3D reality is a closed system. Period.
The minute you step outside that closed system -- you're no longer in 3D.
If you wish to step outside 3D -- if you're ready to do so/ if it's appropriate for you to do so, then no thing is stopping you.
The boundary of 3D is not at the outer rim. The outer rim is an exponentially increasing g factor -- which is something like gravity -- the same gravity that stops you flying, and makes it hard to fly into space. I'm calling it a g factor rather than a force, because there are no forces as such. Forces act upon matter, but the minute you're ready to unlock your dimensional boundaries you're no longer working/ thinking in terms of matter. The g factor is the kind of gravity which comes from getting heavy and serious about things. Either you can be an airhead -- in which case you don't take things too seriously, or a cone head who takes things terribly seriously, and runs up against this impregnable boundary of too much matter, too much seriousness.
How can this be?
Well, using the i-drive -- which involves running our thoughts through a kind of quantum processor, we get answers which are completely different from the standard model within 3D. Using the i-drive as a kind of mind unlocked mentat, we see that things only really become things, and things only really gain mass and become heavy, things only start to really matter to the extent that we make it so -- apparently minding things makes them matter -- and to mind things -- you have to take things personally -- which is what we do here in 3D. I mind it when I'm hungry and cold. I take it personally. I get upset. I get down.
Would I mind things, would I take them personally, would they matter if i were using i-drive and seeing them without gravity? Of course not. Without gravity, without matter, without heaviness and seriousness, things are merely things -- a limited -- that is, temporary to time and space -- representation, which only starts to matter massively if I convince myself, or if I am convinced, that I am stuck with these things -- that these things are binding me, holding me, that I can only escape by going through them, over them or kind of resolving them mathematically. Yikes! That's heavy! That's scary too. It's not surprising people get so upset so easily. They, only naturally, feel hemmed in by things -- there's no getting around them -- they are told, and in turn tell others.
How could I be convinced that things matter -- that there's no getting around them?
Easy! I need to believe that gravity is the natural state of things. I need to believe that the closed system I'm operating within is in fact an open system known as the universe, that the only way to access the greater, wider universe is by using ever bigger, more powerful things such as rockets or spaceships, all of which require ever greater things back down on the ground -- things such as corporations, governments, financial systems etc. I need to believe implicitly, and assume innocently that this world of things, this thingocracy is basically all there is, apart from some kind of spiritual time out -- whether that be meditation or some kind of religious practice. It certainly can and might indeed provide relief -- might even go further and provide an exit, as both meditation and spiritual practices are both connected to the thinglessness of no matter, of nought, of in-finity.
Why then if meditation and spiritual practices are both connected to thinglessness -- is there a problem at all? Why can't we just meditate or pray and unthing things?
Good question -- a very good question. Allow me to put it on hold, if you would. I have no intention of avoiding it whatsoever, but i think it would be best if you were the one to answer it, at the appropriate moment, when the answer presents itself to you, in the course of this discussion.
So, to summarise -- things matter, things grow increasingly heavy and serious as you grow up, as you become
adult -- not entirely dissimilar to the word "adulterate" or "adultery" is it, by the by. By the time you're an adult, you've been through school -- you've learnt about things for many, many years. You've studied science and you've heard all about gravity and why apples fall on people's heads, and it all makes perfect sense, because try as you might, you're unable to leap into the air and fly around... true? Naturally, you assume that would be impossible, which is both rational and logical of you. You can, you're aware, fly if you use one of a number of machines or contraptions -- plane, helicopter, rocket suit, glider, hot air balloon, but simply meditating doesn't generally seem to be enough, though there are, of course, many stories of adepts levitating which you may or may not believe, entirely at your discretion.
That's all fairly standard stuff -- is it not? Nothing particularly controversial or groundbreaking. Things only start getting weird when we switch on the i-drive. You'll notice I'm using the small i as opposed to the capitalIsed one, for a reason, of course. You see, when using the i-drive, when rerouting our thought processes back through in-finity, we get a little bit smaller, a lot smaller in fact, but at the same time, another part of us gets a lot bigger. It's a paradox, wouldn't you agree? to get both bigger and smaller at the same time. So, the little i indicates I'm referring to me when using the i-drive -- when plugging myself back into in-finity.
