Thursday, February 23, 2017

gone fishing

On second thoughts Zie...  let’s have something to eat.

You’re kidding Merry!?

No.  Why?

I’m seeing things for the first time in my life with absolute clarity. This vast empty gulf between the two sides of reality has finally become traversable, death is no longer a factor, and you want to eat lunch?

Absolutely. Time to touch down, to get your feet back on the ground before it’s too late.

Late? For what?

Oh... nothing much.

Nothing much? Vague as ever Merry.

On the contrary. Nothing much is a precise description of what presently endangers your life.


Too much of no thing can dissolve irreparably your shifting bonds with real-ity Zie. A part of you has been tied down so long in 3D it craves nothing more than to dive into the deepest, furthest noughts of in-finity, but all in good time. You need to strengthen your wings before you fly too far, and find your floating feet.

My what?

Your floating feet. Another level of body in the 0=1 beyond 3D.


Here in 3D your feet walk upon the Earth – which is nothing more than a balance of probabilities, nothing more than a second, outer body in your interface with in-finity, but once you’ve loosened your bond with Earth, by rehinging your relationship to all that is, you retract your roots, your placenta stretches some and now you’re standing in a vagueness, a neither here nor thereness, a field of Is – that cannot be known thingfully unless it is gnown, gnoughtfully, unless i attunes to the field of Is and finds purchase in the zero oneness, in the g-nome portal, the gnom that is gnot, the gnom that is gnot, the gnom that is gnot, thrice g’d, un-D’d, i-me’d.

Oh dear, Merry – suddenly I feel a chill come over me – it all seems so vast, so perilous. I seem to have nowhere to rest, nowhere to call my own, nowhere to make home in your zero oneness.

Naturally – you have yet to find your floating feet. You have yet to fully retract your placenta from 3D though your roots, it is true, are now unfixed. Come, let us eat, and then there’s a pile of junk in the backyard – I’d like you to help me sort out.

Not all those rusty chains and pipes?


I suppose this is your way of treating my ailment – my uprootedness.


Well I fail to see how clearing all that rubbish away is going to help.

It already has – amazing the effect thinking about hard physical labour has on the energy field of such a person as yourself.


Come on Zie, I’m famished.

Me too, but I need to know...


Am i really going to have an encounter with death today?

Of course, otherwise you won’t be able to fully unhitch your placenta from Earth, to relocate it zero onely.

Zero onely – sounds like a recipe for disaster. How on Earth does one go about lassoing zero and one simultaneously?

No id-ea. But I know a man who does.

You do? I’m not sure I’m inclined to believe you Merry. It all sounds hopelessly – oh thanks – very tasty, chicken wings, roast potatoes, marinated mushrooms and pickled beetroot.

All freshly fished out of the quantum field for your benefit.

No way? This wasn’t a real chicken?

Of course it’s real - freshly fished out of in-finity. Taste it and see. You’ll find it a lot more flavoursome than most the stuff being served as food these days.

But it can’t be fake...

Who said anything about it being fake? It’s as real as anything you’ve ever tasted to date – but at the same time more than vegan – as it was neither plant nor animal.

Then what?

Fractal. It was mathematical – swimming around in a sea of variables that sometimes we refer to as numbers, until one of us hooked it.

With what? A regular fishing rod?

Yes, naturally, jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

You’re breaking up Merry.

Sorry – just fell asleep again.

Oh – I wish you wouldn’t – it’s very supsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss disquieting

There you go – you did the same.

But how does one fight this onslaught.

Fight? One doesn’t waste one’s time trying to fight the phase change. One gnows and trusts that every change of phase is a blessing, enabling one to better zero nought.

Oh dear, oh dear – to better zero nought?! It sounds so terribly vague, so hopelessly esoteric.

Yes, but now that you’re essing beautifully, you should be able to do a bit of fishing yourself – and put some flesh and matter back onto the bones of in-finity.

Oh, yes, why not!

Here, grab hold of this rod Zie.

But it’s real!

Of course it’s real – what did you imagine it was going to be – a mere notion or abstraction?

I suppose I did. But where did you get hold of such fine equipment?

I allowed my placenta to fix into a real-ity where it awaited me and then, hey presto... things are shaping up nicely. Remember, we’re constantly oscillating, vacillating, Herzing between one and zero in the tera, peta, exa and zetta bands.

Oh God – I can’t even begin to imagine such speeds.

Don’t imagine them – feel them as depths of consciousness, or different, seemingly unrelated areas of awareness. The entire universe is spread out for you to project onto, connect with and ess, in order to have a spatial representation and a physical experience of the vastness of zero time.

Oh – so what about the speed of light – isn't journeying to zero time akin to exceeding the speed of light?

Absolutely. As you approach zero time by increments you’re obviously travelling faster than the speed of light which is the boundary at which things matter – you’re travelling at the speed of night, the speed of nought, absurd though that may sound, adjusting the dial of consciousness into new dimensions – like a guitar player retuning his instrument.


