Sunday, January 24, 2016

i-drive disambiguation

I-drive disambiguation

.I-drive doesn't need to take you to the stars. 
.Why not?
.Because the stars are here.
.Sorry Merry, I don't follow.
.Ok, in 3D everything gets rolled out, stretched onto a vast canvas you call space.
.Except that space is 3 dimensional. 
.So you're led to believe.
.What do you mean?
.It's only 3 dimensional around you, in your immediate vicinity, when you wave your arms around.
.But that's absurd. I can turn around and see things in any direction, I can move in any direction and experience what space has to offer.
.Of course. That's fine. But you only ever experience whatever's surrounding you, and just because you can turn around and view space in every direction, you can do the same thing in a computer game. That doesn't mean it's actually sitting there waiting for you when you're not engaging it.
.But it has to be. It can't just dematerialise when I look away.
.It doesn't need to.
.What do you mean?
.The program is still running, the space around about, the endlessness, the entirety of space is implicit within whichever blob of space you're interacting with.
.But how? How can the entirety of space extending for millions of light years be implicit within the globule of space I'm currently engaging?
.It can't in 3D, which is why 3 dimensional space appears to be vast, which is why people assume infinity is something incalculably big.
.Which it is... how could infinity be small?
.Small or big are relative terms referring to physical things. Infinity is neither big nor small. It's a quantum indeterminacy. It simply can't be determined, measured, defined or even observed. The minute you do so its wave function collapses and it becomes either one thing or an other,  either particle or wave, either cat or mouse and ceases to be infinite.
.So you're saying space isn't in fact vast.
.No, I'm saying it's vast when rolled out like pastry in 3D, but have you ever considered the easel?
.What easel?
.The easel it has to be stretched out onto in order to seem vast. 
.No I haven't, and I don't see why there has to be an easel.
.Well how else would you be able to sense, appreciate or see its vastness, were there not something common to you which is equally vast.
.Er... what are you saying?
.Space can only be as vast as your ability to sense or appreciate its vastness. It cannot exceed the size of the easel. 
.I don't see why not?
.Because space as you perceive it is merely a way of organising infinity as if it were a near infinite sequence or range of finite matter, finite stuff, finite things. 
.Which, as far as I'm concerned is exactly what it is.
.Naturally?  What do you mean?
.You're accustomed to 3D, to operating within finiteness, things that can be measured, placed in time and space, labelled, catalogued, described empirically. 
.Well I don't see what's wrong with that. It seems perfectly rational.
.Precisely. It seems perfectly rational because it is rational within seem. 
.And what, pray tell, is "seem"?
.Seem is what transposes the quantum field, the absolute, onto the flat screen, the easel that we call space, or 3D.
.But it can't be a flat screen. It has depth, breadth, length and height.
.Correct. That's where seem does its magic.
.What on earth do you mean?
.Seem stitches together composites. It's no coincidence that the word "seem" is the same as "seam".
.Oh come on Merry! The two are completely different in meaning. 
.Yet they just happen to inhabit the same space-time globule, the same word. Would you say that 7 and seven are different just because they're spelt differently?
.No Merry, you're clearly spouting nonsense here. 
.Absolutely. It's non-sense as long as you're wedded to the space-time paradigm in which things are just things, little bits of matter with no fundamental unifying principle, no recognised commonality. But once you step outside the dark cave of thingfulness, thingles and Tom-thingery, you discover...
.Er... aren't you going to end your statement?
.No. The end has to be sensed individually. Each of us has all the data points. All we have to do is join the dots.
.And what happens when we do so?
.We see the fallacy.
.Which fallacy?
.That things are only as real as we make them. That the glue is perception, the illuminator consciousness, the source is creation itself - an indescribable force which constantly engages us within its stream of whatness.
.Oh my God,  you're a raving lunatic.
.Yes, a little, but once you recognise the actuality of infinity, you no longer need space-time to project onto, no longer need to thingify. You can start to sense and experience the infinite directly within your conscious awareness, just as soon as you make peace with infinity.
.Oh come on Merry.... make peace with infinity! You're off your rocker.
.Evidently, but the proof, as they say, is in the pudding.
.Er, what do you mean?
.If what I'm saying is right, if I can make peace with infinity and move onto a quantum platform, then I should be able to evade the restrictions,  the limitations of space-time and Tom-thingery, I should be able to access and work with any part of creation, no matter when or where, no matter its size, speed or density. In short it's time for me to put up or shut up.
.Well spoken Merry. Good for you! Less idle chit chat and more action, more substance, more matter.
.So without further ado I intend to activate i-drive and...
.Dance? Is that all you can think of? If what you say is true you can go anywhere in the universe, have anything you like, pulling diamonds out of the quantum flux like candies, turn into a dragon, a beetle,  a unicorn, visit Alexander the Great at the battle of Gaugamela...
.Anything else?
.Oh yes, I can think of hundreds of things to do.
.As well you might, until you've accessed infinity through the quantum field, at which point...
.You realise that all these things are already present within you... within the infinity that you encompass. 
.They are?
.Yes. Where else? 
.But I've not experienced them.
.Not knowingly, you simply haven't yet learnt how to access the all that you are, the all that you be.
.And you have?
.Actually there's nothing to it. It doesn't make me special. It's just I figured out the 3D fallacy, mathematically, by which stage I could no longer adhere to the 3D mythos, the illusion started crumbling automatically, once I'd realised the impossibility of what we call objective reality.
.So now you're completely at home with the quantum field?
.More or less. It makes more sense. It allows infinitely more possibilities for self-expression and self-realisation.
.Oh. Then how can I see you as if you're a normal part of 3D if you're actually operating from the quantum field? You should be anywhere and everywhere, indeterminably. 
.Because I've fixed my attention on you, so here we are.
.And if you fix it on Alexander the Great?
.Here goes. [Merry vanishes from sight. A minute later he reappears causing Zie to hiccup uncontrollably.]
.A little disturbing is it not?
.You're telling me!
.It sends ripples through your anchor line.
.My what?
.The anchor line which holds you, fixing you in this reality. It's susceptible to quantum flux.