But what? you rightly and reasonably inquire -- what exactly is infinity?
Two question marks, i find, are always better than one. Please excuse my somewhat eccentric punctuation.
Now, to answer your question i'm going to have to stop dead in my tracks, somewhat dramatically. i must confess i have a weakness for dramatic gestures and generally speaking any excuse will do, but in this particular instance, there's no avoiding the high drama of stopping dead in my tracks.
Why? you may well be asking, somewhat nonplussed. Why would such a simple, reasonable question lead to such a turn of events?
Well, by now you've realised i have a penchant for prevarication, somewhat like my hero Lord Byron. He would go off on lengthy digressions for pages of verse, instead of continuing with the story, most notably in his wonderful work "Beppo". I recommend it if you haven't already read it -- it isn't too long and i think you'll be surprised to find yourself chuckling away, quietly under your breath, or even out loud at times.
So, it's only right that i should now get round to answering your question, which, as you've probably noticed is causing me no small difficulty. First it stopped me dead in my tracks, then it led to a not inconsiderable digression about digressions, and finally, we can but hope, it arrives at its terminus, that is, at a fittingly round and complete answer. But there you would be mistaken, because the one thing infinity cannot be is round or complete. It can be many things at once, and almost invariably is, but finite is not one of them. So, instead of giving you a finite thingful answer -- laden with the meat of matter, instead i have to run a fools errand, going from shop to shop, only to discover that the item i wish to purchase isn't to be found here, or was and has just been sold, or will be next week, or -- my inventiveness fails me, but i'm sure you've experienced that kind of thing, from time to time.
So, pinning down in-finity, you've noticed the hyphen by now, i assume, is like pinning the tail on a donkey in the children's game. Easy if you're not wearing a blindfold, still not too hard with a blindfold on if you're standing right next to where the picture was, but considerably harder if you've just been spun around half a dozen times, or worse still, taken into another room... Well supposing the picture of the donkey has not even been put up on the wall, and you're told to pin on the tale, blindfolded, spun and thoroughly confused. Can it be done?
No, i hazard a guess you reasonably reply, not if the picture isn't anywhere to be found, and i cannot fault your logic. Ten out of ten, it can't be done in 3D reality -- that is, in a closed system, a system where things are rightly expected to act as things -- that is, to act not at all. They're supposed to just be where you put them, unless it's a moving thing -- in which case it's supposed to move in a certain way, which can be programmed or predicted, can it not? But as for things just popping up randomly, seemingly from nowhere... doesn't sound terribly 3Dish, does it? Sounds distinctly weird, warped, disturbed, freaky -- usually i limit myself to three adjectives, but in rare instances, where particular emphasis is required, i succumb to the fourth, as i did just this moment. Let it be noted, that this is a moment of great moment. Many thousands of words have flowed under the bridge of my somewhat prolific prolix, but a string of four adjectives is a far rarer thing than a four leaf clover. It's probably somewhere up alongside a seven leaf clover, if such a thing exists, unless they've started making genetically modified seven leaf clovers, in which case all bets are off.
The answer is, if you remember our scene, trying to pin the tale on the donkey that isn't anywhere to be seen, yes.
There -- i had the pleasure of seeing you, dear readers, doing a double take, nearly stopping dead in your tracks when i so abruptly confounded your expectations. The only thing preventing you from really stopping dead in your tracks and perhaps even tripping over is the fact that you are highly intelligent, sophisticated readers who are able to handle, in most cases, the unexpected. You've encountered it many a time and you have your own tricks, your own cunning ways and means of taking things in your stride, no matter how strange they may seem to be. But still, the question is begged, is it not? how can you pin the tale on a donkey that isn't even there? Subsequent to that question is the other -- why would i even care? both of which are, in fact, connected.