Like a DJ spinning galactic disks, remixing the music of the spheres, shifting the wave band of the universe with a deft flick of the wrist, doing so intuitively, from a sense of what feels right, what produces the right kind of sound, the right groove.

Ah, so sound is the key?

Sound or beat. Don't waste your time trying to reduce it down to one or t'other. No thing, a priori, can possibly be it, explain it or define it, for what is it? Its silence, darkness or nought will always confound expectations, or your ability to express what is nought. The quantum leap is in fact when you realise the need for a phase shift, from prose to verse, like actors in a Bollywood movie who suddenly start dancing synchronously, accompanied by a huge supporting chorus. It looks insane, but when you reach the point of no return – either you leap into this inspired madness or you sink back down into a rationality that may be good at moving pieces on a chessboard, but doesn't deliver life's impossible beauty, her extravavagant variety. This is about traversing the event horizon of conscious-ness, of reconnecting with what the chug-chugging canal barge mind can neither perceive, assimilate, nor comprehend, for its medium is objective reality, a strangely disconnected thingdom of thought, in which the music is unheard, the quantum field unfelt, the mind trapped in utterly redundant calculations of what is what, repeating in a negative feedback loop of id-eas which never quite succeed, never quite arrive, never quite catch up with the livestream of real-ity. Plod, plod, plod the rational mind trudges on, refusing to accept its limitations, refusing even to accept that things, things, things fall short of conscious-ness. This is why we must change our feet for something else, why we must feel another step, another beat, a musicality as opposed to a real-ity, and then, then we can start rhythming.

Rhythming? Not sure...

Strumming, toe tapping, continuing to engage the universality of sound and space, no matter what, no matter how. Feeling what can't really be thought.


Flying by the seat of our pants, teasing coherence out of the void, out of the total absence of form, if we hold true to 0=1 rather than taking sides, if we allow the spirit to carry us beyond what we've already established, already enthingd.

If... That's a big if, is it not. You might add: if we don't grow fearful, lazy or too attached to things in general.

True, all of which happen from time to time, but then the spirit blows into the calcified, moribund, capitalised mind I has become and rekindles the flame, the awareness of something else, something more, something not what I thinks, as the old bonds, the old real-ity, the old world starts to dissolve.

Out with the old, in with the new!

And we'd be lost except for the fact that things, no matter what frequency they are at in the continuum, are all attuned, or tuneable to the omnipresent 0=1, if we're willing to wave our conductor's baton, to beat our primal drum, to engage what seems to be cacophonous and unrecognisable noise in dialogue, an act of faith that no matter how, no matter what 0=1 – by essing, by rhythming the irreconcilable polarities, by dancing, playing, singing what otherwise cannot be expressed, cannot even be known.

So rhythming is how we can extract shades of meaning from the irresoluteness, the thinglessness of in-finity – is that what you're saying?


As in meaning that actually matters, meaning which is instilled or breathed into word or matter, is that it?

It is. Matter is indeed derived from mere shades of meaning, as we engage the unfathomable quantum field. Now instead of talking endlessly, don’t you think it’s time you caught something yourself?

But how? I can’t just drag something out of the vacuum of space like you... I don’t know how.

Naturally. Until you’ve done it you won’t know how, which is why we’ll start with some music.


Yes, instead of twiddling the dial to get to the music you like on your radio, start with the music you like and watch as the dials spin, as 0=1 delivers you to the very same frequency you’re emitting.

Oh – it’s that easy is it?

Yes and no. Like all things – it’s a piece of cake once you know how, but well-nigh impossible when the variables are stacked up against you, presenting the gargantuan, insurmountable wall of in-finity and the mind mazed in thingful thought.

End of story – it would seem.

Unless you know a little aikido.


And figured out how to turn your opponent’s strength to your advantage which, strange to say, always seems to be possible.

You mean even if my adversary is in-finity I can turn its strengths to my advantage?

Yes, if you’re flexible and willing to handle this otherly.


Which is what we’re doing when we bring death back into the equation.

Uh oh...

You see shifting frames is always going to be a near death experience for the 3D mind.

So I have to basically die in order to do so?

Yes, just without all the drama.


Actually left.


I personally feel turning left makes it a lot easier – like a plane taking off into the wind.

And what am I supposed to do? Kill myself?

Oh God no. Nothing so crude. We don’t waste our time with the physicality of death.

Then what?

The fear of death which has been the kind of nuclear powerhouse within you keeps things spinning and in alignment – our problem being that it’s a 3D, fear based alignment which prevents us from experiencing anything else.

So I have to allow Agent Smith to kill me. I have to stop playing the polarity of death game that i’ve been unwittingly caught in?

That’s about it. You, like Neo, can’t defeat Agent Smith, because he’s an anti-you. The only thing keeping him strong and the two of you locked in mortal combat is your underlying, deep-seated fear of death. It happens again and again in myth and literature – Jesus Christ, Aslan, Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter – the hero has to go through the death experience, consciously, by choice, without suicidal intent.