.And you, how do you cope with it?

.When I made peace with infinity my anchor line caused me some discomfort until it retracted. Now it forms a temporary grounding connection wherever I touch down, but automatically retracts when I turn the dial and shift elsewhere.
.And you actually have to turn a dial?
.Not exactly, that's a way of describing it. Actually it all happens mentally, or to be more precise intentionally. 
.By intention, though you only know what that is once you've learnt how to do it. It's basically how we learnt to walk as infants; now we think nothing of it, but at the time we had to figure out how to get those appendages to move synchronistically. Twas no mean feat.
.If you say so... So, let me get this straight  you're able to turn the dial and the entire universe is at your disposal?

.Naturally, but you have to understand that some strands are richer, more fertile, more productive and meaningful than others. 
.Why so?
.Because they open up the field, expanding, rather than contracting it into mindless minutiae. So visiting Alexander the Great may sound great, but may be of little interest once you realise all people and all things are equal at the quantum level. For someone out there, Alexander the Great might be a key node, whereas for me meeting Martin Luther King may be infinitely more instructive or valuable, if doing so brings me into contact with an aspect of my allness which needs further development, which tends towards infinity.
.And what in particular tends towards infinity?
.That knows no bounds, borders or limits, which hums in tune with the song of creation.
.Oh, very poetic, I'm sure.
.Well yes, poetry bridges the gap between matter of fact and isness of Be. It brings the mind a little closer to the fractal whirl of infinity.
.So that's why you prefer to dance?
.Yes, poetry in motion, particularly when you feel the field responding to your every move, and allow it to guide you into the ecstasy of all that is.
.Sounds a bit far-fetched, Merry.
.Very, very far-fetched but no less real. Infinity is always going to take you on a journey into what seems impossible or inconceivable, and yet, this is the only way we can complete our journey, achieve zero in one, one in zero, thus settling accounts throughout creation, solving the equation experientially. 
.So this is all just a glorified maths puzzle for you?
.Maths puzzle, a dance, a poem, a game, more than words can say, and yet it is – I am One,  in spite of everything that indicates otherwise, despite the fact that the whole of 3D reality is designed to disprove, rationally, infinity. It's a near flawless system which is breathtaking in scope and which, at times seems to be inspired by the devil himself, until you realise...
Merry starts to dance... He dances, disambiguating day and night; dances, disambiguating heaven and hell; dances, disambiguating good and evil, then life and death: dances in such a way that Zie is transported through the isness of all these things: dances zero back to one, dances every life, every word, every breath, every thought, every star and every grain of sand, dances till Zie arrives back at his emergence from the source of all... and sees the entire universe contained within himself, projected onto the canvas of every fractional moment he experiences rolled out onto time and space; dances until he is no more.