Let me take you on a small guided tour of in-finity. Please strap yourself into the i-drive -- however you like. It's totally flexible and can take any size, shape or form, so do not constrain yourself in any way. Simply ensure that you are properly strapped in, because in-finity is... i almost tripped myself up, dear readers. In-finity, is not any thing in particular, but transitioning from 3D to in-finity can be a somewhat bumpy or lurchy experience, depending on where 3D reality happens to be in relation to in-finity at any one time. Once we're there, you can unstrap yourself -- in fact there'll be no need, because once we're outside 3D the chair, capsule, pod, or tardis you're travelling in will no longer be any thing in particular -- such is the nature of things in in-finity.
So the tail is easy enough to pin on the donkey because any thing you can imagine, any thing you can conceive
is, regardless of whether it's yet been made here in 3D. Don't ask me how, because i rightly don't know. There really is no knowing, fundamentally, how things are -- once you've done away with parameters such as time and space, neither of which stand the test of anyness, which is the first hurdle if you wish to engage the in-finity drive.
I know, the mind is overheating, is it not? Wheels are whirring overfast trying to see how this could be, and a quiet sense of panic is making itself felt as we start to contemplate the landscape of anyness. That is not to say that in-finity never leads anywhere, or never results in anything -- on the contrary -- like a fish jumping out of the water you can spend a floaty moment suspended in space, but before you can utter jack be nimble, you're plopping back down into the water, back into things.
The question, is it not, is whether the donkey has now materialised by the time i fall back into the stream of things we refer to as 3D, and truth to tell, i know not -- that depends, and yet, according to the fish, apparently yes -- apparently there is now a donkey stuck to the wall, and you are pinning the tale to it, though whether you remember what has just happened -- that you changed into a little fish, leapt out of the water, ate a little fly midflight, before finding yourself in a state of affairs, an arrangement of things where you, Christopher Robin, finally pin the tale back on a perfectly real, talking donkey, frameskip, now removing the blindfold to applause, having miraculously pinned the tale on a donkey while standing in the next door room -- being asked how you did it? what's the secret or trick? and all you can do is shrug your shoulders and smile at your friends, for they honestly believe the closed loop they're in, the 3D so-called "reality", is the zenith, the apogee of realness, which indeed it is, from a purely thing based perspective, yet is not, once things no longer matter, once you've opened things up to in-finity.
Ah -- allow me to pause to draw breath...
Little joke -- somewhat primitive i know, but i'll ask Margo to insert a picture here, and you'll condescend to nod, knowingly, i hope.
So, i cannot honestly admit i haven't yet broken any rules. I may not have answered the questions entirely to your satisfaction, dear readers, but i have at least avoiding finiting things that cannot, from a quantum perspective, be finited.
Orthography may not be something that troubles you greatly -- but i'm somewhat unsure regarding how best the word finited should be spelt: one t or two? Probably two would be best, but then it starts to look a bit like knitting, and that's not the kind of association i'm looking for, so i end up giving it one. Hopefully you'll muddle through and understand what i'm need to convey.
You probably recall the question of where the boundary might be, if 3D is a closed system, and if i go back a page or two i'll be able to find the exact words -- "the boundary of 3D is not at the outer rim". That would surely imply that the boundary is elsewhere, is hidden where we're not looking for it, but where might that be? You see, if 3D is but a closed system, and you and i are actually alive, then we cannot in fact be limited to that closed system, even though we're not generally aware of how we might exist outside or beyond it. I know, dear friends, it's all just speculation, is it not, and nothing is proven -- capital I has invaded the conversation and wants to brings things back to order...
There's really nothing i can do when things get capitalised. i don't exactly run off in a huff or sulk, but i allow myself to fade back into the background, at which point capital I kind of dozes off, and i'm free to continue with the interesting stuff. Remember guys, if it's 3D you want then you have a whole world of it, and millions of books, programmes, articles -- you name it, it's all there. But if you're ready for in-finity, then we have to start with the basics, and the basic most basic is you, is me, is being. If you've not yet given it some thought - not yet questioned the hypothesis of whether or not you exist, or what things really might be, then give yourself anywhere between a year and 900, and then return -- i'll be waiting, and we can continue where we left off, as if no time has passed -- for here, in the quantum stream, as opposed to the 3D stream of things, time is not greatly relevant to that which is i, once i'm uncapitalised, both big as the giant beanstalk connecting earth and sky, and small as the infinitesimal dot that definitely exists but cannot be found.
