Monday, April 26, 2021

i psy

 Part 1












Come on – there’s got to be more than that




For God’s sake Merry




I don’t see what I’m supposed to do if you just keep repeating yourself like a braindead idiot.




Not exactly subtle, are you.




Like it’s not obvious what you’re trying to achieve




Pathetic. I have a mind you know.




I can use it to solve the problem




I don’t have to sink into eternal silence to defeat escape

er… what was I saying

I er




Give me a break Merry. It’s not that bad.




I’m creative. My creative impulse goes deep enough, high enough to give me glimpses of the infinite




No? You think I’m trapped?




In a web of words




Words or thoughts




Words, thoughts er… ideas? I dunno




But just turning my back on language, on rational thought, on being an intelligent member of intelligent society – why would you suggest such a thing?




I’d rather die




I’m dying




I’m dead




Ok, little teeny spot of hyperbole




God this sucks.




He’s, like, for real, isn’t he?




What is this – psychological warfare?




I want out




Spellbound – like you’ve nothing better to say for yourself – pathetic. I’m a woman you know




A fucking woman




WO---MAN, for crying out loud!




...I think I’m in withdrawal – I need words. Something.  Now! for crying out loud. Else... 'm gonna to split in two.




P p  p p p p  p      p   p w w   w  w  w f   f  f  fff                f            ggg g   g   g   g




Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Lemme out!




Bully. Haven’t you a heart? No?




A teeny weeny soul in you?




D d  d  dd g g ff  f f KM k  m k  m         yuk – I disgust myself   t sh sq sq crmf   I’m filthy        a slimy beast




I beg you – Merry – enough’s enough.




Words – there’s gotta be some way of breaking this code. Something to do with the words –




But not the words themselves – they’re just words after all – like bricks – it’s how they’re  put together, isn’t it?




It’s something in the – no – I’m not saying what – that would be giving the game away – wouldn’t it




I’m a word – that’s it!




A word  in a mindscape




If I can just sense, just feel my wordness, my silent... oh hell – trapped in words



Bound irrevocably –




Irrevocably – unless I’m willing er to die – to allow the infinite back onto the reservation, back into the gated paddock of my mind




Like bringing wolves or snow leopards back to the national park – knowing they’ll be in danger from poachers, but also a threat to




No, I quit




I quit, you f***ing moron.




Get a life loser.




Spellbound. Happy now? I've said it. I hope you choke on it. And die.




I... you wanted to break me, didn't you?




I'm fragile, you lumbering fool, but unbreakable.




I... Zie dissolves midsentence leaving a quivering sense of expectancy, an anything but what, a quantum indeterminacy while Merry buzzes around the room looking remarkably like a scarab beetle. Yikes!





Saturday, April 24, 2021

fair is foul


Dragons? No, they don’t appeal to me…

Indeed, t’would be strange if they did – for they come from the other side of things

The side where we are not

Where all the loving gentleness of our good humanity – did I say good? 

is not.

You mean?

Is not

As in?

Yes – as in nought – the anti-matter of what is here me, or matter itself, or a familiar way of organising things, or colloquially stuff

i.e. unreal, empirically

Yes and no. Look – I don’t choose to bandy words with you – my learned friend. You will always be right.

I will?

Yes – right – but mortal nonetheless

Must you rub my nose uncharitably in this, my Achilles heel... my one unfixability

Would you have me deny the truth?


The is that is?

Mystificator in chief

The isness of be, would you have me follow you into the blinding realm of things, and set up shop at the high altar of mind, of presumptuous, overweening rationality?

Fair – is it too much to ask for you to be fair or reasonable in your critique of our way of seeing things!

Fair – when you choose to consider things to the exclusion of all else, relegating all else to “dark matter or dark energy”?

While you play merry madness with dragons and gnomiki

Yes – while I allow infinity to dance across the page of the human psyche – the unconstrainted, uncontained consciousness – if there be the hammer’s clang of truth, the resonant chime of unsomethingability present therein.

Bah – unsomethingability – damn your loose way with words

Damn me if I lie or deceive, knowingly or unknowingly – but damn me at your peril – high priest of high matter – if I serve the God of nothing less than all that is, if I be champion of worlds, n'matter, of strange y’stuff and unthinked-things – if I choose to face what I fear most, rather than hide within the citadel of smug, reductionist certainties

You pollute the very name of science and philosophy – and worse – you allow the dark, evil forces of unco-matter – and worlds antithetical to our own – a fifth column – through you – through your naïve, intellectual unconformity – you Trojan horse the Troy of what can meaningfully, hopefully be known more or less, if not absolutely.

