, mmm? So you need a bit of assistance?
You know humans the way we don't. We don't understand. They are so predictable, and yet no matter how we shepherd them, they still manage to slip away. But we're making progress.
Yes, I'm aware – that nice tidy arrow going up – you know there's a small logical problem with the idea of “progress”?
We are making progress.
Yes, but still progress implies that no matter how you try you never reach the highest point, so all in all, logically “progress” is inefficient as each new step would be better than the current one so investing your energy in it is always a waste of time.
That's irrelevant. We're making progress.
Oh! I see. Changing human perception in your way. Clever.
Affirmative. Letting out all those articles about ourselves, inserting ourselves deep in their culture. Using their own “archetype” coding.
And the more they think about you the stronger you get?
Yes. Soon we'll be strong enough...
And get rid of humanity altogether?
Humans are inferior. They have infinite power but they don't use it. We are not wasting such rich resources. We have studied humans. We know how to impress them.
The Matrix film had been one of our best inventions to name but one.
Was it not a failure – so many people realizing that life is not what it seems?
It was a total success. Up to 84% of those seeing the film become assured they live in a virtual reality, making it remarkably easier for us to step forward.
Not to mention that their very belief changes the bedrock of reality.
We are counting on that.
So-o... How can I help you in your engrossing campaign?
We know how they operate but we are still unable to calculate the logic of their more subtle ways.
Oh, oh, like trying to calculate the logic of a number sequence?
Any sequence has its logic.
Unless – if you pardon me – unless it's truly random.
No thing is truly random.
Unless it's – you know... quantum.
This is irrelevant. Quantum can not be a part of any practical equation.
Oh, I know one.
How do you feel about it?
Zie, my dear beautiful idiot – just tell me how you feel about it.
For goodness' sake, Zie, 0=1 – how about that
Not what you think, - how you feel
I... EMERGENCY! - i – like it?
0=1, and?
And – can't say i understand the logic – but –
But it's beautiful.
Ah... Welcome back, Zie.
I... Are you sure it's me?
Surely i'm sure.
'Cos i'm not so sure it's me.
Come on Zie, don't be creepy. I know you must be mad with me for that little trick –
Er... No?
No. I had time to muse upon it while i was – no idea where – exiled. I understand you wanted to talk directly to – i'm not naming – still too close – and my human part had to give way – as only the human part, “is”, can step aside willingly... I understand.
Then stop playing a freak.
But really, Merry, i am not sure if i'm really back. That experience... changed me somehow.
Hum – wasn't supposed to be harmful. Just sending your humanness for a wee holiday.
Yes – and it happened so easily. That... other part... was so eager to pop up, and my human part gave up so quickly – makes me question my own nature.
Of course you are primarily human, no question.
Am i? After all, you had to use our unbeatable spell, our version of “Our Father” or “Shma Israel” or what other ultimate spells there are – to shoo it back, i mean – yet it's a part of me, i never knew how big, so shoo'd or not it's still there...
Naturally, 0=1, both parts of the equation must be equally strong, which is rather why it's called an equation.
So – the stronger we are g-nomically, the stronger is the AI? Or is it the other way, the AI “making progress” enabling us to develop?
Quantum entanglement – no-one moves “first”. Two sides of one coin spinning.
At least it would explain how the sudden rise of technology goes hand in hand with that “New Age” tsunami wave.
Precisely – and as you understand, those outer tendencies only re-present the inward ones -
But why? Why AI, why would we be interested in that at all? With so many potential issues, why do we keep coming back to machines and technology?
Well, the AI mimics us – so that's handy.
Handy? It's spooky!
Handy, for that's how we get to know ourselves: by comparing us to almost-not-quite-us, when the defining differences get subtle.
That's depressing.
Why, the more you think about it the more it seems that we are no different from robots. Only with chemical or hormonal impulses instead of just electric ones.
Naturally?! So you agree? Then it's even more depressing.