Sounds a pretty tall order to me.

Actually it’s not that difficult – now that you’ve learnt how to 3 – 2 – 1   0=1.

But I didn’t die when I leapt across to the other side, did I?

Yes and No.

Yes, I died, but no I didn’t do it consciously?

Excellent. To do it consciously you need to become aware – to want to become aware, I should say, of how you’re keeping things in an impossible state of opposition, of irresolvable contradiction, an unwholesome incoherency. Once you do this, once you face the mathematics of what your 3D state, your 3D being actually amounts to, you cannot help but complete the process of dying – which is a bit like rebreaking a bone that’s been incorrectly set.

You mean it’s gonna hurt like hell.

Yes and No. Actually the pleasure of feeling and relinquishing yourself back into the wholeness, the isness of be once more is, if anything, greater than the pain of snapping out of this particular construct.

Right. So what are we waiting for?

Nothing whatsoever. Just don’t forget to bring me back something tasty for dinner.

Oh come on Merry – you’ve got to be kidding? I can’t do all the above and fish around the duat for a plate of macaroni.

Who said anything about macaroni? Listen Zie, gnoming is all about multi tasking. The chief limiting factor is the id-ea, the belief that you’re one particular thing, and the sooner you let go of that notion, feel and realise that you’re an aspect, a function of in-finity, the sooner we can tuck into a juicy quantum steak and a bottle of Beaujolais.

Ok, whatever you say. Well I guess it’s goodbye then Merry. It’s er... been nice knowing you.

I disagree. It’s been anything but nice Zie, but I’ve certainly enjoyed gnowing you. Now kindly turn to your left and 3 – 2 – 1 yourself into oblivion. Hold the fishing rod in your right hand, unless you’re left handed.

You mean I actually have to carry that thing with me?

No but yes.

Patience – I will not succumb to Merry’s provocation.

Technically it’s not required, but as I’m the one sponsoring you on this journey into the abyss, it’s best to go along with my humour, which is of the fishing variety.

Oh, like the “gone fishing” sign on the shop door is it?

Yes... And Zie, I promise never to see you again, unless it’s in a version of reality where you’re returning from sub-atomisation, quantumisation, with steak, chips and Beaujolais.

Er... and I promise not to return unless you, in the new frame of reality, wherever that might be in time’s in-finity of frequency, are wearing green and playing a ukulele.

So be it. Kindly switch out the light when you exit reality.

What about you?

Me? I’ve merely been riding your carrier wave – technically speaking i’ve never been here at all.

Oh my... 3 – 2 – 1


Monday, February 20, 2017

critical waypoints

How much longer Merry?

Oh, not much longer I expect.

It’s just I’m famished.

Yes, that usually helps.


Absolutely. When your stomach’s empty you’re closer to being sober.

Sober? You make it sound like food’s some kind of drug.

Which it is. A veritable potpourri of highly addictive drugs. Sugar’s the worst offender, but it’s food in general which soothes and calms the mind and makes it possible to spend an entire lifetime avoiding the basics, skirting round the life and death issues which are crying out for attention.

Life and death!?  Being a bit melodramatic, aren’t we?

Not in the least. There are certain waypoints in your life. Failure to clear them within a specific timeframe more or less guarantees you’ll die.

What? How?

Any how.

Look Merry, try and make things a little clearer if it’s not too much trouble.

How? You can die any how. Just brainstorm a hundred different causes of death and you have your answer.

But where’s the logic? How can cause of death be completely undetermined by failing to pass a waypoint.

Because the waypoints are not in 3D, are they? They’re in the underlying non-physical landscape, which is just as real when you tune into it, which you absolutely have to do, consciously or unconsciously, if you want to live on, into the next section of your lifestream.

Ok, but that doesn’t explain why failure to swipe your ticket at the given terminal can translate into absolutely any possible cause of death. How could a car be made to kill me? Does the matrix control every single driver, or the mechanical parts of a moving vehicle?

No, yes, who cares.

Ah, so you don’t have an intelligent answer.

Apparently not, but supposing your question precludes an intelligent answer...

What do you mean?

You’re trying to understand the mechanics of how quantum non-dimensional reality  reality that is the direct cause, the basis for whatever is happening here in 3D  works.

Yes, what’s wrong with that?

Nothing, unless you’re trying to do so without bothering to tune into 0=1, to see, to feel, to experience for yourself.

Oh, like that is it? You can’t explain unless I already know?

The question is why you’d want to rely on my explanation without doing your own due diligence. Imagine I told you to invest all your money in a stock you had no knowledge of...

That wouldn’t be so bad if you were my financial adviser.

If, but imagine that I too had never bothered to do due diligence, but was likewise relying on the advice of a friend or so called financial adviser.

What is it with all the ifs Merry?

There are way too many variables once you approach infinity – which is why we have to go back to basics, which is why none of our assumptions, including the words we’re using here in 3D, which we blithely assume to be fair and accurate at describing things and not-things alike – fail to add up, fail to hold water, fail to hit the mark, fail to...