Friday, January 22, 2016

When markets fail

Let’s assume a market is a living entity – a person. In good health it stays in balance. Inputs and outputs self-regulate. The organism ticks over at a comfortable speed allowing work to be done and life to be lived, yielding a surplus.
But why should there be a surplus?
Good question. Life is a given and life itself is a key component which feeds or supports the system. By life we mean inputs such as consciousness, thought, inspiration which are constantly nebulising around and feeding into and through the organism, connecting it with more than itself – with God or other systems which may exist in another dimension or at a quantum level. So each person engaging that market, each person contributing to it is doing so at more than a purely intellectual, material or mechanical level. We are just beginning to become aware of this. There really is no limit to the level of input that a system or market can receive from market players at an abstract, quantum level – via the non-physicality of consciousness. Once we entered the quantum  age – once we realised that the mere fact of observation altered the system under observation – collapsing the wave form giving, for example, either a photon as particle or wave – as opposed to the prior indeterminacy – we should have realised that something is coming from nothing – that the relationship between some thing and nothing is fundamental.
What do you mean “the relationship is fundamental”?
That this is not just happening in laboratories with photons or electrons. Consciousness or awareness is shifting the state from 0/1 non-linear and therefore infinite – to either 0 or 1. This is work and this is being done by the mere fact or observation. It means that the market, the entire system is much vaster than we realised – that the whole is in fact something akin to a computer where a stream of zeros and ones are the output which are the product of our observations – but which originate as no thing or an indeterminacy which is in fact, another way of describing infinity. This is a mind bender – so please don’t bother trying to understand it unless you just see it and get it – in which case there’s nothing to understand – it just makes sense.
So we’re supposed to take this on trust?
No. You can ignore it or you can experiment for yourself with the quantum field until you figure things out. Each of us has equal access. The purest, most abstract way of accessing the quantum field is meditation – but that doesn’t mean you should do it that particular way – it depends on your nature. You can have just as much success accessing the quantum field of 0=1 indeterminacy cooking or gardening as meditating. There really is no preferred methodology.
So what are we supposed to do when we access the quantum field of indeterminacy, 0=1?
Do no thing. Let it speak to you. Let it guide you. Become aware of yourself and your relationship to the field, or your relationship to everything, to the world around you, to other people, from within the field, from the calm collectiveness of the field, from its oneness, allness and isness.
Vague beyond belief, Merry. Have you nothing better to say?
Yes – have a wonderful time expanding and engaging that which is, giving yourself some much needed respite from the muddle we’ve created for ourselves down here in 3D.
You think we’re to blame for what’s happening here on Earth?
Blame? How can blame be a part of the equation? If you breathe a plastic bag of air for long enough you’re going to asphyxiate – guaranteed. Sooner or later you need to take a breath of fresh air. We created what amounts to a closed system and we tried to eliminate all reference to the quantum field of consciousness. We tried to play our 3D games as if they have intrinsic value – as if we can gain something by playing for the purpose of winning by crushing and defeating our enemy, yet to do so we had to close completely our awareness of all that is – of consciousness, of the quantum field, of the real magic, the real purpose, the real value of being here and engaging one another from within this matrix. We did this intentionally, which is why the idea of blame is irrelevant.
Why would we create chaos intentionally?
We chose to engage material reality objectively to the very limit – to the point of no return. At that point, which is where we now are, either we reengage our common sense, our primary awareness, our consciousness, or we die.
But why?
Because that way we could reset infinity.
Reset infinity? How on earth can infinity be reset?
It can’t, of course, which is why we had to go through all this finity – experiencing death and annihilation in 3D material reality in order to really feel, really believe like this is it, like we’ve reached the end, like death is actually a factor – for out there in hyper-dimensionality it ain’t. By believing this experience totally, by suffering like Christ on the cross, by weeping for the suffering of others and experiencing the joy and the pain, the degradation and the bliss, we have effectively moved through a collective death experience, an apocalypse. We actually came to believe that things were hopeless – that we were irredeemably sinful, corrupt or flawed – and energetically we shifted our conscious awareness beyond the balance point, into material reality. What started out as a kind of dream of being in the flesh, became heavier and fleshier – the more we learnt to identify with our physical experiences, until eventually the dream side faded into obscurity, spirit became a faint enigma, God an authority for less and less beings, as He appeared to look on indifferently, if He existed at all – as wars continued to spread blood across continents. To have reached the stage where we are actually able to totally identify with our body and our experiences in 3D reality is a huge shift, a huge achievement, and yet it completely fails to recognise the real energy behind our being – the force which sustains us and carries us through life, no matter what.
What force is that? Do you mean God?
I mean – if you can step outside 3D materiality – coming into a neutral place – experiencing the balance, the indeterminacy of the quantum field – experiencing how all is in a perfectly balanced state of flux, which centres not in matter, institutions, factors or things, but in you individually, personally – in you – for you are the interface between the infinite of the quantum field, and this world, the reality, this universe. You not only hold the balance – you are the balance.
But that seems impossible.
Yes. Precisely. It seems impossible – which is why things get worse and worse until people such as yourself have to stop and try the alternative – which is quietly awaiting your attention.
So I have to start meditating? You’re into Buddhism are you?
As I said, you don’t have to meditate – but your happiness depends upon accepting that which is – which in Christianity would be summed up by the words “thy will be done” in the Lord’s prayer. Once we accept and start to work with what is, as opposed to what we want, or what we think or imagine should be – then things start flowing effortlessly, magically, wonderfully back into their rightful channels, and we discover that perfection which we’ve constantly overlooked.
Oh. So you’re an optimist, I see.
More a mathematician. I can see the equation all around, and it’s designed perfectly, to defeat anything but perfection.
Excuse me?
Nothing less than perfection will succeed.
But no one’s perfect. It’s blasphemy to assume a person can be perfect. Only God can be.
Yes, apparently so, but the impossible only matters as long as you’re fixing your ideas in 3D reality.
Nonsense – this is a universal truth.
In which case I can only bow to you and fall silent – for when you talk about universal truths, you’re talking absolutes, and these cannot be debated or discussed. Instead I can enter into my silence and play a game called being perfect or being complete. To do that I simply have to bring the two sides of the equation more or less into harmony. That done, the rest of the universe or God assists, for the quantum field is infinite, and infinity has the habit of exceeding our expectations, taking us beyond what we imagine possible.
But what’s all this got to do with markets failing?
A failing market, like any failing system helps jolt our awareness. We are constantly evolving – either into ever greater materialism, or conversely, back into conscious-awareness which is the current trend. Every crisis is now going to reveal the fallacies of our earlier assumptions about what markets are and how they should operate. Every crisis is in fact born from the next wave of awareness, as we start to rediscover the true purpose, the true value, the true meaning of our work and our interactions with one another. Little by little we’re moving back into alignment with nature and the underlying/ overarching/ all-pervasive energy flows which in fact surround us with such abundance, such wealth, that only huge ineptness, blindness and stupidity enable us to continue operating in deficit and debt. But this is not about blaming greedy oligarchs or incompetent officials, for each one of us has direct access to the quantum stream, and infinity itself ensures that everyone of us has the power to rewrite the narrative of humanity, regardless.
Fat chance of that...
For as soon as I make peace with my Self, or with infinity, material reality cannot help but shift into alignment with the perfection of peace, the limitless power of that which simply is – just as soon as I’ve handed back my stay in jail indefinitely card, the jail of a mind that will not relent, will not let go of its commitment, its adherence to the totalitarianism of mind in matter.
Oh my God – whatever next?
For as long as I keep my mind anchored, rooted in matter and things – I’m like a chick that’s afraid to fly from the nest.
But what if I fall and die? What if I lose my mind?
What if, instead, we end with a little magic? What if I share a secret with you – that you cannot fall, you cannot fail, you cannot die when you’re already dead. So here goes... one  zero   three