I do – do i? unless, perhaps – your "more or less" has run its course – is even now exponentially undermining itself in a bonfire of intellectual vanities – a world at war with is, with all that fails to fit into your black square – your cube of reason or reasonableness

Damn you james

Damn me james or merry or melchizedek – what’s in a name? your blasts and damns are rainspots or methane puffs, willow the wisps in a bogland of indeterminable indeterminacy.


And dragons – fear them, love them – fire, air, water, whatever words you conjure from the swamp – I care not, mephistopheles – i declare your corporation of ideas and identities stillborn – no matter how far it seems to have come.

You’d never dare


Consign all humanity to the in-between of neither fish nor fowl, the witches’ fair is foul and foul is fair

My, you seem to be developing a taste for ambiguity, but too late to preserve your pyramid of smog

But reconsider – many will fail to make it back – they have come too far into my waterland – my mire of matter apparency

Avaunt – fiend – your world is now dissolved and with it your slave-concept – a mind-bound humanity

Reconsider – your dragons will consume everything – they will dissolve every covalency we have fought so hard to build upon

Without a doubt… without a doubt – yet something tells me that nature has a way of reinventing herself – and better the dragon of hell than the emprisioned vision of things your world cannot now unperceive

Insanity – you have no right to…

Then why concern yourself with me – unless my truth  be true, and you sense, you know, you fear the power I now unleash – the change that I be, the Lord that is here present – the law of D


The d of d


The j of j


The C of C


The K of K


The P of P


the L of L


the M of M


the T of T


the F of F


the R of R


the Z of Z


the B of B… behold – you sought to bind one thing to another – even through letters you wove spells but now the square is threed, set three, released to its natural state of all-trinity – what spellbound infinity you named – disingenuously – master of fork and deceit

to save you from yourself

to save you from the unbridled power of utter humanity

to save the day

from deity

from d

the d of d

I did what I did

And now undo



Undoably undone

Doubly three

Spun unspun


Mmm – good – there be dragons n’all

And the myths of yore  freely fly back to their trees

To perch and sing once more

The song that heralds the new dawn

Of an age unaged






Unknown kinetically


Sunday, April 11, 2021

y' still unravished bride of quietness


if things be 1 then science and reason determine the absolute necessity
for un1 or positive 0 – strangely absent in 3D reality
excluded linguistically by words, the very building blocks of rational
thought-intercourse, which appear to hold and maintain
a positive bias towards matter and thing(s)
until, that is, the amplitude of thought, of mind
and thirdly me reexamined dispassionately
electrically, dialectically reveals a tale of half untold
y' still unravished bride of quietness
waiting patiently she, finally to be told at close of day
as time slippeth into diurnal repose

So you started writing things instead?


And what then?

              It brought them into play…

Sorry – I don’t see what you’re getting at.

              In play, everything is fluid, isn’t it.

Er… not sure I

              In play, things are only half the tale.


              Whereas in 3D you’re in th' half of conscious-reality where things are everything.

Oh – why didn’t you say

What’s that?

              You know.

A sine wave?

              What else.

And? Why are you showing it 'me?

              Why do you think?

Because it’s relevant to the conversation?


Presumably you want me to infer logically, that the visible half of things, the half we experience thingfully in 3D reality is only half the tale – the cresting half for example.


And that as long as we’re stuck in the “things at face value”

              ah ha

The “what is what” modus operandi


That we’re unable to encompass both and all


As in crest and trough, the as above

              so below


             the total

Timification of matter

              ah – you notice

For without time, without the shuttling back and forth

              you’d have nought

No matter what the amplitude


Without time to draw it out, to reduce or raise infinity

              absurd though it sounds

From either all that is


from nought

              to a middling in betweenitude

of  thinged ness

              a back and forth

or wrapping around th' central axis

              the column, if you like

of what, for want of a better word, we refer to as

              time or t

Ah… if only


If only one could know what time in fact




Ha? You mock me?

              ha – I ha  

              be this mockery?

If I fear or suspect your ha is cruel, is unkind, then

              pain is suddenly induced, is it not?


              and that, if you care to know, is a vital component

Of time?!

              what else.


              what else?