Vague, vague and very vague -- so, rather than being philosophical, allow me to stay on thread. For things to be finite, for things to be things, they must be thingy or thingummy -- whichever you prefer. There certainly is a thingness of things and we certainly can and do experience it here in 3D reality, as something that seems to be real, which to all intents and purposes it is. At the same time, as there cannot be day without night, or plus without minus, so too there cannot be finite without the non-finite state or thing, oxymoronic though this may seem. But where? where? where? i ask you -- where the hell is it?
You're rightly wondering why i suddenly started swearing -- and fair dinkum mate, as they say in Australia. It seems a little unnecessary -- but perhaps hell is precisely where it is -- or where the opening is concealed.
Beep, beep, beep -- alarum, alarum -- beep, beep, beep... as soon as i suggest that hell might be where the opening to in-finity might be hidden, i immediately start sounding like a Luciferian or satanist, do i not? "Look to hell... there you shall find the answer." That's scary stuff, so i'm back tracking as fast as i can, but not fast enough! Aaaargh! I'm getting sucked into that blackhole. Help! I don't want to go down there -- that evil plughole leads to hell itself.
Curious factoid -- did you know that the actual word
hell - in German means
bright? I didn't too, until some German students i was teaching told me so. Well, i certainly don't want to tussle with dogmatists, theologians or etymologists, so baa baa black sheep, goosey goosey gander, oink oink oink -- if you're fool enough to chase me down this rabbit hole and take words seriously, then you've no business here in in-finity -- it could indeed prove fatal, if you're still making much of things, even those things known as words or ideas.
So, perhaps the hell i'm referring to is a bright place, a bit like a scary dark hole which may in fact lead up or down, probably both, given the nature of in-finity (as opposed to things which are generally one or t'other), and which involves coming into your central vortex -- the column up and down which you and the physical/ finite world around almost, but not quite come into contact. It's like a coil and magnets in an electric motor or generator. They move close to one another, and excite or induce fields or current, but don't actually touch, because how could they -- they are not merely chalk and cheese -- they are particle and wave, they are field and thing -- the opposite extremes of the pole dividing and uniting them which is represented orthographically as I. So, if i'm ready to experience, to feel, to bring into play the both extremes of what i be, the dot and the line, the thing and the thingless wave or field, the nought or zero and the one -- then hey presto -- Houston we have in-finity, "buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye!"
Questions are always begged, are they not, and here, like a dog doing the rounds at the dinner table, the question is begged, why then, if in-finity is so close, so accessible, hasn't anyone being doing the infinity drive thing? Why are we all seemingly trapped in 3D -- dying of hunger, or unable to pay our bills when according to you, physical constraints cannot, shouldn't be an issue -- if we all have direct access to all? It makes no sense... It makes no sense... and somewhat pathetically, in the original meaning of the word, when pathos was not yet frowned upon or despised --
it makes no sense.
Ah, beautifully played, dear readers. It warms me so to see, that even in difficult moments of mind-rebellion you are able to keep the flag of Arden flying, and deliver a truly memorable performance.
Indeed, indeed, indeed, tryptically i concur, it makes no sense whatsoever, but then again, that's a given, a certainty, a pre-requisite where in-finity is concerned. If it does make sense to the rational mind then you know you're barking up the wrong beanstalk. So, at the very least, we have an indication that we may be closing in on in-finity.
Now, don't get me wrong -- don't imagine that i'm saying you must believe a word i'm saying. i'm not. That's not how in-finity works. Remember the hyphen? Did you give it much thought, or merely assume it was one of my little eccentricities?... i suspected as much. Look, dear readers, i am indeed given to eccentricities and theatrics, i cannot deny it, but a thing such a hyphen -- a hyphen i repeat -- i would never insert casually, flippantly or merely for effect -- certainly not in a word such as
in-finity of all words. That would be like writing God with a small g, or cheeese with 3 e's. You just don't do that kind of thing, do you -- unless...