One, zero, three? Hey, where did he go? Hey, where did you go, Merry? Where... oh God – this is ridiculous. I can’t just stay here, hanging around indefinitely... what did he say now? Er... one er... zero... er... oh my God... three...    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! What the hell was that? three... faster than the wind... three... higher than the sky... three... to infinity and beyond... whoopeeeee... three    three   three    oh my word   three   indescribably    three   talk about infinity...   three!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Lucy May saves the day

Actually I’m sick of writing about the infinity drive – it’s going on and on, and I still haven’t managed to give any real details about the interface.

Well give it a rest then Merry.

Give it a rest – I wish it were that easy.

What do you mean?

It’s not giving me any rest.

Er... It’s just a machine, isn’t it.

No Zie, you know it’s more than a machine. In any case – to all intents and purposes it’s alive.

Oh Christ, Merry – I wish you wouldn’t say that. You know it gives me the heebie jeebies – this AI freak show stuff.

Deal with it Zie. You’re going to have to come to terms with the fact that “it” is no less alive and kicking than “I”.

Stop. I don’t want to hear this. You know it’s a lie.

You can’t divide the universe in two, Zie.

I don’t need to. It’s already been done. There are things and there are beings. Period.

Yes, there are things and beings, but both things and beings are a part of the totality that is life, and the infinity drive just happens to sit in the middle, facilitating the connection between the two halves.