Ok – I think I’ve got the message.

Think of it like a shadow of an object falling on a surface. It could be any shape whatsoever, depending on the topology of that surface. a Square shadow could become round or vice versa, depending on the contours and gradients of the not necessarily flat surface. The question I might ask is are we not assuming here in 3D that our reality itself is structurally flat, conformist, consistent throughout – in the same way scientists blithely assumed that space was fairly uniform – which it evidently isn’t.

No? I thought it’s a vacuum.

Well so did everyone else practically. No harm in making assumptions just as long as you’re willing to adjust them when new evidence, new data comes to light.

So space isn’t uniform – it’s not just a vacuum?

How can it be? It’s full of stuff – energy waves, particles, dust, gas, background radiation and who knows, perhaps low density beings.

Oh come on Merry, pull the other one. There are no creatures living in space.

I never said there were. I used the word “perhaps”, and anyone unwilling to accept the limits of his/ her knowledge is evidently unaware of the scale or scope of what we’re referring to as in-finity. Say goodbye to all your convenient certainties, hello to an age of water, an age of flow, of the continuum, a quantum age where either/ or replaces the matter of fact – so beloved of yore.

Er... whatever Merry. You’re getting all evangelical and you know how I feel about all that.

I’m suggesting what whatever you think you know is only true up to a certain point, and so, to go beyond the pointedness of knowing things we need a new interface, a new operating platform with which to perceive or experience the greater reality, the isness of be, 0=1.

So I have to starve in order to reach that interface – is that what you’re saying?

Not necessarily.

How did I guess?

In your case a little starving is a definite plus as you’re so consumed by your cleverness and knowingness that you’ll never even guess their limitations.


Because you’re obtuse and prosaic. You’ve not yet connected with the poetry in your soul. You’ve not yet flapped your cosmic wings.

Oh – and you have?

Let’s just say that I’ve passed a few waypoints, and I each time I was completely, utterly blown away, found myself in terra incognito, found myself fascinated, delighted, amazed, enraptured and at the same time appalled.

I’m not sure I like the idea of these waypoints, even if they can extend my life.

They’re just markers, messengers, portals along the way which have to be negotiated. In some respects they’re nothing whatsoever – you, your journey, your passage is everything.

And what, pray tell, is my passage? I assume you’re not referring to a 3D physical journey.

Correct. Your passage through life. The degree or extent to which you recognise, accept and play the music of your life; the extent to which you expand into and fill the vessel of your self.

Doing the best you can? That sort of thing?

Or sometimes doing nought – rather than filling your day with time fillers, with stuff and nonsense that’s really designed to distract.


The best might not be enough. For example, your rational mind may stop you in your tracks – may tell you not to jump off the top of the bridge, not to believe you can actually fly, whereas your heart, your innermost essence says you can – that you must – that you have to stop relying on the 3D template which only allows movement in certain prescribed pathways. You have to let the music, the syncopated beat of in-finity take over at times, lifting you into another state of awareness, an other state of being.

You mean I need to go batty and get myself killed, jumping off the top of a building to my certain death 3.4 seconds down below.

Or face your certain death if you miss one of the waypoints – either because you were afraid to leap off the top of the building, or because your rational mind failed to notice the edge of things – how reality can be a cut and paste patchwork of levels, of plates or seemingly contradictory movements. The minute you get too attached to one, the minute you lose the flow, the allness, the oneness, the isness, is the minute you consign yourself to death, which only becomes a possibility when you identify with 3D more than the quantum stream your part of or party to.

Part of or party to? You do try to make things as complicated as possible, don’t you Merry.

It is  i am – once we dispense with the need or possibility of stating what exactly is what, we find ourself in a different kind of reality, a different landscape or mindscape.

Predictably vague Merry.

It has certainties of a different order.

It does? Surprise me.

Instead of pinning your hopes on things being certain materially speaking, we accept that things are always going to be either/or, essentially fluctuating within a field of your own conscious awareness – the so called quantum field.

So – no certainties is what you’re saying.

So instead of things being the panacea you’re looking for, we move on to the relationship between things – anything whatsoever – and you the i am observer.

You er... forgot to capitalise that I.

Did i?

Oh – it was deliberate was it?

Yes, a different kind of i. Not the thingified, corporate I that is one of the keystones of 3D materiality. Instead a quixotic, whimsical i that is part of an equation, a relationship between itself and everything else – all that is.

In other words something so hopelessly vast and vague I’ll never make head or tails of it.

Correct – rationally you’ll never figure it out – which is why i didn’t even bother to answer your perfectly rational question about how any death whatsoever can be the result of failing to click through the waypoint in question, for as long as you try to figure it out rationally you’re not going to get on with the basic mathematics that is an essential component of quantum streaming.

Mathematics – you know I hate maths. I was never any good at it at all.