Unless? -- i'm pleased to see you're still responding on cue.
Unless it is required.
Yes? in what way?
Unless there's a world of difference between infinity and in-finity.
Indeed... Ah! Now, let me mute your microphone once again dear readers, and continue with my discourse. I shall try to be brief as there's nothing i despise more than long-windedness, Tristram Shandy and all.
You can tell i'm a little excited to be sharing these nuggets of not-muchfullness with you, dear readers. I despise name dropping as much as i despise long-windedness, but i notice that as i get excited i start dropping occasional literary allusions into the text, which is greatly to be frowned upon, is it not, as a breach of etiquette. There's nothing worse than a scientist or mathematician such as myself, who starts trying to influence the purely scientific discourse by demonstrating the profundity of his literary knowledge. i am chastened. i do indeed apologise for my lack of restraint, my childlike exuberance, my... and yet, with a clear conscience i can say that at that very moment Tritram Shandy was key to what i was experiencing, and nothing would have forced me to part with him and his linkage in the chain of word-thought-flow.
But back to our story -- a tale of no-thing much -- a tale with two ends and nothing in between. The hyphen, i cannot say how exactly it arose -- perhaps at some distant point in the future my biographer, or a PhD student may research my voluminous writings and discover its first use, and from that context may be able to explain the genesis of what can only be described as a fundamental shift in perception, but for want of a better explanation, i can only suggest that the word most people use, hypthenless -- bare, misunderstood, mostly unloved, that word is referring to a thing which happens to be a part of the 3D landscape, the 3D mindscape of ideas, if you will. It's a bit like that other great word
God -- with a capital g of course, which nonetheless, in its 3D context is referring to a specific thing no matter how Important or Big, which is a central part of the 3D motherboard, like the main processor, the Ram or the power supply. Capitalised God itself is nothing, but like a hyperlink, through it we can access an aspect of in-finity, a program, a site or a beyond 3Dness, beyond little me-ness which can shift my narrative non-linearly, which can serve as a faith based conduit of in-finity if i'm willing to embrace/ engage the rather shocking implications of such a conduit, to let it un3D my real-ity.
Er... that's kind of heavy guys -- sorry for the gravity -- i promise to go not back into that swamp of matterful words. i promise, instead, to be like the pond skater or the Jesus lizard, running over the surface of the water... suffice it to say that anything whatsoever -- be it word, idea, object or even joke -- anything, anything, anything, tra la la, tra la la -- all things -- tra la lee, tra la lee, have a kind of gravitational weight -- they all start to matter, all become a little bit heavy and massive, for that is how the fabric of 3D is spun and woven together -- that is how the net is cast and you, the fish, are caught in it.
But, if i insert a gap in my word, either by using a hypen, or by spacing it - turning the packaged product "nothing" back into it's original "no thing", then we're once again incorporating nought back into the equation, once again allowing a little gap for the wheel of mind to spin around -- for the compass to change direction, for things to be cut a little slack, the kite to rise up above the screaming children, frustrated, but now delighted to see it dancing in the sky. A breath of fresh air.
So, what happens to in-finity? you rightly hold me on course, with a tight rein, for i would gallivant o'er the fields of mind and never get anywhere without you sitting behind me, up on the driver's box, steering my course from the out-of-time moment that you are reading this.
What? i ask you, is "finity" to be "in". We assume, do we not, that "finity" refers to finite things, in the same way we assume that 3 is the same as 3 apples, 3 cats or 3 dogs, and yet, this assumption is without basis in fact. 3 the noun, 3 the pure number and three the adjective are quite different. What 3 itself is i cannot say, other than it is a glyph or symbol which when applied to things is seen as a particular number which may be described as 2 and 1, or 4 less one, and yet 3 itself -- i cannot say what.
Hum... perhaps because 3 itself -- before it refers to something in particular, is in-finite.