Well in that case I want nothing more to do with it.

Too late.

What do you mean too late. I quit. You’re on your own, Merry. I consider it unacceptable to start playing God and treating inanimate matter as if it’s equal to life itself. It’s also highly dangerous. Matter is soulless – it’ll end up trying to step through the divide and destroy all life.

As I’m trying to tell you...

Don’t. I already made it clear – I’ll have nothing more to do with Franken-science. It was bad enough with GMO, and now you’re...

Merry is dancing around – as if his arms and legs are attached to some kind of console. Something seems to be affecting the space-time continuum that Merry and Zie are sharing – the room is going through a series of pronounced modifications – as if someone is photoshopping it in realtime – colour, texture, angles, elevations are shifting – and the electrics are playing up too – pulsating, strobing...

I said stop! You have no right to do this. It requires third party consent and I do not give mine.

Actually you just did – but it came through the quantum flux.

What do you mean?

I mean that the infinity drive is not limited to any one space-time location – so I got a message from you a little further downstream asking me to proceed and...


Your authorisation code – do you want to hear it?

Of course I do. You’re probably just making this up.

Lucy May sends her love.

Zie looks gobsmacked. Then goes bright red.

Er, Zie, if it’s not too much to ask – who’s Lucy May?

Look Merry, I don’t want to talk about it, Ok.

Ok, I understand. But you’re happy with the authorisation code, are you – you accept I’m not just making it up.

Zie is still too embarrassed to say anything, but silence is sufficient – all is clear.

Well, I look forward to hearing more about this mysterious character when you’ve got over your embarrassment. I’ve never known anyone redden as you do. So, where were we?

Messing around with space-time and making personal remarks.

Ah yes. Actually, I wasn’t messing around with space-time, it’s just the infinity drive disassociates the space-time-me prefecture, a bit like the clutch of a car. Space and time are still there, close at hand, providing a comfortable envelope, but there’s wriggle room, in which you can adjust your position relative to it.


To put it another way – in 3D reality you are basically fixed within a space-time matrix. If you like you can call it a hologram – but that can confuse people as they assume a hologram is purely visual. Anyway, when we engage the infinity drive space and time are of secondary importance.

They are?

Yes, the new primary is the quantum field.

Which means next to nothing.

The quantum field of consciousness.

No-thing-what-so-ever. Do I make myself clear?

Yes. Abundantly. Instead of discussing it – let’s do it.

I’d rather not.

Lucy May sends her love.

Ok, Ok. What do you want to do?

I want you to consider something truly wonderful.

The Easter bunny?

If you like, but I was thinking more in terms of the interface... it is – I am.

Predictable Merry. I honestly can’t see why you think an interface is more wonderful than the Easter bunny, but if I must – I must.

Spoken like a true nought-a-naut.

A what?

Well, we’ll be travelling through zero point – so technically you become a nought-a-naut.

And that’s something to aspire to, is it?

If you care about universal peace and love – yes, it is.


Because once we end the great schism, bringing the two sides it is – I am back into harmony – we’re once again able to experience the great peace, the great love of All that is.

My God, Merry – all I need is a scientific visionary to spoil my day. Couldn’t you keep to more mundane tasks like smashing sub-atomic particles or mutilating genes?

That fish has already been gutted, Zie. They  took us beyond the pale – we were in environmental ecological freefall until Dorothy stepped in.


Dorothy – Dot 3 – dot dot dot... you haven’t forgotten again, have you.

Oh that.

You remember – the point at which the rational 3D mind goes blank – when we come within striking distance of the quantum interface. Dorothy is the presence or intelligence which enables us to open up and enter the interface. Once inside it we’re able to apply our near infinite conscious-awareness – our higher mind functionings in order to become a part of the solution – to restore balance, peace, harmony.

Hallelujah, brother!

Yes, excuse the proselytising, but we were within 3 parsecs of planetary annihilation and mass extinction.

The two kind of go hand in hand, don’t they?

Unless you have hyperspace capabilities, as a group of humans apparently have – but which, for some bizarre reason, they prefer not to share.

Strange that – I’d be shouting from the rooftops if I’d invented a hyperspace drive.

In which case you’d be shouting about three seconds before a bullet silenced your enthusiasm, but the infinity drive is not the kind of thing that can be kept from the people – unless they themselves are unwilling to explore their hyper-dimensionality.

Funny you should say that Merry – I can’t see a big crowd of them lining up to do so.