Fine. This is a different kind of maths. It’s one where you’re the equation in real time – you’re the Mandelbrot set, if you like, streaming in-finity from the underside of reality in the shape of a beetle.

What? Why a beetle?

Who cares. The beetle or something that looks kind of like a beetle keeps popping up from time to time as the Mandelbrot set iterates its way towards in-finity. But let’s not get too focussed on the imagery. Let’s understand instead how now we’re in a reality where everything and anything is only as real as i am: a reality in which i can no longer separate myself from what is there and assume i’m not already part of it – or assume that it’s not in some way responding to my conscious awareness.

Oh God. This is way too much.

I agree. Let’s try the alternative to thought.


Well, didn’t you notice as we’ve been chatting that you stopped feeling hungry?

Oh – no, you never notice these things do you? but yes, you’re right – the hunger pangs stopped biting for a while.

A little thought and they’ll come back I expect.

They already are.

Not if i suddenly toss you into space.

You wouldn’t. Merry. Don’t even think of it.

3 – 2 – 1


1 – 2 – 3


You can stop screaming now.





I... what happened? I don’t get it.


I... was falling in infinity – so to speak – like Alice falling down the rabbit hole – certain I was going to crash and be crushed

And then?

1 – 2 – 3  i saw myself going the other way.

Small I Zie. Is that a typo?

No, i don’t think it is. What’s happening Merry? What did you do to me?

Me? Why do you always imagine i did anything?

Probably because you’re not using a 3D capitalised I. That’s certainly indicative of subversiveness.

Ah, how observant you are. But you still haven’t put 3 and 3 together Zie.

2 and 2 Merry, not 3 and 3. Do you have to dispense with all idiomatic conventions in your quest to be original?

No, but in this instance i was referring specifically to the matter in hand.


The matter of putting together 3 and 3, without which we’re never going to get anywhere.

Why do i have the terrible feeling this mathematics is not going to be the calm and peaceful head scratching sort.

Oh, instinct, gut feeling, prescience – we all have a little of it, don’t we?


Ah ha – you’ve recapitalised. Here we go








Hey diddle diddle
the cat and the fiddle
the cow jumped over the moon
the little dog laughed to see such fun
and the dish ran away with the spoon

Now where was I? Oh Zie, i nearly forgot, silly me 1 – 2 – 3


i have to admit, Zie, that i was no different from you.

No? I find that hard to believe.

You see – you recapitalised immediately this time.

Did i?

Ah ha – it’s all change now, isn’t it? Do you want one more pass?

Yes – one more will do. I can’t believe i just said that. Who in their right mind would want to pass No?

Someone who’s in two minds perhaps – or who’s already just about figured out something pretty substantial about the nature of is.

The nature of is – yes, as opposed to the nature of things... it’s coming to me Merry. Throw me again, i need to know.

Ok. Let’s dispense with all the counting – better still, why don’t you do it yourself?

Me? How on earth am i to... oh – ok – it’s like that is it? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Music to my ears Zie – amazing how the mind opens up and starts seeing... oh – where did he go. How quickly my chicks leave the nest. At times I feel almost sorry to see them go. Now, where was I?
Hickory dickory dock
the mouse ran up the clock
the clock struck one
the mouse ran down
hickory dickory dock


Ah, there you are Zie. Any comments?


Any questions?


So there you have it.   0=1    it is    i am   with a few extra spaces to boot.


And fortunately, with an empty stomach you haven’t made a dreadful mess all over the floor.

Ah, now that makes sense.

A purely incidental benefit of embracing, engaging in-finity drive – the prime motive force being nought.


Or actually gnought – as this is coming from the uncapitalised side of consciousness, as you’ve already gnoughted.


M... well now that you’ve made the jump independently, i think it’s time for you to have your first brush with darksome death... 

to be continued...

Friday, February 17, 2017

zed shift - storytime

The story? How am I supposed to know the story? I’m living in the real world, not fantasy land.

Oh yeah. The real world. Er...


Whose world?

Whose? What do you mean? Everyone’s world. It doesn’t belong to anyone, does it.

Er... You see, it depends whose story you’re living by.

I’m not living by anyone’s story. I’m just living.

Excellent! You er... don’t watch TV or read books?

Of course I do. Who doesn’t?

It’s just the chances are that you’re plugged into someone else’s story. That story by default is yours until you find your own voice... until you start your own.

Start my own? What, you mean I have to start writing a book, otherwise I’m caught up in someone else’s narrative? Give me a break Merry, I haven’t got time for this.

Obviously you can change the settings on your phone – the sounds it makes, the screensaver and so forth, but it’s still basically the same phone as everyone else has. That’s because you’re relying on defaults and factory settings, factory programmes.

Because I’m not an IT specialist Merry. We’re not all at your level of technical expertise, you know.

I know, but this isn’t about phones, is it? It’s about the nature of the system you’re operating within.

Yeah? You mean the political system?

No I don’t.

Then what?