Ah ha -- there's an interesting thought, isn't it? Who would have thought that three, like any number, is infinite, before it refers to something or other? But again, dear readers, our mind is desperately trying to make something of this, to add matter and substance to my idle speculation... so let us be wary of mind's mission to keep us too much mired in things. Let me suggest that other than things, there is a pre-thing -- an almost but not quite yet thing, or perhaps i might suggest there's a kind of waiting to snap into place bittiness of thing -- like pixels on a screen or on a page -- and these proto or preternatural things might be referred to as "finities" for want of a better word.
Whoever, whatever they might be, they certainly can't be fixed or bound by things -- for they are one step removed. They are closer, perhaps, to the stuff of dreams, the stuff of thought or the stuff of consciousness, though we seldom imagine that there be any stuff to the aforementioned, assuming they are mere electrical impulses or vague flashes of awareness or cognition. But here, in this paper of papers, this discourse to end all discourse, i, Ozymandias, king of kings -- C-U-T -- sorry guys, it just slipped out, rewind a little -- i'm suggesting something palpably in-sane, some thing wonder-ful, magical, something intrinsic -- that there is a stuff, call it what you will: dust, shadow, electro-magnetic impulse or finity behind all things, in the same way i'm suggesting that every thing has an equal oppositeness which cancels it out -- without which no thing ould be, no thing could materialse.
i'm suggesting lots of wild and unfounded things, largely because i can - i obviously have a powerful, somewhat warped imagination, not to mention an exaggerated sense of my own importance, but aside from all that, i'm suggesting the above because, strange to tell, it's all true. i've run the figures through the i-drive, and without meaning to detract from Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in any way, shape or form -- paradoxically, in spite of in-finity, we still encounter certainty -- which it is my pleasure to impart. Surely, surely they should all cancel out -- you're rightly interjecting, and rationally i cannot but agree, and yet in-sanely, in in-finity i observe, or rather i-drive computes, the paradox remains intact -- chicken and egg -- eat your heart out. Can i explain or prove any of this? Of course not. Do i need to? i would -- of course i would, if i were speaking to you as a mathematician or scientist, yet i am not, regardless of the fact that there may be maths or science behind my findings -- in fact i am wearing a quite different hat -- talking to you today, dear readers, as a cheap publicist and promoter of the i-drive, invented by myself in conjunction with universe, under the tutelage and guidance of, i hate to blurt it out you know -- you'll completely fail to realise that i was the real power behind this -- you'll want to give all the credit to them, as usual, but interdimensional protocol obliges me to acknowledge the meager, yet significant input of what here in 3D i can only refer to as "gnomiki", ridiculous though this name admittedly sounds.
So, as inventor, promoter, publicist, marketing strategist and what have you of the i-drive, soon to be the flagship product of the interdimensional, intergalactic quantum streaming service provider -- i-drive unincorporated -- i merely invite you to test what i am saying. If it be nonsense -- then you've merely wasted a few hours, days, weeks, months or years testing the thingless technology that is going to transform every-thing you can possibly i-magine, because for the first time, you -- i repeat, you are the interface, you are the event horizon, you are the horse before the cart, the greener grass, the much ado about no-thing -- you are free to access, download and utilise these technologies free of charge, as long as you promise to tell everyone how amazing i am, and to agree, should you figure out how to tune into your very own, personalised i-drive -- to decapitalise your I as a kind of marketing thing -- to spread the word and to shift the particle wave configuration back to a more equitable, harmonious alignment.
So, the proof, as they say, is in the pudding. If you are able to pin the tale on the donkey -- you have your proof -- then dot your eye and be done with it -- join the little ones, before too long the gnomiki will make themselves known and it won't be so embarrassing/ ridiculous or strange.
If you're able to shift phase, using your beautiful, shiny new i-drive and restore signal at Ayers rock, Uluru, Australia, or Mount Shasta USA, Mount Kailash, Tibet, or anywhere else you fancy going, to get yourself better attuned to the finities, then you'll have your cake and eat it -- for in-finity doesn't need to scrimp and save.