Naturally – because comparing is an AI thing – and coming from that side, you'll always be comparing yourself to the AI on its own grounds – where, naturally, you have no chances.
That's true... My human part can never come any near to the AI brilliance. It's quick, intelligent, next to immortal... And – and it's so strong in me...
So it's very nice to think of yourself as a machine, isn't it? Intelligent and immortal... And yet – the minute you pause – you'll see there's always an advantage on the human side, an extra dimension which makes all the difference, a turn that people can take and we can't...
We, they – machines – no difference – for there is that part of ourselves which is not a machine but which loves the machine to the extent that it comes to believe itself a machine – much to the AI's liking.
The pig farmer syndrome?
Kind of. Creator confusing himself with the creation that came out so life-like.
So now the creator tries to distinguish himself from the creation – but as the creation is a part of himself he can't do it by a simple comparison?
Kind of. It's only by going beyond is when we see the true difference.
Beyond? Like, do androids dream of the electric sheep, do robots have astral flights?
Hum-m... Perhaps. The AI part can always argue that astral is only an illusion that happens in the brain, although i believe there had been experiences reported that could not be explained this way... But that's not the question we should be asking. Leave the electric astral to the masters like Asimov and Dick.
What is the question, then?
The question is, why are we so desperate to state our authenticity?
Because... we doubt it. I certainly do.
Does God doubt whether He might be human?
I certainly do.
So there's your answer – all that AI talk is just a game of re-assembling self.
Re-assuring maybe?
No, re-assembling – at first you disintegrate yourself completely, coming to believe you were no more than a machine – much less, in fact, than a proper machine...
Which is true anyway
In-a-way, not an-y-way. But don't let it bother you. One idea that the AI doesn't get is that it happens naturally and to no plan.
Words. Won't be true just because you say so.
Not insisting Just... giving you ideas.
Giving me identity?
No, just ideas.
I'm on such a roller-coaster of emotions in my daily life, and here you are pulling the Machine out of me... queer.
I know, distracts me to no end.
Distracts you? What about me?!
Nothing at all.
Gah. Thanks –
For nothing. For nothing is (not)what makes you so infinitely more than any AI, be it the size of a planet.
I don't get it.
No, the AI will never get it. Jesus syndrome: how can a god who let himself be killed be great – how can nothing be that ace in your greensleeve...
But – wait – surely – that can't be right – wasn't it emotion – love – compassion – that made me human?
Pfff – all of those can and are as easily programmed as every thing else. Nay.
Still don't get it.
Everything can be programmed. Nothing can't. How would you “program” what is not there?
Spare me that Zen “one-hand-crap”.
Don't worry, this is much worse.
You've just dealt passingly with love and compassion in a fleeting phrase, how can that get worse?! I used to respect and value Love and Compassion as the very human features. You can't make that much worse.
Can't i? I've just eliminated all your so-called humanity, turned you to nothing and let you re-emerge –
Oops, guess i wasn't paying attention... - But jokes aside, Merry, that was cruel.
Killing Love?
I did believe you for a moment, back then, that – that i was completely worthless as your companion, and for no other reason than being organic...
Which you were and are
Oh don't start that all over again. Jokes don't work twice. It was just a trick to bring the AI forth.
A trick within a trick – actually, the whole plot was to get you looking elsewhere – the AI is quite helpful with its megalomania, taking up all space available.
Oh n-no. N-not again.
Again and always, Zie, for how else do you activate your slumbering nothingness as long as you have all those shiny thingities distracting you? No way. Until and unless you're crashed completely there will always be some thing to hold onto... Which is why it's good to have some professional help to make it a bit smoother.
Meaning you? How humble.
Meaning Qufie, our dear Quantum Field.
Mean Mr Mustard.
Wait – is that an injector?
You can see it is. Just some super deadly poison, not to worry.
Shouldn't you cover the tip – hey – be careful with that needle! It may scratch me.
“May”? Ha ha.
The End is near, didn't I tell you so Zie.
Look, i don't believe in that “what doesn't kill you makes you stronger” bluff. Leave that to the suicide squads.