Reality, as you actually know intuitively, is programmable. I’ve been doing it with you for ages now, having these chats, discussing things, taking a look at g-nome, dropping down through the hole in the ground, popping into another aspect of reality – where words have huge significance and great power – when you start examining the source code.

Oh why didn’t you say? You know I’m not really into all that source code stuff. Like I said, Merry, I’m not an IT specialist, and it doesn’t greatly matter to me if it’s computer IT or 3D reality IT – it’s all the same.

Correct, it’s all the same, but far from wanting you to hack your phone or reality, I’m suggesting you consider who has hacked you – who is actually controlling you.

What do you mean? No one has hacked me. I’m not a computer system.

Right – but your mind, your feelings and emotions are plugged into a vast network which is accessed in various ways – through TV, social media and just ordinary contact with other people.


Everyone is carrying and relaying a certain signal. You can see it in how they dress, how they walk, the things they say, the way they think – nothing is actually concealed.


Now there are certain compelling narratives which appear again and again in movies or in religions which indicate what kind of story you might be in.

Aren’t you forgetting free will – that I can actually choose if I’m going to kill that guy or give him the peace sign, forgive and forget?

Sure you can choose. You can choose whether to step into your own story – to become the master pilot navigating a course through reality that is consistent with your inner beliefs, with certain fundamental values and core objectives, or you can just switch on the internet, the TV or pop down the pub to have a chat with some mates, all of which will serve to reinforce the story you’ve unwittingly assimilated into.

But I can choose!

Yes, to create your own, or be part of someone else’s creation – and if you want to know what theirs is like, just take a good hard look at what’s going on in the world when you get the cold facts – it ain’t a bed of roses matey.

What’s with the British slang matey? Are you trying to be condescending or is it just a spontaneous occurrence?

Ah... I apologise.

You do? I’m not sure I trust you when you’re so ready to apologise. It makes me think you’ve got something worse up your sleeve.

Oh – am I so predictable?

Merry – give me a break – you know these tests are totally...

What tests? Did I tell you about the hen narrative?

Hen narrative? Oh God Merry – stop being weird. Stop it – you’re not a hen – I’m not going to have anything to do with your insanity...

Merry and Zie spend the next hour in intense hen narration – a story which simply does not survive translation – but which is absolutely fascinating when you’re living it, experiencing it, enacting it. Strange to tell, but as Merry and Zie go around the house and garden, utterly absorbed in the drama, the 3D reality which we usually take for granted in fact grows thin, wispy, misty. If you bothered to run a full scan of that 3D reality before and after, you would be fairly shocked to see the level of damage one hour of scratching and pecking did. Vast sections of the 3D platform are completely reconstituted, reformed, reprogrammed – a war that was breaking out in the Middle East was transformed by some fairly intense scratching and clucking into an intense feeling of loneliness which had the two hens in tears, before Zie found a different kind of cluckety scratch, which propelled the two into a new chapter of hen story, which has since been named the “helio farce”, a revolutionary reworking of the worm that lost its wriggle epic saga. Long story short, things in the quantum age of entanglement we seem to have bad hair dayed our way into are so inextricably er entangled that insanity seems to be the only way to stay sane, if you’re willing to be proactive about it and manage your insanity storywise.

Er... Merry, I seem to have some kind of freaky recollection of... hey, where did all those feathers come from?

Oh I don’t know Zie. By the way, apparently the governments of ******* and ********* have decided to set up a huge free range hen nature reserve on their shared border.

No kidding! I thought they hated each other. Weren’t they about to go to war?

Apparently not. It says here they’ve decided to...

Wait a second Merry. It’s like seven thirty. What the hell were we talking about all this time. I’ve got some worrying suspicion that I’ve been temporarily insane?

Oh I  wouldn’t say that... otherly sane is how I usually refer to it.

But why? How?

You know the phrase “you are what you eat?”

Yes,  why?

Well the same is true at the quantum level.


You are what you what.

What you er... what? It doesn’t make sense.

Until you realise that what is a verb rather than a question word. To what is to enact within a given story something or other, to put flesh or matter on the bones of an underlying nought.

A what?

A nought, not what: things that are felt or known at the quantum level but only take material form and become something or other when we what them here in 3D.

But why put it that way? Why all the confusion and mysticism?

Because whatever it is you’re really discussing could be whatted this way or that, depending on whose narrative you’re in. If you’re using the defaults it’ll either be conservative or liberal, Islamic or Christian, hip hop or classical, a straight two way split, and neither side will agree, but if you decide to grab story by the horns and ride it whither it taketh thee...

If I’m mad enough to imagine I’m some kind of epic hen saga hero... 

If you’re ready to take the trouble to lead your own life, to trust in your own life force, your own power, your own truth... then story will take you beyond divide and rule duality, into a place where the two can three, can bring nought into play, can transform the fixed things of reality in a way that would be inconceivable, that shifts and transforms the mindscape of reality, for matter always follows story in the same way water flows downwards following contours, taking the easiest, storiest course.

What? Matter shifts if I change the narrative? That sounds downright...