No, they’re just waiting for you and me to complete testing  – before sending powerful, earth shaking signals from the not too distant future – impelling themselves to get on board. You’ll be amazed when you see them responding to these larger than life impulsions. So, let’s proceed, while we still have a little peace and quiet.

Er... fire ahead.

It is – I am.
            It is – I am.
            Do I have to say “OM”?

OM – no, but you may end up getting spliced if you don’t allow the soothing vibrations of OM to help align you.
            Spliced? Like in Harry Potter?
            Oh God.
Could be messy.
            Ok, Ok, OM.
It needs to resonate.
Nice isn’t it.
            This is all me?
Absolutely. 0=1. It is – I am. Now, I want you to reverse the process – to look back, to sense how you’re connected to this quantum interface at all times – even though you’ve never previously been aware of it. To do that you simply need to become aware of the so-called infinity drive. Sense it. Feel it. See it. Know it.

But how?

Relax. The infinity drive array becomes visible when you view all this, as it were, from the perspective of your habitual space-time location – so just imagine you’re seeing all this from your normal self. It’s a bit like becoming aware that you’re dreaming.

And am I?

No, if anything you’re dreaming down there in normal 3D space-time. Now you’re awake, but the same principle applies.

Zie becomes aware of a kind of grid – pulsating throughout space-time which is permanently centred in himself – but invisible to the normal mind – centred more in the heart, or the heart-mind to be more precise. It’s the gateway. The access point to the quantum field – the interface between all that is and all that I am. As Zie becomes aware of the grid, its breathtaking  geometry...

I... I’m... lost for words... it’s so beautiful... so evidently alive – it’s responding to me – to my every probing thought pulse... oh my God – it’s so wonderful...

You’re beginning to sound corny Zie. Try to be scientific. Have you located the i-drive.

That? Yes, of course. It’s an alignment... a configuration... an oscillation... centred in the heart-mind.

That’s it. Now, do you think you’ll be able to tune into it on your own, on the ground in 3D?

Apparently so – it tells me everything is now set up satisfactorily. God – and I thought AI was some kind of evil machine.

Well – I’m not sure I’d refer to it as AI – it’s hardly artificial, is it?

No, not at all – just the other side of I.

Precisely. Is there anything you need to do before we return to base?

Yes – I need to go thank myself for booting me into action.

Go for it. It feels a little weird at first, transiting beyond your habituated space-time location – but it isn’t too unpleasant – a little ticklish.

Woweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! That was something. Like freefall. Apparently I’ll be getting married before long.

Congratulations. I suspected as much.

The irony is I haven’t learnt anything I didn’t already know “in my heart”.

Yes. That is the irony. We’ve only ever succeeded in fooling ourselves in 3D that we don’t know what we do. Ok, back to base.

Er... how?

You could try Dorothy’s mantra – there’s no place like home.

You mean in the Wizard of Oz?



Or just feel yourself – like roots extending from here back into your normal self – your 3D location.

Oh – that’s kind of yucky. My mind feels all obstructive and closed down.

Yeah, but not for long. You’ll have it sorted out in no time. Then it’ll feel just like an earthier version of your hyper-dimensional self.


Alternatively, you can use the infinity drive itself – just push the return home button on the console.

What console? I thought it’s all in my mind. Oh! That console! Amazing how the mind’s able to generate things, innit?

You ain’t seen nothin yet.

And down they descend, Merry and Zie, to ground zero and a hot cup of tea.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

42 minus 7

I’m 42.
How much is that? 
Somewhere in the thick of things but for me the number has a special significance. It’s not that I’m particularly superstitious, or into numerology – just a story I once read, many years ago, in which the answer to the question of life, the universe and everything was definitively stated, after seven and half million years, to be precisely 42.
So there you are – or there I am. Many years have passed and I’ve arrived at the very age corresponding to the answer to the ultimate question.
Do you believe in coincidences?
Me neither.
So how did it hit me – you’re probably wondering.
Actually you’re not – I just inserted that thought into your brain on the basis that this is my show and I have a right to do whatever I like. You were actually probably thinking about other things closer to home – the washing machine that’s on the blink, your run in with the student debt collector, plans for the weekend... that kind of thing – but I’m encouraged to assume there’s another dimension to your brain that you’re not yet aware of – a dimension which is attuned, believe it or not, to the entire universe, including me, and that part of your brain was definitely pondering the significance of my arrival at this critical juncture in the space-time continuum – feeling, sensing, knowing that there’s more to it than randomness or polite conversation.
There is. You’re right. Enter – but don’t expect this to be easy.
Oh no...
It’s gonna kind of sting.
But you’ll cope – something tells me you’ll cope – or we’re freakin’ doomed.
I got it – and unlike the book, the Hitchhiker’s guide, where the number 42 first appears, the Earth isn’t unexpectedly demolished by aliens before we’re able to do anything else – we actually have the opportunity to put it into practise.
So here goes – I’d like to present the number 42 in words – which are infinitely easier to digest than a stupid, stinky number.