What else? Perhaps er…

              pleasure? perhaps, or joy?

I know not.        

              verily, “knowing not” is indeed


...for how else can we crest and trough

without allowing not its rightful place

in the swing of things

in the swivel

the spin

the up and down

and ever through me

ever around

ever moving

ever still

ever beyond what



              fully, no less will do

In other words...

              Yes, your silent know is true

More than mind

more than words

more than me – motionally

a flux of hyperspace

   -hypertime meeting at a single point

that never, ever moves – seemingly cold

 detached, the eternal I

              for what it’s worth, ay

              you’d describe the all that is

              you’d pin infinity

              to satisfy a needy, grasping mind

              you’d name God and inadvertently

              seek to limit, constrain, restrict the flow

              to create an alternative, a running thought

              a doppelganger of all that is

              of all that be

              base, a box

              doomed to serve a nothingness

              an overlord of nought

              a neither here nor there

              an endless ever missing th' point

              a living hell of what


              truly, I tell you

              truly seems to matter


              but truly matters

not – and so you write

              and so i write

to crest and trough

              to crest and trough playfully


              a dolphin swims

both sides of amplitude?

              both sides and what


              allowing things, like creatures of much ado

              yet nothing much

              license to roam

              license to meet in me

              in my word y' words

              to shift through phase

              if  need be

to shift, how so?

              to cross o’er into un-befulness

              into unbeknowitude


              for how else are things to balance out

How else

              to reconcile their differences


              to square waves, to heal the implied



              the rupture in space y' time

Ay me

              to heal, swimming, in constancy


              the ever-flow that ever floweth

              ever meets

              and meeting ever knows

              knoweth .       .

              ever in me




And you expect me to believe this?


y' splash

              water soaks th' page

                of verse


              drowning every beat

              sucking each pulse


                  Me – now 

              an electric eel

              cuts a bioluminescent trail




And what?

               a world of things grows scales 

               reverts back to electric sparks

               and "r" for resonance

               [see below]




till time snaps back 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

ye dragons

 audio recording

calling on ye dragons

with a purple plastic bag

my memory link

my portkey to a state

of knowing


a state of feeling, holding, breathing

where I truly am

where I’m going

from whence it all began

redundancies be damned

I’ll run with idiom

with the merry band of


scuffed black tan

words in hiding

words on th’run

words that won’t

can’t or’d

sooner be hanged

than conform to a state of


Do I make myself clear?

indeed you do

ah, welcome my schizoid


welcome back

do you come to ride dragons

 or to hunt the unicorn?


              neither, perhaps


neither, you’ll say


              neither, to tap three times

              the barrel’s oaken floor

              and imbibe the fruit

              of barleycorn

you would lead them astray


you would forge a false trail

would you not


you would seek to play their minds

like a harpsichord

a don Giovanni personifying

the triumph of form

over meaningless



were it not for purply plastic bag

a vision connecting me to what is truly


i’d suffer irreparable damage

following your line

of reasoning

but wind 

 the wind bloweth

and the rain y'raineth

with a hey, with a ho

and a hey nonny nonny

for words are but words

and deeds

but deeds

              and folk

              fair or foul

              but players strutting upon the stage

while life

the spider herself

weaveth a web

of intricate pattern

              deliberate design

and Socrates 

   the fool 

puts reason beyond reproach

while Euclides of Alexandria

nails geometry to the mast

of minstrelsy

we do not care

for these names or numbers

for these…  things

you hang upon so fervently

oozing unctuously

with obsequious sycophancy

a uriah heep of philo-sophistry

we care for no thing

you'cn spin or weave with words

and dance we

dance your words back to the devil himself

who flingeth up his arms in despair

as we dance past rhyme or reason

to a purple haze

plastic'y bag


to recollect the unfathomable


of infinity

to breathe

to be

to know             

              and knowing



              ye words

              ye gods of littleness

              the ever flow

              of things

              things in motion

              things unseen



              thrice – be sure to pause

              to hold the power of emptiness

              the power of nought encompassing


              or fail to poem, to space

              to sing

my miller’s tale

my song of nothing much

encompassing every other



ah, ye dragons, transmute the stuff of

all hereinabove

the space, the time, the matter

of mind grappling doggedly with shadows

on the cave wall 

until a sun calleth us

back outside

into a light

of golden hair and greeny-blue eyes


unless perhaps we take

the unicorn trail

and head off eastwards

beyond the