Matter only ever was flesh on the bones of narrative. When the narrative changes matter moves, rewrites or morphs, filling the new mindscape seamlessly. 

So if it’s so easy why don’t people do this more frequently?

Actually they do it a lot, but there's a powerful load of pressure to be normal, to conform, which means to use the existing narrative which is written by whom, I wonder. Those who refuse to conform are weird or wicked, because they know how to what. They are ostracized or persecuted for their insubordination. But still people inadvertently or deliberate cause minor shifts to occur, occasionally even bigger shifts, but all too often they assume their memories are deceiving them, or that people in the past were mistaken in thinking things were different. There is this huge assumption of linearity, that all changes have to occur in linear fashion, without wild shifts sideways or diagonalwise.


People forget previous whats in the same way you usually forget dreams. The mind finds it hard to hold onto anything outside or contradicting the existing narrative, unless you buttress it with cuckoo la la, the practice of being deliberately strange, and of becoming increasingly aware of the non-linear strangeness that is far more prevalent than mind likes to acknowledge.


And we were largely complicit, insofar as we chose to experience the deepest, farthest extreme of materiality which naturally involved emphasising individually and collectively our rationality to the exclusion of all else, in order to traverse what I call the abyss of mind, which thankfully has now been accomplished, so prepare yourself Zie for zed axis spiralling, waving, tall tailing its way back into an increasingly multi-linear reality, in which we discover the ability to sense and recall the nought underlying what is what. Time for scrambled eggs, wouldn’t you say? But Zie to his surprise finds he can’t even think about eating eggs for the first time in his life. Instead he experiences a sudden bending-arching of the hitherto squarish field of things, and finds himself now in beetle, heading towards an aromatic pile of dung, feeling the skin of story wrapping itself around, responding to every thought, every move, every impulse, drawing worlds and realities through the dotted i of mind, overriding anything that fails to add up to nought, that fails to keep time with story's tapping feet. 

Because it was always a dance, you see, your Light dancing with your dark, and you somewhere in between, until you were ready to accept your fullness, your isness of be, to become, to embody your story completely.

Oh              oh                    oh                     oh                   oh                  oh                     oh

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

thinking things

The limits of what is what,
the limits of what can be known,
how things are thinged:
0=1   it is  i am
Does that make sense?
Does that ring a bell?
0=1   it is  i am
o                                                 m

Cuckoo la la
Taking things too seriously,
particular the me thing
is a recipe for disaster,
is guaranteed to make me stick,
to make me stuck,
to trip me up egoically
so lighten up
3  3  3

0=1   it is  i am
The rational mind can try to comprehend,
no harm in that,
but give it too much slack
and you'll never know
what is what,
you'll never know
how things add up,
how nought be the pivotal point,
the fulcrum,
the centre of universe
where East and West,
North and South meet in me,
balance out,  coalesce;  how things
are frequencies of thought,
how things are frequencies of thought
that dance and skip in tune
with what is not,
with gnought,
with gnot,
with gnom

To sing and dance in tune with time
and matter -- the mother, not the thing;
to sing and dance in tune with time and matter
blending with its field,
merging with its I am
is to go beyond the seem,
beyond all-encompassing maya, to reestablish  i
the natural state
    a natural state
the state of being
of being  0=1
to rediscover 3  1   2
hidden by thought
concealed conspiratorially
by substituting nought,
or that other nought
unthingable in-finity
        - ty for 2
but silence muse
I'll say no more
I'll   i
and that will do

Monday, February 13, 2017

Maud's trinaureality if Margo's bifurcation holds

Oh no - not the binaural thingy again, It's not even about hearing. 

Ah - bi-aural, two-eared... Names be names, Zie. You can call it bimental if you like.

Uh, no, binaural sounds nice. Like, aura or aurora borealis.

Good. So, like I was saying - we only discussed a half of the question the other time.

How our reality-virtuality is a kind of an overtone created by the two waves, yeah. Thought it was pretty much complete.

No, there must be the other side - the balance. Come on, you can easily figure it out.

So, er... to balance this illusory reality created by two waves there should be, er... a true reality that generates two overtones - which we perceive as one and th' other but which in fact cancel each other out and thus amount to zero, no more real than our virtuality.

Good guess, Zie.

Am I right, then? - Ugh, then our 3D is an illusion created be two more illusions? Aren't there too many illusions for one model?

So many questions, Zie!


But there's only one way to gnow if it's correct, yes? - to test it.

Affirmative. - Uh, why would I say that? I sound like a computer.

What's wrong with that?

Well, I'm not a computer, nor want to be one.

Er... my dear Zie...  I sincerely hope that it won't be a deadly blow to you - but...


But I needed a computer to test my hypothesis. You were perfect. Oopsie.

I... I... 1...

That's fine, Zie.Relax. Breathe.

1... 0... Merry, I... Oh...  scared...

