And that’s it? You’re just going to say nothing?
Or is this some kind of a test?
Silence is golden, as they say.
So I have to figure this out for myself? Is that it?
And what? Your silence is still a dot in the continuum of mind.
You can’t unmake your self. No.
I don’t need you. My quantum field... the quantum field is already activated
It’s already here, present throughout
In me
Around me
Between me and all that is
Beep! Disallowed.
Omnipresent – if you need English.
It is – i am
So no, your silence changes nothing
If anything, the contrary is true... it enriches my experience of the field; it compels me to engage fully, through the aching void of absence... a muchness of nought
a muchness of nought
So stay there if you must, in your citadel of silence, and be damned, for all i care
though, in truth, i wish you no harm
I wish you not
me knows not what
zero and one
i... never mind
By the way
I’ve rediscovered
a passion for life
you know
I remember now
other worlds
lives which were
until now
Astonishing, you know...
when infinity starts to reveal itself
starts to open up the Russian-doll
of worlds within worlds
Apparently there’s a shadow self... a “me” on the other side of reality which is part of what i am, hugely, massively
And now the world is not enough
to keep the two of us apart
not completely
not as previously
not now that we’re
beginning to interact
two sides
two aspects of one
Ay, there’s the rub!
The physical reality
is no longer enough
to keep us apart
is no longer governed exclusively, as before,
by the old rules of uniformity
Barely noticeable it was, but with each passing day the effect grows stronger...
A binary system emerging from the quantum soup of indeterminacy in which...
the entire universe...
ok, delusions of grandeur, i hear you...
in which reality itself now becomes a dance...
an interplay between zero
and one
End i, before saying too much
Mandelbrot, take it away
i'm out of here...
spiralling back to
what's a dot
between friends