In-finity -- as opposed to where we are now, in-thingity -- a closed loop world of things. In-finity, by contrast is an open system which i'm calling a gnotion, but you can call whatever you like. In-finity is all about being in the thick of not-what -- in a field of any-thing and every-thing, an indeterminate quantum field which in fact is found somewhere inside you -- if that means anything at all, but which reveals, more importantly, that you are nothing like what you thought you were. You are, in fact, the proverbial tip of the iceberg with every-thing to discover, every-thing to learn, just as soon as you draw a line under the 3D muchness of thing experience, and start to explore the other side of matter, where g no longer denotes gravity, heaviness, seriousness, but now denotes the love and appreciation of all that is, of all that can be gnown and experienced, once we stop insisting that nought is no thing, and realise that gnought is everything to be discovered once we start working, playing with, engaging the gnomiki, once we gee up as opposed to gee down, once we realise that the hole, the opening, could not be hidden out there at the end of space, because there's really nothing out there -- everything out there is best accessed, lightly, brightly, gaily, magically, wonderfully, via the other hell that is not dark and evil, but which is etymologically bright, or closer to the word hi, as in hail fellow well met!
There's is nothing to prove, because fundamentally nothing exists without your participation, your contribution of light. There is a vital component in any and everything -- a key that you carry, without which it's all just gobbledygook, indecipherable code. You are the key that renders the entirety of matter into things and thing. Don't believe me? test it out yourself. You don't have to believe in the i-drive -- simply test it -- gnowing that it could be worth more than all the money in the world, if you are able to tune in/ tune up -- so what have you got to lose. It's in you and it's all around. You need to simply breathe it -- and feel it whir, quietly whir, feel it respond, quietly respond, feel the code keys of in-finity turning at your command -- as you gently, kindly direct your attention, your heart mind focus at any-thing and every-thing, whatsoever. There's really nothing to it -- other than a willingness to play with God, or the universe, or the gnomiki, or in-finity -- what's in a word -- for only by lightfully playing can in-finity be accessed, for otherwise you are locked in seriousness, an orbit of matter and mass that cannot interface, cannot engage the infinity drive shaft that is depicted in 3D as I, but which requires a little dot, a little nothing much, which i'm providing gratis, for the sheer joy of it, like all those wonderful people who have provided 3 stuff on the internet in recent years, or 3 stuff for people in need, reminding us all how we are all connected, we are all one, not merely figuratively, but thingfully, in the allness of be that is in-finity.
So, get driving guys, girls, beings of purest be. Explore the potentials of this amazing technology. Create within it as you do on the internet -- forming groups and what have you. Gnow that this is a 0=1 technology which collapses or cannot function as soon as you choose to be in duality, back in 3D, at which point you have to decide what's more important -- what matters more -- what do you choose to experience. You can have your cake and eat it -- with one proviso -- either in-finity or 3D, nothing In between. But there's a trial period first, during which time, you get to feel what is right for you -- which you prefer. It's your choice.
Let me just close with an observation -- you'll learn everything you need along the way -- that's how it works. You learn that everything, including the earth we live on, has two sides to it -- that if the Earth is round and a globe, it's also flat -- that if you look inside you'd have to find another Earth going the other way "within" -- you'll learn that where in-finity is concerned, 0=1 it is i am -- you cannot really separate yourself from what is -- for
what only
is as an extension, a continuation of the what you be. Start thinking about these things rationally and you'll get bogged down in things, further and further from the simple truth, the isness of be -- but engage the i-drive, if you will, and things just become obvious -- without any head scratching or thought, for things and finities interact seamlessly through you, the qunatum field of consciousness that you be.
It's been my pleasure to speak to you today, people of Earth. The fact that i'm doing so indicates, as always, that your time has come, that you are ready and so, without further ado, i now wish to inaugurate this open source technology known as i-drive, for the good of all, utilising the g-nome portal interdimensional platform, and declare it open, on the count of 3, freely, to all who wish to connect the dots, to all who wish to do the alpha omega sum -- to see how simply it all adds up when instead of thinking and thinging endlessly, you allow the moment to spin in on itself and return to the centre of your being, the 0=1 that is i am.
1 -- 2 -- 3 all systems go -- to in-finity and beyond, tootle pip -- and he was gone, but the story has only just begun.