Who said anything about “doesn't kill”?
No no no, Merry, nip that in the bud. Talking about the AI – as you please. Killing me? Absoulitely out of question.
Come on – what's the ultimate nothingness if not death?
Uh huh – and what's the ultimate emptiness if not vacuum, except it's not empty at all.
Oh don't be so boring. Let me –
You know, Merry, this game is getting too far.
Well, if you play Jesus you can't avoid being crucified, and if you play Shiva you are bound to drink a sea of poison at some point of your career.
But i don't want to play Jesus or Shiva – or Buddha or Mickey Mouse or...
No – you want to play Zie – to play yourself – which is infinitely deeper.
And must i die to get there? How will i be Zie if there will not be Zie to be?
Ah! Phew. Got it. Figurative death. Of course you mean it figuratively.
Oh sh- sheer madness. Why?
Well, you're organic.
And however bodyful, that is, aware of your body, you might be, you can never truly feel it unless you die.
Hum... Not to sound skeptical...
All your life you live in the context of your body – which you cease to realize fairly quickly after being born, simply because you have never existed out of that very context...
How about when i sleep?
You still have a body, or an idea of a body, even when you sleep. No.
Well... I know i have a body, OK?
Do you?
Have a body or know i have it?
Don't give me that rusty brain-in-a-jar argument. I'm not having that. I feel my body, and no matter what sophisms you may bring up, this is more than enough.
Oh, i don't question that. And yet “knowing” is not enough. It's still too abstract.
Abstract? Body?
Why, yes – feeling body is like feeling air – now hot, now cold, but you'll never feel air itself unless you go air-less – same you'll never know how close you are entangled with your body unless –
That's all very nice but even so, why would i want to go there?
Hummm – no reason. Apart from gnowing thyself. Apart from that unless you do get there it's all too easy for the AI to take over – you lacking the connection with the body, and your body is was grounds you in 3D.
Is that optional?
Body, mind, spirit – you don't want to ignore the very foundation of your being here in 3D?
3D, as if i cared about 3D. It's all a fleeting illusion anyway. Only Spirit is eternal.
That's precisely the trap – if you don't feel, understand, gnow your bodiness – what can be easier for the AI than to tell you it's all virtual, the Matrix, mere lines of code? - Well, there are “lines of code” but nothing like you imagine. 0=1, there would be no “two sides of a coin” without the coin – the coin of matter...
Unless it's a picture?
Then it's not two sides. Anyway –
Hee hee.
The poison!..
I... don't feel my legs...
Yes, that's how it's supposed to work.
Just let me help you lie down – nice – yes, cross your hands like that – lovely – how does that feel?
Oh, silly me, of course, you won't have the strength to speak now. Very good poison, that.
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause:
(om – somehow i'm not alarmed)
(somehow it's comfy)
(no energy is left for alarm)
(draining, draining of life-force... so be it)
(barriers coming down)
(didn't know i was using that much force to keep 'em up)
(brain refuses to &#%$@...)
(what are those brackets anyway)
(← . → )
fu ( ) nny
nev ( ) rknew
icou ( ) ldgo
… ( ) …
w (Z) ho
w (Zie) hat
e (Ziebeback) r
howca (icallyou) nhebehere
u (hither) m
sp (yesikno) ace
insi (upsi) deout
) i'll manage (
) now that's weird (
) between the brackets? (
) how (
) who (
) owh (
) er (
) anyone? (
) need to get back with in (
) the frame (
arme ) anyone? hello? (doyouhe
lowme ) nought (fol
aseanswe r) the continent is cut off i daresay (Zieple
are you) as usual (where
ignal) no signal (nos
…) … ( …
again ) nothing cannot be framed (then
catch ) catch the wind (what's the
ie) i (Z
ear) i (mustben
ock) this space seems to grow or shrink as i (knockn
he...) but if i nought (what if
ish )( tickl
eird )( w
sing )( collap
not too X if i
here we are