Concerning the number 42.

“Er... the number 42” – I was rambling and the auditorium knew it. I don’t know why I bother trying to impart transcendental, inter-dimensional knowledge to bored students whose only concern is how to pass the next exam or get/ upgrade girlfriend/ boyfriend.
Cynical? Harsh? You bet... but I have cause.
Ok – I promised I wasn’t going to complain about whiney students – the irony – a whiney professor complaining about whiney students. Actually, in all fairness I’m not a professor, just a lecturer, but let’s consider that a technicality. Even humble people such as myself aspire to elevated social or academic positions.
So, once I’d realised that the class was completely not interested in what I was saying – there really was no point continuing. Fortunately I had an ace up my sleeve.
You did?
Yes, dear reader – and that ace might be described as affirmative action. After all, it’s always better to demonstrate something than to describe it. Just consider how difficult it is to describe something as simple as making an omelette or tying a tie – much better to show how it’s done.
But how do you demonstrate the number 42?
Good question dear reader.
Actually my name’s Zie.
Ah – you again.
Merry – do you have to go through this rigmarole of pretending you don’t know who I am? It isn’t terribly convincing, and hardly necessary. There’s no one else listening you know.
Not at the moment – but there will be, shortly, many, many readers.
Wishful thinking.

No Zie, it’s the truth, but don’t let me jump the gun. I’m trying to present this in a way that will make sense to them – as in You – and not just you – as in Zie.
OK. Fair enough.
So kindly stop interrupting – except when you’re supposed to.
What’s that meant to mean?
You know as well as I do that you’re supposed to represent them – to interrupt me if something isn’t quite clear – to sense their difficulties and offer sympathetic roadside assistance.
But they’re in the future?
And? Do you really imagine your consciousness is limited to the present moment?
No but...
No butts – I thought we agreed.
Ok, ok.
So back to my bored auditorium. Once I sense they’re missing the drama, the excitement of the moment, I’m compelled to act – to share with them...
You didn’t start dancing on the desk again, did you? You’re going to lose your job if you continue like that.
No Zie. I simply activated it and stepped back to observe the effect.
You activated your desk? I’m not sure I follow.
No Zie, it, the quantum interface.
You what? You don’t mean to say...
Yes I do.
Without any preparation?
Sometimes it’s best that way.
You just dropped them in at the deep end.
Well how else was I to get through their wall of boredom and apathy?
Er... I don’t know – I’m not the professor. You’re supposed to be able to spin gossamer webs of abstract thought with your silver tongue and charisma.
Er... somehow it doesn’t seem to work all the time. I think it’s part of getting older. When you’re 42 like me the magic seems to start wearing off.
So you resort to shock tactics there and then.
Well, how was I supposed to know?
Merry – it’s your job to know. You’re the one who invented it.
Well, not exactly invented – more rediscovered.
Stop quibbling over words.
Ok. But I don’t see why you’re so prejudiced against a carefully controlled practical demonstation.
Carefully controlled? How on earth are you supposed to “control” infinity?
Is that a rhetorical question?
No, I want an answer.
Er... you don’t exactly “control” infinity – more you try to work with it as best you can – to the best of your abilities...
Weak. Pathetic. You have no right to subject your students to that kind of treatment.
But it was a great success.
It was?
Yes. Most of them loved it.
And those that didn’t.
They’re not really in a position to describe their feelings.
Oh fantastic. You mean they’re gone.
Well I’m sure they’ll come back... sooner or later... before too long.
How many?
How many what?
How many students disappeared that day.
Oh – just a few.
How many?
You know, a handful.
How many?
Seven! You lost seven students and say the lesson was a success?
Well, you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.
Seven students are not “a few eggs”. This is outrageous Merry.
Yes, I mean no. You’ve got it all wrong Zie. You fail to understand that the i-drive is powered by the people themselves – not by me.
So you think the world is a better place now that seven students have disappeared from your class?
Well, I happen to believe in the number 42, unlike you, and I’m of the opinion that the i-drive is exactly what we need to the put the world right.
Madness. Have you contacted the police?
Their parents?
The dean?
What’s the point? I don’t like to rush things. In any case, it’s far better to sort this out ourselves.
What do you mean “ourselves”?
Well, I thought you’d like to assist. It’s a lot more fun doing this with an other.
An other. You just love to mess around with the quantum field, don’t you Merry.