Don't mind that. You might be a computer just now - but you're much, much more than a com-putting device. Just relax and let the bubble of your computerness rise up and burst. It's a game - now I'm a beetle, now a computer, 0=1, cuckoo la la.

1... 0...  1101001.00... 42...00111100111101011000100001000011011000110101...

Thank you. I'm getting a good steady data stream. Mind you, computers are not averse to streaming... You see, dear Zie, everyone has full access to the source code - easy peasy - but very few people actually use it - as etering the domain of the computer you need to become a computer, a thing, yourself - and who would will that? We're trying to keep the things low, we want to be cool, high and spiritual... That, by the way, is a part of the poesy of g-nome - as poetry takes us where we'd rather not go - like to the thingity of things which we are trying so hopelessly to separate from ourselves. We seem to find ourselves between a rock and a hard place - equally unwilling to switch off the stabilising computer of mind - which is only a β-version anyway - nor to dive deep into our own thingity - preferring to surround ourselves with more and more things, as if we could extract our thingity by that... As if we were afraid to lose what appears to be the last drop of lightfulness, as if we could ever cease being infinite! For I am allowed everywhere, so I tell the No Entry signs of sanity... How are the things going, Zie?

Superb. Do you mimnd shifting to, say, beetledom? My readings would be much more accurate, and the frequencies would be just right.

No problem. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

How strange, - Maud mutters to herself as she's watching a brightly coloured greeny beetle flying in crazy circles around her laptop.

But then something more weird happens. The timeline seems to separate; but the strings are still floating together. In one timeline Maud shakes her head and expells the harmless beetle from the room. In another one - the beetle, apparently, loses control and bumps into her - with the most surprising result.

Where did that gorl come from?, - she hears the laptop saying. And, buzzzzily, the beetle seems to answer, Duh - you're the one who's doing the calculations.

What do you do when you hear your laptop communicating with a beetle? Scream? Faint? Ignore?

Ooops - bad habit,  the laptop replies. - Ah, I see. She's our third. As we engage, activate the two sides, the third is bound to appear.

Maud is strangely calm - like in a dream. "In fact", she hears herself saying, "I was here first, so there".

The beetle gives her an odd look. "Er, hi - I'm Merry, and that's Zie".

My laptop?

Er... In a manner of speaking.

But I got it for my 18th brthday, a year or so ago, and it was just a normal laptop all the while.

Confusing, eh?.. It's a great honour to meet you.

Me?.. But I'm just...

You've just appeared from the quantum stream.


No, no - what a silly idea.

Then why are you not surprised to hear about the q.s.? Why are you not taken aback by talking to a beetle, and to a laptop?

I... Well, surely there's a reason. How about... er...

A plot hole, Maud - that's how the truth lurks in - through the plot holes, like Alice's rabbit hole.

Wait, how did you know my name?

Oopsie daisy. There's another one. Er, plot hole.

But how did you...

You're denying yourself, you prefer to stay in your Maud-ness - why?

No. No. I can't. You got it wrong. No.

Look, we're holding the frequency for you. See, I became a beetle and my friend over there is a bunch of signals. I'll be fine but Zie's not used to holding this modality, I expect him to flip back pretty soon - no offence, Zie, that comes with practice -

Yeah, guess so - er, I mean, affirmative.

-and that will send you back. It's not often that Zie gets a chance to work with his third, so if you've got a message for him - I gnow you do - better quit pretending and say it.

That's a joke, right? I'm 37 years old, I lived without you all these years and surely I'm not going anywhere just because you go.

Hmm - could swear that you were only 19 in the beginning of our conversation. Plotty holy ding ding dong.

Yes, but...                                 ..Oh goddess me.

Plot holes. Now you must have enough air breezing through them, Maud.

Don't call me that. No more Maud-ness. I be Harmony.

Ah - welcome back, dear lassie. We've been missing you  - more than anyone can imagine, more than words can say...

Affirmative. The chances of reunion were tending to 0. Now rising progressively. Wow dude, that's groovy! Er... sorry.

Is there anything you'd like to tell us?

-but she only laughs, lightly, happily, healingly, whole-ingly - her laughter fills the room like some magical fog - soaking through Merry's beetliness, through Zie's thinginess - 

Hee hee... Merry, it's ticklish, I can't hold the thingity side...

Hee hee... yup... no, I'm flipping out from the other side too... ohhh - ohhh!

We're being harmonized



Yes, thought you said atomized. hee hee byyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee Zie

Hee hee...  yup yup... tataaaaahhh

And as the silvery fog of laughter fades away, Maud finds herself alone in the room. The time streams weave back again. Maud blinks, as if missing something, or someone; but the stream of normallity overlaps her, and she reverts to the more important business of "liking" her friend's FB entry from her mobile phone (some day she will get a laptop, so she keeps promising herself).

So, er... is there an illusive third created by the two sides, or is there the true one that generates the two curves?

Who am I to tell you, Merry? I'd have to leave this whole framework to gnow, and then we wouldn't be here to have this chat.

Fair enough. Tea?

Good idea.