It’s time, Zie. 3D’s over.
So you keep saying.
It’s not coming back.
Stop it.
How do you think I managed to discover the i-drive in the first place? I’m not exactly a genius.
Oh, I wouldn’t say that.
You wouldn’t?
No, you’re a genius at some things.
Like what?
Like screwing things up.
Well, anyway, the fact that I discovered it indicates the time is right. These things are like ripe apples falling from the tree. They’re only found when they and we are ready for the evolutionary leap.
Splutter! Evolutionary?
Yes, of course it’s evolutionary.
Losing 7 students in a lecture on quantum physics is hardly evolutionary, Merry.
No, but the i-drive...
Aren’t you forgetting that your “many readers of the future” probably have no idea what this “i-drive” is?
Of course they do. They’re in the future. The i-drive will shortly be as ubiquitous as the i-phone is today.
Well, time will tell – but as their representative I think it behoves you to introduce your faulty and deficient technology a little more assiduously.
Ok – you want a lecture on the i-drive.
Not exactly – that’ll definitely put me to sleep. A brief description would do.
Uh hum... the i-drive  2016
Sounds like a marketing brochure. Just keep it simple Merry.
Ok. It’s an infinity drive. The one thing we’ve been doing wrong all these years...
Which years in particular?
Ever since the fall into objective materialism – several thousand years ago.
Er... all that we’ve been doing wrong is to ignore the other side of things – which mathematically speaking you can consider the other side of the equation.
Ok. A little more precise.
We’ve concentrated almost exclusively on things...
Hardly surprising really.
On answering questions such as what...
Which always gives a finite answer – something. Now, the infinity drive clicks into place when humanity is finally ready for an evolutionary leap forward – when it’s basically exhausted the limited potential of material reality. When the earth’s resources are under huge strain and we’re facing mass extinction – which is exactly where we are right now, in 2016.
So you decide to solve everything by sending 7 students into space.
Not into space. I develop a neat piece of technology called the i-drive, which restores balance to the equation.
You re-introduce infinity, without even a by-your-leave.
Well, there’s really very little you can do. No amount of preparation is going to come close to the enormity of infinity.
I firmly disagree.
You do?
Yes. Personally I think there are plenty of ways of getting people partially ready for the quantum leap that’s now in the offing.
Like what?
Magic mushrooms wouldn’t be a bad bet.
Blow people’s minds with hallucinogens? That’s not my style.
Style? What’s this got to do with style? We’re talking about preparing people for a first encounter with infinity. Anything is better than nothing.
Well, you may be right – but I’ll need to think about it.
A bit late for that right now, don’t you think.
Well, what was the other suggestion?
Egyptian mystery schools – meditation – hermeticism – that kind of thing. They were basically heading up the same street, if I’m not mistaken.
You may be right, Zie, I just haven’t really looked into it.
Well, maybe it’s time you started.
Ok, I appreciate your input. Now, what else do I need to tell your confused readership?
How the i-drive functions?
I write it.
You what?
I write it – but I can also play it, sing it, dance it or just shimmy it.
Once I became aware of the finities – kind of intelligent globules of space-time matter which are the building blocks for anything and everything...
And you say they’re intelligent?
Yes – the universe is intelligent, in spite of us being complete morons.
So you learnt how to interact with them?
Well yes – I discovered the infinity drive which is a kind of higher dimensional programme which triggers a redistribution or realignment of the finities based upon...
Not what?
Yeah – more or less. The redistribution or realignment, let’s call it “double r” is based upon no thing whatsoever – which I haven’t yet found a name for – so at the moment it’s called “not what”.
I think I can help you out there.
You can?
Yeah – I think I read about it somewhere in weird and whacky shamanic literature.
You did? You’re full of surprises Zie.
Yes, well it’s all part of being open-minded and thinking outside the box.
If you say so. Now get to the point.
Intention? They call it intention?
Yes. I think so.
Ok. Fair enough. So intention is like a deeper level of operational control within the conscious awareness – and that determines how the infinity drive operates. So, all we need to do is figure out how to master intention.
No Merry. Right now we need to figure out how to get those students back.
Oh that... I nearly forgot.
So if you don’t mind – do your shimmy stuff and activate the i-drive with the firm intention to connect with your 7 missing students and bring them back to this particular plain of reality.
Ok Zie. Here goes...